ENDGAME_GAIA_CONTROLLER_CORE { Wonder WONDER_THE_SOLARIS_PROJECT TurnsToActivate 10 } ENDGAME_GAIA_COMPUTER { Building IMPROVE_GAIA_COMPUTER MinNeeded 10 } ENDGAME_POWER_SATELLITE { Building IMPROVE_POWER_SATELLITE MinNeeded 10 MaxNeeded 20 } ENDGAME_PROCESSING_TOWER { TerrainImprovement TILEIMP_PROCESSING_TOWER MinNeeded 5 PowerSource ENDGAME_POWER_SATELLITE // use min radius when min power sources are built MinRadius 5 // use max radius when max power sources are built MaxRadius 8 // need to have 60% of the map area covered MinCoverage 0.6 } ENDGAME_WORLD_UNION { // Wonder WONDER_WORLD_COUNCIL ? // need to have 100% of the worlds population in our alliance MinCoverage 1.0 // turns before world union is complete TurnsToActivate 0 }