King level, King Gwalior of the Trivanipore. Thoth 83. King Gwalior is crowned and starts building the Book of Enlightenment, ordering caravans to be built throughout the land. A diplomat is sent northwards to explore, while our fleet looks to the south. Sobek 83. The book of enlightenment is completed, chivalry discovered, and now navigation is researched. A knoght, lord Vladimir, arrives in Karakorum. He is set on a quest to seek the Chaldean Circle, prisoners of prince Igor in Quinsay. In order to be able to reach Quinsay, the ocean must be charted, and a warship must be built to carry the hero. Before building the ship, we must complete some trade because the finances of the kingdom are poor. In the meantime, Vladimir is asked to help get rid of the barbarians of the west. Isis 82. Vladimir lays siege to barbarian city of Hedeby. Our diplomat is sent to the south east to see if some earth passage exists to Quinsay. Re 82. Hedeby siege is going well. First caravans are built. People in Karakorum complain because they are afrais the royal treasury will soon be empty. Anubis 82. Hedeby conquered. Aqueduct sold and spearmen ordered. Vladimir goes on the way to Sigtuna, to which we want to deliver our salt caravan, but a barbarian blcks the road. Dye caravan on its way to Hieracompolis. Nephthys 82. Dye caravan in Nishapur, aqueduct ordered next. Our boat on the far south eastern shores is sunk by a terrible sea serpent! Horus 82. Gems caravan ready to go to Karakorum from Kashgar, but local peasants protest that this will serve only to enrich the nobility. The peasants are ordered to settle somewhere else and to work at making roads in the kingdom. Thus will they learn proper conduct. Osiris 82. Vladimir explores north of Sigtuna while our caravan goes to the city. Gems reach Karakorum, Dye from Kabul reach Hieracompolis. Our first trade routes are established. Hathor 82. Unhappiness in Aleppo. Dye Nishapur-Asyut. Jorvik and Westness discovered. Seth 82. Harbors finished, warship is ordered in Bokhara. Karakorum unhappy, Salt Tabriz-Sigtuna for 11 gold. Vladimir considers this is not enough, so marches to conquer the city. He is badly hurt by defenders and ordered to return home to heal. Council of nobles sold in Hedeby. They wasted our money to no avail. Thoth 82. An emissary of Shah Bekoji of the Illubaboris arrives to KaraKorum. They agree to a peace treaty but no more. Aleppo revolts anew. Amon 82. Kabul and Kashgar unhappy. Some gold spent to speed warship production. Isis 81. Aleppo unhappy again. Hies Aleppo-Hieracompolis 27 gold. Susa discovered to the south. Re 81. Samarkand unhappy. Kashgar builds settler. Other cities will be ordered to build settlers or aqueducts soon as they can't grow. Gold Karakorum-Kabul 24 gold. A caravan en route for Jorvik discovers Lisht. Anubis 81. An emissary from king Wolfmark of the Teutogoths meets our southborn diplomat. We exchange chivalry for pachidermy and ally ourselves. The Teutogoths give us 150 gold which will help build the warship. Illubaboris are displeased with this alliance and exple our diplomat. Nephthys 81. Lord Vladimir is healed after a long and perilous journey back to Aleppo. He rides to add Buto to our kingdom. Diplomat sent to the north east. Horus 81. Tabriz unhappy. Our net income is now positive. More trade and we should be in a good position to rush our warship. Buto is captured. We learn from travellers that the Euphrattis work on an Enchantment of Prosperity spell. Osiris 81. Nishapur builds an aqueduct. Beads Tabriz-Jorvik 14 gold. Vladmimir moves on to Lisht, which is a powerful city protected by walls. Hi attack against Sigtuna proves he may well suffer grave wounds but he nonetheless tries to free the city from its barbarian kings. Hathor 81. Vladimir frees Lisht from its oppressors. He moves on to free Avaris. Seth 81. Kashgar unhappy, Navigation discovered. Avaris freed. Lord Vladimir could continue adding barbarian cities to our kingdom, but king Gwalior sends him a message to go to Bokhara, where the warship is under good progress and can be built soon if we spend our gold wisely. Thoth 81. Hedeby unhappy. Karakorum is crowded, so settlers are ordered to build more roads to increase trade. Ptah 81. Vladimir arrives in front of Bokhara, carrying 440 gold from the royal treasury. He spends it all to get the warship completed. Sobek 81. Lisht, hearing Vladimir is about to leave, revolts. Vladimir and a group of archers board the warship and sail towards Quinsay. Spearmen join them en route. We learn that Teutogoths develop mysticism and the Xingxhan too start the Enchantment of prosperity. Amon 81. Bokhara revolts because they fear their archers will never come back. Gems Kabul-Samarkand for 12 gold. Isis 80. Gold Karakorum-Bokhara 12 gold. Ravning Enge discovered to the north. Lord Vladimir discovers land to the east on his way to Quinsay and explores it. It looks like desert and arid mountains. Aleppo builds an aqueduct and the king orders our treasury to be used extensively. He says the Enchantment of Prosperity should be ours and built in Aleppo, and all the nation should contribute. The Illubabori talk to us of a Spell of Obedience they want to trade, but nothing seems to get out of this. We exchange Navigation for Mysticism with the Teutogoths. They want us to make war with the Illubabori and give them the secret of our warship, but we refuse. They cancel our alliance. We hear that Stygians are undertaking the Tower of Sorcery. Vladimir sails on. Re 80. Hides Tabriz-Jorvik 7 gold. Our scout boat in the southern seas has been teleported back to Aleppo by the Teutogoths. It will carry our caravans south once the southern continent is charted. Wine Kabul-Susa 16 gold. Anubis 80. Memphis found on the far shore of the east ocean. Vladimir disembarks and meets with Fu Zhang, great Khan of the Xingchan. We trade Engineering for Pachydermy with them and conclude a peace treaty but they do not want an alliance. Nephthys 80 Coal Kashgar-Kabul 4 gold :( Salt Samarkand-Asyut 28 gold. Lord Vladimir decides a base near Memphis would help us trade with the Xingchan, and could produce troops to help the operation at Quinsay. He thus attacks and annexes the city of Khorasan, heretofore ruled by brutish slavers, and commissions his spearmen to guard the city. Horus 80. Dye Aleppo-Kish 14 gold. Birka discovered to the north. Osiris 80. Hedeby unhappy. Growth stopped. Coal Hedeby-Jorvik 7 gold. Lord Vladimir reaches the shores of Quinsay. BArely healed from the Khorasan battle, he nonetheless decides to attack the city from the sea as soon as he can. Hathor 80. Lord Vladimir attacks Prince Igor. The Euphratis have nearly completed Enchantment of prosperity in Babylon. Aleppo will not be blessed with extraordinary trade! However, the good news is that Quinsay falls. Vladimir, tired, stays in the ship and sends his archers to the city. The grand master of the Chaldean Circle bids him to the isle of Brimstone to free Marsutan from the Drang Dungeon. He warns Vladimir about the Great Dragon... Coal Nishapur-Buto for 22 gold. Khorasan completes an elephant to help Vladimir free Marsutan. Seth 80. The Xingchan talk to us again: they claim to have discovered the secrets of Physics. We exchange it for Mysticism. Stygians are almost done with their Tower of Sorcery. Vladimir nears the Drang Dungeon. He is seasick however, and may need some time before he can figth again as his true self. Ptah 80. Malebolge builds Tower of Sorcery. King Wolfmark talks to us about Metaphysics and Medicine and start Enchantment of Labours. We exchange these techs for Physics and Engineering and will start Enchantment of Labours ourselves in Kabul. Amon 80. Vladimir's elephant nears the dungeon while the hero heals at sea. He plans a combined attack as soon as he recovers. Isis 79. A terrible surprise stuns Vladimir. His elephant, on the mountain near the dungeon, has been killed instantly by some unknown creature. No doubt it is the dragon the elder warned about. Vladimir, still hurt, goes back to Khorasan to fetch another elephant. Gold Nishapur-Bokhara 12 gold. Re 79. Illubaboris discover Leadership, which they exchange for Physics. We sign an alliance and they give us 75 gold. Anubis 79. Dye Samarkand-Lisht 12 gold. Nephthys 79. Now ready, Vladimir sends his elephants charging at the dungeon, and follows. The brave beast dies, but the knight frees Marsutan, who says we must find the hermit north of Trivanipore. Strangely enough, our diplomat is near the hermit. Horus 79. Marsutan, while nearing the warship to board it, sees a terrible dragon in the mountain. He is afraid, and