@C3MT @VERSION 1 @LANGUAGE English @BEGIN PEDIAMENUS @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Main Menu KEY=MENU_Main GROUP=9 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Tribes KEY=MENU_Races GROUP=0 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Civilization Advances KEY=MENU_Technologies GROUP=5 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Great Wonders KEY=MENU_Wonders GROUP=26 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Small Wonders KEY=MENU_Small_Wonders GROUP=36 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=City Improvements KEY=MENU_City_Improvements GROUP=16 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Governments KEY=MENU_Governments GROUP=2 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Units KEY=MENU_Units GROUP=7 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Worker Jobs KEY=MENU_Terraform_Imps GROUP=1 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Terrains KEY=MENU_Terrains GROUP=3 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Resources KEY=MENU_GoodsMENU_Game_Concepts GROUP=4 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Game Concepts KEY=MENU_Index GROUP=8 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Index KEY=GSMU_Bonus GROUP=-1 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Bonus Resources KEY=GSMU_Luxury GROUP=34 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Luxery Resources KEY=GSMU_Strategic GROUP=24 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Strategic Resources KEY=GSMU_Index GROUP=14 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=Resource Index GROUP=4 @END PEDIAMENU @BEGIN PEDIAMENU TITLE=All buildings GROUP=6 @END PEDIAMENU @END PEDIAMENUS @BEGIN BICSTATUS File is not a BIC File contains no map. File is MapOnly File contains rules and map @END BICSTATUS @BEGIN POPUPMESSAGES Out of Memory Operation Complete There is a BAK-file already. Do you want to replace it? (Selecting No will not BAK the current file) Not a recognized format Unknown version Not a Civ3 savefile The File is protected, and can not be loaded. A possible Error has been found in the Save.\n(DATAIO Operating System Error: CITY)\n\nDo you want to try to fix this? This flag is not yet supported ;Chnaged Reset FOW popup 020430 to reflect added calculation This will reset the Fog Of War and Map to a calculated area around each unit. Do you want to keep the FOW and Map seen by the cities? Warning This is only to use with the same size of map as in the save, and it is up to you to make sure that no units/cities or colonies get onto the wrong terrain. The BIC contains no map The map is of another size then the saved map! Done, you need to save the file to save the changes. Error while listing units: Error while listing cities: Error while listing levels: Error while listing citizens: Error while listing races: Error while listing techs: Error while listing unittypes: Error while listing buildingtypes: Error while listing civs: Ivalid coordinate must bee odd-ood or even-even. The graphic is now loaded Tile already in use Must be in city radius Only specialists can work on the CityCenter The year must be at least $1 Error: FOW/CIV Error: FOW A FOW area can only have one base point This will currently only compare UNITS. The file must contain rules. No rules loaded No BIC loaded in memory. Do you want to load civ3mod.bic?\n(The BIC is only used to assign titles to the keys) Invalid Link The key is used This function searches the map for defined starting slots and creates a CPF file with these slots. You then just have to edit the name and ID of the civs that starts on the slots. No file loaded To be able to copy the pedia key in all files the files must be in the correct directiory.\nThe spirit will still be copied. To be able to copy all info for the building in all files the files must be in the correct directiory.\nThe spirit will still be copied. To be able to redirect the graphics to the original unit graphics Civ3 must be installed.