# For the religion code RELIGIOUS_INFO "{value[0]} - Current Religion: {player[1].civ_name_singular}" WILL_WE_CONVERT_TITLE "Citizens of {city[0].name} claims civ conversion!" WILL_WE_CONVERT_TEXT "{player[1].leader_name}, the {player[0].civ_name_singular} religion is spreading in our empire. The conversion of {city[0].name} has lead to protests to have all of our cities to this religion, wich they claim to be the true faith. Shall we convert all of our cities?" CONVERT_OR_NOT "You sent our troops to unconvert this city. But you can either convert the city to our religion or rescue the old religion created by our people hundreds of years ago an be free of the {player[0].civ_name_singular} religious influence. But if we rescue the old religion we may lost strategic conditions, our civiliztion may have diplomatic problems with {player[0].civ_name_singular} and the people of {city[0].name} will became unhappy with the change. So What should we do?" PLAYER_HAS_CONVERTED "The {player[1].civ_name_singular} Empire has converted to the {player[0].civ_name_singular} religion" DONT_CONVERT "Dont Convert" CONVERT "Convert" CREATE_RELIGION "Rescue Old Religion" CANCEL_UNCONVERSION "Cancel Order" CONVERT_TO_RELIGION "Convert to our Religion"