Strategy at Emperor in order to beat the Stygians: Goal: Be near the Stygians in order to be able to attack them easily and fast (very early in the game). Avoid losing time building cities for archangels to hop onto. Thus choice civ = Euphratti. Deny Stygians as many wonders as possible: Nostradamus and Great Library must be taken by me. Opening moves: (up to Hathor 81) Goal: Get Chivalry, and Trade in all cities. Try trading inside my own cities to get two-way routes (more arrows). When 3 routes are done in any city, any more trade routes should go either to Babylon (max bonus), foreign city or city with less than 3 routes. Arrows are more important than one-time bonus, thus demanded commodities are not that important. Lord Vladimir, the Babylon cavalry and diplomat all leave to the south to discover other civs. Town Council is the dirst tech goal, with the idea of trading something for Navigation and building the corresponding wonder. - Vladimir takes Jubriga and Pilona, and continues southeast, passes wide of Istakhr, takes Jinjan which may be a good harbour to get wraships to Quinsay. Warships are started as soon as trade is done in Samarra and Niniveh, on each coast. From Samarra, one can see Tingis has fallen. Plans to take it from the Stygians and use it as a beach head. Vladimir is unfortunately busy now as he plunders Xingcahn land. He destroys two cities and obtains peace at the cost of Navigation. We can start our wonder. Our government has changed to Republic, luxuries rates grow. We research Mysticism with our goal on Metaphysics and Medicine. It is important to build as many wonders as possible in Babylon so it can later produce lots of units. Growth of the Empire: (up to Isis 79) Goal: Most trade routes are established, so new caravans are to bring food to Babylon to get the Enchantment of Prosperity completed. Spare money will be used to help build a warship in either Nineveh or Jinjan, and get Vladimir to Quinsay. Building settlers to get roads (more trade) and a city between Ellipi and Ergili. Keeping cavalry in the mountains to defend from roaming wolves. - Enchantment of prosperity completed in Nephthys 80. Lord Vladimir is near Quinsay, warship rushed in Nineveh the same month. Cities that still have commodities produce them. Settlers if no commodity, and aqueducts or cloisters/markets if needed. Vladimir attacks Shangtu (taken in Osiris 80). Warship sails with archer aboard. Important for sea attacks. Jubriga needs walls to protect from wolves. Babylon prepares food caravans for next wonders. I should have rushed the ship in Jinjan instead of Nineveh, which was too far away: I reach Jinjan shores after Thoth 80. Tower of sorcery has been built that same month. Metaphysics, Medicine discovered. Next is Merchants Guild for the trade. We exchange Pachydermy for Metaphysics, in order to have Monotheism next. We will trade it if needed. Sippar founded Ptah 80 south of Ellipi. Warship rendz-vous with Lord Vladimir in Amon 80, after defeating a sea monster on its way. Defender rushed in Shangtu. Quinsat taken by archer after Vladimir attacked in Isis 79. Quest for Marsuttan: (up to Horus 79) Goal: Quinsay taken, Vladimir and the archer on the warship must reach the Drang Dungeon as fast as possible. Babylon must build Enchantment of Labour first. Aqueducts should be built, but finances are low, so commodity caravans should be built when the wonder is done, and roads must be built. - As Vladimir stops near Khanbalyk, he attacks it. It is taken in Nephthys 79, and left empty but building a defender, as Vladimir and his archer companion sail on. Merchants Guilds discovered in Horus 79, Monotheism next. Marsuttan freed that same year. Journey to the Hermit: (up to Nephthys 78) Goal: Vladimir and Marsuttan must go to the North and reach the hermit fast. Marsuttan is not needed actually, but he can bribe units on his way and establish embassies. Probably a few barbarian cities should be taken as it will facilitate travel later on the western continent, but not too many in order to avoid unhappiness problems. At home, the second warship is still being built. Guild halls will slowly replace caravan orders. Khanbalyk defender should be rushed but not too much. Enchantment of Labour must ne completed, then Joy started or prepared in Babylon. - Khanbalyk rushes defender in Hathor 79 because Xingchans are near. Traders, but who knows? Enchantment of Labour completed. Resting Vladimir and Warship while Marsuttan and archers will contact western civs. Share maps with Trivanipore for a Metaphysics. We also trade tech and get Engineering (Siege tower...), but no more so as to keep a good research rate for Monotheism. Ptah 79, Trivanipore expell Marsuttan. That is bad news, but the next war ship is almost ready. We will make good use of this misadventure. Monotheism found in Amon 79. Vladimir will cross between Karakorum and Kashgar, follow the rivers, cross the mountains and reach the hermit. The ship will sail on to the west to uncover the map and then sail south as the missions will becom e clearer. Samarra warship is ready, with Marsuttan, a diplo and an archer aboard. They will go to the Stygian homeland and chart the place. Bribing Tingis would be cool, but it is too expensive. Oea is still barbarian, so it should be fine. Selling joy improvements in Babylon, which won't need them soon, allows bribing in Nephtys 78. Carthago Nova is only defended by a roaming hellfire and four minions, so it should be possible to take it. Battle at Oea: (up to Sobek 78) Goal: While Vladimir makes progress to the north, Euphratti homeland will throw all its weight to the fall of Carthago Nova. The warship explores a little the coasts to know Stygian forces, then it will ferry troops. Elephants. Catapults. Whatever. If Carthago Nova falls, the Stygian will lose a science wonder which, although of little value to us, is extremely important for them. Razing the city is an option, but a foothold on the continent is a good thing. Marsuttan should be able to act as a tank, given his very high defense, but he must not be killed, otherwise we would have to carry spells thru ships+cities, which seems very hard. - From Oea, Marsuttan spots city walls in Carthago Nova. He orders building diplomats to sabotage the city, and elephants to take it. University discovered in Hathor 78. Courtly fashion next, then we will research siege towers. Meanwhile, a wraith is near Oea. Marsutan is not strong enough to defeat it. The best option is probably to abandon the city, let the monster take it, and bribe the city again. Stygians start Spell of the Barbarians! We must take Carthago Nova before, or buy it. It will be hard. Lower science to get more money. Enchantment of Joy built in Ptah 78. Vladimir meets the hermit this same month, and is ordered to go south. Siege of Carthago Nova, Journey to Nippur: (up to Amon 77) Goal: Vladimir to take Nippur. Any barb city in passing is good to take, but only if it contains a spell or is near enough foreign countries that it risks being taken by someone else. No use wasting time. Always rest Vladimir until he is fully rested before moving on. Bring back the ship to ferry him across the middle sea. Oea scheduled to fall in 2 months. How much will it cost to bribe back? The wraith is worth 775, and Carthago Nova almost 2000 and we have only 400... I sell the walls away so the city size shrinks, and plan on selling the monastery away too, then the academy. - Re 77. Xingchan declare war. Oea had fallen and shrunk to size 4, bought back for 340 gold with wraith inside. It is small, but well, we have a wraith. But of course, they have more :( Horus 77. Peace with Xingchan. We destroy the stygian wraith with our own. Elephants help defend Oea, Marsuttan seeks units to enchant to help lay siege to the city. Amon 77. Hurray! Our wraith, undead and elephants take Carthago Nova! Vladimir attacks Nippur. Taking Nippur and Kahun: (up to Nephthys 75) Goal: Vladimir to take Nippur and push south on his quest. Move warship south for next phase. More warships may be needed soon, as stygian ships can be a danger. Scouting of Stygian homeland, maybe taking of Leptis Magna if finances allow it. - Horus 76: We can build siege towers now. Nippur is taken in Hathor 76, Vladimir waits for defenders to be built then goes to Kahun. Besieging Leptis Magna, just need some time to strengthen defenses in Carthago Nova. Lots of ships attacking us. More money needed to bribe and consolidate defenders in conquered cities. Mercantilism found. Science lowered to 10% just in case it might be useful. Retreat to Carthago Nova, Vladimir poised to take Kahun in Re 75. Massive stygian counter attack on Carthago Nova, wraith sighted. Kahun captured in Anubis 75. Capitan Valasquez and the Great Library: (up to Isis 74) Goal: Vladimir to join with the warship and go to Tugalete. Warship then to hunt Corsairs. Another ship may be needed. If so, Tugalete should bring it. From Tugalete, we should conquer the whole island to secure the area. Vladimir will probably stay there. Marsuttan and the Wraith must defend Carthago Nova until better units are available. Money will be used to bribe a new wraith if possible. - Enemy wraith attacks Carthago Nova, our wraith defends successfully. Akkad siege tower to take Borazjan to equip more ships. Samarra attacked from sea. A new ship is produced just in time! Castles needed. Stygians develop statanic ritual. Demons will be produced soon... Tugalete taken in Ptah 75. Borazjan taken in Sobek 75. Academies sold in all cities, Leptis Magna bribed. Alliance with Trivanipore in hope of getting some money. Capitan Valsquez found and Heroic Arms learnt in Isis 74. Sell all monasteries. Ur rushbuilds warship, needs archers to sail north. Heroic infantry rushed in Leptis Magna. Sailing to the Sea of Illusions: (up to Osiris 74) Goal: Defend Tugalete with Heroic infantries and Vladimir. Stygians swarm around Gurris so it seems pointless to take it to spread my weak defenses on two cities. Wait until we have enough money to bribe it from the stygians? Send one warship with two archers to the sea of illusions by the east coast. Another warship should sail by the west coast too, from Borazjan if possible, with archers aboard if possible. Defend Carthago Nova and Tugelate. Be careful not to lose Marsuttan to demonic attacks. Move Marsuttan and Wraith back to Carthago Nova from Leptis Magna, which will be swarmed by demons (too dangerous on our wizard). Honestly, I flee because I know that Leptis Magna is doomed. - Re 74. Leptis Magna rebels. Tugelate blitzen spell used to destroy attacking wraith. Heroic infantries ordered almost everywhere, demon enchanted by Marsuttan. Horus 74. Diplomat bribes Leptis Magna back with a demon in it. Osiris 74. Spell of conflagration learnt. Xingchans boast about Holy war. Trade it for siege craft. Increase science rate. Conveying the spell to Marsuttan: (up to Re 73) Goal: South = Try to keep control of Tugalete. Bribe Gurris if cheap enough. General = Get Holy war and Divine Intervention asap. North = Move Marsuttan north in order to get the spell of conflagration delivered. Move west ship north to recieve spell of conflagration from east ship. - Marsuttan to Oea and from there north by sea. Spell of conflagration conveyed west with 3 archers on warship. Leptis Magna painfully defended. Probably doomed. Tugalete stands fast but starves. All the better if it can be destroyed. Gurris bribed but empty. I should look at flags! Most heroic heroic infantry defends Leptis Magna, Marsuttan pains to find a way inlands that is not full of stygian cities and defenders, lands to the very north, and recieves the spell of conflagration, accompanied only by a heroic infantry. To the gates of Hell: (up to Osiris 73) Goal: Move all ships back to Ellipi/Oea area and use them as ferries. Produce heroic infantry for defense, knights for offense. Find Divine Intervention and produce archangels in Babylon, stop research. Convey Marsuttan to the gates and bomb them. Use Vladimir to protect Tugalete, which will be better starved than stygian. - Arg! Anubis 73. Gurris bribed by Stygians with Lord Vladimir inside. He is possessed by the demon. A diplomat must bribe him back! Granaries sold everywhere to that end. Gurris is freed in Nephthys. Tugalete is now size 4 and starving. Horus 73: Divine Intervention at last. Taxes raised. First archangel should be ready within 4 months. Osiris 73: Marsuttan hurt seeks shelter in the mountains while infantry scouts ahead and discovers the gate. Sacrifices must be made, and our brave infantry will be near when the spell is cast. He dies in hero and Marsuttan weeps. Archangels to Malebolge: (up to Nephthys 72) Goal: Build a troop of archangels and heroic knights and infantry. Move them north to Malebolge from Leptis Magna. Use diplomats if needed and money avilable, but rather use it to rush archangels. Probably needs getting rid of Tingis and Alalia to avoid ship sinking. Southwards, defend Tugelate. As an option, move Marsuttan to Argenti and try to bribe it. If Marsuttan is caught, it no longer matters as the spell has been cast. If possible, use everything to get a few archangels in Argenti and from there smash Malebolge. - Thoth 73. First archangel ready. Marsuttan asks for 1424 gold to take Argenti, which is poorly defended (3 minions). We only have 1262, but get 282 more next turn. We decide to sell all our aqueducts, to get more than enough. Marsuttan even manages to escape to Borazjan, where a new archangel is being built. It is freaky to see the state of Argenti. Nothing grows there. I wonder if I will be able to use it. Leptis Magna rebels again in Ptah 73. Try to rush archangel in Argenti. Sobek 73. Archangel in Argenti attacks Malebolge and comes back to base. Rush catherdral in order to get some production there. Marsuttan returns to Stygian land, maybe to manage to bribe a more productive city. Re 72. Tingis captured by knight after archangel intervention. Anubis 72. Rusaddi taken. Archangel lost against renegade heroic infantry in Leptis Magna. Nephthys 72. Phlegyas bribed by Marsuttan, who is captured. Argenti archangel attacks Malebolge, which is defenseless. Argenti heroic infantry takes Malebolge, and Stugians are vanquished.