; ; Events text for "2194 Days of War" scenario - Multi-player ; Captain Nemo - 04/17/99 ; @BEGINEVENTS @IF NOSCHISM defender=anybody @THEN @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Battleship attacker=Japanese defender=Americans @THEN TEXT ^^PEARL HARBOR - December 7, 1941 ^Japanese aircraft attack the naval station at Pearl Harbor! ^The battleship USS Arizona is sunk! Hundreds of US sailors die. ^President Roosevelt declares this "a date which will live in infamy" ^The United States and Britain declare war on Japan. ^Japan's ally, Germany declares war on the United States. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Battleship attacker=Japanese defender=British @THEN TEXT ^The British battleship HMS Prince of Wales and battlecruiser ^HMS Repulse are sunk by Japanese air strikes near Singapore. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Liberty Ship attacker=Germans defender=Americans @THEN TEXT ^German "Wolfpacks", cruisers and aircraft continuously hound ^Allied convoys, disrupting trade and destroying thousands of tons ^of equipment and supplies. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=92 receiver=Japanese @THEN TEXT ^Japanese suicide pilots, calling themselves "the Wind from Heaven", ^or "Kamikaze", crash their explosive-filled planes on allied ^ships. Japanese fanatism has reached new heights. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Super Battleship attacker=Americans defender=Japanese @THEN TEXT ^The pride of the Imperial Navy, the 70,000 ton Battleship Yamato, ^is sunk by US carrier-based dive bombers and torpedo planes. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Motorized Infantry attacker=Anybody defender=Neutrals @THEN TEXT ^This unprovoked attack on a neutral nation causes outrage in the international ^community. Swiss and Swedish bankers set up secret funding to support military ^action against the "barbarians" capable of such actions. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Motorized Infantry attacker=Germans defender=Neutrals @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=Soviets amount=2000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Motorized Infantry attacker=Japanese defender=Neutrals @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=British amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Motorized Infantry attacker=Americans defender=Neutrals @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=Japanese amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Motorized Infantry attacker=British defender=Neutrals @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=Germans amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF UNITKILLED unit=Motorized Infantry attacker=Soviets defender=Neutrals @THEN CHANGEMONEY receiver=Germans amount=1000 @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=3 @THEN TEXT ^The Japanese advance threatens the Burma trail, from India through ^Rangoon into China. This is the last route through which the Allies ^can resupply the Chinese Nationalist Army under Chiang Kai-Shek. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=8 @THEN TEXT ^July 8, 1942: Colonel Claire Chennault takes command of ^the "Flying Tigers", operating against the Japanese out ^of scattered airbases in central China. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=2 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Fighter owner=Chinese veteran=yes homecity=None locations 117,45 125,45 113,53 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=17 @THEN TEXT ^April 18, 1943: American P-38s intercept and shoot down a ^Japanese bomber carrying Admiral Yamamoto, near the island ^of Bougainville. Japan loses it's greatest war leader. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=P-38 Lightning owner=Americans veteran=yes homecity=None locations 143,87 144,88 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Berlin attacker=Anybody defender=Germans @THEN TEXT ^Berlin falls to the Allies. Hitler, Eva Braun, Goebbels and other ^top Nazi leaders commit suicide in the bunker under the "Reichskanzlei". ^Control of the German Reich is passed to Admiral Dönitz who wows ^to continue the fight to free the German "Vaterland". ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=London attacker=Germans defender=British @THEN TEXT ^London is captured by Nazi stormtroopers. Hitler parades through Buckingham ^Palace. The King and Prime Minister must flee. Operation "Sealion" has ^been a complete success, announces Reichmarshal Goering, high commander ^of the Luftwaffe. ^Worldwide democracy is threatened... This is the darkest hour for the Allies. ^The Royal Crown Jewels of England are plundered by Nazi henchmen. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Germans amount=2000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Manila attacker=Japanese defender=Americans @THEN TEXT ^The Philippines fall into Japanese hands... ^Douglas McArthur is forced to leave the island. ^He promises: "I shall return" ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Paris attacker=Anybody defender=Germans @THEN TEXT ^General Leclerc of the Free French Forces leads the triumphant Allied parade ^up the Champs-Elysées, while the jubilant Parisians look on... ^Hitler is enraged that his orders to fight to the bitter end and then raze ^and burn the city weren't followed. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Belgrade attacker=Soviets defender=Germans @THEN TEXT ^With the loss of Belgrade, the Germans lose control of one of the most ^important ressources in the war: The Ploeisti oil fields in Rumania. ^With this loss German tanks and airplanes will soon be without fuel... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Soviets technology=69 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Hamburg attacker=Soviets defender=Germans @THEN TEXT ^The Red Army captures the secret Nazi research facility at Peenemünde, where ^Hitler has been developing the V-2 rockets... Several prominent German ^scientists, including Von Braun are captured and sent to Moscow to boost the ^Soviet research program. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Soviets technology=68 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Moscow attacker=Germans defender=Soviets @THEN TEXT ^Operation Barbarossa has reached it's primary goal: The capture of Moscow ^The Soviet government flees the Kremlin and vows to continue the fight from ^Siberia, but the industrial infrastructure of this region is poor. ^The German seize control of critical production facilities that the Soviets ^were unable to destroy in time. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Germans amount=1000 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Murmansk attacker=Germans defender=Soviets @THEN TEXT ^The capture of the port of Murmansk on the Arctic ocean closes the only ^entry point for Allied supply convoys to the Soviet Union. Several convoys ^must turn around in sight of the Siberian coast and sail back to Scotland. ENDTEXT CHANGEMONEY receiver=Germans amount=500 JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Stalingrad attacker=Germans defender=Soviets @THEN TEXT ^After a long bloody struggle the Wehrmacht finally pushes the Red Army out ^of what remains of Stalingrad. Hitler makes a surprise visit to the Eastern ^front and promotes General Von Paulus to Field Marshal. Stalin uses the ^loss to galvanize the will of the Russian people. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE GIVETECHNOLOGY receiver=Soviets technology=82 @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Leningrad attacker=Germans defender=Soviets @THEN TEXT ^After a long siege, the defenders of Leningrad, starving and without ammunition ^finally give up... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Baku attacker=Germans defender=Soviets @THEN TEXT ^The German panzers seize control of the srategic oil fields at Baku and Grosny. ^Hitler's army has finally overcome it's fuel shortage problems for good... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Alexandria attacker=Germans defender=British @THEN TEXT ^After routing the British at El Alamein, Rommel's Afrikakorps ^advances, unchallenged, into the heart of Egypt. The 8th Army is ^fleeing in confusion... ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Red Army owner=Soviets veteran=yes homecity=None locations 92,24 93,33 85,15 101,23 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Motorized Infantry owner=Soviets veteran=yes homecity=None locations 88,30 93,33 92,24 101,23 endlocations @ENDIF @IF NEGOTIATION talker=Anybody talkertype=HumanOrComputer listener=Anybody listenertype=HumanOrComputer @THEN @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Soviets whom=Germans @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Japanese whom=Americans @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Japanese whom=British @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Japanese whom=Chinese @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=British whom=Germans @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=British whom=Japanese @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Americans whom=Germans @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=1 @THEN MAKEAGGRESSION who=Americans whom=Japanese @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS