*********************************** SID MEIER'S CIVILIZATION III README *********************************** Additions v1.21f: * Added HOME and END keyboard support to scrollbars. * Improved city governor AI. * Editor: Added HP bonus to the Units page. The bonus can be anywhere from -20 to +20. * Editor: Added Retreat Bonus controls to Combat Experience page. * Editor: Added new unit abilities to allow bombarding to be lethal against land and/or sea units. * Editor: Added multiple AI strategies for units. * Editor: Exposed AI to AI trade rate. * Editor: Added Reset Player Data option to Scenario menu which allows resetting of all custom player data to default values. * Editor: Added a corruption slider to difficulty level page. It defaults to 100% for all difficulty levels. * Added Barbarian Activity: No Barbarians. * Added Allow Restarting Players rule. * Added Preserve Random Seed rule. Turning this off will allow random seeds to be changed when a saved game is reloaded (which makes combat different...). * Editor: Added game rules and victory conditions to scenario properties. If defaults are not used, the check boxes are not displayed and their on/off states cannot be changed. * Editor: Added playable civs selector to scenario properties. If a civ is not playable, it will not be available for selection for both the human player and the opponents nor will it be assigned to any Random civ. * Customized game settings for scenarios now work on the player setup screen. If defaults are not used, the check boxes are not displayed and their on/off states cannot be changed. * Added "Abandon City" to right-click menu. * Compressed saved games. * Editor: Displayed active player on status bar. * Editor: Setting active player to a barbarian tribe causes placed barbarian camps to use the specified barbarian tribe. * Added bubble text to tech chooser for tech names that get cut off. * Editor: Game now saves world-builder seed to .INI file for use in generating maps in editor. * Editor: Added ability to customize player. Changes v1.21f: * Game settings are now stored in any save file that uses them. This prevents players from altering their BIC file and using it in an existing game. * Editor: Changed the maximum value for the Min. Distance Between Civs to 256. * Editor: Improved starting locations for scenarios only. * Editor: Renamed "Unique Color" to "Alternate Color" on civilizations page of the rules property sheet. * Editor: Removed option to customize world from scenarios that contain a map. * Editor: Added support for custom Players to player setup. * Editor: Removed some team color palette restrictions. * Increased corruption/waste fighting ability of courthouses and police stations. * Increased waste fighting ability of We Love The King Day. * Decreased Large Map Size to 130x130. * Decreased HugeMap Size to 160x160. * Draft anger and hurrying unhappiness reduced to 20 turns. * War chariots now upgrade to knights. * Adjusted advance trading rates for AI. * The following units now plays their fidget animations when the fortify: Mech Infantry, Modern Armor, Nuclear Submarine, Panzer, Submarine, Tank, and Transport. * Editor: Restricted players from having duplicate races. * Removed Mounted ability from all units (flag was unused). * Changed Culturally Linked Starting Locations from a pref to a rule. * Sped up world builder. * Handled some hard-coded icon issues for the city management window. * Improved method of detecting modified rules. * Mods no longer show gray lines on Science Advisor screen. * Editor: Streamlined menu options. * Updated resource icon loading so that it's not hard-coded. Any number of resource icons can now be loaded from resources.pcx as longs they are 49x49 with a 1-pixel border (and don't forget to update resource_shadows.pcx). * Updated unit icon loading so that it's no longer hard-coded. Any number of unit icons can now be loaded as long as they are 32x32 with a 1-pixel border. * The maximum food a tile with a city on it can produce has been changed to 2. Fixed v1.21f: * Page Up/Down in Civilopedia no longer opens random entries. * Editor: Fixed bug with Aggression Level slider on Civilizations page. * Editor: Updated ERA_NONE techs to work as expected (you can never research them and they don't impede era advancement but they can be assigned as free techs). * Removed "God mode" save cheat. * Fixed crash related to last settler dying on a transport. * Fixed bug involving extra movement costs if the unit can't advance after combat. * Fixed stack movement bug involving armies. * Fixed worker automation bug involving shift-A. * Fixed bugs involving setup screen remembering settings. * Fixed bug involving maintenance costs and granaries/Pyramids, barracks/Art of War, etc. * Fixed bug involving stack movement and combat. * Fixed forest planting on enemy territory exploit. * Fixed bug in diplo bargaining AI for per-turn gold deals. * Improved army healing AI. * Fixed bug with how shields were calculated for population hurrying. The first citizen is now worth 20 shields instead of 40 shields, just like all the other citizens. * Air units now stay on interception if their carrier moves. * Updated units with Zone of Control in the Zone of Control Civilopedia entry. * Updated food from game tiles in the Bonus Resources Civilopedia entry. * Updated Coastal Fortress maintenance cost in Maintenance Civilopedia entry. * Fixed some bugs involving the AI's use of fighters/jet fighters. * Fixed some bugs with team color palettes. * Fixed highlight bug on world and player setup screens. * Fixed combo box bug. * Correct Knight Death SFX now plays. * Editor: Fixed bug that allowed rivers in water. * Editor: Fixed bug that did not properly set rivers when turning water into land. * Fixed bug which allowed rebasing bombers which had already bombed using group movement. * Noted that a Temple is required to