Session Start: Sat Aug 31 14:54:45 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [14:54] *** Now talking in #civ3dem [14:54] *** Topic is ' #civ3demMinisters :D' [14:54] *** Set by UberKruX on Sun Aug 11 11:58:13 [14:54] I hate dalnet [14:55] *** rendelnep ( has joined #Civ3dem [14:55] we all hate dalnet [14:55] Howdy.... I can only connect on twisted.... astro keeps kicking me off. [14:55] GK: [14:55] PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE: is currently FAAASST! [14:55] sorry to hear that GK [14:55] Me to. [14:56] So if our esteemed executives do not make it, does that mean we can play the game amongst ourselves? >:) [14:56] sadly only MWIA can do that [14:56] wherever the banana he is [14:56] I think that means the game goes back to turnthreads [14:56] well you see it's different now [14:57] MWIA has all the orders anyway [14:57] so this is a courtesy, and lets us handle things that pop up [14:57] I like it like this (all orders ahead) [14:57] Me to. [14:57] I do too, it is very nice [14:57] should make it faster. We get to sit back and watch the show [14:57] * WhiteBandit wonders why we never thought of that before [14:58] test - change of colour, I hope [14:58] Nope [14:58] *** caesarbear (~caesarbea@ has joined #civ3dem [14:58] hmmmn MWIA has probably got his times mixed up [14:58] testing again [14:58] no [14:59] yeah i got in, now i have to leave :( ARGGGH! [14:59] -> [GodKing] VERSION [14:59] GodKing -> Ctrl + K [14:59] 4like this yo! :) [15:00] 12 [15:00] Cool [15:00] 12like this [15:00] Thanks. [15:00] no problem :) [15:00] Godking: what do you think? [15:01] Loading [15:03] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:04] I hope we won't have to go to that... [15:05] *** OPD ( has joined #civ3dem [15:05] 123 [15:06] Hmm, does someone want me to risk a slave to add to the population? :-/ [15:06] yes WB [15:07] eh. :( [15:07] Which city? [15:07] GK Timeline [15:07] not a bad idea. I'd just prefer to add the slave to a city where he doesn't have a bunch of fellow countrymen that might join him in revolt. [15:07] yeah, do we need a settler that bad though? [15:07] What is GCSE? any body? [15:08] I'd prefer not to lose workers at the moment... we have a hell of a lot of work to do :-/ [15:08] GK Rheims will be auto razed there is talk of the greeks taking the spot but timeline can get a settler there quickly [15:08] If Uber raizes the city, we will soon... could always use the uber isle settler instead. [15:08] the qua;lifications before A levels in the UK in gets us into college [15:08] *its [15:08] General certificate of student education [15:09] Thanks OPD. [15:09] Yeah [15:09] we have a settler in Apolyton [15:10] And uberisle isn't *that* important [15:10] isn't the uber island settler, getting on the boat this turn? [15:10] no, we have to explore uber island first [15:10] cause it could turn out to be 1 square big [15:10] some people say it is important [15:11] the plan, i thought, was to explore w/ a settler [15:11] I am torn. I think it would be better to not raize the city, even if it is still french. [15:11] nay [15:11] GodKing - I agree [15:11] *** Shiber (shiber@ has joined #civ3dem [15:11] Any is fine it's just that our new cities will be stranded w/o a city on Rheims [15:11] we can take it later [15:11] whew, finally managed to connect [15:11] hi guys [15:11] caesarbear - well it was to explore with a galley, and if the island was fit for settlement, we would "risk" a settler [15:11] hey shiber [15:11] Hi [15:11] OPD - I can connect our cities through Chartres [15:11] hi shiber [15:12] No. We do not risk the settler. Only the galley gets risked. [15:12] hi rendelnep [15:12] Well I imply that we risk the settler in this galley transfer attempt we are doing [15:12] bhah I've been arguing this for that last hour. [15:13] still not MWIA? [15:13] MWIA is MIA! [15:13] he gets confused with GMT [15:13] hmm [15:13] that was lame. :-/ [15:13] no [15:13] WB- according to this plan there's no risk to the settler. : [15:13] *** Will5001 (Will5001@ has joined #civ3dem [15:13] not yet. Not even on polly.. [15:13] caesarbear - I just noticed :) [15:13] *** Donal ( has joined #civ3dem [15:14] However, what is the point of sending a settler over there if we haven't explored Uber Isle? if it turns out to be 1 square big, we lose. [15:14] hi donal [15:14] WhiteBandit, we are not. I'll find you the thread about my sea maneuver in a sec... [15:14] The risk comes if a barbarian ship or even a foreign civ attacks our trimere and sinks us [15:14] to save time [15:14] howdy [15:14] not really, it will be in a stategic location! [15:14] it is a risk [15:14] *** Donal is now known as Guest53845 [15:14] what is the ministers channel name? [15:14] WhiteBandit: we know it's at least 3 squares big :) [15:14] Donal G? [15:15] everything is a risk [15:15] It is close to the homeland & palace, little corruption, and somebody will eventually go there, so better be us. [15:15] They wouldn't let me have Donal Graeme [15:15] i don't think that's a big risk, this plan take 3 turns max [15:15] civ3demministers [15:15] Shiber - I understand. My point is that would it be first to explore the island with our trimere FIRST and then, providing it is habitable, send a settler over? [15:15] "#civ3demministers" [15:15] Shiber- we dont' know that actually [15:15] WB can you spare 1 slave [15:15] For timeline? [15:15] let me see [15:16] Uber island could be nothing but coral reefs [15:16] we should send a settler anyway, we dont want an enemy to have a city so close to apolyton [15:16] we have two of them right? [15:16] DG - cannot have spaces in name. Try to change names but without the space. [15:16] why can't i keep my name? I have forgotten everything about this site... [15:16] WhiteBandit: oh, well, that would mean we'd be risking a galley twice (once when we cross the ocean to explore and again when we transfer the settler) [15:17] Yes, two times a galley is risked. but only the galley, not the settlers [15:17] and if uber island is nothing, we'd be risking the settler 3 - 4 times in returning him home [15:17] anyway, even if the island turns out to be small it can be used as an early warning station in case we're under a naval attack [15:17] or something [15:17] *** Guest53845 is now known as Donal_Graeme [15:17] better [15:17] *** skywalker ( has joined #civ3dem [15:17] WhiteBandit: no, we'll only be risking empty galleys if we carry out all the maneuvers correctly [15:17] hi Donal_Graeme [15:17] hi [15:17] also, we can't let the AI have it [15:17] No, the settler is never risked, even on a return trip [15:18] as Sir_Ralph put it, it is a unsinkable aircraft carrier [15:18] or even an airbase, later on, we could use it as a naval base etc. very usful later on [15:18] we risk one empty galley once. we risk an empty galley again if we realize that the island is small and we'd rather transport the settler back home [15:18] hello all, finally got the name right [15:18] Shiber - aye, but what if Uber Isle is a rock 2 squares ride with mountains? [15:18] *** skywalker is now known as skywalker2588 [15:18] We can't settle [15:18] who has the lighthouse? [15:18] Hi DG [15:18] then we get another galley for the return trip [15:19] sure we can [15:19] has MWIA been here yet? [15:19] has anyone ever know a island with only mountains? [15:19] yes [15:19] many many many [15:19] OPD - I suppose I can risk a slave, but we have a perfectly good settler in Apolyton [15:19] :-/ [15:19] i say settle anyway [15:19] WhiteBandit: then we're fucked up bad [15:19] nope [15:19] oh, ok, yes [15:19] Shiber - Exactly... my point is, explore Uber first with a trireme [15:19] The Aztecs have the lighthouse [15:19] then providing it is habitable, send the settler over [15:19] galley [15:19] here's an idea - actually the original plan [15:19] galley [15:19] WB I don;t mind if the settler comes from poly or timeline as long as one goes there quickly [15:19] if it is an island with all mountains, then the AI can't use it for a city site, so everything is A Ok. [15:19] we should settle whteveris there [15:20] move the first galley THREE squares [15:20] WhiteBandit: the chances are slim [15:20] so we can see the coast [15:20] skywalker2588: no, that would screw up the plan and we'd be risking empty galleys twice [15:20] if it's only mountain or whatever, we don't send the settler galley [15:20] no we wouldn't [15:20] Exploring first gives Time to the enemy [15:20] OPD - I'll risk the slave providing we raze Rheims? That is what this is hinging on right? [15:20] no it doesn't [15:20] Should only have to move the galley 2 squares. [15:20] What if all we see is mountains, but there is more to it? [15:21] then we send the settler [15:21] That's why we send a galley all the way over [15:21] skywalker2588: yes it would. i made the plan, i know, ok? :) [15:21] Listen, we all agree there is an inherent risk. [15:21] How much are we willing to take [15:21] THIS WAS THE ORIGINAL PLAN [15:21] don't turn down a good idea because you can think of something that can go wrong. [15:21] SIGH ... I have to leave at 6:45EST ... Where are our Executives?! [15:21] UBER'S PLAN FROM WAY BACK [15:21] Do we risk 1 empty galley or a galley with a settler? [15:21] it'll work [15:21] To Transport Settler, and spearman, or even another settler, that would be good(?), use the following plan involving 2 Galley's, it is called "Shiber's Manoeuvre" and is as follows: [15:21] "Naming the tiles and galleys for easier reference: [15:21] * Tile A: either the tile S or SE of Apolyton (doesn't matter). It is safe for a galley to end its turn in here. [15:21] * Tile B: the tile SE SE of Apolyton (contains a whale resource). [15:21] how long will it take to make another galley? [15:21] one empty galley [15:21] * Tile C: the tile SE of tile B. [15:21] * Tile D: the tile SE of tile C. [15:21] one sec... [15:21] Risk can be a good thing. [15:21] skywalker2588: i've introduced my own plan to Will5001 and he accepted it [15:21] * Tile E: one of the coastal tiles which we can barely see. It is safe for a galley to end its turn in here. [15:21] * Galley 1: empty at the beginning of the manoeuvre. [15:21] * Galley 2: contains a settler and possibly another unit (another settler or a spearman) at the beginning of the manoeuvre. [15:21] Phase one: [15:21] Both galleys are in tile A. Galley 1 travels to tile C and ends its turn. This is the risky phase, since there's a 50% chance that the galley would sink (but at least it's empty). It's also the only risk involved in this plan. [15:21] If the galley sinks, build a new galley and start again. If it doesn't, move on to phase two: [15:21] Phase two: [15:21] Galley 2 travels to tile B. The settler and the other unit (if any) onboard galley 2 moves to galley 1. [15:21] Phase three: galley 2 travels back to tile A or another coastal or city tile, thus ending the turn safely. Galley 1, now carrying cargo, moves to tile E, thus also ending its turn in safety." [15:22] Phase 1: Underpants [15:22] Phase 3: Profit [15:22] oh [15:22] LOL! [15:22] Phase 2: .. [15:22] in ubers way there were two risked galley [15:22] *galleys [15:22] [15:22] cheers WB [15:22] but the settler is still not risked [15:22] it all at this site [15:22] Godking do you agree? [15:22] Remember, the settler doesn't have any moves now. 1 move to enter the galley, and 1 to exit. So we must wait one turn. [15:23] yep [15:23] OPD, regarding timeline and slave, if necessary, yes. [15:23] It would take 4 turns to make another galley [15:23] I'd look up ubers plans but I don't want to dig that far back [15:23] Nice [15:23] QUestion: IF two transporta re occupying the same square, can they switch a unit betweem them without wasting the unit's movement [15:23] ? [15:23] Preference would be to let the city survive as french [15:23] Can you switch to settler right now [15:23] send a slave over with the settler [15:23] No [15:23] GK- can't the galley move into 'Poly and get it? [15:23] so we have a jump just in case? [15:23] so they'll have a worker [15:24] waiting a turn won't hurt [15:24] Then if it isn't neccesary, we can switch back to barracks with no penatly (i believe) [15:24] skywalker2588: it was basically move three squares forward, do the settler hop thing and then proceed to uber island [15:24] as we can kill any AI ships that come near [15:24] with uber's plan we risk an empty galley twice [15:24] Hey, does anyone know that we can get Feudalism from France with peace and an ROP? [15:24] caesar, I will look, hold one... [15:24] shiber - but we see the island [15:24] for only 245g [15:24] yes [15:24] we already found that out [15:24] Yes. GK: all that is needed is to switch timeline to work the forset instead of grassland this turn. [15:24] Togas doesn't want to sign a RoP [15:25] we want one [15:25] OPD - Perhaps switch Timeline production to Settler now.. that way we have a jump on things just in case [15:25] so we don't have to take chartres [15:25] yes we know, we are debating whether or not to get Feudalism with peace or to wait until that deal is taken care of. [15:25] i suggested it in the first place but Togas refused [15:25] I wasn't sure, I didn't see it in the forum [15:25] let Timeline finish its Temple. [15:25] the galley can make it into polly, but the settler has no moves left, so it cannot board. [15:25] Timeline is building barracks [15:25] I have to admit that I very much dislike the idea of an ROP anyways [15:25] we wait a turn [15:25] skywalker2588: we don't need to take chartres. we can transfer goods through chartres if we're at peace with france [15:26] We need to start putting the squeeze on Chartres [15:26] no, only if we have an RoP [15:26] I don't want the French that close to us. [15:26] Trevman85: if you want to check the discussion it's in the thread entitled 'France's Surrender' [15:26] Chartres needs to be culturally squeezed. It's now very far away from the French capitol [15:26] they're no threat [15:26] skywalker2588: you're plain wrong [15:26] at least those cities aren't [15:26] you can trade through an AI's territory if you're at peace [15:26] huh? [15:26] skywalker- we dont have to take (raze) chartres w/o a ROP [15:26] afk (MWIA won't be here for half an hour yet) [15:26] i say culture flop Chartres [15:27] skywalker2588 - we don't need an ROP, I just need to connect the road to Chartres (providing we reach peace) and our cities will be connected [15:27] oh [15:27] I thought we needed an RoP [15:27] nope [15:27] I personally thought we needed an ROP so I could enter French territory with workers [15:27] I think it says that in the (hah!) manual :rolleyes: [15:27] but it appears I don't [15:27] So it will work [15:27] Donal_Graeme: so do i (check the 'Fill-in the gaps' thread, it's got suggestions for new cities that will fill in gaps in our territory as well as help culture-flip chartres and possibly rheims later) [15:27] OPD - what was that about MWIA [15:27] you do need an RoP [15:27] skywalker2588 - nope. They get mad once, then forget about it [15:28] but with enough settlers you can build the road and leave before they get REALLY mad [15:28] I just simmed that in 3 different games and it looks like it works [15:28] skywalker2588: find it in the manual [15:28] i'm 100% positive you're wrong [15:28] I used a worker as an explorer :) [15:28] but it is the morning over there, how can he be late!!1 [15:28] It's Saturday, the man is sleeping in! [15:28] skywalker2588: if you enter their territory with a worker they ask you to leave but once you start digging a road they ignore it [15:28] ROP is unimportant. period. [15:28] :) [15:28] he is sleeping [15:28] they won't get mad at workers only [15:28] although it is a risk [15:28] ACtually, it is Sunday there [15:29] except for diplomatic barginaning and $ [15:29] oh [15:29] Damn aussies [15:29] for him it is sunday... [15:29] it'll be around midday where he is! [15:29] late day at church.... [15:29] don't you DARE SAY THAT [15:29] it is now 10:30 AM his time [15:29] what church? [15:29] Shiber - still, you're not ALLOWED to [15:30] i think "damn aussies" [15:30] no idea. Just guessing. [15:30] they just don't enforce the rule [15:30] skywalker2588 - yes you are... hehe it works [15:30] it cant be, he is 12 hours from GMT [15:30] load up Civ3 and do it [15:30] nothing happens [15:30] it is now 11:30pm GMT [15:30] skywalker2588: we've proven that it works [15:30] WELL WE ARE NO AUSSIE WE ARE KIWIS AND YOU FORGET THAT [15:30] nothing happens because the AI doesn't enforce the rule [15:30] When MWIA says 2300 he means gmt not the time in UK which is BST ATM [15:30] you can try it for yourself [15:30] I thought New Zealanders were Kiwis? [15:30] but if they send a worker in, you can complain and get it kicked out [15:30] MWIA is australian I thought? [15:31] therefore I AM correct [15:31] MWIA said 10 am his time, 2300 HMT [15:31] er GMT [15:31] skywalker2588 - yes, but it doesn't work the other way around [15:31] Call it a bug [15:31] but we're taking advantage of it [15:31] I'm confused. Stupid Brits! Shoulda stopped having colonies after 1776... [15:31] no he isn't this flag doe';snt have engough stars [15:31] hehe [15:31] So MWIA is a kiwi? [15:31] yes [15:31] which = New Zealand? [15:32] hehhe [15:32] and the US doesn't have colonies? [15:32] I'm an ignorant Yankee, forgive me. [15:32] Sure we do [15:32] GK: timeline must switch to working the forest tile. AFK [15:32] actually, the US does have colonies [15:32] Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Britain, South Korea, Japan [15:32] Will: the US has COMMON WEALTHS.. which are... exactly the same :) [15:32] the American Empire................. [15:32] under the euphamism TERRITORIES [15:32] Question, I would like to post a poll about changing the luxury tax to 10%, so that Banana HQ and Apolyton get bigger. Any remarks? [15:32] OPD: agree. [15:32] So you, Kiwis ready to loose the America's Cup :) [15:32] no, commonwealths have nothing to do with colonies [15:33] We have Guam . . . [15:33] virginia and massachusettes are commonwealths [15:33] And Diego Garcia [15:33] and puerto rico [15:33] and the marianas [15:33] really? lets see. commonwealth. we tax them and don't let them vote. [15:33] well we don't taxa ll of them [15:33] and I think some of the virgin islands [15:33] NO! [15:33] ACtually, Guam and Puerto Rico are Protectorates [15:33] we don't tax puerto rico [15:33] There is a difference [15:33] whatever [15:34] the colonies may be commonwealths, but that's not WHY they are colonies [15:34] they are putting up a fight about it. good for them [15:34] VIRGINIA is a commonwealth [15:34] Basically, ppl in PR are almost autonomous [15:34] hmm [15:34] Commonwealths are better than states, Territories are cheap labor [15:34] [15:34] states AND territories (i.e. colonies) can be commonwealths [15:34] sigh -like britain :( [15:34] PR gets all the benefits from the US except voting, and aren't taxed [15:34] commonwealths are just ways for senators and representatives to make themselves feel good [15:34] Perhaps we should talk about the game... [15:34] not to mention all those anti-democratic pro-american governments........ [15:34] lol [15:34] it means nothing [15:35] i should start a #civ3dem-REALLIFE channel [15:35] well, the not here!! [15:35] actually, puerto rico IS taxed, just not federally [15:35] Maybe a dingo got him [15:35] or a kiwi... [15:35] sky, well of course there is sales tax. no income tax [15:35] we might as well discuss while we wait [15:35] Any Remarks on my suggestio to set the luxury rate to 10%? [15:35] Donal_Graeme - Go for it [15:35] sounds ok to me [15:35] or rather [15:35] I am in favor [15:36] there are taxes paid to the puerto rican government [15:36] donal-- what would we get out of it right now? [15:36] That would let Banana HQ and Apolyton get bigger [15:36] sky- they don't have a local government per say. less than a state has [15:36] oh ok [15:36] I would not have it occur for six turns [15:36] go for it [15:36] At the cost of how many LPT? [15:36] I'll be clearing jungle around BHQ in the next few turns [15:36] that is the time it takes for Banana HQ to grow [15:37] *** GK (GodKing@ has joined #civ3dem [15:37] hi [15:37] WE lose approx. 2 LPT, but the extra commerce from the tiles worked should make up for it [15:37] hi GK [15:37] got cut off.... [15:37] OPD - If you do in fact want me to use that slave later, please remind me, otherwise I will forget :) [15:37] ghengisfarb was taken?! [15:37] wow [15:37] your IP really changed [15:37] odd... [15:37] only 2? wow [15:37] whose? [15:37] -> [skywalker2588] PING [15:37] -> [skywalker2588] VERSION [15:37] -> [WhiteBandit] VERSION [15:38] Godking to GK changed two octets [15:38] make that 3 [15:38] *** GK is now known as Guest65603 [15:38] ??? - [15:38] WhiteBandit is * WhiteBandit [15:38] WhiteBandit on #civ3demMinisters #civ3dem [15:38] WhiteBandit using drawn to the rhythm. [15:38] WhiteBandit has been idle 41secs, signed on Sat Aug 31 14:55:10 [15:38] WhiteBandit End of /WHOIS list. - [15:38] oh much better [15:38] *** Guest65603 is now known as god_king [15:38] *** GodKing (GodKing@ Quit (Ping timeout) [15:39] now you can change it [15:39] Guest65603 is GodKing@ * R Olson ||| GodKing is GodKing@ * R Olson [15:39] It just doesn't like me [15:39] WB: ok [15:39] big IP change [15:39] *** skywalker2588 is now known as GodKing [15:39] *** GodKing is now known as skywalker2588 [15:39] haha [15:39] you can change back now [15:40] *** Retrieving #civ3dem info... [15:40] Sky, if you do that again....I will find you. [15:40] I didn't do anything to you [15:40] searching quote.irc for "sky" ... 2 matches found [15:40] I was testing to see if your nick worked [15:40] I didn't make it die [15:40] *** skywalker ( has joined #civ3dem [15:40] moo [15:40] *** skywalker ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:40] haha [15:41] damnit who is that? [15:41] *** Another_Skywalker ( has joined #civ3dem Session Start: Sat Aug 31 15:41:16 2002 Session Ident: #civ3dem [15:41] *** Now talking in #civ3dem [15:41] *** Topic is ' #civ3demMinisters :D' [15:41] *** Set by UberKruX on Sun Aug 11 11:58:13 [15:41] WB [15:41] WB [15:41] funny [15:41] funny [15:41] right? [15:41] right? [15:41] I was refering to using my name... [15:41] I was refering to using my name... [15:41] wow [15:41] wow [15:41] we can all spoof skywalker! [15:41] we can all spoof skywalker! [15:41] *** Skywalker_V3 ( has joined #civ3dem [15:41] *** Skywalker_V3 ( has joined #civ3dem [15:41] hehe [15:41] hehe [15:41] *** skywalker2588 ( has left #civ3dem [15:41] *** skywalker2588 ( has left #civ3dem [15:41] as enjoyable as this is... i can't wait anymore... sorry folk [15:41] as enjoyable as this is... i can't wait anymore... sorry folk [15:41] *** Skywalker_V3 is now known as skywalker2588 [15:41] *** Skywalker_V3 is now known as skywalker2588 [15:42] I touch myself [15:42] I touch myself [15:42] to easy [15:42] to easy [15:42] *** mrwia ( has joined #civ3dem [15:42] *** mrwia ( has joined #civ3dem [15:42] hi [15:42] hi [15:42] *** skywalker2588 ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:42] *** skywalker2588 ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:42] bye [15:42] bye [15:42] *** caesarbear (~caesarbea@ Quit (Quit: ) [15:42] *** caesarbear (~caesarbea@ Quit (Quit: ) [15:42] *** Another_Skywalker is now known as skywalkerXP [15:42] *** Another_Skywalker is now known as skywalkerXP [15:42] :( [15:42] cya caesarbear [15:42] :( [15:42] cya caesarbear [15:42] *** rendelnep is now known as skyquaker [15:42] *** rendelnep is now known as skyquaker [15:42] I will go myself in 15 minutes.... [15:42] I will go myself in 15 minutes.... [15:42] mrwia is * Alex Godofsky [15:42] mrwia is * Alex Godofsky [15:42] *** mrwia ( [15:42] *** mrwia ( [15:42] *** skywalker2588 ( has joined #civ3dem [15:42] *** skywalker2588 ( has joined #civ3dem [15:42] *** Disconnected [15:42] *** skywalkerXP ( Quit (Quit: ) Session Close: Sat Aug 31 15:42:40 2002 [15:42] well that was fun [15:42] *** skywalker2588 is now known as skywalker2589 [15:42] Guys, I wish I could stay longer, but I have to leave in just a few mins [15:42] *** mrwia is now known as skywalker2588 [15:43] *** skyquaker is now known as rendelnep [15:43] *** skywalker2589 is now known as skyhumper2k [15:43] Alrighty Togas [15:43] Bye togas. [15:43] *** skyhumper2k ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:43] ok see you togas [15:43] I was hoping to get in some playing time :( [15:43] aw [15:43] bye [15:43] donde esta mi presidente? [15:43] *** skywalker2588 ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:43] this has been a bit of a bummer [15:43] I may leave soon [15:44] yeah [15:44] i was getting all hot and bothered :( [15:44] Updating the 5 turn plan for MWIA, should he show up. Plz direct him to it [15:44] bhah MWIA should have to post his home phone no. [15:45] it would take 50 digits to reach him from here [15:45] I have to go soon too, I have stuff to do tomorow [15:45] I had to change a lot of plans and upset my fiance to make this... [15:45] lol [15:45] I had to not give that guy a heart transplant for this [15:45] and a lot more money [15:45] I'm just waiting for the woman to finish blow drying her hair, then we're off to dinner [15:45] Oś est mon president? [15:45] yeah but that phone call is VERY expensive [15:45] call collect [15:46] rendelnep - do you ever go hiking or backpacking in NZ? [15:46] he would love that [15:46] "Who should I say is calling, sir?" "Epistax" "Um, ok." [15:46] hehe [15:46] lol [15:46] lol [15:46] I wonder how a New Zealander cusses... [15:46] i heard he uses the word "fuck" [15:47] just a rumor [15:47] Donal_Graeme - It's easy to find out. Call him an aussie! [15:47] :-D [15:47] lol [15:47] Canada = America Jr. New Zealand = Australia Jr. [15:47] hehehe [15:47] *** aggie (aggie@ has joined #civ3dem [15:47] well I did once when I was about 10-11 in hamner springs- and fuck oof you bastard :) [15:47] well i finally made it [15:47] aggie, tell us if you see the president [15:48] hehehe [15:48] I am working on plans to annex canada right now.... [15:48] I am glad that Galleys are not set for Sea Power [15:48] eww [15:48] nope he sin't here [15:48] why? [15:48] So we don't have to worry about being attacked by one [15:48] *** skyhumper2k ( has joined #civ3dem [15:48] err [15:48] no no [15:48] woops [15:48] I meant, why annex canada? [15:48] hey aggie [15:48] *** skyhumper2k ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:48] hey opd [15:48] do you want to be pres today [15:48] It's like lots of trees and hairy women! [15:48] ...and polar bears [15:48] only if I had to be [15:49] Good hunting and fishing [15:49] yeah go for a country like umm- south africa -far better [15:49] I'm hoping uber shows up [15:49] *** ASexyInternLookingForAPresiden ( has joined #civ3dem [15:49] ooh la la [15:49] Good luck, guys. Hope Mr.WIA shows up soon. [15:49] * ASexyInternLookingForAPresiden shakes ass [15:49] ya, but canada is so close, I can spit on it from here (assuming I could spit 300 meters) [15:49] Shiber - *nice* maps [15:50] I'll read about the results tonight (I hope) :) [15:50] wait for a strong wind... [15:50] bye togas. Eat well [15:50] *** Togas- ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:50] well as a geology major, i can tell you in a few thousand milenia, you might move closer to canadia, so it may be easier [15:50] canadia? hmph. [15:50] can't you stay togas [15:50] Gotta go ppl, good thing that I am not really need.