jumps to safety. The warship sails north immediately. Silver Buto-Kashgar 12 gold. Gold Kashgar Hedeby 10 gold. Beads Hedeby-Jorvik 6 gold. Seth 79. Our diplomat met the hermit, but the hermit won't talk to him, so he decides to find out the fastest path for Vladimir to meet the wise man. Vladimir lands near Hieracompolis, which he attempts to seize. Mephistopheles announces he discovered Animal Sacrifice. Thoth 79. Vladimir frees Hieracompolis. Our diplomat sees a great dragon near Skara. Gems Aleppo-Asyut 30 gold. Vladimir sails back to the hermit location. Quinsay unhappy. Ptah 79. Vladimir lands and goes to the hermit. Marsutan goes to our mainland to meet with the king. Sobek 79. Kabul unhappy, but Food caracan will help it build the wonder anyway. Marsutan enchants a barbarian archer on his way to Bokhara. Amon 79. Kabul completes Enchantment of Labours. Rat control discovered. Dread horsemen spotted east of Birka. Our diplomat is slain by the lurking great dragon. Maesteg, stygian city discovered by our warship. Re 78. Vladimir meets the hermit. He says Vladimir must go to Nippur, then to Kahun where a boat awaits him to bring him to the Isle of Mhyrr. He cannot say more and Stygian undead ambush Vladimir. They flee, afraid by his might, and the brave knight leaves them alone and turns his head south. Undead appear near Hieracompolis, which is undefended! Anubis 78. Things are dire. Undead are attacking our homeland. Armies must be produces immediately. Stygians capture Hieracompolis. Teutogoths exchange University for Rats Control. Coal caravan arrives in Kashgar for 5 gold. Herodotus says we are the most advanced in the world, ahead of Teutogoths, Illubaboris and Xingchan, themselves ahead of Stygians. Horus 78. Tabriz unhappy. Marsutan sees that Hieracompolis is building city walls. He urges the troops to attack it now, as only one unit defends it. Osiris 78. Aleppo unhappy. Within three months our first troops will besiege Hieracompolis. Vladimir is on his way and may join them if needed, but he would rather continue southward to Nippur. Illubabori ask us for Rat Control and we give it away, but they speak of a Spell of Obedience in exchange and give nothing! Seth 78. Dye Buto-Karakorum for 12 gold. Thoth 78. Hieracompolis battle. Minion defender slain by our elephants. Hides Tabriz-Hieracompolis 20 gold. Vladimir crosses Karakorum and goes straight towards Larne and Nippur. Hieracompolis freed by our archers. A useless council of nobles is executed, and their wealth seized by the crown. Ptah 78. An elephant of ours attacks Abydos with no success. Vladimir defeats barbarians blocking the way to Larne. Our warship sinks a stygian dragon boat between Dariush Kabir and the norhtern undead city of Leptis Magna. Khanbalyk recognizes the greatness of Trivanipores and joins our empire for a little fee. Sobek 78. Hedeby unhappy. Vladimir decides to avoid Larne and head for Kish directly. He finds Zariqum on the way and attacks the city, but defenders hurt him. Our warship heads back to our harbors for repairs. Dye Lisht-Nishapur 15 gold. Gernika founded near Quinsay. Vladimir waits in front of Zariqum. Some elephants will come help him. Isis 77. Civil disorder in Buto. Siege Craft discovered. Disorder in Kashgar. Trade Courtly Fashion for Monotheism from Teutogoths. Mephistopheles boasts about Devil Worship and undertake Spell of the Barbarians. Re 77. Vladimir attacks Zariqum and almost takes the city. Anubis 77. Vladimir takes Zariqum, leaves a spearman there and goes on towards his goal. He lays siege to Kish immediately. Nephthys 77. Vladimir takes Kish and leaves an elephant as a garrison. He continues his way to Nippur, and waits at the doors of the city. Wine Aleppo-Larne for 18 gold. Kabul starts Enchantment of Joy. Horus 77. Discontent in Kashgar, Karakorum. Wine Nishapur-Lunde, 27 gold. Warship is repaired and sails out of Hieracompolis. Vladimir attacks Nippur and is seriously hurt, but the city's defenses are much weakened. Osiris 77. Nishapur unhappy. Vladimir goes back to Kish to heal. Thoth 77. Spell of the barbarians completed in Styx. Zariqum and Samarkand unhappy. Gold Avaris-Nippur 30 gold. Dye Khanbaluk-Khorasan 2 gold :(. Gold Hedeby-Susa 64 gold. Vladimir takes Nippur, and warns that the way to Kahun is dangerous. Finances are in bad