build a Cathedral in it's Civilopedia entry. * Noted that a Library is required to build an University in it's Civilopedia entry. * Fixed SFX problems with Rifleman and Cavalry. * Fixed typo that prevented a Paratrooper from displaying it's fortify animation. * Editor: Fixed some barbarian bugs. Barbarians are now forced to be the first civ. * Editor: Fixed some bugs with Add/Delete buttons. * Fixed bug with civ-specific abilities that caused them to be displayed in the "Dawn of Man" popup even when they were turned off. * Fixed building prerequisites to allow buildings to require buildings that are bestowed by other buildings but only if 1 is required. If more than 1 or required, they must actually be built. * Fixed bug in culture win where the Civilopedia cursor would show up in the wrong place. * Fixed Foreign advisor bug where recently met civs would not appear on the screen in a > 8 player game. * Fixed bug in Civ3 where Scout runs an extra space after revealing a goody hut. * Fixed bug where greater than standard hit points left artifacts on the screen. * Fixed bug involving not being able to draft certain types of defensive units. * Wonders now work with the government specific field. * Fixed domestic advisor crash. * Worker death SFX now play in ancient and middle ages. * Fixed bug that caused government-specific wonders and improvements to continue functioning when the government is changed. * Editor: Fixed bug when placing irrigation on water. * Fixed bug that caused icons to disappear from techs on Science Advisor screen. * Editor: Fixed bug with New which caused some map data to be retained. * Updated All Terrain As Roads unit ability to work with water units. * Updated water unit movement to take into account the cost of the terrain type. * Fixed bug in script with duplicated/missing key for science advisor (strong funding message had the same key as average funding). * Nuclear Plant Civilopedia entry corrected. * Fixed advisor bug where science funding was incorrectly calculated. * Upgrade all now leaves fortified units fortified. Additions v1.17f: * Added Sentry command: y = wake whenever next to friendly or enemy unit(s) / shift+y = wake whenever next to enemy unit(s). * Added stack movement. Hitting 'j' will produce the goto cursor. Once you select a destination, every unit of the active unit's type in that square will move to the specified location. Air units of the same type will attempt to rebase. * The procedure for checking if the CD is in the drive has been changed to search all possible CD drives on a machine instead of simply the drive they installed the game from. * There are now two types of "Improve Nearest City" commands. shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City. ctrl+shift+'i' = Improve Nearest City Without Altering Improvements. * Editor: Added Undo/Redo functionality. * Editor: Improved river placement and deletion interface. * Added Civilopedia links and cursor to diplomacy window. * Added "Show Wonder Initiation" preference. * Added "Turns to Expansion" readout to culture meter on City Display. Changes v1.17f: * City population drop shadows are now a pref and default to off. * Scrollbar in Domestic advisor lengthened to make use of previously unused line. * Civ-specific units are now part of the regular upgrade chain. * Mobile units now have to make a die roll to determine if they withdraw. Success is also modified by their experience level. * Workers on AI Automation (A/Shift+A) will now sleep in a city when there are no more actions to take. They will automatically awake when something needs to be done (such as clean pollution). * Improved unit activation sequence. * Expanded size of production popup drop list. * Added mention of Wonder and improvement culture contributions doubling after 1000 years to Culture Civilopedia entry. * It is now possible to completely suppress a city's cultural reversion with enough military units. * Reworded luxury resource impact of marketplace and gold contribution in Marketplace Civilopedia entry. * Armies now have the zone of control and blitz ability. * Coastal Fortress maintenance reduced to 0. * Great Lighthouse cost decreased to 300. * Forbidden Palace cost decreased to 200. * Wall Street cost decreased to 300. * Game bonus resource now gives +2 food to its tile. * Oil and Aluminum not longer appear in Plains. * Aluminum now appears in Tundra. * Unhappiness from population rushing production increased to 40 turns. * Building and citizen defense against bombardment increased to 16. * Military Tradition advance now costs 68. * Rocketry advance now costs 240. * Fission advance now costs 280. * Computing advance now costs 260. * Space Flight advance now costs 300. * Nuclear Power advance now costs 280. * Superconductor advance now costs 300. * Miniaturization advance now costs 320. * Synthetic Fibers advance now costs 280. * Satellites advance now costs 260. * Laser advance now costs 280. * Genetics advance now costs 320. * Stealth advance now costs 300. * Smart Weapons advance now costs 280. * Robotics advance now costs 320. * Integrated Defense now costs 360. * The AI no longer trades during the players turn. Fixes v1.17f: * Fixed bug which allowed the user to continue espionage even after the spy is killed. * Fixed bug which prevented cruise missiles from targeting units with only 1 hit point. * Fixed bug which miscalculated average scores (esp. for future techs). * Fixed bug involving explorers and rail movement. * Fixed a number of bugs involving recon missions. * Fixed bug which let coastal fortresses hit submarines. * Editor: You can no longer select Bonus Resources as a prerequisite resource. * Eliminated 'Despot Pop Rushing'. * Fixed pop-up bug involving citizen unhappiness on City Display. * Fixed bug which did not destroy an enemy spaceship if the enemy capital was razed. * Fixed bug which allowed the AI to keep trying to build cities if the city limit had been reached. * Fixed bug which allowed infinite bombardment/precision bombing range. * Fixed AI worker loop bug. * Fixed missing-city-line bug in domestic window. * Fixed AI disband unit bug. * Fixed City Display bugs involving selling improvements and drafting citizens. * Fixed bugs involving unit ordering. * Fixed crash bug involving the civil disorder pop-up. * Fixed bug with the cleanup pollution order. * Fixed Flood Plain Civilopedia entry to correctly state increased food. * Fixed Fortress Civilopedia entry to correctly state +50% defensive bonus. * Fixed misspellings in Communism Civilopedia entry. * Fixed AI bug giving value to worthless techs. * Fixed bug with how capital/spy/embassy icons were being drawn for foreign cities. * Optimized pathfinding for human player to prevent 10-second waits for various orders on huge maps. * Fixed bug which sometimes caused depletion of resources so that there would be < 1 per civ. * Fixed bug which sometimes caused you to not get any techs from Theory of Evolution. * Fixed Communism Civilopedia entry to reflect the correct draft rate of 2. * Fixed typo in Coast Civilopedia entry. * Optimized save and scenario for speed increase. * Build Railroad bubble text now lists the hotkey (Shift-R). * Fixed bug which caused some government buildings not to function correctly. * Fixed bug which allowed civs with no capitals. * Spaceship parts pop-ups now only appear if you have a spy with the corresponding civ. * "beginning wonder" pop-ups now only appear if you have an embassy or spy with the corresponding civ. * Fixed infinite city growth exploit (involving granaries and size 6 cities). * Corrected graphic display corruption on horizontal scroll bars. * The correct scroll bar now always appears in production popup. * Fixed spelling of Archimedes in Physics Civilopedia entry. * Fixed title of "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection" in the Theory of Evolution Civilopedia entry. * Fixed typo in Jet Fighter Civilopedia entry. * Fixed typos in Modern Armor Civilopedia entry. Additions v1.16f: * We've added an ini file setting, Refresh. To use, open the civilization3.ini and add 'Refresh=60'. You can try higher frequencies, but 60 is good starting location. If it can't set the frequency, it will default to what Windows believes it should be. If you are not having monitor or frequency problems, do not use this ini setting. * Players now receive a message when a wonder is made obsolete. * There is now a text prompt on using the production queue in the City Display screen. * Editor: Added Barbarian Combat Bonus to difficulty level tab. * Editor: Added Cost Factor to difficulty level tab. * Editor: Added AI unit support bonus to difficulty level tab. * Editor: Added AI bonus starting units to difficulty level tab. * Editor: Added AI max. govt. transition time to difficulty level tab. * Editor: Added corruption modifier to difficulty level tab. * Editor: Added a number of armies requirement for Improvements and Wonders. * Editor: Added a small wonder ability checkbox for "Requires a Victorious Army" for Improvements and Wonders. * Editor: On General Settings, added Border Factor which controls border expansion. * Editor: On General Settings, added Future Tech Cost. * Editor: On General Settings, added Min. Tech Turns. * Editor: On General Settings, added Max. Tech Turns. * Editor: On General Settings, added Golden Age Duration. * Editor: Added mission cost to Diplomats and Spies page. * Added "Color Blind Help" pref (gives the name of the civ in the city title box). * Added "Ask for Build Orders after Unit Construction" pref (asks for build orders after every unit construction in all cities). * Added "Always Start Building Previously Built Unit" pref (cities always start building the last built unit). * Added "Show Civil Disorder Pop-Up" pref (displays a pop-up whenever a city descends into civil disorder). * Added "Culturally Linked Starting Locations" (civs are placed on maps in close proximity to other civs of the same culture; please note that not using this pref can lead to sub-optimal arrangements of civ colors). * Added "Show Our Manual/Our Automatic/Enemy/Friend Moves" preferences. Changes v1.16f: * The cost of building a Palace is now based on the number of cities in your civilization. * The Sun Icon on the Info Box represents the amount of global warming affecting the game. If the sun does not display, there is insufficient global warming to affect the terrain. Once the sun displays, the brighter it is, the greater the impact of global warming. * It's slightly easier to culturally acquire cities. * Forests planted on tundra always display as pine. * Irrigation sorts slightly differently. * Goody hut console popup display times increased. * Relationship lines are no longer displayed on the Foreign Advisor unless the player has contact with both civilizations. * Corruption effects have been reduced. * Cultural priority of AI has been reduced. * Submarine and Nuclear Submarine now have an offense value of 8. * Paratroops now have a range of 6. * Privateer now has an offense value of 2. * Corruption calculations for Communism are now flat for the number-of-cities factor. * Borders now draw over forest and jungle. * Shield bonus from clearing forest can only be received once per game. * Palaces and spaceship parts can only be built in one city at a time. * Improved City Governor Performance. * The maximum number of cities permitted in a game is 512, increased from 256. * Added information about healing units to Barracks Civilopedia entry. * Clarified that railroads increase output of mines and irrigation in Civilopedia entry. * Added hyperlink to Ocean in Caravel Civilopedia entry. * The maximum number of turns it can take to research an advance has been increased from 32 to 40. * Editor: Removed unused Description field from Improvements and Wonders. * Police Stations now reduce corruption in the city they are built in. * Editor: On General Settings, renamed Border Expansion Multiplier to Lvl. Multiplier. * Capturing a population 1 city that has no culture will automatically raze it. Fixes v1.16f: * Fixed scroll problem on some Nvidia graphics cards. * Invalid link in Build Colony Civilopedia entry fixed. * Cropped French Civilopedia entry fixed. * Typo in German Civilopedia entry fixed. * Typo in Japanese Civilopedia entry fixed. * Typo in Indian Civilopedia entry fixed. * The correct city now highlights on the Domestic and Cultural advisor screens when scroll bar displays. * Precision Bombing now works as intended. * Sorting columns on the Domestic advisor screen now stay sorted. * Traded advances that cause an era transition, now allows the player to select the advance to research in the new era. * The five states an AI can be in on the Diplomacy screen, can now be seen on the mouse over advisor messages on the Foreign advisor. * The problem of not being able to build 'Wealth' in some cities has been fixed. * Messages about resources discovered that the player doesn't have the advance to use no longer display. * Incorrect popup concerning placing new embassies with civilizations you're at war with no longer displays. * Occasional instances of selected units not stay centered fixed. * Synthetic Fibers now has the correct prerequisite advance, Ecology. * The Great Lighthouse no longer permits Galleys to travel on Ocean tiles. * The AI no longer reacts to submarines that it cannot see. * Multi-cultural cities no longer occasionally produce barbarian settlers or workers. * Minimap now updates when interface is hidden. * Units no longer occasionally disappear at the poles. * 'Combo' boxes now are set to the maximum size needed. * Long advance names no longer overrun the Info Box when in Golden Age. * Correct cities highlight on Domestic and Cultural advisor when a scroll bar displays. * There is no longer a punctuation error in disembark popup. * There is no longer a spacing error on the right-click flyout for upgrading units. * Bubble-text on the replay screen now correctly clears itself. * The last line in the Event View of the replay screen is now fully visible. * You can now see a cities population on the City Title bar regardless of team color or state. * The correct plural and singular forms of civilization names are now used on the Wonder screen. * Selecting a 'grayed out' option in the Diplomacy screen no longer clears the Foreign Advisor's advice. * Correctly small graphic corruption on Domestic Advisor popups. * Right-Click flyout menus no longer display if you use a function key to open an advisor screen. * The spaceship components in the Civilopedia now correctly link to the Victory Conditions entry. * You can no longer unload air units from a carrier. You need to execute a rebase mission. * You can no longer demand very large amounts of gold in diplomacy. * There is correct punctuation at the end of the defeat popup. * Modified advance trees now load correctly. * Fixed AI exploit with regards to giving cities away in diplomacy. * Air superiority missions work as intended. * Quick Start will now use the number of civs selected in the previously generated game. * Retiring from a Conquest only game no longer is recorded as a victory. * Fixed AI problem with resources on custom maps. * Team color on horseman unit correctly displays. * French Musketeer fortify animation now plays. * Governors no longer build privateers when set to build no units. * Fixed AI bug allowing the user to infinitely postpone invasions by shuffling units around. * Hall of Fame screen now correctly lists the difficulty levels. * Games that don't save due to low hard drive space now displays an error message. * A save corruption problem was fixed. * The helicopter Civilopedia entry now correctly states it can only transport one unit. * Corrected punctuation error in Jet Fighter Civilopedia entry. * Corrected punctuation error in Longbowman Civilopedia entry. * Corrected Marine strategic resource requirements in Civilopedia entry. * Corrected Modern Armor strategic resource requirements in Civilopedia entry. * Correct punctuation problem in Tactical Nuke Civilopedia entry. * Fixed fatal related to tiles on the edge of the map. * Once the UN is completed, you are no longer prompted to vote every turn. * Fixed punctuation error on New Era popup. * Fixed typo in diplomacy demands. * You no longer declare war by accidentally passing over a hidden submarine. * Fixed infinite loop with automation. INSTRUCTION MANUAL Included on this product's game disc is an electronic version of the game's Instruction Manual in .pdf format, Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 (which enables you to view the manual in .pdf format), and an Install Guide file explaining how to access and use these features. Please refer to the Install Guide file by clicking on the Start button on your Windows(r) taskbar and then selecting Programs > Infogrames Interactive > Civilization III > Install Guide. Updates: * Please check for the latest updates at www.Civ3.com. Changes: * Precision Bombing: Once your civilization has researched the Smart Weapons advance, Stealth Fighters and Stealth Bombers can execute the Precision Bombing mission. Useful only against cities, this mission targets improvements. Should all the improvements in a city be destroyed, Precision Bombing then targets population. * Enabled Buttons: The screen buttons along the right side of the Info Box are enabled based on your current situtation. The Diplomacy button becomes enabled after your first contact with another civilization. The Espionage button becomes enabled after researching the Espionage advance. The Spaceship button becomes enabled after the construction of the Apollo