@BEGINEVENTS @DEBUG @INITFLAG @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT ^^PART I: "The Darkness has descended!" ^Ungoliant, the giant spider, has killed the two trees ^which provided light for Valinor. Yavanna cannot ^recreate them without a little light from a Simaril. ^^Feanor is summoned to the Ring of Doom. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT YAVANNA: "'The Light of the Trees has passed away, and lives now only in the Simarils of Feanor. Foresighted was he! Even for those who are mightiest under Iluvatar there is some work that they may accomplish once, and once only. The Light of the Trees I brought into being, and within Ea I can never do so again. Yet had I but a little of that light I could recall life to the Trees, ere their roots decay; and then our hurt should be healed, and the malice of Melkor be confounded.'" ^MANWE: "'Hearest thou, Feanor son of Finwe, the words of Yavanna? Wilt thou grant what she would ask?'" ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT ^FEANOR:"' For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplish but once only; and in that deed his heart shall rest. It may be that I can unlock my jewels, but never again shall I make their like; and if I must break them, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain."' ^Feanor mourned and brooded over the difficult choice he must make. Everyone seemed his enemy, and none his friend. The words of Melkor which he uttered before the fall of the Trees arose in Feanor's heart: the Valar mearly want his jewels and the sole work of his hands. Feanor rose up in desperate anger: ^FEANOR: "'This thing I will not do of free will. But if the Valar will constrain me, then shall I know indeed that Melkor is of their kindred.'" ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT Even as those words escaped from Feanor's mouth, messengers from Formenos, Feanor's northern fortress, brought catastrophic tidings: ^MESSENGERS: "A great Darkness has come from the south and swallowed up Formenos. Melkor himself was in it and slew Feanor's father, Finwe, on Feanor's own doorstep. The entire city has been completely defiled, and the Simarils are missing." ^At that Feanor fled from before their faces, bowed down with grief and unutterable anguish, for the only thing more dear to Feanor then the Simarils was his father; and to have lost both in the same defining moment was a deadly blow. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT ^Feanor flew in torment and grief-stricken madness to Tirion, the city of the Noldor, and he stood upon the summit of its mountain, Tuna, as if to speak. A great multititude gathered below. ^FEANOR:"'Why, O people of Noldor? Why should we longer serve the jealous Valar, who cannot keep us nor even their own realm secure from their Enemy? And though he be now their foe, are they not they and he of one kin? Veangence calls me hence, but even were it otherwise I would not dwell longer in the same land with the kin of my father's slayer and of the thief of my treasure. Yet I am not the only valiant in this valiant people. And have ye not all lost your King? And what else have ye not lost, cooped here in a narrow land between the mountain and the sea? ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT FEANOR: "'Here once was light, that the Valar begrudged to Middle-earth, but now dark levels all. Shall we mourn here deedless for ever, a shadow-folk, mist-haunting, dropping vain tears in the thankless sea? Or shall we return to our home? In Cuivienen sweet ran the waters under unclouded stars, and wide lands lay about, where a free people might walk. There they lie still and await us who in our folly forsook them. Come away! Let the cowards keep this city! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road! Say farewell to bondage! But say farewell also to ease! Say farewell to the weak! Say farewell to your treasures! More still shall we make. Journey light, but bring with you your swords! For we will go further than Orome, endure longer than Tulkas: we will never turn back from our pursuit. After Morgoth to the ends of the Earth! War shall he have and hatred undying. But when we have conquered and have regained the Simarils, then we and we alone shall be lords of the unsullied Light, and masters of the bliss and beauty of Arda. No other race shall oust us!'" ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT "Then Feanor swore a terrible oath. His seven sons leapt straightway to his side and took the selfsame vow together, and red as blood shone their drawn swords in the glare of their torches. They swore an oath which none shall break, and none should take, by the name of Ilutvatar, calling the Everlasting Dark upon them if they kept it not; and Manwe they named in witness, and Varda, and the hallowed mountain of Taniquetil, vowing to pursue with veangence and hatred to the ends of the World Vala, Demon, Elf or Man as yet unborn, or any creature, great or small, good or evil, that time should bring forth until the end of days, whoso should hold or take or keep a Simaril from their possession." ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=0 @THEN TEXT ^Suddenly, a horrible cry, more terrible then that ^which has ever been heard before or after, sounded ^from the far north east. ^FEANOR: Behold the cry of Morgoth! To the North! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=Evil talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=ANYBODY listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=ANYBODY talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=Evil listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN TEXT The party comes within a day's journey of the Sindarin city of Alqualonde. The Sindarin were the Elves most beloved by Ulmo, Lord of the Waters, and were uniquely gifted at shipbuilding. ^FEANOR: We shall seek the assistance of the inhabitants of Alqualonde, for their ships would be very useful and would make the journey across the wilderness of Araman much easy. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF Turn=2 @THEN TEXT After being refused and severely reprimanded by the Teleri Feanor retreats to just outside of the city limits and patiently waits for the rest of his followers. ^FEANOR: "If they will not willingly cede us some ships then we will take them by force! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Alqualonde attacker=Noldor defender=Valar @THEN TEXT The Sons of Feanor begin manning some of the ships in the harbor. Cross words are quickly exchanged between elf and elf, then blows. When all was said and done many an elf lay dead, blood spilled by their own kin. Feanor orders his troop to set off up the coast. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Teleri Vessel count=4 owner=Noldor veteran=no homecity=none locations 12,106 endlocations FLAG who=Noldor state=on flag=0 @ENDIF ; events stop working here @IF TURN turn=5 THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wind Storm count=4 owner=Valar veteran=no homecity=none locations 12,84 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=12 THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wind Storm count=4 owner=Sindar veteran=no homecity=none locations 11,63 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=16 THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wind Storm count=4 owner=Valar veteran=no homecity=none locations 8,46 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=20 THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Wind Storm count=4 owner=Sindarin veteran=no homecity=none locations 5,35 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=25 THEN TEXT A cold wind is felt by the bewashed sailors of the Noldor fleet. ^HELMSMAN:We are very far north. ^SAILOR ONE:We must be very close to the fabled ice flow of Helcaraxe! ^SAILOR TWO:Indeed, I have seen much ice float beneath the ship. ^HELMSMAN: Behold! A message! ^From the neighboring ship a mate could be seen waving a flag indicating ^that all the sailors should immediatly steer toward land. ^After landing, the sailors noticed that Feanor and Fingolfin appear to be ^arguing! Feanor tears away from Fingolfin in anger and walks broodingly ^to a small pile of rocks. Feanor addresses the freezing but faithful followers: ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=25 THEN TEXT FEANOR:We can not continue by land any longer. Just north are the Straits of ^Helcaraxe, fabled for their freezing heights. It would be pratical suicide for you ^who follow Fingolfin to continue on foot. Also, there is not enough room for this ^entire host to fit on the few vessels that have survived the hostile sea. Therefore, ^I recommend that we traverse to Middle-Earth in two or three trips: I and my host shall ^go in one trip and Fingofin and his host shall come second. Let us soon embark for ^Middle-Earth! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Losgar attacker=Noldor defender=Valar @THEN JUSTONCE TEXT Feanor's fleet reaches the Firth of Drengist. ^FEANOR:We have reached Middle-Earth! ^HELMSMAN:It is not advisable that we make landfall here, sire. ^This is the wilderness of Lammoth and is filled with all manner ^of evil. I suggest that we go a little south and land in the Firth ^of Drengist. ^FEANOR: No! We shall make landfall here with all of our units, sail ^into the bay of Losgar (40,14) and run the ships ashore! ^HELMSMEN: But do not we need to fulfill our promise to Fingolfin and return to take his host to Middle-Earth too? ^FEANOR: No! Do not question me! Fingolfin was never our friend, ^but a traitorous nusance! Let him return snivelling to the Valar ^like his brother Finarfin! The cowards! Proceed! ENDTEXT CreatUnit unit=Flag Unit owner=Valar veteran=no homecity=none locations 40,12 endlocations @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Flag Unit attacker=Noldor defender=Melkor's Slaves @THEN JUSTONCE CHANGETERRAIN terraintype=8 maprect 40,14,40,14,41,15,41,15, TEXT NoBroadcast Feanor runs all his ships ashore and then sets them on fire, ^little knowing the dire consequences of his actions. The ^flames reach high into the sky and are seen by two ^important personages. First, Fingolfin spies the spawn of ^Feanor's pyre: ^FINGOLFIN: Behold! A great light in the east! Scout, what do you make of it? ^SCOUT: It appears to be a great fire! ^FINGOLFIN: Alas! Only the wood of Aman could have created ^such a burning! Feanor has betrayed and abandoned us to ^return in shame to Valinor! ^He promptly drops into a fit of despair. But, as he sits ^up, renewed vigour and sorrow migled with hate appear etched ^on his countenance reveal that despair has been replaced with a steel will. ^FINGOLIN: But we will not be put off so easily! Come elves! ^We shall march through the grinding north whether it kills us or not! ENDTEXT FLAG who=Noldor state=on flag=1 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Flag Unit attacker=Noldor defender=Valar @THEN JUSTONCE TEXT From the ironclad fortress of Angband the burning could also be seen: ^MORGOTH: Who has come into my realm, defiling the land with their smoke! ^Only the smoke from MY vast furnaces can pollute Middle-Earth! We must ^quickly crush this insolent invader! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS