; ; CIVILIZATION GAME DATA ; Copyright (c) 1995 by MicroProse Software ; ; This file can be altered at your own risk to change ; the rules of the game. Keep in mind that altering the ; contents of this file may cause your game to malfunction, ; particularly if you use values outside the specified ; ranges. ; Modified for "2194 Days of War" scenario 3/15/00 ; Allies advantage ; ; Cosmic Principles ; ; @COSMIC 3 ; Road movement multiplier 2 ; 1 in x chance Trireme lost (mod. by Seafaring, Navigation) 2 ; # of food each citizen eats per turn 10 ; # of rows in food box (rows * city_size+1 = box) 10 ; # of rows in shield box 1 ; Settlers eat (govt <= Monarchy) 2 ; Settlers eat (govt >= Communism) 7 ; City size for first unhappiness at Chieftain level 14 ; Riot factor based on # cities (higher factor lessens the effect) 8 ; Aqueduct needed to exceed this size 12 ; Sewer System needed to exceed this size 10 ; Tech paradigm (higher # slows research) 20 ; Base time for engineers to transform terrain (x2) 4 ; Monarchy pays support for all units past this 6 ; Communism pays support for all units past this 6 ; Fascism pays support for all units past this 0 ; Communism is equivalent of this palace distance. 40 ; Fundamentalism loses this % of science 50 ; Percent shield penalty for production type change 8 ; Max paradrop range 75 ; Mass/Thrust paradigm (increasing slows spaceship time) 6 ; Max effective science rate in fascism (x10, so 5 = 50%) ; ; Civilization Advances ; ; Ai Value, Civilized Modifier, Preq1, Preq2, Epoch, Category ; ; Ai Value = Basic value at which computer players ; view this advance (used in determining ; which discovery to pursue, which to ; acquire during exchanges, and value of ; gift during diplomacy). ; Modifier = Modifier to value based on the "civilized" ; aspect of a leader's personality. Positive ; values increase value for civilized leaders, ; decrease it for militaristic. Negative ; values vice versa. ; preq1, preq2 = Prerequisites ; ; Epoch = historical period ; 0 = Ancient ; 1 = Renaissance ; 2 = Industrial Revolution ; 3 = Modern ; ; Category = Knowledge category ; 0 = Military ; 1 = Economic ; 2 = Social ; 3 = Academic ; 4 = Applied ; @CIVILIZE Jet Engine, 4,-1, E2, Roc, 1, 1 ; AFl 00 Japanese, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 1, 3 ; Alp Amphibious Warfare, 2,-1, Mob, Tac, 3, 0 ; Amp Chinese, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 2, 3 ; Ast Atomic Theory, 2, 0, nil, nil, 3, 3 ; Ato Automobile, 8,-1, Cmb, Stl, 1, 4 ; Aut 05 Banking, 2, 0, Tra, nil, 3, 1 ; Ban Bridge Building, 2, 0, Cst, Eng, 0, 4 ; Bri British, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 0, 3 ; Bro Monotheism, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 1, 2 ; Cer Chemistry, 2, 0, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Che 10 Mobile Warfare I, 7,-1, Aut, War, 2, 0 ; Chi Mobile Warfare I, 7,-1, Aut, Ind, 2, 0 ; CoL Airborne Infantry, 5,-1, Fli, Nav, 1, 0 ; CA Combustion, 5,-1, Ref, Inv, 3, 4 ; Cmb Communism, 5, 0, SFl, Ind, 2, 2 ; Cmn 15 Batteries, 5, 1, NP, Che, 3, 4 ; Cmp Blitzkrieg, 7,-1, Aut, E2, 2, 0 ; Csc Construction, 2, 0, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Cst Heavy Industry, 4, 2, SFl, Eco, 3, 1 ; Cor Mobile Warfare I, 7,-1, Aut, Bro, 2, 0 ; Cur 20 Democracy, 5, 1, nil, Pla, 3, 2 ; Dem Economics, 4, 1, nil, Ban, 3, 1 ; Eco Electronics, 4, 1, NP, Min, 3, 4 ; E1 German, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 0, 2 ; E2 Engineering, 4, 0, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Eng 25 Manhattan Project, 8,-2, NF, X7, 3, 3 ; Env Panzers II, 7,-1, E2, Csc, 2, 0 ; Esp Mobile Artillery, 9,-1, Iro, Feu, 2, 0 ; Exp Mobile Warfare II, 9,-1, Chi, War, 2, 0 ; Feu Flight, 9,-2, Cmb, Inv, 1, 0 ; Fli 30 Fascism, 4,-2, SFl, E2, 0, 2 ; Fun 90mm Anti-Tank Gun, 5,-1, Feu, Too, 0, 1 ; FP Naval Warfare I, 6,-1, nil, Pla, 3, 0 ; Gen Guerrilla Warfare, 4,-1, Cmn, Tac, 0, 0 ; Gue Explosives, 8,-2, Inv, Che, 0, 0 ; Gun 35 Tank Destroyer, 6,-1, Feu, FP, 2, 0 ; Hor Soviet, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 2, 2 ; Ind Invention, 2, 0, Eng, nil, 1, 4 ; Inv Heavy Artillery, 8,-2, Feu, Too, 0, 1 ; Iro Panzers I, 7,-2, Csc, Tac, 2, 0 ; Lab 40 Propaganda, 5,-2, Rad, Fun, 0, 2 ; Las Panzers III, 9,-2, Esp, Mat, 2, 0 ; Ldr Not Used, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 2, 1 ; Lit Machine Tools, 2, 0, Stl, Eng, 2, 4 ; Too Magnetism, 2, 0, nil, nil, 0, 4 ; Mag 45 Mobile Warfare II, 9,-1, Ind, CoL, 2, 0 ; Map Armor Design, 7,-1, Too, Map, 2, 0 ; Mas Mass Production, 3, 4, Aut, Cor, 3, 4 ; MP Armor Design, 7,-1, Too, Esp, 2, 0 ; Mat Mobile Warfare III, 9,-2, Map, Mas, 2, 0 ; Med 50 Metallurgy, 6,-2, nil, nil, 2, 4 ; Met Advanced Research, 5, 1, Too, MP, 3, 4 ; Min Military Leadership,2, 0, nil, nil, 0, 0 ; Mob Monarchy, 2, 0, nil, Pla, 1, 2 ; Mon Theology, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 1, 2 ; MT 55 Panzers IV, 6, 0, Ldr, E2, 2, 0 ; Mys Special Forces, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 0, 0 ; Nav Nuclear Fission, 6,-2, War, E1, 1, 1 ; NF Electricity, 4, 1, Met, Mag, 1, 4 ; NP Buddhism, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 1, 2 ; Phi 60 Rocket Artillery, 9,-2, Rec, Eng, 1, 1 ; Phy Impossible Tech, 1, 0, no, no, 1, 4 ; Pla Naval Warfare II, 6,-1, Gen, War, 3, 0 ; Plu Neutrality, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 3, 2 ; PT Advanced Flight I, 7,-1, E2, Fli, 1, 0 ; Pot 65 Radio, 5,-1, Fli, NP, 3, 4 ; Rad Railroad, 2, 0, nil, Bri, 2, 4 ; RR Propellants, 7,-1, Che, Ind, 1, 1 ; Rec Refining, 5, 4, Che, Cor, 1, 4 ; Ref Modern Farming, 5, 2, Che, Aut, 3, 1 ; Rfg 70 The Republic, 5, 1, nil, nil, 3, 2 ; Rep Advanced Artillery, 8,-2, Too, E2, 0, 1 ; Rob Advanced Flight II, 8,-1, Pot, Rad, 1, 0 ; Roc Sanitation, 4, 2, Cst, Eng, 3, 1 ; San Advanced Flight I, 7,-1, Alp, Fli, 1, 0 ; Sea 75 Industrialization, 6, 2, RR, Ban, 3, 1 ; SFl Advanced Flight II, 9,-2, Alp, Sea, 1, 0 ; Sth Super Production, 6, 1, MP, War, 3, 1 ; SE Steel, 2, 0, NP, SFl, 1, 4 ; Stl Radar, 6, 1, E1, Rad, 1, 0 ; Sup 80 Modern Tactics, 6,-1, nil, Mob, 0, 0 ; Tac Advanced Flight I, 7,-1, Ind, Fli, 1, 0 ; The Operation Overlord, 2, 0, nil, Pla, 3, 0 ; ToG Trade, 2, 0, nil, nil, 3, 1 ; Tra Advanced Flight II, 9,-2, Ind, The, 1, 0 ; Uni 85 USA, 1, 0, nil, Pla, 2, 1 ; War Commando Operations,7,-2, Nav, Amp, 0, 0 ; Whe Advanced Flight I, 7,-2, Bro, Fli, 1, 0 ; Wri Future Technology, 1, 0, nil, nil, 3, 4 ; FT Advanced Flight II, 7,-1, Bro, Wri, 1, 0 ; U1 90 Strategic Bombing, 9,-2, U1, MP, 1, 0 ; U2 Suicidal Fanatism, 6,-2, Alp, Fun, 1, 3 ; U3 Advanced Flight I, 7,-1, War, Fli, 1, 0 ; X1 Advanced Flight II, 7,-2, War, X1, 1, 0 ; X2 Mobile Artillery, 7,-1, Esp, Rob, 0, 1 ; X3 95 Fighter-Bombers, 5,-1, War, X2, 1, 0 ; X4 Submarine Advances, 7,-2, MP, E2, 3, 0 ; X5 Amphibious Armor, 6,-1, Amp, Feu, 3, 0 ; X6 Strategic Bombing, 8,-1, X2, MP, 1, 0 ; X7 99 ; ; Above 3 tech lots allow you to define your own civilization ; advances if desired. Supply the name, the AI value, and ; the prerequisites. ; ; Then use the "U1", "U2", or "U3" ; identifier to incorporate it into the tech chain as a ; prerequisite for other techs, units, city improvements. ; ; ; City Improvements ; ; cost(x10), upkeep, preq ; @IMPROVE Nothing, 1, 0, nil, Capitol, 10, 0, Cst, Barracks, 4, 1, Mob, Grain Elevator, 6, 1, Cst, Church, 4, 1, Cer, MarketPlace, 8, 1, Cst, Library, 8, 1, Cst, Politbureau, 8, 1, Cmn, Anti-Tank Defenses, 8, 0, Cst, WaterWorks, 8, 2, Cst, Bank, 12, 3, Ban, Cathedral, 12, 3, MT, University, 16, 3, Cst, Mass Transit, 16, 4, no, Theater, 10, 4, Cst, Steel Mill, 20, 4, SFl, Ammunition Plant, 32, 6, MP, SDI Defense, 20, 4, no, Recycling Center, 20, 2, no, Power Plant, 16, 4, Cor, Hydro-electric Dam, 24, 4, NP, Nuclear Plant, 16, 2, no, Stock Exchange, 16, 4, Eco, Sewer System, 12, 2, San, Industrial Farm, 8, 3, Rfg, Oil Refinery, 24, 5, Ref, Research Lab, 16, 3, Min, Air Defense Radar, 10, 2, Sup, Coastal Fortress, 8, 1, Met, Solar Plant, 32, 4, no, Fishing Fleet, 6, 1, Cst, Sea Port, 16, 3, Tra, Air Force Base, 16, 3, Rad, NKVD Headquarters, 6, 2, Cmn, Naval Base, 8, 3, Cor, SS Structural, 8, 0, no, SS Component, 16, 0, no, SS Module, 32, 0, no, (Capitalization), 60, 0, Cor, America's Heartland, 20, 0, nil, Nazi Party 1933, 20, 0, Fun, Anschluss 1938, 20, 0, Fun, U-Boat Base, 20, 0, nil, Rock, 30, 0, Dem, Mount Fuji, 30, 0, nil, Atlantic Wall, 30, 0, nil, Samurai Code, 30, 0, nil, US Steel Mills, 30, 0, nil, Vatican, 20, 0, nil, Nuremberg Rallies 1938, 40, 0, Fun, Synthetic Fuel Plant, 30, 0, Ref, Royal Navy, 40, 0, nil, British Commonwealth, 30, 0, nil, Berlin-Rome Pact 1937, 40, 0, Fun, Hitler Youth Movement, 40, 0, U3, Lend-Lease Plan 1941, 40, 0, Dem, Wall Street, 40, 0, Eco, Waffen-SS, 40, 0, U3, Statue of Liberty, 40, 0, Dem, Arc de Triomphe, 30, 0, Dem, FDR's New Deal, 60, 0, Dem, Hoover Dam, 60, 0, Cor, Los Alamos Research Lab, 60, 0, Ato, Kremlin, 60, 0, Cmn, Apollo Program, 60, 0, no, Peenemünde Complex, 60, 0, Ref, Communist Party, 60, 0, Cmn, ; ; Expiration advancements for Wonders of the World ; @ENDWONDER nil, ;America's Heartland nil, ;Nazi Party nil, ;Anschluss 1936 nil, ;U-Boat Base Dem, ;Rock nil, ;Mount Fuji nil, ;Atlantic Wall nil, ;Samurai Code nil, ;US Steel Mills nil, ;Vatican nil, ;Nuremberg Rallies nil, ;Synthetic Fuel Plant nil, ;Royal Navy nil, ;British Commonwealth Aut, ;Berlin-Rome Pact 1937 nil, ;Hitler Youth Movement nil, ;Isaac Newton's College nil, ;Wall Street, nil, ;Lend-Lease plan nil, ;Statue of Liberty nil, ;Arc de Triomphe nil, ;FDR's New Deal nil, ;Hoover Dam nil, ;Los Alamos Research Lab nil, ;Kremlin nil, ;Apollo Program nil, ;Peenemünde Complex nil, ;Communist Party ; ; Unit Types ; ; until, domain, move,rng, att,def hit,firepwr cost,hold, role, preq, flags ; ; until = Civ advance which renders unit obsolete ; Move = Movement rate (spaces per turn) ; Range = # of turns fuel carried (0 for non-air units) ; ; domain = Movement domain of unit : 0 = Ground ; 1 = Air ; 2 = Sea ; ; att = Attack factor (chance to score hit attacking) ; def = Defense factor (chance to score hit defending) ; hit = Hit points (damage x10 which can be taken before elimination) ; firepwr = # damage points caused per hit scored on enemy. ; ; cost = Cost (# of shield rows, usually of 10 shields each) ; hold = # of holds on ship (for carrying units) ; ; role = AI role (Generally affects the way in ; which computer players use the unit, but ; roles >= 5 will actually affect abilities ; of the unit) ; 0 = Attack ; 1 = Defend ; 2 = Naval Superiority ; 3 = Air Superiority ; 4 = Sea Transport ; 5 = Settle ; 6 = Diplomacy ; 7 = Trade ; ; preq = Prerequisite advance ; ; "Flags" control special advantages & restrictions. Not ; all of these flags "make sense" for all types of units ; (paradropping ships, for instance). Nonsensical variations ; may produce bizarre effects (or worse). You were warned. ; ; 000000000000001 = Two space visibility ; 000000000000010 = Ignore zones of control ; 000000000000100 = Can make amphibious assaults ; 000000000001000 = Submarine advantages/disadvantages ; 000000000010000 = Can attack air units (fighter) ; 000000000100000 = Ship must stay near land (trireme) ; 000000001000000 = Negates city walls (howitzer) ; 000000010000000 = Can carry air units (carrier) ; 000000100000000 = Can make paradrops ; 000001000000000 = Alpine (treats all squares as road) ; 000010000000000 = x2 on defense versus horse (pikemen) ; 000100000000000 = Free support for fundamentalism (fanatics) ; 001000000000000 = Destroyed after attacking (missiles) ; 010000000000000 = x2 on defense versus air (AEGIS) ; 100000000000000 = Unit can spot submarines ; ; @UNITS Nationalist Army, nil, 0, 1.,0, 3a,5d, 2h,1f, 0,0, 1, Ast, 000000001000000 Engineers, Ast, 0, 3.,0, 0a,2d, 1h,1f, 4,0, 5, Gun, 000000000000000 Wehrmacht, nil, 0, 1.,0, 5a,5d, 1h,1f, 2,0, 1, E2, 000000001000000 Imperial Marines, nil, 0, 1.,0, 6a,6d, 2h,2f, 2,0, 0, Alp, 000000001000100 Infantry, nil, 0, 1.,0, 5a,5d, 1h,1f, 2,0, 1, Bro, 000000001000000 G.I., nil, 0, 1.,0, 5a,5d, 1h,1f, 2,0, 1, War, 