(I don't actually make any decisions you know) [15:50] WhiteBandit: thanks! [15:51] Shiber - no problemas! [15:51] and russia too [15:51] WhiteBandit: did you check the ones in the website? you can see the gunsight thing better [15:51] Send my regards to the President [15:51] yeah that's what im looking at [15:51] *** Donal_Graeme ( has left #civ3dem [15:51] * ASexyInternLookingForAPresiden tries to wake MWIA by humping his leg [15:51] WB - how long, the detroit river seams to be flowing strong so far... [15:51] maybe he has a hot date? [15:51] I wish panag would stop spamming crap in the CP thread [15:52] at 10 am on sunday, hot date, in his winter... [15:52] haha [15:52] true! [15:52] but i mean come on [15:52] he is from NZ [15:52] i think of him as like... [15:52] and in the golden banana thread [15:52] buff, golden tan, flowing blonde hair [15:52] and green twinkly eyes [15:52] hmm [15:52] been watching too much anime. [15:53] OPD, ya, wish we could do something about panag.... [15:53] i wish we could do something about panag , ... [15:53] does anyone know where I can download Eva [15:53] but we need more cities , ... [15:53] and units , ... [15:53] have a nice day [15:53] I might put him on ignore [15:53] yes if only he acted better, ... [15:54] lol unorth asked if we didn't want him on the justice or something [15:54] anyone in favor of continuing the war beyond this turn to get a cheaper price for Feudalism from France, read this: [15:55] panag - a justice? [15:55] * WhiteBandit has an issue with your decision on abstains... bah [15:55] oh well [15:55] *** MrWhereItsAt (~mrwhereit@ has joined #civ3dem [15:55] *** ASexyInternLookingForAPresiden ( Quit (Quit: ) [15:55] ok [15:55] checking [15:55] YAY!!!!! [15:55] YES! [15:55] yay [15:55] it's our kiwi! [15:55] MrWhereItsAt is ~mrwhereit@ * Simon G [15:55] my god is it him? [15:55] bout time [15:55] finially youre here [15:55] * MrWhereItsAt grumbles [15:55] sorry!!!!!! [15:55] It's perfectly fine [15:55] I could give all sorts of excuses but can we just do this? [15:55] GodKing was fantasizing about you... nothing big of course [15:56] you missed the slut! [15:56] hello MWia [15:56] buff, golden tan, flowing blonde hair [15:56] its true [15:56] OK, so WB, Will, aggie - not bad [15:56] i mean geez [15:56] Donal was here as well as Togas [15:56] thanks..... [15:56] both departed [15:56] Donal said he updated orders in the 5 turn thread [15:56] hee pres, whitebandit called YUO AN AUSSIE what do you have to say to that? [15:56] buenos dias, presidente ! [15:56] i thought he was from australia! [15:56] It wasn't an insult [15:57] it is to us [15:57] Bonjour president! [15:57] I mean I guess I'd feel the same way if you called me an Iowain or something [15:57] (being from cali of course :P) [15:57] anyone want to tell me what we're doing about war/pea [15:57] hah [15:57] peace [15:57] :) [15:57] or canadian [15:57] or yeah [15:57] OK -next week I am setting the days of these things for MYSELF [15:57] canadian would be like a knife to the back [15:57] what about mexican? [15:57] Why? [15:58] mrwia, i thought you did anyway [15:58] eh, mexican isn't too insulting [15:58] * Trevman85 hopes president is spelled the same in French as to not offend any French [15:58] they make good food [15:58] OK - so Aggie, WB, Will - you can give me your orders? [15:58] I suppose [15:58] Mexican, they smell almost as bad as the french.... [15:58] Mr - aye sir [15:58] * Epistax blatantly offends french with every little move he makes [15:58] you want a DCC [15:58] Mull Historical [15:58] The Bluetones [15:58] Elvis Costello [15:58] Supergrass [15:58] Nickleback [15:58] or shall I direct you to the webpage? [15:58] Alanis Morissette [15:58] Manic Street Preachers [15:58] Rhianna [15:58] Beverley Knight [15:58] Kosheen [15:58] Counting Crows [15:58] Starsailor [15:58] Gomez [15:58] Doves [15:58] err [15:58] Stereophonics [15:59] Sugababes [15:59] wrong thing, whoops [15:59] sorry [15:59] hehe [15:59] I am talking to friends on another program!!!!!!!!!!! [15:59] Do we have volunteers for giving orders for GodKing (City Planner)? He's the main one that's not here. [15:59] godking is here [15:59] you do realize it's now legal for me to kill you will [15:59] thanks for your musical tasts... [15:59] I thought my orders were the last thing I copied [15:59] lol [15:59] god_king [15:59] i think opd is your man [15:59] I am here MWIA [15:59] i'm sorry but i have to leave [15:59] Where? OH! [15:59] ok [15:59] they were at a festuival I just went too [15:59] i told you, he was making lewd comments about you earlier! [15:59] school is starting tomorrow (unless there's a strike) [15:59] welkl tell you what have you actually been to france - I swear they piss on the walls in the streets [15:59] :-(( cya y'all [16:00] bye shiber! [16:00] Cool, so Apoc's orders we don't worry too much about :D Who else? [16:00] bye shiber [16:00] bye shib [16:00] bye WhiteBandit [16:00] bye everyone [16:00] Oh NO! Bye Shiber :( [16:00] To Transport Settler, and spearman, or even another settler, that would be good(?), use the following plan involving 2 Galley's, it is called "Shiber's Manoeuvre" and is as follows: [16:00] "Naming the tiles and galleys for easier reference: [16:00] * Tile A: either the tile S or SE of Apolyton (doesn't matter). It is safe for a galley to end its turn in here. [16:00] * Tile B: the tile SE SE of Apolyton (contains a whale resource). [16:00] bye shiber [16:00] *** Shiber (shiber@ Quit (Quit: have a nice day) [16:00] * Tile C: the tile SE of tile B. [16:00] * Tile D: the tile SE of tile C. [16:00] * Tile E: one of the coastal tiles which we can barely see. It is safe for a galley to end its turn in here. [16:00] * Galley 1: empty at the beginning of the manoeuvre. [16:00] * Galley 2: contains a settler and possibly another unit (another settler or a spearman) at the beginning of the manoeuvre. [16:00] Phase one: [16:00] Both galleys are in tile A. Galley 1 travels to tile C and ends its turn. This is the risky phase, since there's a 50% chance that the galley would sink (but at least it's empty). It's also the only risk involved in this plan. [16:00] If the galley sinks, build a new galley and start again. If it doesn't, move on to phase two: [16:00] Phase two: [16:00] Galley 2 travels to tile B. The settler and the other unit (if any) onboard galley 2 moves to galley 1. [16:00] Phase three: galley 2 travels back to tile A or another coastal or city tile, thus ending the turn safely. Galley 1, now carrying cargo, moves to tile E, thus also ending its turn in safety." [16:00] my orders (again) [16:00] hmmmnn orders in the ministers room? [16:01] I would assume so [16:01] oh yeah, i'll do that too [16:01] Supposedly in both, but that's never been done IIRC [16:01] both? [16:01] can i speak in minister room [16:01] yes [16:01] it's not modded [16:01] ok [16:02] * WhiteBandit tries to find his orders [16:02] OK Hold on here... [16:02] Right - I have the game ready. [16:02] do you have a copy of the posted orders? [16:02] I'm thirsty, brb [16:02] mym orders can be found at [16:02] unless you need me to message you [16:03] AA E to threaten Rheims [16:03] MWIA is colour? [16:03] *in colour [16:03] Hmm, still a wounded warrior there only [16:03] aggie - are you subbing for uber? [16:03] i guess so [16:04] YES - red is what I have just done and thus all can follow [16:04] Aggie are you the permanet SMC now [16:04] ok sorry I have weird colours on my irc [16:04] only when uber not here [16:05] i wish I had known he wouldn't be here [16:05] sp in loveshack E E [16:06] MWIA, use colors for orers? [16:06] orders* [16:06] YES. Only for me, and only for what has just been done though. [16:06] not showing color here either :( [16:06] Keeps it a little less confusing. [16:06] aye it does, ,but we aren't seeing color [16:06] so no orders yet? [16:07] yeah, we've had 2 [16:07] warrior near antiach n [16:07] but we aren't seeing color [16:07] i have a question? [16:07] but there's no color [16:07] Are we continuing war [16:07] it effects orders [16:07] I have only given the orders in a colour, so just do them [16:07] Is my text blue? it is to me. [16:07] MrWhereItsAt - No colors are being displayed [16:07] no it isn't godking [16:07] you have to press CTRL + K if you want color for each time [16:07] aggie - good question - is it up to me since no-one can agree? [16:07] everybody else is comming in black - including you MWIA [16:07] i hope it is:) [16:08] Whoops - all orders I type I have just done, then. use that. [16:08] hehe [16:08] 12 does this work? [16:08] ok. thanks rendelnep [16:08] rendelnep - yup [16:08] yes [16:08] Yes it does, rendel [16:08] yes. I see blue [16:08] I am going to say yes anyway [16:09] yes [16:09] control k it is then [16:09] everyone say yes one more time to make him feel good [16:09] yes [16:09] I think two people on the other side of the planet didn't say yes [16:09] will "aye" work? [16:09] don't bother please [16:09] 9 hi [16:09] oh waait that's MWIA :) [16:09] haha [16:10] 2 Workers in Marseille skip turn [16:10] man, these turnchats are slow [16:10] skywalker might actually hit puberty first [16:10] yes they are slow [16:10] * WhiteBandit ducks [16:10] lol [16:10] lol [16:10] lol [16:10] wait, are we publicly posting these logs? [16:10] cause if so [16:10] i am [16:10] i want skywalker to know i love him [16:10] lol [16:10] Let's all say "lol!" [16:10] He he [16:10] lol [16:11] mwia- 42 Workers in Marseille skip turn ?? [16:11] err [16:11] red though [16:11] yup [16:11] Wait, can we not send them due north to start on a road? [16:12] god_king - nope [16:12] enemy units about [16:12] i don't want to lose them [16:12] OK. [16:12] darn enemy units [16:12] I am going now, remember, "Shiber's Manoeuvre" [16:12] Swordman outside of Marseilles into Marseille, fortify [16:12] should I redenize all the orders he gives? [16:12] sp in gaia fortify [16:12] *** Will5001 (Will5001@ Quit (Quit: ) [16:13] sure [16:13] 4Swordman outside of Marseilles into Marseille, fortify :D [16:13] hehe [16:13] nice! [16:13] thanks epi [16:13] I am trusting all you guys to point out anything that's missed - I can't look at everything right now [16:13] rgr sir [16:13] of course MWIA. do everything you see, then ask if it's ok to end turn [16:13] then listen to 20 people scream 'no you fool' [16:14] *** skywalker ( has joined #civ3dem [16:14] EPi - no posting in colour please - I am getting confused... and that's not a good thing right now... :D [16:14] hi [16:15] hi [16:15] MWIA, will you post your orders in color? [16:15] in RED color :D [16:15] MWIA - yeah, we aren't seeing colors from you [16:15] you need to use CTRL K before you post an order [16:15] CTRL + K + 4 then your order [16:15] only red is official, at least that's how we used to do it [16:15] 4 [16:15] like this [16:15] never mind [16:15] worker stack W of Loveshack, take 1 of OUR workers and goto worker stack near termina [16:15] *** skywalker is now known as Guest75490 [16:15] ha [16:16] 4 [16:16] thank you sir [16:16] hey! [16:16] *** Guest75490 is now known as skywalker2588 [16:16] double ha [16:16] who the hell did that and HOW! [16:16] I see my colour :p [16:16] asfdsadf [16:16] oops. damn cat [16:16] i don't MWIA [16:16] me either [16:16] MWIA - we don't [16:16] MWIA, setting your font color doesn't do it. use control k [16:17] click on the crayons [16:17] that does not work [16:17] MWIA - yeah, ,you have to use CTRL K otherwise you're as plain as us [16:17] Here It Is workers - skip turn [16:17] then OWN TEXT [16:17] you have to use ctrl k [16:17] 4 Here It Is workers - skip turn [16:17] How's that? [16:17] can everyone see that I am blue? [16:17] red [16:17] skywalker2588 - nope [16:17] it doesn't work [16:17] oh [16:17] FYI, MWIA is on twisted, the slow server [16:17] 8triple ha [16:18] you 4HAVE use CTRL K [16:18] 4 [16:18] red [16:18] 1 then Ctrl k does not work as that is what I'm doin [16:18] sky - nope. Crayons only effect how you see. I tested earlier [16:18] DOESN'T WORK [16:18] ctrlk does nothing [16:18] what color did you pick? [16:18] rendelnep - bad colour. [16:18] 9 quadurple ha [16:18] err i just did CTRL K [16:18] hmm [16:18] actually, it does something, it just does do the RIGHT thing [16:18] -> [rendelnep] VERSION [16:18] testing...11 [16:18] enough of the haing already [16:18] ctrl k brings up a box [16:18] [WhiteBandit VERSION reply]: Stat v1.8 by abe2000 (601MHz/384MB/38GB/Win2K) [16:18] hitting 4 screws it up [16:18] 4 test [16:19] Epi - look 1 line above that [16:19] 1 Just saying that I will make peace before ending the turn, OK? [16:19] THERE [16:19] 6.01 [16:19] :) [16:19] 4testagain [16:19] good, then we need to do trade deals [16:19] ah you have a stupid script intsalled [16:19] bhah how much lag do I have [16:19] yeah [16:19] 6 yes it works [16:19] 4Apolyton ICBM nuke Avignon [16:19] in black, mwia wrote " Just saying that I will make peace before ending the turn, OK?" [16:19] testing...5 [16:19] yeah [16:19] don't use black [16:19] my background is black [16:19] hehe [16:20] use default or colored. never specify white or black [16:20] No peace this turn [16:20] testing...4 [16:20] then use a white background [16:20] white hurts my eyes [16:20] sky, then have a red house! [16:20] exactly [16:20] and a purple car! [16:20] Time to move Galleys [16:20] am I allowed to post in ministers room [16:20] and your cat smells! [16:20] white and black are reserved as default colors [16:20] but you are the white bandit [16:20] I don't have a cat [16:20] wtf has a red background? [16:20] haha [16:20] good point [16:20] that's because white hurts my eyes [16:20] so i destroy it! [16:20] of coruse [16:20] err [16:20] OPD - for your cities, yes [16:20] course.. i am a white guy [16:20] aren't you a minister OPD? [16:21] why not just make your monitor darker [16:21] that'll work [16:21] then i can't see anything [16:21] go for it MWIA [16:21] Trev what can I say the election was close [16:22] but GK is doing a great job [16:22] Real close, I won by what, 4 votes, on the last day [16:22] Thanks OPD [16:22] i stepped into GK's shoes in fact [16:22] big shoes to fill :( [16:22] in opdand godking we had 2 very good candiates [16:22] have we gotten the settler over yet? [16:22] yeah one galley should go now [16:23] or amybe not [16:23] Oh yeah, I got confused [16:23] No. Settler needs to use a move to switch boats [16:23] I can't keep all these darn ministers straight [16:24] so both boats go outside polly now [16:24] next turn, one moves into water, the settler boards [16:24] Is MWIA posting in black? [16:24] yeah [16:24] * WhiteBandit cries [16:24] he decided not to post default, but to directly specify black every time [16:24] this color thing is confusing [16:24] turn 3, boat w/settler moves, settler switches, other boat hits uber isle [16:24] WE HAVEN'T FINISHED A TURN?! [16:24] * skywalker2588 remembers the revolt [16:24] bhah be back in a minute I have a black back ground [16:25] err? [16:25] skywalker2588 - no [16:25] we're still moving [16:25] 4 Two Galleys 2 squares NE [16:25] there is a lot of crap on the table [16:25] I was joking [16:25] 1 That should be in red [16:25] hurray [16:25] gotcha [16:25] it was in red [16:25] computers convery emotion so well [16:25] WHOA, MWIA! nice! [16:25] ALRIGHT [16:26] 12testing, sorry...12 [16:26] 1 What...? [16:26] weell [16:26] you were posting in red [16:26] n/m [16:26] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: 9[ NoNameScript 3.52 9@ 9]) [16:26] now he's posting black [16:26] 1 OK, time for PEACE! [16:26] grr I'm not going to change my color scheme for this. I'll just complain a lot [16:26] ok [16:26] how do you PERMANENTLY change the color of your text? [16:26] That's what i figured i'd do [16:26] :P [16:27] skywalker2588 - to yourself, you go to your color crayons [16:27] instead of having to hit ctrl k each time [16:27] to others, ,well you can't [16:27] that sucks [16:27] you have to hit ctrl k [16:27] 12that really sucks [16:27] nah [16:27] it makes it so you don' [16:27] err [16:27] 1 Now was there eventually a consensus here? Cities or tech? [16:27] *** OPD ( has joined #civ3dem [16:27] hey [16:27] so you don't have those crappy AOHELL chatrooms with rainbow colors all the time [16:27] 12/me wants to know if this is blue or purple [16:27] Welcome back [16:27] damne [16:27] i think tech was the concensus [16:27] *damn [16:27] Cities [16:28] AOHELL [16:28] but i wanted cities:) [16:28] creative [16:28] I thought tech aussi [16:28] Aggie, what about your trade scheam [16:28] quoi? [16:28] *** Epistax ( Quit (Quit: ) [16:28] qu'est-ce que c'est? [16:28] * rendelnep 3remembers that brick that he hsa [16:28] he hsa? [16:28] hsa? [16:28] :D [16:28] has [16:28] that ahppends after we ger feudalism, whether we get it in peace or after doesn't matter [16:28] has whoops [16:28] * skywalker2588 has MANY bricks [16:28] Oh crap. Epi was keeping the log, wasn't he? [16:29] yes sir [16:29] oh [16:29] i can log [16:29] * skywalker2588 has a whole lotta bricks [16:29] it's all "recording" anyway [16:29] so don't worry [16:29] aggie - ok thanks [16:29] 1It's Feudalism and we give 345 gold, or 2 of Cherbourg, Grenoble and Rouen [16:29] I think I missed some orders. I have all the movement ones were there any others [16:30] wait you're not making peace are you? [16:30] Yes [16:30] has the turn ended [16:30] 1 I mean yes [16:30] nope [16:30] where is Togas? [16:30] I say go for rouen [16:30] 1Not yet. [16:30] we're GIVING cities?! [16:31] Togas is at dinner with his wife [16:31] Feudalism i think [16:31] * rendelnep remembers he threw the the first brick and smiles [16:31] No sky. Taking [16:31] ok good [16:31] bhah razing Rheims was part of the plan so that we got more from the French [16:31] * skywalker2588 remembers he threw the MOST bricks and smiles more [16:31] *** TapeRecorder ( has joined #civ3dem [16:31] rouen is horrible :( [16:31] 1OPD - Rheims would die and be filled by the Greeks [16:31] * skywalker2588 notices that rendelnep is missing some teeth and smiles a whole lot more [16:31] :D [16:32] yes but we'd get a better deal [16:32] who's TapeRecorder? [16:32] Epi [16:32] whgat bloody brick that was heat seeking arrow [16:32] and may be able to replace it [16:32] i doubt we would and the tech deal would fall through [16:32] Togas said that was the plan [16:32] We have a plan if we destroy Rheims... just not a very good one [16:32] yeah [16:32] i agree with GK [16:32] i have to kill some slaves [16:33] bhah those cities are useless [16:33] so? [16:34] if they're so useless, sell them to someone for a lotta money [16:34] Part of the tech whore isto get Feudalism in the peace deal [16:34] eh [16:34] we can't [16:34] they won't accept them [16:34] you can give them as gifts [16:34] but no one will willingly buy them [16:34] where the hell is the science minister [16:34] that SUCKS [16:34] i would rather tech whore :-/ [16:34] but we'll try it next turn [16:34] no it is a smart AI [16:35] fuedalism however we get it will work, if we give more money to france we get more back:) [16:35] noooo don't sue for the cities [16:35] noooooo [16:35] should we quickpoll? [16:36] Ah - just about to do it. [16:36] Togas left the plan for razing Rheims and then sueing for Fuedalism [16:36] 1Quickpoll?!?! You think we'll reach any form of answer after all that debate? [16:37] we can't get fuedalism any iother way [16:37] we can get feudalism now for 371+ 9 gpt [16:37] yeah but it'll be cheaper next turn [16:37] 1 Much as you guessed, Aggie [16:38] well give it a crack you never konw we might geta majority MRWIA [16:38] i thought 10 or so, well that seemed the going rate [16:38] glad to see we could get it [16:38] 4 Actually agreed peace for those cities now [16:38] what [16:38] hmm [16:39] OPD - we might be able to techwhore next turn [16:39] or.. [16:39] I can't belive you just did that [16:39] MWIA - can we techwhore now? [16:39] can we fuck [16:39] hmm [16:39] are you hot? [16:39] 1We need to buy Feudalism first [16:39] lol [16:40] I'm outta here [16:40] *** god_king (GodKing@ Quit (Ping timeout) [16:40] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: ) [16:40] WB we can techwhore now [16:40] DAMNIT MWIA [16:40] *** GodKing ( has joined #civ3dem [16:40] we WERE SUPPOSED TO GET FEUDALISM [16:40] Im back. [16:40] 1Damned if you do, damned if you don't. [16:40] sucks for you [16:40] gk [16:41] we'll get feudalism now [16:41] geezo [16:41] stop overreacting [16:41] do we even have enough money? [16:41] What happened. (lousy internet provider...) [16:41] yup [16:41] Godking - waiting for city orders [16:42] MWIA got peace for CITIES, not FEUDALISM like he was SUPPOSED TO [16:42] but we'll get feudalism now, i checked its 371+9gpt [16:42] 1When nobody agrees, what can you do? [16:42] * rendelnep mutters something about puberty and nods disdainly [16:42] you made a command decision [16:42] rendelnep - :) [16:42] you can FOLLOW THE PLAN [16:43] i was amzed that france was cheaper than other, since she hatted us [16:43] 1There were two plans :D [16:44] she also feared us [16:44] MWIA - there was ONE plan from togas [16:44] skywalker2588 - it was in contention [16:44] just in case I'm Calling for a counter-revolution [16:44] who JUST HAPPENS to be our foreign minister [16:44] 1 I'll do the Feudalism deal now [16:44] * WhiteBandit sighs [16:45] hmph. /ignore is a great feature of IRC [16:45] * WhiteBandit ignores himself [16:45] oh no! [16:45] 4 polly switch from forest to whale [16:45] hello [16:45] ? [16:45] hehe [16:45] 1 (Godking's orders now) [16:45] lol [16:46] * skywalker2588 stops yelling [16:46] 4Timeline - switch from road to forrest [16:46] * skywalker2588 's throat is hoars [16:46] *hoarse [16:46] here is some water sky [16:46] 4Seeberg, Nap & geo, build city wall immediatly [16:47] thank you [16:47] why bother with nap [16:47] it's going to be taken anyway [16:47] build spearmen [16:47] not if we institute my plan [16:47] at least that'll hurt them [16:47] which i think aggie may be doing [16:48] OH [16:48] how'll we get peace before they take nap? [16:48] AGGIE! [16:48] move warrior in Geo to Nap? Please! [16:48] i'm sure we can take munich soon [16:48] that will ebd the war i believe [16:48] yes [16:48] but german archer is 2 turns from Nap [16:49] can we put extra warrior in nap? [16:49] if anything, it can buy us some time [16:49] sincec that is an extra unit germany has to kill [16:49] i will put a spearman between the two for douvble coverage next turn [16:49] * rendelnep smiles at the thought of having a minority in his province [16:49] eh [16:49] * skywalker2588 pick up a stone for those minorities [16:49] check this out: [16:49] and throws it [16:50] :D [16:50] 1 Are there any more orders here? [16:50] also i am going to sgest upping the lux to 10% and getting troops set there [16:50] just the trade ones [16:50] Aggie: [16:50] Still a push as there is a German unit within 3 squares. Perhaps send warrior in Geofront to Napoleton (will reach it by next turn if we move now) to bolster defenses. Ubergorsk (which is defended by city walls) could also possibly spare a spearman. It would reach Napoleton in rougly 4 turns. However, the extra warrior should stave off an attack from an archer for at least that long? It will take the German archer 2 turns to move next to Napoleton, 1 turn to attack 1 warrior, 1 turn to attack next warrior. By then we should have the spearman able to defend. I'd like everyone to at least consid [16:50] *** OPD ( has joined #civ3dem [16:50] let me see [16:50] hello again [16:50] die right right wing extremists !!! [16:50] *** TapeRecorder is now known as Epistax [16:50] i'll analyze while trade are made [16:51] duh [16:51] ok [16:51] we need to act THIS TURN though [16:51] whoops sorry opd [16:51] die democrat/commie/treehugger/hippy/peaceniks! [16:51] but seriously, i think we can prevent losing nap [16:51] democrats and commies are the same thing [16:51] hmph? [16:51] 1Time to end the turn, I think...? [16:51] I'm a commie and a treehugger. as for the rest, no. [16:51] me is a socialist treehugger [16:51] same thing i guess [16:51] epistax - a commie?! [16:51] Rendy? [16:51] 12 ok to end by me [16:51] yes [16:52] I'm a right wing independent [16:52] NOOOOOOOOo [16:52] WIAT [16:52] DONT END TURN [16:52] aggie and i are trying to figure out a move [16:52] 1 Will make the trade for Feudalism now. [16:52] Warrior in Geo to Nap? [16:52] republicans are fascists are the same thing [16:52] Just extreme republicans [16:52] fascists are right wing totalitarians [16:52] exactly [16:52] republicans are right wing, but not totalitarian [16:53] I moved spear north another spear is on the way [16:53] HAHAHAHA [16:53] HAHA! [16:53] Ever heard of Ashcroft [16:53] ? [16:53] really? they want smaller government. less government means more power to less people [16:53] doesn't matter to me I ain't involved in american politics [16:53] there are... abberations [16:53] like ashcroft [16:53] and King Bush II of course [16:53] FEWER people [16:53] eh it's more than american politics. labor all the way! [16:53] sky, if you think grammar proves anything, you're wrong. [16:53] How many [16:54] 4 Trade Feudalism w/ French for 371 + 9gpt. [16:54] in fact, bush wields quite less power than hitler, that italian what'shisname, and ANY OF THE COMMIES [16:54] OPD - all I did with polly was switch from 1 forest to whale. [16:54] notice that the commie union was VERY totalitarian [16:54] 4spear in geofront nnn [16:54] more so than ashcroft [16:54] OPD - you may adjust [16:55] skywalker-- if you think what happened in the USSR is what communists want, then you're an idiot. [16:55] hmmmn can I get a save? [16:55] Acually I would vote libdem to be honest [16:55] I know it's not what they WANT [16:55] it's what they will inevitably GET [16:55] communism is foolish and naive [16:55] hmm [16:56] lol the world gets pissed at conservatives presidents, and likes our liberal ones. why? damnit we have .3 billion in our country and 5.7 out of it. which is more important? Not the US, that's forsure. [16:56] not really [16:56] exactly [16:56] well cuban communism sdeemed like a reasonable deal the people there [16:56] yea right [16:56] British Socialism is even better [16:56] same thing with Canada [16:56] I asked for save in other forum [16:56] cubans make a LOT less than the average american [16:56] *the average cuban [16:56] Everyone makes a lot less than the average american [16:56] searching quote.irc for "exploit" ... 1 matches found [16:57] (11/29/99) capitalism is a system in which man exploits man...communism is vice-versa [quote.irc] [16:57] skywalker, if you see money as an important indicator of anything, then that proves your bias beyond the point of reason. [16:57] our system works a lot better than communism [16:57] every communist government has been totalitarian [16:57] in practice sure... [16:57] USSR [16:57] red china [16:57] but our system doesn't support universal health care, and looking out for everyone [16:57] vietnam [16:57] so [16:57] our system is a dog eat dog world, which is inherently unfair [16:58] yeah but they are more literate than than oyther latin countries in the area [16:58] french health care is a lot worse than ours [16:58] skywalker, we are ruled by special interests. we don't elect them. we basically have a feudal system. [16:58] no we do not [16:58] you cannot BUY [16:58] votes [16:58] lol [16:58] you have to convince people to vote FOR you [16:58] dude, you don't buy votes, you control the candidates [16:58] you think anything bush says came out of his own head? [16:58] haha [16:58] NO! [16:58] sure, there's room [16:59] Er what abut the american oil companies and the republicans? [16:59] I think bush is an IDIOT [16:59] our system is so fucked up [16:59] [16:59] skywalker [16:59] all politicians are idiots [16:59] go there [16:59] every system is fucked up [16:59] sure. oil companies, power companies in general rule the conservative party [16:59] correlate how politicians vote with how much money they receive [16:59] skywalker2588 - yes, but at least in communism, we can shoot our politicians :P [16:59] "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others." - Winston Churchill [16:59] lol [17:00] this country is seriously downward spiral. I am not kidding at all. it just wont trickle down on people for a long time. [17:00] plus, if the gov is bad NOW [17:00] and inefficient [17:00] yeah [17:00] do you really trust it to MANAGE OUR BUSINESSES?! [17:00] i mean the only constitutional right we have anymore is the right to own a sniper rifle and a bazooka [17:00] just LOOK AT THE INS [17:00] 4Trade Feudalism w/ Russia for Rep, WM and 28g [17:00] you mean in the US?! [17:00] 2200 AD, this country isn't going to look the same. it may not exist. [17:00] we have free speach etc. [17:00] skywalker2588 - no we don't. [17:01] defended by packs of angry lawyers [17:01] i do :) [17:01] how so?! [17:01] Walk on an airplane with "mein kampf" [17:01] they won't let you fly. [17:01] WB - YES WE DO [17:01] hehe [17:01] nay sir :) [17:01] that's businesses [17:01] lol this 'status quo' thing the republicans try to maintain doesn't exist. [17:01] And it's okay for business to violate the constitution? [17:01] Then what the fuck? [17:01] it's perfectly fine for a business to withhold services [17:01] pft [17:02] THE CONSTITUTION LIMITS THE GOVERNMENT, NOT PRIVATE BUSINESSES [17:02] well perhaps it sould do both [17:02] skywalker, private business does not have the right to have power. (imho) [17:02] skywalker2588 - we don't have free speech... look at laws like the DMCA [17:02] look at the RIAA. they charge for speech. *ducks* [17:02] becuase of the DMCA, a professor was threatened to be sued for presenting a paper on the RIAA's new copy protection schemes [17:02] but they do have the right to withhold services based on violation of an assumed contract [17:02] haha [17:02] Epistax - high five! [17:02] freedom of speech is the right to say anything without the GOVERNMENT punishing you [17:03] *** god_king (GodKing@ has joined #civ3dem [17:03] skywalker- no [17:03] Im back again...... [17:03] yes it is [17:03] skywalker2588 - but the government will punish you. [17:03] it CANNOT [17:03] for how long...... [17:03] Operation TIPS [17:03] yes it can! [17:03] dude [17:03] the right to free speech means that you can express yourself freely. express opinons. not openly reveal facts. [17:03] bhah why do I see 2 godkings [17:03] you know we're holding like 300 people since Sept 11th WITHOUT charging them! [17:03] they get pissed about that [17:03] that is inconstitutional! [17:03] we have lots of hungry lawyers ready to defen it [17:03] defend [17:03] but they are doing it! [17:03] skywalker, screw you lawyers [17:04] Because the first cut me off..... [17:04] I agree with screw the lawyers [17:04] It will ping out on its own soon [17:04] lol this is slightly off topic [17:04] lawyers are a drain on the economy [17:04] 4Trade Feudalism w/ Rome for Monarchy, WM and 54g [17:04] *** GodKing ( Quit (Ping timeout) [17:04] ESPECIALLY TAX LAWYERS DAMNIT [17:04] things get a little different if the people you are detaining have a possibility of wanting to topple your country [17:04] the system is really screwed when you need to have your TAXES explained to you [17:04] i stand by my previous assessment-- anyone that makes $1 million or more a year is an asshole. [17:05] like the baseball players going on strike [17:05] that is SOOOOOO fucked up [17:05] skywalker2588: Free Speech biotch! [17:05] actually I think that the Lawyers are prbably the most infamous thing about America [17:05] hehe the biotch was joking of course :) [17:05] 12 quick poll - 1 y, 2n - with monarchy, who want a revolution? [17:05] 1 [17:05] 1 [17:05] hmm [17:05] 1 [17:05] sure, we can take it. we're religious! [17:05] 1 [17:05] I'm right wing more in the sense that I'm a strict-constitutionalist than in the sense of conservative [17:05] 1 [17:05] 1 [17:06] good [17:06] skywalker, no one publically wants to violate the constitution. [17:06] so you believe in seperation of church and state, plus our right to own guns [17:06] I don't believe in the right to own guns [17:06] explain [17:06] I think that the second amendment is meant to say that the states have the right to organize a militia [17:06] YES! [17:06] dude [17:06] i love skywalker! [17:06] almost [17:07] but yes [17:07] he said something right [17:07] :) [17:07] Oh not that crap argument again [17:07] I do believe in separation of church and state [17:07] see [17:07] seriously, if you have a reason to own a gun, you should have gone to the police in the first place [17:07] we don't need areal poll [17:07] 12 looking at constitution if we can change gov't now.... [17:07] I think affirmative action is unconstitutional [17:07] bhah Fuck the consitution [17:07] * WhiteBandit is mixed on affirmative action [17:07] I think we need a real poll on that [17:07] I think that Roe vs. Wade was wrong - but NOT because I'm antiabortion [17:08] affirmative action should be changed slightly now. it's not AS needed. what needs to be focused on now is equal pay for equal jobs [17:08] I think I might end this after this turn - it is taking about 10 times longer than if I did the things on my own. [17:08] but because it is a legislative, not constitutional, issue [17:08] aye [17:08] for both race and gender [17:08] affirmative action is RACISM [17:08] women still make disproportionately less than men [17:08] just backwards [17:08] then force equal wages [17:08] Second Amendment: ". . . the right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms . . ." [17:08] skywalker-- people never hiring other races is also racism [17:08] don't force people to HIRE women [17:08] 12 time to stop - we need a real poll to change gov't. [17:08] well, punish discrimination [17:08] * Trevman85 agrees with Sky [17:08] ok [17:09] not hiring white people is equal racism [17:09] * Trevman85 agrees with GK [17:09] Trevman85 - but the constitution was written in a hot philadelphia room with men wearing wool coats. they could have meant it to mean men are allowed to have no shirts :) [17:09] completely IGNORE race when hiring people [17:09] and GENDER [17:09] just look at ability [17:09] sky, that gets hard during the interview stage [17:09] they could have done this and that [17:09] afk for a sec [17:09] They could have meant a hundered things, but our laws are not based on intentions [17:10] They are based on what is actually written [17:10] Laws are not inferred, but taken literally [17:10] i like how it works with firemen. if a woman can complete the physical test, they are in.l [17:10] After I finish techwhoring I will stop this - it is too long and painful. Plus we need a real poll on Govt change. [17:10] back [17:11] they don't make it easier, it surely it is harder for the average woman, but there needs to be standards in a job like that [17:11] Trevman85 - that isn't entirely so [17:11] 4Trade Monarchy w Iroqs for 19g and WM [17:11] if it is harder for the woman to pass the test, it is because SHE IS LESS QUALIFIED [17:11] Liberals are usually interpret the constitution loosely, while conservatives favor a strict interpretation [17:11] because she doesn't have the physical abilities [17:11] sky, it's because women are physically smaller [17:11] not because she is a woman [17:11] there are men who are small [17:11] so they don't get hired either [17:12] eh [17:12] yes they do [17:12] sky, it is simply a fact that the average woman has a harder time carrying a 200 lbs person while walking down a ladder than a man [17:12] :( [17:12] everyone has to meet the same standards [17:12] * WhiteBandit just took a class on Social Racism in America [17:12] Just admit it, women are on average weaker, this makes it harder for them to pass a physical test [17:12] then she is LESS QUALIFIED FOR THE JOB! [17:12] a male and female of equal abilities, the male will almost ALWAYS be hired first [17:12] #bye [17:12] 12 posting poll on polly now for change in govt. [17:12] WB is right and that has been proven [17:12] yes, and THAT is the problem WB [17:12] well don't REQUIRE them to hire the woman [17:12] ok gk [17:12] *** astrologix ( has left #Civ3dem [17:13] don't you just hate absolute statements like that [17:13] affirmative action is racism [17:13] skywalker2588 - but then you are promoting racism in your own way [17:13] what is our total gold noww? [17:13] because someone will tend to favor hiring men instead of hiring equally capable women [17:13] *** aggie (aggie@ Quit (Ping timeout) [17:13] affirmative action is discrimination by the government [17:13] WHICH IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL [17:13] skywalker, if the racial distribution is 60% this and 40% that, and the distribution in any given job anything other than 60-40, then someone along the line is being racist. [17:13] So how will you stop this tendency WB? [17:13] and so is holding people without charging them [17:13] but we are doing that [17:14] Absolute BS epi [17:14] actually, things can be disproportionate without racism [17:14] *** aggie2 (aggie@ has joined #civ3dem [17:14] Trevman85 - Well first I'll give everyone a puppy... [17:14] trevman, give an example where it's not true [17:14] my comp crashed how are we doing [17:14] aggie2 - still crapping on America :) [17:15] because, say, the average black might not have the socioeconomic status as the average american [17:15] in general [17:15] sky- and what is that caused by? [17:15] and why is that? [17:15] so they will probably have less education [17:15] Well I suppose culture is also a factor [17:15] sky- because.. [17:15] sky - exactly [17:15] it's caused by years of SLAVERY [17:15] which we got rid of [17:15] our social atmosphere promotes racism [17:15] nope [17:15] bullshit [17:15] look at latinos [17:15] For people who claim that race shouldn't matter, you seem to be pretty concerned with what a person's race is [17:15] no slavery [17:15] same situation [17:15] I'm not [17:15] I'm saying IGNORE IT [17:16] pretty much everything promotes racism [17:16] don't give benefits to people because they are BLACK [17:16] give them to people because they are POOR [17:16] trev- some people believe it does matter, therefore others have to reverse their decisions or else it becomes disproportionate [17:16] skywalker2588 - where do we give benefits to people because they are black? [17:16] AFFIRMATIVE ACTION [17:16] affirmative action doesn't count. Are you afraid of being