shape again. Sobek 77. Embassy in Arbela. Great Dragon sighted between Lunde and Arbela. Amon 77. Town Charter discovered. Citizens everywhere revolt and ask for a new government. Isis 76. Gwalior hears the voices of the citizens, and takes the title of Consul. He appoints lots of advisors from the people and bribes them to quell discontent. People seem to be happy with the heavy luxury rates, and money flows into the royal treasury. Vladimir approaches Kahun. Trondheim builds Enchantment of Joy. Re 76. Marsutan between Shurupak and Kahun is under menace from a great dragon. He bewitches the dragon and teleports to Nippur, where everyone rejoices he managed to save his life. Vladimir, who took a path along the coast, avoiding the dragon, attacks Kahun. Anubis 76. Vladimir takes Kahun, where a boat awaits him. Nephthys 76. Our warship convoys caravans to Khanbalyk while Vladimir sails to Mhyrr. Horus 76. Warship sees dragon large of the island of Brimstone. Osiris 76. Vladimir talks to the count of Mhyrr, who asks him to capture the prince of corsairs, capitan Valasquez, on the south of this continent. Aleppo orders a new warship to be built once its academy is completed. At that moment, merchants warn Gwalir that wraiths want to take the Great Library at Tugelate, which would give them access to many scrolls they shouldn't get. Hathor 76. Merchants guild discovered. Dugo founded north of Kashgar. Wine Bokhara-Khanbalyk, 45 gold. Vladimir starts his journey to Tugelate. Seth 76. Disorder in Nippur, Hieracompolis. Thoth 76. Disorder in Avaris. Ptah 76. Uppsala sighted. Khorasan elephant boards warship which goes back to the western coasts. Amon 76. Illubaboris capture Lunde. Mercantilism discovered. Warship lands elephant south of Antioch. Tactics and 350 gold from Illubaboris in exchange for Courtly Fashion and Monotheism. Isis 75. Buto, Tabriz unhappy. Vladimir nears Gigia. A rune marks this city, so he decides to take it. Boats to reach Tugelate are still on their way or being built. Theology for Siege Craft from Teutogoths. Re 75. Aleppo builds warship, which immediately attacks a sea monster and has to be repaired. Gigia is taken, and a Blitzen spell is available. Elephant killed near Bermeo. Anubis 75. Our good old warship finds corsairs and attacks them. The corsairs resist and sink it! New ships are needed. More gold is to be got from taxes. Nephthys 75. Qunisay unhappy. Osiris 75. Kish unhappy. Alchemy discovered. Larne revolts and joins our country. Vlasimir reaches Tugalete. Hathor 75. Disorder in Kashgar. Vladimir starts the siege of Tugalete. Seth 75. Aleppo unhappy. Tugalete taken. A Blitzen spell is found. Illubaboris acquire Occultism from Stygians. What are they up to? Thoth 75. Spice Tabriz-Lunde, 50 gold. Ptah 75. Gold Kabul-Susa 36 gold. Sobek 75. Salt Khorasan-Pi-Ramesesses 16 gold. Our second warship nears the place the corsairs were last seen. Isis 74. Mining discovered. Our warship attacks the corsairs and becomes veteran. Valasquez says he was enchanted, and says to the norht of Euphrattis, in the Sea of Illusion, is the Seer of Illbab. Valasquez teaches Gwalir Heroic Arms. Busiris is persuaded to join our cause. Re 74. Gold Zariqum-Karakorum 37 gold. Anubis 74. Great dragon seen near Shuruppak, Larne, Tabriz disorder. Horus 74. Occultism for Siege Craft from Illubaboris. Stygians sighted far in the north (Birka) and south near barbarian cities. Silver Nippur-Arbela 35 gold. One Blitzen spell lost at sea. Gems Zariqum-Odense 30 gold. Hathor 74. Magnetism discovered. Seth 74. Vladimir is on his way to the sea of illusions. Silk Kahun-Bermeo 14 gold. Birka taken by Stygians. Ptah 74. Silver Avaris-Birka 16 gold. Sobek 74. Disorder in Kish. Amon 74. Ingenious devices. Clockmaking for 290 gold from Teutogoths. Illubaboris make peace with Stygians. Isis 73. Caravan destroyed by great dragon between Nippur and Kahun. Heroic Infantries should be built soon to protect our lands. Abydos and Asyut liberated. Stygians discover Satanic Ritual and undertake Forge of Mephistopheles. Anubis 73. Disorder in Avaris and Aleppo. Coal Nippur-Tabriz 30 gold. Great Dragon nears Nippur. Defenders rushed. Nephthys 73. Disorder in Avaris. Hieracompolis attacked by Stygian demon. Luckily, Lord Vladimir is nearby in his warship norhtbound, and Marsutan stops to