Keyboard Shortcuts Unit Orders Airdrop - A Airlift - T Air superiority mission - S Automate worker - A - leave existing improvements - Shift-A - this city only - Shift-I - this city, leave existing imp.- Ctrl-Shift-I - clean up pollution only - Shift-P - clear forests only - Shift-F - clear jungle only - Shift J Bombard - B Bombing mission - B Build army - B Build city - B Build colony - B Build fortress - Ctrl-F Build mine - M Build railroad - Shift-R Build railroad to - Ctrl-Shift-R Build road - R Build road to - Ctrl-R Build road to, then colonize - Ctrl-B Clean up pollution - Shift-C Clear forest - Shift-C Clear jungle - Shift-C Disband - D Explore - E Fortify/Garrsion - F Go to - G Go to (whole stack) - J Hold (skip turn) - Spacebar Hurry improvement - Ctrl-H Irrigate - I Irrigate to nearest city - Ctrl-I Join city - B Pillage - P Plant forest - N Shift - R Re-base mission - Shift-R Recon mission - R Sentry - Y Sentry (wake near enemy only) - Shift-Y Trade network - Ctrl-N More Unit Orders Shift - U Unload/load - L Upgrade - U Upgrade all of type - Shift-U Wait - W or Tab Game Stuff Center on active unit - C Center on capital - H Change government (revolution) - Shift-G Change mobilization - Shift-M Clean up map - Ctrl-Shift-M Contact rival leaders - Shift-D Demographics - F11 End turn immediately - Shift-Enter Espionage - E Establish an embassy - Ctrl-E Go to city - Ctrl-Shift-G Histograph/Score - F8 Locate city - Shift-L Palace - F9 Plant a spy - Ctrl-Shift-E Spaceship - F10 Toggle map grid - Ctrl-G Use embassy or spy - Shift-E Wonders of the World - F7 Zoom in/out - Z Advisors Domestic advisor - F1 Trade advisor - F2 Military advisor - F3 Foreign advisor - F4 Cultural advisor - F5 Science advisor - - F6 City Window Add to production queue - Shift-Left Mouse Button Contact city governors - G Hurry production (rush job) - H Load production queue - Q Save production queue - Shift-Q Other Stuff Change preferences - Ctrl-P Change sound preferences - Shift-S Hide interface - Del Load game - Ctrl-L Main menu - Ctrl-M New game - Ctrl-Shift-Q Quit - Esc Resign and quit - Ctrl-Q Retire - Shift-Q Save game - Ctrl-S Show game version - Ctrl-F4 Toggle button direction - Backspace This file produced by Julian Egelstaff Tech tree data and shortcuts originally compiled by Ken Brown March 2002 Many thanks to Firaxis and Infogrames for bringing us Civ3