000000001000000 Red Army, nil, 0, 1.,0, 4a,5d, 1h,1f, 1,0, 1, Ind, 000000001000000 Commandos, nil, 0, 1.,0, 7a,5d, 2h,2f, 5,0, 0, Whe, 000001001000110 Panther Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 12a,9d, 3h,2f, 7,0, 3, Esp, 000000000000000 Partisans, nil, 0, 1.,0, 6a,6d, 2h,2f, 6,0, 1, no, 000011001000010 Paratroopers, nil, 0, 1.,0, 6a,5d, 2h,1f, 4,0, 0, CA, 000000101000000 SS Stormtroopers, nil, 0, 2.,0, 7a,6d, 2h,2f, 4,0, 0, E2, 000110001000000 A.A.Battery, nil, 0, 1.,0, 0a,5d, 3h,2f, 8,0, 1, Too, 010000000000000 Light Tank, PT, 0, 3.,0, 8a,4d, 3h,2f, 5,0, 0, Aut, 000000000000000 PzKw IV Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 9a,5d, 3h,2f, 7,0, 0, Csc, 000000000000000 T-34 Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 12a,9d, 3h,3f, 5,0, 0, CoL, 000000000000000 Liberty Ship, nil, 2, 7.,0, 0a,2d, 3h,1f, 4,8, 4, SE, 000000000000000 M4 Sherman Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 9a,4d, 3h,2f, 4,0, 0, Chi, 000000000000000 Churchill Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 9a,7d, 3h,2f, 7,0, 0, Cur, 000000000000000 JS-2 Heavy Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 15a,9d, 4h,3f, 8,0, 0, Med, 000000000000000 Armored Infantry, nil, 0, 3.,0, 6a,8d, 2h,2f, 6,0, 1, Feu, 000000000000000 Panzergrenadiers, nil, 0, 3.,0, 6a,8d, 2h,2f, 7,0, 1, Lab, 000000000000000 Tiger I Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 13a,9d, 3h,2f, 9,0, 0, Ldr, 000000000000000 Katyusha Rockets, nil, 0, 3.,0, 13a,2d, 2h,3f, 8,0, 0, Phy, 000000001000000 Mobile Howitzer, nil, 0, 2.,0, 13a,2d, 3h,2f, 10,0, 3, Exp, 000000001000000 88mm MP Gun, nil, 0, 1.,0, 9a,6d, 2h,2f, 6,0, 0, Rob, 010000000000000 Field Artillery, PT, 0, 1.,0, 9a,2d, 2h,3f, 3,0, 0, Too, 000000001000000 Me262 Jet Fighter, nil, 1, 10.,1, 10a,4d, 2h,2f, 14,0, 0, AFl, 010000000010001 P-51 Mustang, nil, 1, 8.,2, 9a,4d, 2h,2f, 8,0, 3, X2, 010000000010001 Motorized Infantry,nil, 0, 3.,0, 6a,6d, 2h,1f, 6,0, 1, Aut, 000000000000000 A6M2 Zero, nil, 1, 10.,1, 7a,4d, 2h,2f, 5,0, 3, Sea, 000000000010001 Fighter, PT, 1, 10.,1, 4a,3d, 2h,2f, 5,0, 3, Fli, 000000000010001 Me109 Fighter, nil, 1, 10.,1, 7a,4d, 2h,2f, 7,0, 3, Pot, 000000000010001 IL-2 Shturmovik, nil, 1, 10.,1, 11a,5d, 2h,2f, 8,0, 0, The, 000000000000001 Bomber, PT, 1, 6.,2, 10a,2d, 2h,2f, 10,0, 0, Fli, 000000000000001 Spitfire, nil, 1, 10.,1, 7a,5d, 2h,2f, 7,0, 3, Wri, 000000000010001 P-38 Lightning, nil, 1, 12.,1, 8a,4d, 2h,2f, 7,0, 3, X1, 000000000010001 Destroyer, PT, 2, 6.,0, 6a,4d, 3h,1f, 6,0, 2, Stl, 100000000000000 Cruiser, PT, 2, 6.,0, 8a,6d, 4h,2f, 8,0, 2, Stl, 100000000000000 Freighter, nil, 2, 5.,0, 0a,2d, 3h,1f, 6,4, 4, Cmb, 000000000000000 Battleship, PT, 2, 5.,0, 12a,12d, 6h,4f, 16,0, 2, Aut, 000000000000000 Submarine, PT, 2, 3.,0, 10a,3d, 3h,2f, 6,0, 2, Cmp, 000000000001000 Aircraft Carrier, nil, 2, 5.,0, 0a,8d, 6h,1f, 16,0, 2, Gen, 010000010000000 V-1 Flying Bomb, nil, 1, 5.,1, 10a,0d, 2h,5f, 6,0, 0, AFl, 001000000000000 "Ohka" Kamikaze, nil, 1, 8.,1, 10a,0d, 2h,5f, 6,0, 0, U3, 001000000000001 Atomic Bomb, nil, 1, 10.,1, 99a,0d, 1h,1f, 18,0, 3, Env, 001000000000000 Super Battleship, nil, 2, 6.,0, 18a,14d, 8h,5f, 18,0, 2, Plu, 000000000000000 Type XXI U-Boat, nil, 2, 5.,0, 12a,4d, 3h,4f, 8,0, 2, X5, 000000000001000 DH Mosquito, nil, 1, 12.,1, 10a,4d, 2h,2f, 8,0, 0, U1, 010000000000001 Freight, nil, 0, 2.,0, 0a,1d, 1h,1f, 5,0, 7, SFl, 000000000000010 Yak-9 Fighter, nil, 1, 10.,1, 7a,4d, 2h,2f, 7,0, 3, Uni, 000000000010001 Ju-87 Stuka, nil, 1, 8.,1, 8a,2d, 2h,2f, 5,0, 0, Pot, 000000000000001 B-17 Heavy Bomber, nil, 1, 10.,4, 15a,6d, 2h,4f, 12,0, 0, X7, 000000000000001 Avro Lancaster, nil, 1, 8.,2, 15a,6d, 2h,4f, 10,0, 0, U2, 000000000000001 M10 Tank Destroyer,nil, 0, 3.,0, 11a,2d, 3h,2f, 5,0, 0, Hor, 000000000000000 P-47D Thunderbolt, nil, 1, 10.,1, 11a,5d, 2h,2f, 8,0, 0, X4, 000000000010001 Ki67 Medium Bomber,nil, 1, 6.,2, 12a,2d, 2h,3f, 7,0, 0, Sth, 000000000000001 Fallschirmjäger, nil, 0, 1.,0, 6a,5d, 2h,1f, 4,0, 0, E2, 000000101000010 Red Guard, nil, 0, 2.,0, 7a,5d, 2h,2f, 3,0, 3, Ind, 000010001000000 Tiger II Tank, nil, 0, 3.,0, 14a,11d, 4h,3f, 11,0, 0, Mys, 000000000000000 105mm Wespe, nil, 0, 3.,0, 11a,3d, 3h,2f, 7,0, 3, X3, 000000001000000 LVT-2, nil, 0, 3.,0, 9a,5d, 3h,2f, 6,0, 0, X6, 000000000000100 ; ; Terrain ; ; Movecost, defense, food, shields, trade, ; . . . Irrigate, bonus, #turns, ai-irrigate, ; . . . Mine, bonus, #turns, ai-mine ; . . . Transform ; ; defense = multiply by 50% to get % of normal combat factor defended at. ; (so 3 x 50% = 150%, meaning a strength 2 unit defends at 3). ; ; Irrigate/Mine = yes, no, or type of terrain changed to ; Transform = Terrain type engineers can transform to ; ; bonus = # extra production from that change ; ; turns = # turns for settler to make change; ; ai = Minimum govt level necessary for ; computer player to want to perform irrigate/mine ; 0 Never ; 1 Despotism ; 2 Monarchy ; 3 Communism ; 4 Fascism ; 5 Republic ; 6 Democracy ; @TERRAIN Desert, 1,2, 0,1,0, yes, 2,15, 5, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Drt Plains, 1,2, 1,1,0, yes, 1, 5, 1, yes, 5,40, 3, Grs, ; Pln Grassland, 1,2, 3,1,0, yes, 1, 5, 1, no, 0, 0, 0, Pln, ; Grs Forest, 2,3, 1,2,0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; For Hills, 2,4, 2,2,0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Hil Mountains, 4,6, 0,1,0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Mou Tundra, 1,2, 1,0,0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Tun Glacier, 2,2, 0,0,0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Gla Swamp, 3,1, 1,0,0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Swa Jungle, 3,4, 1,0,0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Jun Ocean, 1,2, 1,0,2, no, 0, 0, 0, no, 0, 0, 0, no, ; Oce Oasis, 1,2, 3,1,0, Coal Mine, 1,2, 0,8,2, Grassland, 1,2, 2,1,0, Paper Mill, 1,4, 1,3,5, Coal Mine, 2,4, 0,8,2, Iron Ore, 4,6, 0,10,3, Water, 1,2, 1,0,0, Muskox, 2,2, 3,2,0, Reeds, 3,1, 1,0,0, Bamboo, 3,3, 1,1,2, Fish, 1,2, 3,0,2, Oil Fields, 1,2, 0,2,40, Wheat, 1,2, 3,1,0, Grassland, 1,2, 2,1,0, Sawmill, 1,4, 1,5,3, Copper Mine,2,4, 0,6,4, Bauxite, 4,6, 0,10,3, Mosquitos, 1,2, 1,0,0, Rocks, 3,4, 0,0,0, Reeds, 3,1, 1,0,0, Oil Fields, 1,2, 0,2,40, Fish, 1,2, 3,0,2, @GOVERNMENTS Anarchy, Mr., Ms. Despotism, General, General Monarchy, General, General Communism, Comrade, Comrade Fascism, Führer, Führer Republic, Consul, Consul Democracy, President, President ; ; Leaders ; ; leader, female, color, style, plural, adjective, ... ; ...attack, expand, civilize, ... ; ...govt, male, female... ; ; female: 0 = male 1 = female ; ; color: Color set (1 - 7) ; style: City style (0 - 3) ; 0 = Bronze Age ; 1 = Classical ; 2 = Far East ; 3 = Medieval ; ; attack: 1 = aggressive -1 = rational ; expand: 1 = expansionist -1 = perfectionist ; civilize: 1 = civilized -1 = militaristic ; ; govt = government type for name replacement (0 = Anarchy, 6 = Democracy) ; ; male, female = titles for leader of government ; @LEADERS Joseph Stalin, None, 0, 1, 0, Soviets, Soviet, 1, 1, -1, Hiro Hito, None, 0, 2, 3, Japonese, Japonese, 1, 1, -1, 4, Emperor, Empress Adolf Hitler, None, 0, 3, 0, Germans, German, 1, 1, -1, Ukendte Leder, None, 0, 4, 0, Neutrals, Neutral, -1, -1, 1, Franklin D. Roosevelt, None, 0, 5, 1, Americans, American, 1, 1, -1, Winston Churchill, None, 0, 6, 0, Brittish, Brittish, 1, 1, -1, 6, Prime Minister, Prime Minister Chiang Kai-Shek, None, 0, 7, 2, Chinese, Chinese, 0, 0, 1, 2, General, General Joseph Stalin, None, 0, 1, 0, Soviets, Soviet, 1, 1, -1, Hiro Hito, None, 0, 2, 3, Japonese, Japonese, 1, 1, -1, 4, Emperor, Empress Adolf Hitler, None, 0, 3, 0, Germans, German, 1, 1, -1, Ukendte Leder, None, 0, 4, 0, Neutrals, Neutral, -1, -1, 1, Franklin D. Roosevelt, None, 0, 5, 1, Americans, American, 1, 1, -1, Winston Churchill, None, 0, 6, 0, Brittish, Brittish, 1, 1, -1, 6, Prime Minister, Prime Minister Chiang Kai-Shek, None, 0, 7, 2, Chinese, Chinese, 0, 0, 1, 2, General, General Joseph Stalin, None, 0, 1, 0, Soviets, Soviet, 1, 1, -1, Hiro Hito, None, 0, 2, 3, Japonese, Japonese, 1, 1, -1, 4, Emperor, Empress Adolf Hitler, None, 0, 3, 0, Germans, German, 1, 1, -1, Ukendte Leder, None, 0, 4, 0, Neutrals, Neutral, -1, -1, 1, Franklin D. Roosevelt, None, 0, 5, 1, Americans, American, 1, 1, -1, Winston Churchill, None, 0, 6, 0, Brittish, Brittish, 1, 1, -1, 6, Prime Minister, Prime Minister Chiang Kai-Shek, None, 0, 7, 2, Chinese, Chinese, 0, 0, 1, 2, General, General Saladin, ..., 0, 5, Arabs, Arab, 1, 0, 1, 4, Ayatollah, Ayatollah, 2, Sultan, Sultana Atawallpa, ..., 0, 1, Incas, Inca, -1, 1, 1, ; ; Trading Commodities ; @CARAVAN Wood, Wool, Paper, Cloth, Salt, Coal, Copper, Dye, Wine, Silk, Steel, Chemicals, Bauxite, Gold, Oil, Weapons, @ORDERS Fortify, F Fortified, F Sleep, S Build Fortress, F Build Road, R Build Irrigation, I Build Mine, m Transform, O Clean Pollution, p Build Airbase, E Go to, G @DIFFICULTY Corporal Sergeant Lieutenant Captain Colonel General @ATTITUDES Worshipful Enthusiastic Cordial Receptive Neutral Uncooperative Icy Hostile Enraged