One Winged Angel Final Fantasy VII Estuans interius // Burning inside Ira vehementi // With violent anger, (x2) Sephiroth! Sephiroth! Estuans interius // Burning inside Ira vehementi // With violent anger, (x2) Sephiroth! Sephiroth! Sors--immanis // Fate--monstrous Et inanis // And empty (x2) Estuans interius // Burning inside Ira vehementi // With violent anger, (x2) Sephiroth! Sephiroth! Veni veni venias // Come, come, O come Ne me mori facias // Do not let me die (x4) Haryuu no // The winged one hanekata // Of the lower reaches Veni veni venias // Come, come, O come Ne me mori facias // Do not let me die (x4) Sephiroth! Sephiroth!