@BEGINEVENTS @IF NOSCHISM defender=ANYBODY @THEN @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Lisbon attacker=ANYBODY defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Lisbon Taken, International Crises calls full moblization against the agressor! ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=TRIGGERATTACKER amount=-300 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Fez attacker=French Empire defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT French finally take over the Morocco and destroy its indepence, Germany deeply angry. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Sultan's Horse owner=TRIGGERDEFENDER veteran=yes homecity=None locations 9,141 9,141 9,141 9,141 endlocations CHANGEMONEY receiver=German Empire amount=200 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Tunis attacker=Italian Empire defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT After the agrument over argument Italian finally gives up with the French and invades Tunis to create a Colonial Empire ENDTEXT GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=TRIGGERATTACKER technology=4 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Amiens attacker=German Empire defender=French Empire @THEN TEXT In the first major clash on the Western Front, the Allied forces have defeated the advancing Germans to save Paris. The Battle of the Marne has left the Shlieffen Plan in ruins and the German army begins their retreat from Paris. The Kaiser faces Bismark's nightmare. A war on two fronts between the still alive French, and the slow but steady Russians. The Germans now change their plans after recent success on the Eastern Front and failure in the West. They decide to stick to the defensive in France, and launch an offensive campaign against Russia due to the absence of trenches and a vast amount of open ground to work with. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Amsterdam attacker=German Empire defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Amsterdam has fallen to the Germans! The fearful Dutch call upon the powers to right this terrible wrong. Can an alliance be forged to fight the teutonic legions? ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Brussels attacker=German Empire defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The German invasion of Belgium has inflamed British sentiment. Parliament hastily convenes at the stern request of the English monarch. They send an word leave Belgium in 24 hours or a state of war will exist between Britian and Germany. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Belgrade attacker=Austro-Hungarian Empire defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT A great victory for the Central Powers. The capture of Belgrade boosts Austrian and Hungarian morale. The Serbian defense line falls back to Pristina but isn't expected to last long. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Austro-Hungarian Empire amount=2000 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Berlin attacker=ANYBODY defender=German Empire @THEN TEXT As Berlin falls, so does the Second Reich although elements are still fighting as Freikorps, maybe they can recapture the Capital and start a new Thrid Riech. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Strassburg attacker=French Empire defender=German Empire @THEN TEXT Strassburg has finally fallen to Plan 17, conducted by The French Miltary Concil, with this city taken, all of Alsace-Lorraine is offically conquered, French crowds cheer as the German Miltary machine is slowly being beaten down. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Pozan attacker=Russian Empire defender=German Empire @THEN TEXT The Russian Offensive gives the biggest push as it took Pozan today, with this city out of the way, the road to Berlin lies open, what will Prussian General say now, beaten by serfs! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Konigsberg attacker=Russian Empire defender=German Empire @THEN TEXT Konigsberg captured!!! Prussia Miltary in complete disgrace, The Kraiser has order an immediate counter-attack to capture the capital of Prussian History. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Allenstein attacker=Russian Empire defender=German Empire @THEN TEXT With the Russian penetration of East Prussia, Moltke appoints the retired general, Hindenburg, to command the German forces in the East. Hindenburg's chief of staff is a man named Ludendorff who had distinguished himself on the Western Front by cracking the Belgian defenses at Liege. Ludendorff makes a daring move and attacks the two Russian armies headed by Samsonov and Rennenkampf in the battle known as Tannenburg. It is a brilliant German victory and the benefits include a quater of a million Russian causalties, among them Samsonov. Although this causes the remaining Russians to retreat from East Prussia, it buys France valuable time on the Eastern front. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Verdun attacker=German Empire defender=French Empire @THEN TEXT The battle of Verdun. Although the German armies gain only a couple kilometers on the Western Front, the French army has suffered tremendous causalties. Will the Germans be able to hold on to the conquered land while Russia moves and Britain makes plans of its own? Will the French be able to revive its army which has been exhausted in this confli ct? ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Paris attacker=ANYBODY defender=French Empire @THEN TEXT Paris has fallen! Bereft of their ancient capital, the French government-in-exile vows to fight on, though some Frenchmen are now beginning to question the recalcitrant position of the Government. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Venice attacker=Austro-Hungarian Empire defender=Italian Empire @THEN TEXT Venice has fallen and the Austro-Hungarian troops march forward to the front for yet another offensive to get to Rome! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Venice attacker=Austro-Hungarian Empire defender=Italian Empire @THEN TEXT Venice has fallen and the Austro-Hungarian troops march forward to the front for yet another offensive to get to Rome! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Rome attacker=ANYBODY defender=Italian Empire @THEN TEXT Rome has fallen to the invading armies! The King of Italy calls for the government to step down and a new, conciliatory government is placed in charge of the nation. It is not known whether this step will placate the Agressors in this peace loving Nation, but the Italian people hope for peace to come at last. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Dublin attacker=ANYBODY defender=British Empire @THEN TEXT Dublin has been occupied by foriegn forces to give them the right to choose for themselves for once, the British Empire cannot sit idally by and watch its Empire Crumble, so luaches a counter offensive! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=London attacker=ANYBODY defender=British Empire @THEN TEXT The city of London, turnstile of the world's trade and capital of the mighty British Empire, has been occupied by the enemy! This crushing blow may well spell the end of an era. Other members of the Commonwealth overseas vow their continued support of Great Britain. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Hastings attacker=ANYBODY defender=British Empire @THEN TEXT The invasion of Britain today has commenced, as Hastings is only a stones throw away from London, the British Empire seems done for, or can this once mighty Empire hold back the tide and win the war! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Trieste attacker=Italian Empire defender=Austro-Hungarian Empire @THEN TEXT The long awaited conquest of Trieste has come today, as political men rave about how they got 'Un-redeemed Italy' back, the Austrian High Command gives final orders for the counter-attack to send the Italians realing. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Vienna attacker=ANYBODY defender=Austro-Hungarian Empire @THEN TEXT Vienna Conquered, the city that has been the Art and Jewel of Europe of over a 200years, now lies in rumble, Austrians, Hungarians, Germans and even Czechs have roze up to fight the invading armies and get there beloved captial back! Although some do not trust the Czechs you are trying to secure indepence from the Empire. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Lemburg attacker=Russian Empire defender=Austro-Hungarian Empire @THEN TEXT Lemburg, the ancient fortess city, has finally become a jewl in the Russian crown! Russian troops marched into the city of the Austrians and seized the woem and children without warning and took them away. The Russian Army is continuing to march on, hopefully the Austro-Hungarians can get in order and repell the attack! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=St. Petersburg attacker=ANYBODY defender=Russian Empire @THEN TEXT St. Petersburg, capital of the Russian Empire, has been taken by the invading armies! Although the governent has relocated further eastward, it remains to be seen whether Russia can weather this disaster and continue the struggle against invaders and communists. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Warsaw attacker=German Empire defender=Russian Empire @THEN TEXT The Polish tongue falls under the German might. Russia is desperate for help from the Allies who are struggling on the Gallipoli Penninsula and the Western Front. Grand Duke Nicholas is forced to give up his plans for an invasion of Silesia. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Salonkia attacker=British Empire defender=Ottoman Empire @THEN TEXT The allied forces in Salonika march north and launch an attack on the Bulgarian Front. They hoep to knock this power out of the war and gain access to the back door of Austria-Hungary. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Burcharest attacker=ANYBODY defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The European Powers move into Romania without much difficulty. However, the supreme commander of the German forces, Falkenhayn, is replaced with Hindenburg. This is due to his blunders. So hopefully peace will be restored to Romanian ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Athens attacker=ANYBODY defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT After years of debate and conflict Greece becomes part of another great Empire. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Sofia attacker=ANYBODY defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT After years of Bulgarian Indepence and king-hood, Sofia is once more conquered by foreign armies and is forced into a peace treaty were all of Bulgaria is ripe for the conquering. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Podgorica attacker=ANYBODY defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Montengro Conquered, this peace loving nation destroyed and all its richest taken from it, this does not still well with other European Nations ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Constantinople attacker=ANYBODY defender=Ottoman Empire @THEN TEXT After years of trying to hold the Ottoman Empire together, she finally just gave up and let invading armies walk in, although the interior of the Ottoman Empire will not be so easy to conquer! ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Madrid attacker=ANYBODY defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The Spanish Monarchy collaspes and all border posts lay down their arms and return home, hope for Spain is lost, Spainish wait for the occupation armies. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=TRIGGERATTACKER amount=2000 @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=G Conscripts owner=German Empire veteran=yes homecity=None locations 59,43 59,43 59,43 59,43 59,43 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=F Conscripts owner=French Empire veteran=no homecity=None locations 32,64 32,64 32,64 32,64 32,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=B Conscripts owner=British Empire veteran=no homecity=None locations 27,45 27,45 27,45 27,45 27,45 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=R Conscripts owner=Russian Empire veteran=no homecity=None locations 91,3 91,3 91,3 91,3 91,3 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=I Conscripts owner=Italian Empire veteran=no homecity=None locations 53,105 53,105 53,105 53,105 53,105 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=A Conscripts owner=Austro-Hungarian Empire veteran=no homecity=None locations 63,63 63,63 63,63 63,63 63,63 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURNINTERVAL interval=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=T Conscripts owner=Ottoman Empire veteran=no homecity=None locations 93,97 93,97 93,97 93,97 93,97 endlocations @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS