; ; CIVILIZATION CITY LIST ; Copyright (c) 1995 by MicroProse Software ; ; This file can be altered at your own risk to change ; the default names for cities. Keep in mind that ; altering the contents of this file may cause your game ; to malfunction. ; ; City names may contain no more than 15 characters. ; @ROMANS Calembel Dor-en-Ernil Tumladen Firien Calenhad Minrimmon Cormallen Nardol Eilenach Amon Din Henneth Annun Morthond Pinnath Gelin Andrast Ringlo Tolfalas Ciril Rhosgobel Erebor @STOP @THINGOL Haerast Oiomure Nevrast Galen Utumno Udun @STOP @AEGNOR Hildorien Echoriath Thoronath Cristhorn Crissaegrim Anach @STOP @RHUDAUR Alqualonde Telpirion Laurelin Ezollahar Varda @STOP @CARDOLAN Eressea Orome Hyamentir Avathar Pelori @STOP @FINGOLFIN Mahanaxar Formenos Araman Ilmaren Calacirian @STOP @ARTHEDAIN Lorellin Nienna Mandos Ekkaia Aule Calacirya @STOP @CARANTHIR Tyrn Gorthad Gelydh Lomin Drengist Ninniach Barad Eithel Nen Lalaith @STOP @ZULUS Swerting Haudh in Gwanur Constant Southron Tolfalas Belegaer @STOP @TURGON Andunie Ondosto Sorontil Tol Uinen Romenna Nindamos Erendis Nisimaldar @STOP @ARNOR Annuminas Elostirion Weathertop Barrowdowns Suza Norbury @STOP @CHINESE Rhovanion Redwater Wilderland Helcar Cuivienen Illuin Greenwood @STOP @ENGLISH Celebrant Limlight Caras Galadon Ost-in-Edhil Cerin Amroth Naith Lune Baranduin Emyn Uial Evendim Teiglin Darthir @STOP @MONGOLS Dol Baran Nan Curunir Derndingle Onodlo Mathedras Angrenost Enedwaith Treegarth Tharbad @STOP @NUMENOR Forostar Orrostar Hyarrostar Hyarnustar Andustar Mittalmar @STOP @BELERIAND Menegroth Estolad Ramdal Andram Aelinuial @STOP @VIKINGS Cirith Gorgor Nindalf Sammath Naur Udun Angband Hithlum Wethrin Lammoth Maedhros @STOP @SPANISH Emnet Aglarond Westfold Upbourn Angren Irensaga Snowbourne Harrowdale Starkhorn Underharrow Dwimorberg Thrihyrne Fenmarch Ered Nimrais @STOP @ARABS Baghdad @STOP @ANFAUGLITH Ascar Thalos Brilthor Duilwen Adurant @STOP @HITHLUM Dolmed Nogrd Athrad Talath Rhunen Rerir Helevorn @STOP @INCAS Cuzco @STOP @DORTHONION Gelion Arossiach Dor Dinen Iant Iaur Dimbar Brithiach Neldoreth @STOP @EXTRA Angren Emyn Muil Amon Hen Rauros Framsburg Langflood Greylin Himling Tumhalad Eithel Ivrin Ginglith Nuath Tumhalad Nenning Brithon Vinyamar Brithombar Eglarest @STOP @BARBARIANS 17 Huns Visigoths Ostrogoths Sueves Angles Saxons Franks Jutes Burgundians Avars Vandals Alans Bulgars Magyars Frisians Picts Langobardi @end