left out? Maybe you better be an EXTRA good white person to remain competitive [17:16] I'm fine [17:17] skywalker, has any senator becoem such before of affirmative action? any CEO? [17:17] I'm sure that I'll get into anything I want [17:17] that's the point, WB [17:17] er because of [17:17] people in affirmative action aren't as inept as white people, affirmative action is in place because unfortunately race DOES play a part in decisions [17:17] it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL [17:17] no it isn't [17:17] it isn't racism [17:17] it is discrimination [17:17] how so? [17:17] because you are being fair to someone who isn't white? [17:17] same bloody thing [17:17] listen [17:17] 4 Mono to France for WM + 371g + 1gpt [17:17] it says that you must hire someone BECAUSE THEY ARE OF A CERTAIN RACE [17:17] and THAT IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL [17:18] You are discriminating differences in race and acting according to that [17:18] fucking gender or race, if a white male and a white female are EQUAL ON ALL ACCOUNTS, the male will get the job first [17:18] well, target racism [17:18] SAME THING with white student and non-white student who are EQUAL [17:18] every time [17:18] and paid more too [17:18] don't creat reverse racism [17:18] it isn't reverse rascism [17:18] If benefits were given to whites simply because they are white, would you agree [17:18] NO [17:18] that is unconstitutional [17:18] What the heck is reverse racism?? [17:18] would a black employer hire a black man before a white man [17:19] racism from a minortity to the majority [17:19] he considers anyone racist to whites, 'reverse racism' [17:19] showing his racism actually [17:19] opd - maybe [17:19] oh [17:19] reverse racism is terminology [17:19] OPD - if he was justice of the supreme court.. yes. [17:19] :) [17:19] Well, it would just be plain ol' "racism" then [17:19] Sorry I was so late before but I am now ending this and don't think there will be another chat - it just is too long for a single turnne [17:19] to describe racism of the "oppressed" towards the "oppressors" [17:19] hmmmmn last ever chat? [17:19] I don't think it's me so much as how complex the game is now. [17:20] yeah [17:20] it is complex [17:20] but look [17:20] yes [17:20] the turnchat allowed us to save napoleton! [17:20] I frankly cannot feel bad for any non-white being racist in this whitemale-centric society. I don't think they should be racist, but I see why they would be. [17:20] Just to sumamrise, we ended up with two crap cities, Mon, Monachy, Feud, Rep, 116 gold and lost only 8gpt [17:20] well without the trades it could work [17:20] just because they have a reason to doesn't mean that it is RIGHT [17:20] nice MWIA [17:20] oh well guys it's been cool but nows it's threads I suppose [17:20] True - but we don't even know that yet WB :D [17:20] I have a reason to fell racist - affirmative action [17:20] but I DON'T [17:20] maybe we should have a pre turnthread chat every now and then? [17:20] so we can all pick on each others orders [17:21] WB yes [17:21] bye all [17:21] bye OPD [17:21] That could be a damn good idea [17:21] bye OPD [17:21] WB I agree. We need better coordination. [17:21] *** OPD ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:21] bye [17:21] bye OPD - sorry for pissing you off [17:21] bye opd [17:21] bye gk [17:21] all the orders in straight text [17:22] MWIA - I like how we posted ordeers BEFORE a turnchat [17:22] I think if we stuck to those, it would be fine [17:22] then follow along in the chat [17:22] and we would still be able to raise issues [17:22] Now I need to track down everything we did. [17:22] it could be [17:22] well, I'm leaving [17:22] Goodbye and God bless [17:22] *** Trevman85 ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:22] the only thing a liberal without a gun has to fear is a conservative with a gun. *runs from conservatives because they anger easily* [17:23] maybe the prez can post a save every turn and we can analyze while he plays [17:23] WB - I am pretty swamped as it is - if I had to coordinate all the orders too it would be a move every two minutes, a turn every two hours. [17:23] haha [17:23] wait though [17:23] how do you do a turnthread [17:23] they also shoot staright [17:23] same philosophy i mean right? [17:23] Time for a discussion thread, I think [17:23] Before hand, it was much smaller and easier do deal with. Now that we are getting large, we need better coordination. [17:23] aggie, not if they're in college taking drugs I figure [17:23] you would just post your moves and before ending a turn we could question certain things [17:23] (like trying to save nap) [17:23] Perhaps I should post a thread about this? [17:24] wthats true [17:24] conservatives fight for drugs in college. liberals fight for drugs after college. wtf. hehehe [17:24] but then they are a liberal:) [17:24] WB:Yes, except I don't need to keep track of 50 things at once. Only about 10 [17:24] "Turnchat format proposal" [17:24] ? [17:24] well I 've got to go now bye [17:24] well that's what i mean [17:24] you have our orders before hand [17:24] bye rendel [17:24] sounds good to me, well i better go [17:24] you just play it out [17:24] let us know what is going on [17:24] and before ending a turn we could offer input [17:24] man togas will be po'd I don't know about uber though [17:25] like today - they tech whoring [17:25] *** rendelnep ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:25] MWIA - I recomend that you print out orders before you do turnthreads. [17:25] bye [17:25] *** skywalker2588 ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:25] or paste them in word or something [17:25] so you have everything on 1 screen [17:25] good idea [17:25] *** aggie2 (aggie@ has left #civ3dem [17:25] I copied them all down last time into one file I referred to constantly. It wasn't in a turn-per-turn basis, which would have taken a while, but it was there. [17:26] you need a headset with microphone so you can be like, war leader, war leader, spearman at tass needs order, over! [17:26] hahaha [17:26] YES! [17:26] Use Roger Wilco [17:26] I did miss Will's orders and the Uber expedition - but they weren't where I looked anyway :p [17:26] man [17:26] Roger roger, Over over [17:26] FAB [17:26] wwith 123987321 people though that will be like at a party or something [17:26] Roger that. [17:26] Ohhhhh, MY GOD!!!! [17:26] but just think [17:26] Why are you calling me Roger? [17:26] That was shocking. [17:26] I have yet to be drunk at a turnchat [17:27] I am soooo hungover. [17:27] we get to hear sky's voice squeek [17:27] but now I have a chance [17:27] lol [17:27] And hungry, and thirsty etc. [17:27] NOooooooooooooo [17:27] I guessed that church ran late.... silly me. [17:27] I want to know why so many poor people are conservative in this country. they practically vote themselves away from every benefit that could come. [17:27] i know :( [17:28] I really must go and sort my life out - I will be on the forums soon to take the heat - I think I'll need as much support as I can get from people. [17:28] they vote themselves into being shot by gun totters. "guns for kids" campaigns [17:28] * WhiteBandit is actually a registered democrat... heh, but im thinking of dropping that affiliation soon [17:28] heheh [17:28] Read you all soon ;) [17:28] If you educate them, they will vote themselves into debt.... oops, they already have. [17:28] MWIA - You did a fine job! [17:28] I am not affiliated [17:28] Bye all. I go to. MWIA, you did good. [17:28] MWIA, there are rehabilitiation centers for leaders of turnchats [17:29] We accomplished quite a few objectives [17:29] hell [17:29] we got cities AND techs! [17:29] and only lost 8 gold [17:29] that is great [17:29] a turn [17:29] heher [17:29] hmm school starts on wednesday [17:29] MWIA - please post save before you go!!! [17:29] Geophysics is fuun! :-/ [17:29] thursday here [17:30] eh yeah [17:30] as much fun as, cramming watermelons inside baby seals? [17:30] Started night school last week.... [17:30] im not looking forward to it [17:30] Epistax - hah, never tried that [17:30] if i switch my major to bio, could i do that? [17:30] seals.... watermelons.... from which end? [17:30] haha [17:30] gk, at that size proportion, it really doesn't matter [17:31] WB, you can switch to anything can't ya? [17:31] WB - Geophys IS fun - and I am about to post the save. [17:31] I have a computer engineering friend who is flipping to pre med [17:31] Big seal, small mellon.... I think it could.... [17:31] MWIA - hehe that' swhy im majoring in it :) [17:31] BABY seal [17:31] I like playing in the dirt! [17:31] BIG BABY [17:32] so far in my college life i have been a: Computer Science major, CIS major, political science major and now geology major! [17:32] w00t! [17:32] hehe my english teacher started out as CS [17:32] ack, and went to liberal arts? [17:32] man [17:32] he was too smart for CS [17:32] I started off as computer science. That died fast. [17:32] that's why i stopped pol sci [17:32] hehe [17:32] my dad teaches pol sci now [17:32] yeah [17:33] it's weird.. someone will start off with like a major in culinary arts and finish college with a microbiology major [17:33] infatuation with yeast [17:34] alright, time to jam on the guitar.. wee [17:34] talk to you all later [17:34] yut [17:34] *** Epistax ( Quit (Quit: ) [17:34] *** Disconnected Session Close: Sat Aug 31 17:34:25 2002