\nThe spirit will still be copied. Land: $1\nWater: $2\nTotal: $3 The current BIC is not saved\nDo you want to exit? The current BIC is not saved\nDo you want to continue? The current BIC is not saved\nDo you want to save it? Error ;50 $1 has no map, or error in read. Starting the Civilopedia Editor will make the CopyTool to unload.\nDo you want to continue? Starting the Intigrated SaveGame Editor will casuse the BIC to unload.\nDo you want to continue? Thank you for upgrading to Civ3MultiTool v$1 This verion has not been fully tested! This verion is a beta version of a later update! Not all functions is working. And there might be many unfinished functions This save is in interest for the continued development. Please send it zipped to $1 Error: $1 Error in Save! Original file not Civ3File The rules have been changed since this file started. Can't load the file. ;60 The rules have been changed since this file started. Can't save the file (The file shouldn't have loaded either). The file has more then one header Unknown Version. Only version 2.x and 3.x supported Unknown subversion. Only versions up to 2.10 supported Unknown section: $1 after $2\n\nPlease report this (If the sction is not anything logical there is most likely an error in the reading of $2)\nTry to attach the BIC/SAV (zipped) you tried to load while reporting. Can't log. $1 ($2) is selected by $3 ($4) The year $1 is invalid.\nUse $2 or $3 ;68 -Addstart 2002-04-19 The SaveGame Modifier doen't work with version $1 of Civ3. ;69 -Addstart 2002-05-09 The MultiTool needs to be restarted for all the settings to take effect. @END POPUPMESSAGES @BEGIN COMMONDIALOGS Select a name of the exported file ModFiles Select name of BIC to export map to BIC-files Select a name of the saved file Civilization III savefiles Select a BIC-file to compare with Select a Civilopedia.txt file to load Text files Select a text file to save the Civilopedia to Select a name of the CPF file to create Civilization Placement Files Select a BIC-file to load Select a BIC to import map from Save BIC as... Select a mod to import Select a SAV-file to load Select a CPF-file to load ;Added 2002-04-19 Locate the Civilization III directory. @END COMMONDIALOGS @BEGIN COMPARESTRINGS Version is different. Loaded version: $1 compared to $2 Different number of units. $1 vs $2 $1 ($2.$3.$4) has been added $1 ($2($5).$3.$4) has been added $1 has been removed $1 has been removed and gained: $1 lost: $1 changed actions (no details) changed Air Missions (no details) changed AI strategy (no details) changed atack from $1 to $2 changed availability (no details) changed bombardment range from $1 to $2 changed bombardment strength from $1 to $2 changed capacity from $1 to $2 changed class from $1 to $2 changed cost from $1 to $2 changed defense from $1 to $2 changed icon from $1 to $2 changed civilopedia entry from $1 to $2 changed movments from $1 to $2 changed range from $1 to $2 changed popcost from $1 to $2 changed prerequire from $1 to $2 nothing started to require $1 stopped to require $1 changed rate of fire from $1 to $2 changed upgrade from $1 to $2 gained Zone of Control lost Zone of Control has @END COMPARESTRINGS @BEGIN CLASSES land sea air @END CLASSES @BEGIN UNITFLAGS Wheeled Foot Soldier Blitz Cruise Missile treats all terrains as roads Radar Amphibious Unit Submarine Aircraft Carrier can be drafted Immobile Sink In Sea Sink In Ocean ;Edited 2002-04-30 UNUSED (Mounted pre 1.17f) carry foot units only starts Golden Age nuclear weapon hidden nationality army leader ICBM Stealth can see submarines tactical missile can carry tactical missiles ranged attack animations ;Edited 2002-04-30 rotate before attack ;Added 2002-04-30 lethatl land bombardment lethatl sea bombardment @END UNITFLAGS @BEGIN DESCRIPTIONS ;CT This program allows you to clone elements of Sid Meier's Civilization 3. You can later edit the clones with Civ3Edit that comes with Civilization 3. ;SGE The second savegame editor created for Civilization III. Has functions for editing units and cities. ;PEDIA The Civilopedia Editor gives you an overview over the Civilopedia.txt, and provides an easy way of editing the Civilopedia. @END DESCRIPTIONS @BEGIN CTZNGROUPS Happy Content Unhappy Resisting ;Specialists @END CTZNGROUPS ;Not an override part, but default constant part for strings in the SGE @BEGIN SGESTRINGS NONE Production Free (of its own) ;Unitlist $1=ID $2=UnitName $3=ownerCiv Adjective $4=Nationallity $5=Level $6=Points left $7=Points total $8=Damage $1: $2 ($3) $1: $4 $2 ($3) @END SGESTRINGS ;Added 2002-04-14 @BEGIN UNITORDERS ;Never finished before 1.21f ;Will maybe continue, on that later ;As for now the keys are left in this file @END UNITORDERS ;End Addition @BEGIN CTOVERRIDE @BEGIN LABELS ;labels # to Add Unit to copy Size to Copy Civilization to Copy Tech to Copy Citizen to Copy Building to Copy Era to Copy Terrain to Copy Resource to Copy Level to Copy ;frames Units Improvements/Wonders World Sizes Eras Civilizations Terrains Technologies Resources Citizens Experence level Rename the copied units to Change Civilopedia Entry to @END LABELS @BEGIN BUTTONS Select BIC file Copy Save Export Tool Import Tool Map Options GenerateCPF Map Stats @END BUTTONS @BEGIN MENUS &File &Load BIC file &Save Save &As... &Exit &Civ3 MultiTools &SaveGame Modifier Unit &Organizer BIC &compare Civilo&pedia Editor &Options &Settings... &Help &About @END MENUS @END CTOVERRIDE @BEGIN CMPOVERRIDE BIC Compare @BEGIN BUTTONS Compare loaded BIC with other BIC (units only) @END BUTTONS @END CMPOVERRIDE @BEGIN BICORDEROVERRIDE Unit Organizer @BEGIN BUTTONS Up Down @END BUTTONS @END BICORDEROVERRIDE @BEGIN EXPORTOVERRIDE Export @BEGIN LABELS Created by Name of mod Description Units to export Civs to export @END LABELS @BEGIN BUTTONS Export @END BUTTONS @END EXPORTOVERRIDE @BEGIN IMPORTOVERRIDE Import @BEGIN LABELS Replace an existing civ Add as a new civ Do not import this civ @END LABELS @BEGIN BUTTONS Import @END BUTTONS @END IMPORTOVERRIDE @BEGIN PEDIAOVERRIDE Civilopedia Editor Link... Add Civilopedia Entry @BEGIN MENUS &File &Load... &Save Save &As... &Exit &Edit &Add Entry &Help &About @END MENUS @BEGIN LABELS Follow Links Edit Mode Type Game Concept Rules Entry Unused Entry Key: @END LABELS @BEGIN BUTTONS Link= Create Add Cancel @END BUTTONS @END PEDIAOVERRIDE @BEGIN SGEOVERRIDE SaveGame Modifier @BEGIN LABELS ;tabs Units General Map Cities Civilizations ;labels Belongs to Shields: Culture Built in Generates culture for Nationallity Affected by Working as Working on Researching First turn year: Game end in: since since ;buildtypes Improvement/Wonder Unit ;genders Male Female ;rules Allow Domination Victory Allow Space Race Victory Allow Diplomatic Victory Allow Conquest Victory Allow Cultural Victory Allow Civ-Specific Abilities ; - Added 2002-04-22 Culturally Linked Start Allow Restarting Players Preserve Random Seed ;frames Position Owner Civ Unit and Nationality Level Damage Movements Used Loaded on: Building Position Founded Food Pollution Improvements (be realistic) Citizens Gender Units in City (Info) Difficulty Year Rules TimeLine @END LABELS @BEGIN MENUS &File &Load Load Starting &Postions &Save Load &Terrain Graphics Open Map Window &Exit &Filter &Use Filter &Edit Eilter &Batch Edit &Help &About @END MENUS @BEGIN BUTTONS Add Delete Remove Apply Filter Fill Box Add Kill Do changes Cancel Delete All Import from BIC Export as BIC Reset FOW Reveal Map Combine Maps Remove Huts Statistics @END BUTTONS @END SGEOVERRIDE ;Simple override function, only two strings as for now. Might be extended later @BEGIN MAINOVERRIDE Exit About @END MAINOVERRIDE @BEGIN SETTINGSOVERRIDE Settings @BEGIN LABELS ;Tabs ;Tab added 2002-04-19 Civ3MultiTool Civ3CopyTool ;Options Save on copy Show loading progress Enable unfinished features ;Addstart 2002-05-09 ;Labels Language @END LABELS @BEGIN BUTTONS OK Cancel @END BUTTONS @END SETTINGSOVERRIDE ;Added 2002-04-14 @BEGIN MAPOPTIONOVERRIDE @BEGIN LABELS Round World Polar Ice @END LABELS @BEGIN BUTTONS Remove Huts and Update Update @END BUTTONS @END MAPOPTIONOVERRIDE ;End addition ;@ABOUTNOTICE Translated by Gramphos