defend the city. Another demon attacks the warship, which resists. Horus 73. Dugo, Khorsasan unhappy. Gems Nippur-Bactra 58 gold. Warship stops in Hieracompolis for repairs. Other warships and heroic infantries are needed. Osiris 73. Aleppo unhappy. Salt Bokhara-Sigtuna 34 gold. Hathor 73. Demon wide of Hieracompolis. War wolves near Dugo. Lord Vladimir moves to engage them, but the spearmen in Dugo defend themselves stoicly. Seth 73. Vladimir kills Minion near Abydos. Coal Larne-Susa 21 gold. Thoth 73. Indulgences. Demons attack Tugalete but Heroic Infantry defeats them. Ptah 73. Gems Kahun-Edfu 14 gold. Lord Vladimir attacks Rusucurru but retreats to warship. It is important to reach the sea of illusions fast. Demons defeated in Hieracompolis. Sobek 73. Gigia unhappy. Defenders rushed in the kingdom. HellFire defeated in Tugalete. Demons attack the city and are repelled. Amon 73. Gold Zariqum-Busiris 30 gold. Tugalete heroic knights defeat HellFire. Dread horsemen sighted. Warship north of Birka soon to pass a cape and sail northeast, hopefully to reach the sea of illusions. Isis 72. Gems Avaris-Bactra 45 gold. Tugalete defends itself bravely. Re 72. Nobility. Barbarian Shuruppak is now Stygian. A force is prepared to take it. Our warship discovers that access to the sea of illusion cannot be made northwards. A new ship will be ordered south and try to make it through eastern oceans while Lord Vladimir looks at what can be accomplished inland. Anubis 72. Tugalete knights discover Stygian Gurris near them. Nephthys 72. Illubab's are at war with Praetorians. They are really silly. Beads Khanbalyk-Susa for 31 gold. Stygians are undertaking Chamber of black arts. Horus 72. Zariqum unhappy. Dye Kashgar-Pasargadae. 72 gold. 75 gold, Canal building and Trigonometry traded with Illubaboris. Jarlshif builds Forge of Mephistopheles. Osiris 72. Tempered Steel. Gold Kahun-Edfu 5 gold. Neath builds Chamber of Black Arts. Xingchan are the wealthiest civ. Lord Vladimir killed by demons near Plutus! Seth 72. Hieracompolis revolts. Arzzune of Sidon offers a Tempest spell. Thoth 72. Tabriz unhappy. Wraith defeated at great cost near Tugelate. Share maps with Xingchan after giving them 4 techs. We exchange Spell of Weakness with them. Was it a good idea? All armouries are obsoleted. Tugalete is in bad shape. Sobek 72. A warship sights several demons near Tingis. They don't seem to see her, and she sails on to the north and the fabled sea of illusions. Lots of ships and sea monsters in these areas, near Eridu. Our warship resists an attack but barely floats. Amon 72. We offer Heroic Arms to the Euphrattis so they can better defend against Stygians, and we share maps. Isis 71. Printing Press discovered. Stygians develop Black Mass. Re 71. Stygians capture Eridu and Babylon. The Euphrattis are in bad shape. Disorder in Kish. Horus 71. Our warship which went east of Euphrattis reaches the sea of illusions. The one which went between Euphrattis and Stygia is ready to take Marsutan aboard but must stop for repairs. Stygians near Hieracompolis, disorder in Abydos. Osiris 71. Wolves attack Kish. Disorder in Lisht. Salt Busiris-Pasargadae 12 gold. It is apparently impossible to reach the center of the sea of illusions without Vladimir or some archers. Archers must be sent there! Bribe Sigtuna from barbs. Seth 71. Gurris bribed from Stygians. Tugalete should now be safe. Thoth 71. Abydos unhappy. Beads Aleppo-Samarkand 12 gold. Stygians develop Sorcery, attack Hieracompolis. Ptah 71. Archers sail from Khorasan. Sobek 71. Heroic Knights attack Sobek. Tugalete attacked by demons, defenders stand. Amon 71. Khorasan unhappy. Isis 70. Euphrattis are in bad shape. Anubis 70. All our four warships to the north are in good shape. One goes south to see if it can help intercept Stygian troops, the other three have to carry a spell and an archer to the sea of illusions. Marsutan locates a thrall near the sea of illusions. Enchanting him could allow a base in the far north, but is way too expensive. Nephthys 70. Stygians develop Summoning! Kahun besieged by demons. Gold Buto-Larne 30 gold. Lucifers attack Avaris, Kahun, Nippur... Osiris 70. Ghost riders near Kish, which falls. Many cities sacked by Lucifers. Seth 70. The ship which carried my archer has lost his supporting city. All hpe is lost.