Project Small Wonder. The Palace button becomes available after your first Palace improvement. The Histograph button becomes available after the first 1000 years. * Adam Smith's Trading Company: This wonder now pays the maintenance costs for all trade-based city improvements (Marketplaces, Banks, Harbors, and Airports) instead of all improvements with a maintenance cost of one gold. * Peaceful Golden Age: There is a peaceful method of achieving a Golden Age. Each civilization has two of a possible six civilization strengths. Each Wonder of the World is associated with one or more of these strengths. If you build sufficient wonders that match your civilization themes, a Golden Age will trigger. * Armies: Armies now function slightly differently from the description in the manual. When an army is created (either through a leader or military academy) you can load or unload units into the army as described in the manual. Once that army leaves the city of it's construction, you cannot add or remove units from the army. Armies now literally share the hit points of the units within it. For example, an army of 3 regular spearman would have hit points equal to 9. To kill any unit in the army, the entire army must be eliminated. Armies heal at the regular rate of the units, which means that an army will appear to heal faster than a regular unit. The only unit abilities that an army can inherit is mobility, and only when all units in that army have that ability. * Civilization Strengths Changes: Rome: Militaristic and Commercial - Starting Advances: Warrior Code and Alphabet China: Militaristic and Industrious - Starting Advances: Warrior Code and Masonry Persia: Scientific and Industrious - Starting Advances: Masonry and Bronze Working * If you load a scenario that has a rule set different from that of Civilization III, you will receive a warning. This simply means that the scenario may differ radically from Civilization III's balancing and rules. * Multiple Unit Activation: If you right-click on a stack of fortified/garrisoned/holding units, you may activate multiple units by SHIFT+Left-Clicking on each one. Close the window by just Left-Clicking on a listed unit. * Draft Button: After you research the Nationalism advance, a new Draft button appears on the City Display adjacent to the Hurry Button. * Quick Change City Production: If you want to only change the production of a city, SHIFT+Right-Click on the city and select the new production. * Upgrade All: To use the Upgrade All order (SHIFT-U) you must activate a unit. All units of this type will then be upgraded. * Artilley Free Shot: When a land tile with a bombard capable unit in it is attacked, that bombard unit will take one free shot at the attacking unit. * When playing a game with more than 8 civilizations, you can assign specific civilizations to specific slots on the foreign advisor. Shift+Right-Click on the slot you want to change and select the civilization. * Civilopedia Hotkey: Ctrl+C will open the Civilopedia. * United Nations Wonder: This Great Wonder is now enabled by Fission. * Great Library: This Great Wonder is now obsolete when Education is researched. * Art of War: The effects of this Great Wonder are now restricted to the continent it is built on. * Steal Plans: This Espionage mission now allows the player to pinpoint another civilization's units on the Military Advisor. On the turn a Steal Plans mission is successful, when you select the civilization that you completed the spy mission against on the Military Advisor, you can mouseover a unit and it's location will be marked on that screen's mini-map. * Mousewheel Map Scrolling: You can now scroll the map using the mousewheel. Rolling the mousewheel will scroll the map up and down, while Shift+Mousewheel will scroll the map left and right. * Replay Event Logging: You can disable event logging and 'callouts' on the replay screen with the check box on the title of the Event pane. * Ini file tweaks: The first time Civilization III is run, it will create a file called 'civilization3.ini'. The following lines can be added and allow you to tweak the game: *KeepRes=1 - When set to 1, your desktop resolution will be what the game uses. 1024x768 screens will be centered, but you will be able to see much more of the map on one screen. *NoSound=1 - Disables all sound in-game. *Video Mode=1792 / Video Mode=1600 / Video Mode=1280 / Video Mode=1152 - Force screen resolution to one of these settings. * Production Queue: You can add to the production queue by SHIFT+Left-Clicking on an item in the production list. You can delete the production queue in the City Display by hitting Shift+DEL. * Plant Disease: This espionage mission has been removed. * Histograph: The ability to display Histograph information by turn has been removed. Troubleshooting: * Civilization III requires OpenGL support. If you experience problems, make sure to download and install the latest drivers for your videocard and any service pack updates to your operating system. * If you experience movie performance problems on Windows 2000, replace the binkw32.dll in the folder you installed Civilization III into with the binkw32.dll located on the CD in the \Bink\Win2k folder. * Under Windows XP, you need to restart the game if you switch users accounts. * Make sure your video card's hardware acceleration is set to maximum. The game requires DirectX 8.0a to run, and if this setting is less that full many DX8 features are disabled. To can access this setting from the Display control panel. * Enabling Smoothed Screen Fonts: To enable Font Smoothing, open the Display Control panel, select the Effects tab, and check 'Smooth edges of screen fonts'. * First edition versions Windows 95 did not include OpenGL, which Civilization III requires. A program named 'opengl95.exe' can be found in the root of the game's CD, which will install the required drivers. NOTE: This is only for first edition versions of Windows 95 that have trouble running Civilization III. If you don't have a first edition version of Windows 95 or you are not having difficulty starting the game, do not install these drivers! * On Windows 2000, if you experience any problems with fonts or text, make sure to download and install the latest service pack available for this operating system. You can find the latest service pack at www.microsoft.com. TECHNICAL SUPPORT (U.S. & Canada) Help Via the Internet Up-to-the-minute technical information about Infogrames Interactive products is generally available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via the Internet at: http://www.ina-support.com Through this site you'll have access to our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) documents, our FTP (File Transfer Protocol) area where you can download patches if needed, our Hints/Cheat Codes if they're available, and an E-Mail area where you can get help and ask questions if you do not find your answers within the FAQ. Help Via Telephone/Fax or Mail in the United States & Canada For phone assistance, call Infogrames Interactive Tech Support at (425) 951-7108. Our Interactive Voice Response and Faxback system is generally available 24/7, providing automated support and allowing FAQ documents to be faxed to you immediately. Great News! We've improved our Automated Systems so that you can get product-specific Troubleshooting help more quickly. All you need to do is enter the product's Part # when prompted to do so. This will take you directly to all of our known issues and solutions for this title. The product's Part # is located in several places (on the CD label, package and/or plastic disc case) and is identified by a number such as 04-12345. When prompted by the Automated System, enter the last five digits of your product's Part #. (For example, Part # 04-12345 would require that you enter the "12345" portion of the number for that product.) Live support is available Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM (Pacific Time). Note: We may be closed on major holidays. Before making your call, we ask that you be at your computer, have the following information available, and be ready to take notes: · System Make and Model · Processor Type * Operating System, including version number if possible (such as Windows(r) 95; Windows(r) Me) · RAM (Memory) · Any screen or error messages you've encountered (and where) You may also fax in your Technical Support questions or problems to: (425) 806-0480, or write to the address below. Product Return Procedures in the United States & Canada In the event our technicians at 425-951-7108 determine that you need to forward materials directly to us, please include a brief letter explaining what is enclosed and why. Make sure you include the Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA#) supplied to you by the technician, and your telephone number in case we need to call you. Any materials not containing this RMA# will be returned to you unprocessed. Send your materials to the following address: Infogrames Interactive, Inc. Attn: TS/CS Dept. 13110 NE 177th Place Suite # B101, Box 180 Woodinville, WA 98072-9965 RMA #: A. EULA Infogrames Interactive, Inc. General End-User License (United States & Canada) June 28, 2001 LICENSE AGREEMENT *** IMPORTANT *** This is a legal agreement between the end user ("You") and Infogrames Interactive, Inc., its parent, affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively "Infogrames Interactive"). This Agreement is part of a package (the "Package") that also includes, as applicable, executable files that you may download, a game cartridge or disc, or a CD-ROM (collectively referred to herein as the "Software") and certain written materials (the "Documentation"). Any patch, update, upgrade, modification or other enhancement provided by Infogrames Interactive with respect to the Software or the Documentation, or bonus game provided by Infogrames Interactive at no extra charge as part of the Package, shall be included within the meanings of those terms, for the purposes of this Agreement, except to the extent expressly provided below. BY DOWNLOADING OR INSTALLING THE SOFTWARE, YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU HAVE READ ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND THEM, AND AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THEM. YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, IF YOU PURCHASED THE PACKAGE FROM AN AUTHORIZED RESELLER OF INFOGRAMES INTERACTIVE, THAT RESELLER IS NOT INFOGRAMES INTERACTIVE'S AGENT AND IS NOT AUTHORIZED TO MAKE ANY REPRESENTATIONS, CONDITIONS OR WARRANTIES, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, ON INFOGRAMES INTERACTIVE'S BEHALF NOR TO VARY ANY OF THE TERMS OR CONDITIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT. If You do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not download or install the Software and promptly return the entire Package to the place You obtained it for a full refund. If you should have any difficulty in obtaining such refund, please contact Infogrames Interactive Technical Support at 425-951-7108. Failure to return the entire Package within 30 days of the purchase date shall be presumed to constitute acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. CONSUMER SAFETY WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS STATEMENT: Epilepsy Warning WARNING READ THIS NOTICE BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD USE THIS SOFTWARE A very small portion of the population have a condition which may cause them to experience epileptic seizures or have momentary loss of consciousness when viewing certain kinds of flashing lights or patterns. These persons may experience seizures while watching some kinds of television pictures or playing certain video games. Certain conditions may induce previously undetected epileptic symptoms even in persons who have no history of prior seizures or epilepsy. If you or anyone in your family has an epileptic condition or has experienced symptoms like an epileptic condition (e.g. a seizure or loss of awareness), immediately consult your physician before using this Software. We recommend that parents observe their children while they play games. If you or your child experience any of the following symptoms: dizziness, altered vision, eye or muscle twitching, involuntary movements, loss of awareness, disorientation, or convulsions, DISCONTINUE USE IMMEDIATELY and consult your physician. FOLLOW THESE PRECAUTIONS WHENEVER USING THIS SOFTWARE: * Do not sit or stand too close to the monitor. Play as far back from the monitor as possible. * Do not play if you are tired or need sleep. * Always play in a well-lit room. * Be sure to take a 10- to 15-minute break every hour while playing. Repetitive Strain Statement CAUTION Some people may experience fatigue or discomfort after playing for a long time. Regardless of how you feel, you should ALWAYS take a 10- to 15-minute break every hour while playing. If your hands or arms become tired or uncomfortable while playing, stop and rest. If you continue to experience soreness or discomfort during or after play, listen to the signals your body is giving you. Stop playing and consult a doctor. Failure to do so could result in long term injury. If your hands, wrist or arms have been injured or strained in other activities, use of this Software could aggravate the condition. Before playing, consult a doctor. Motion Sickness Statement CAUTION This Software generates realistic images and 3-D simulations. While playing or watching certain video images, some people may experience dizziness, motion sickness or nausea. If you or your child experience any of these symptoms, discontinue use and play again later. LIMITED LICENSE: You are entitled to download or install, and operate this Software solely for your own personal use, but may not sell or transfer reproductions of the Software or Documentation to other parties in any way. You may download or install, and operate one copy of the Software on a single terminal connected to a single computer. You may not network the Software or otherwise use it on more than one computer or computer terminal at the same time. INTERNET-BASED PLAY; CHAT: This Software may include Internet-play features. If You choose to use such features, You will need to access the Internet. The Software or Documentation may also suggest links to certain Software-related web sites, including web sites operated by Infogrames Interactive or third parties. Your access to web sites operated by Infogrames Interactive is subject to the terms of use and privacy policies of such web sites. Children should check with a parent or guardian before accessing the Internet, including without limitation any chat function, on-line "arcade," or em@il Game. Internet game play may occur through one or more independent gaming or other web sites (each a "Web Site"), including without limitation the MSN Gaming Zone run by the Microsoft Corporation. Infogrames Interactive does not review or control, and disclaims any responsibility or liability for, the functioning and performance of any Web Site, the terms of use of any Web Site, the privacy policies of any Web Site, and any content on or available via a Web Site, including, without limitation, links to other web sites and comments or other contact between users of a Web Site. Infogrames Interactive does not endorse the Web Sites merely because a link to the Web Site is suggested or established. Infogrames Interactive does not monitor, control, endorse, or accept responsibility for the content of text or voice chat messages, if applicable, transmitted through the use of the Software. Use of the chat function, or other content or services of any Web Site is at Your own risk. You are strongly encouraged not to give out identity or other personal information through chat transmissions. OWNERSHIP; COPYRIGHT: Title to the Software and the Documentation, and patents, copyrights and all other property rights applicable thereto, shall at all times remain solely and exclusively with Infogrames Interactive and its licensors, and You shall not take any action inconsistent with such title. The Software and the Documentation are protected by United States, Canadian and other applicable laws and by international treaty provisions. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved to Infogrames Interactive and its licensors. OTHER RESTRICTIONS: You may not cause or permit the disclosure, copying, renting, licensing, sublicensing, leasing, dissemination or other distribution of the Software or the Documentation by any means or in any form, without the prior written consent of Infogrames Interactive. You may not modify, enhance, supplement, create derivative work from, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or otherwise reduce the Software to human readable form. LIMITED WARRANTY: Infogrames Interactive warrants for a period of ninety (90) days following original retail purchase of this copy of the Software that the Software is free from substantial errors or defects that will materially interfere with the operation of the Software as described in the Documentation. This limited warranty: (i) applies to the initial purchaser only and may be acted upon only by the initial purchaser; and (ii) does not apply to any patch, update, upgrade, modification, or other enhancement provided by Infogrames Interactive with respect to the Software or the Documentation or to any bonus game provided by Infogrames Interactive at no extra charge as part of the Package, which are provided on an AS IS BASIS ONLY. EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE, INFOGRAMES INTERACTIVE AND ITS LICENSORS MAKE NO OTHER WARRANTY OR CONDITION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, REGARDING THIS SOFTWARE. THE IMPLIED WARRANTY THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND THE IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY SHALL BOTH BE LIMITED TO THE NINETY (90) DAY DURATION OF THIS LIMITED EXPRESS WARRANTY. THESE AND ANY OTHER IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE, ARE OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. Some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty or condition lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to You. This limited warranty gives You specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. If you believe you have found any such error or defect in the Software during the warranty period, call Infogrames Interactive Technical Support at 425-951-7108 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday (Pacific Time), holidays excluded, and provide your Product number. If a return is determined as necessary, a Return Merchandise Authorization Number (RMA#) will be issued to you. Send your original CD-ROM disc, game cartridge or disc, or, if applicable, the executable files that you downloaded, along with the RMA#, a dated proof of purchase, your full name, address and phone number, to Infogrames Interactive, Inc., Attn: TS/CS Dept., 13110 NE 177th Place, Suite # B101, Box 180, Woodinville, WA 98072-9965. If you have a problem resulting from a manufacturing defect in the Software, Infogrames Interactive's and its licensors' entire liability and Your exclusive remedy for breach of this limited warranty shall be the replacement of the Software, within a reasonable period of time and without charge, with a corrected version of the Software. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of relief, incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to You. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY INFOGRAMES INTERACTIVE AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY OR OTHER INDIRECT DAMAGES, EVEN IF INFOGRAMES INTERACTIVE OR ITS LICENSORS ARE ADVISED OF OR AWARE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL INFOGRAMES INTERACTIVE'S AND ITS LICENSORS' AGGREGATE LIABILITY EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THIS PACKAGE. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of special, incidental, consequential, indirect or exemplary damages, or the limitation of liability to specified amounts, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to You. GENERAL: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between Infogrames Interactive and You with respect to subject matter hereof. Any change to this Agreement must be in writing, signed by Infogrames Interactive and You. Terms and conditions as set forth in any purchase order which differ from, conflict with, or are not included in this Agreement, shall not become part of this Agreement unless specifically accepted by Infogrames Interactive in writing. You shall be responsible for and shall pay, and shall reimburse Infogrames Interactive on request if Infogrames Interactive is required to pay, any sales, use, value added (VAT), consumption or other tax (excluding any tax that is based on Infogrames Interactive's net income), assessment, duty, tariff, or other fee or charge of any kind or nature that is levied or imposed by any governmental authority on the Package. EXPORT AND IMPORT COMPLIANCE: In the event You export the Software or the Documentation from the country in which You first received it, You assume the responsibility for compliance with all applicable export and re-export regulations, as the case may be. GOVERNING LAW; ARBITRATION: This Agreement shall be governed by, and any arbitration hereunder shall apply, the laws of the State of New York, U.S.A., excluding (a) its conflicts of laws principles; (b) the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods; (c) the 1974 Convention on the Limitation Period in the International Sale of Goods (the "1974 Convention"); and (d) the Protocol amending the 1974 Convention, done at Vienna April 11, 1980. Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or to a breach hereof, including its interpretation, performance or termination, shall be finally resolved by arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted by three (3) arbitrators, one to be appointed by Infogrames Interactive, one to be appointed by You and a third being nominated by the two arbitrators so selected or, if they cannot agree on a third arbitrator, by the President of the American Arbitration Association ("AAA"). The arbitration shall be conducted in English and in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the AAA. The arbitration, including the rendering of the award, shall take place in New York, New York, and shall be the exclusive forum for resolving such dispute, controversy or claim. The decision of the arbitrators shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and the expense of the arbitration (including without limitation the award of attorneys' fees to the prevailing party) shall be paid as the arbitrators determine. The decision of the arbitrators shall be executory, and judgment thereon may be entered by any court of competent jurisdiction. Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing Paragraph to the contrary, Infogrames Interactive shall have the right to institute judicial proceedings against You or anyone acting by, through or under You, in order to enforce Infogrames Interactive's rights hereunder through reformation of contract, specific performance, injunction or similar equitable relief. For the purposes of this Paragraph, both parties submit to the jurisdiction of, and waive any objection to the venue of, the state and federal courts of the State of New York.