# 24 STRATEGY_DEFAULT { // // POPULATION ASSIGNMENTS // PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.3 LaborerPercent 0.1 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.5 Top 0.2 ProductionCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.4 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.2 Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.2 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.2 EntertainerPercent 0.2 ScientistPercent 0.2 Default } // // GOVERNMENT SETTING // Government GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC Government GOVERNMENT_FASCISM Government GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY Government GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY // other governments // Government GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA // Government GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM // Government GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC // Government GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY // // WORKDAY, GOLD, FOOD SLIDER SETTINGS (WGF) // // set how unhappy our most unhappy city be MinimumHappiness 73 // set maximum deficit spending percent (ie. spend no more than // 10% of our savings each turn) DeficitSpending 0.1 // set maximum percent of gold that should ever be spent on wages to not choke science MaximumWagePercent 0.25 // try to decrease food SliderElement { Delta 2 Food } SliderElement { Delta 1 Production } SliderElement { Delta 1 Gold } // // SCIENCE SETTINGS // // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 60 // // MILITARY READINESS SETTING // // maximum percent of production used for military readiness MaxSupportCostPercent 50 // Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2 ReadinessLevel 2 // // TERRAIN IMPROVEMENTS // // percent of production to put into public works/materials PublicWorksPercent 30 // amount of public works (materials) to keep in reserve PublicWorksReserve 100 // only consider building best n tile improvements MaxEvalTileImprovements 50 // rounds to wait before fixing roads TimeToFixRoads 10 // rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles TimeToFixPollution 20 // stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold FixPollutionThreshold 2000 // bonus for building road tile improvements RoadUtilityBonus 200 // bonus for building production tile improvements ImproveProductionBonus 150 // bonus for building growth tile improvements ImproveGrowthBonus 100 // bonus to apply to cells with goods ImproveGoodBonus 75 // bonus for growth improvements in smallest 20% of our cities ImproveSmallCityGrowthBonus 100 // bonus for production improvements in most productive 20% of our cities ImproveLargeCityProductionBonus 150 // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth ImproveGrowthList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_GROWTH // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production ImproveProductionList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_PRODUCTION // ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around ImproveRandomList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_MISC // // GOALS // GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 557000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 405000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 405000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 355000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 7000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 420000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority -1000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 5000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CONVERT_CITY Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BIOTERROR_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NANOATTACK_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 30500 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 407000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 9000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 390000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0.1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 7800 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 450000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 440000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 430000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 460000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 1 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority -300000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 1 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 450000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 460000 MaxEval 30 MaxExec 15 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -50 // number of armies to try and disband units from per round DisbandArmyCount 2 // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 4 // cells with settle scores below this threshold will not be used MinSettleScore 600 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.15 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.40 RangedUnitsPercent 0.40 SeaUnitsPercent 0.0 AirUnitsPercent 0.0 // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 1 SeaTransportUnitsCount 1 AirTransportUnitsCount 1 SpecialUnitsCount 1 // Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns MaxSettlerBuildTurns 30 MaxUnitBuildTurns 20 MaxWonderBuildTurns 35 // maximum percent of conventional units to build before building // special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.25 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.25 // Types of standard units that should be built OffensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_OFFENSE DefensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_DEFENSE RangedUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_RANGED SeaUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA AirUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR // Types of special units that should be built SettlerUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_LAND_SETTLER SeaTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA_TRANSPORT AirTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR_TRANSPORT SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL FreightUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_FREIGHT // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 1 // For each city with an empty build queue, build from // first sequence that applies BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GROWTH Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities Advice BUILD_GROWTH_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 9000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_PRODUCTION Bottom 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_PRODUCTION_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 6000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GOLD Bottom 0.2 CommerceCities Advice BUILD_GOLD_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 4000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.2 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 8000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_SCIENCE Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_SCIENCE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 5000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_WONDERS Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_WONDERS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 7000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Bottom 0.2 PowerCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 3000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_HAPPINESS Bottom 0.2 HappyCities Advice BUILD_HAPPINESS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 2000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFAULT Default Advice BUILD_DEFAULT_ADVICE } // // ADVANCE LIST // Research ADVANCE_LIST_DEFAULT StopResearch ADVANCE_LIST_STOP_RESEARCH // // DIPLOMACY // // priority for fear motivations FearInvasion 1000 FearCityDefense 1100 FearPiracy 900 FearScienceRank 800 FearMilitaryRank 800 FearTradeRank 800 FearPollution 900 // priority for desire motivations DesireAttack 800 DesireGold 900 DesireScience 900 DesireMakeFriend 1000 DesireEnlistFriend 1100 // // TRADE // // only accumulate count of piracy if it occurs within // memory of last piracy PiracyMemoryTurns 3 // number of piracy events to accumulate before we kill the route MaxPiracyEvents 3 // // FORCE MATCHING // // AttackMatch - ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength // DefenseMatch - ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength // RangedMatch - ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength // BombardMatch - ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength // ValueMatch - ratio of army's value to target's value Offensive { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.2 RangedMatch 0.5 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.6 } Defensive { AttackMatch 0.2 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.2 BombardMatch 0.6 ValueMatch 0.7 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.3 RangedMatch 0.6 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.4 } StealthAttack { AttackMatch 1.2 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 1.1 } Bombard { AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 1.1 ValueMatch 0.0 } Special { // no force matching for special attacks AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 } } STRATEGY_BARBARIAN { // must inherit from default Inherit STRATEGY_DEFAULT Government GOVERNMENT_ANARCHY // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 0 // maximum percent of production used for military readiness MaxSupportCostPercent 100 // Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2 ReadinessLevel 2 // percent of production to put into public works/materials PublicWorksPercent 0 // // GOALS // GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 400000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 390000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 390000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 400000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 400000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 400000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 0 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 0 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -250 // number of armies to try and disband units from per round DisbandArmyCount 0 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 0.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 1.0 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.60 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.00 RangedUnitsPercent 0.40 SeaUnitsPercent 0.00 AirUnitsPercent 0.00 // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 0 SeaTransportUnitsCount 0 AirTransportUnitsCount 0 SpecialUnitsCount 0 // Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns MaxSettlerBuildTurns 0 MaxUnitBuildTurns 100 MaxWonderBuildTurns 0 // maximum percent of conventional units to build before building // special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.0 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.0 // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 0 RangedGarrisonCount 0 // For each city with an empty build queue, build from first sequence that applies BuildListSequenceElement { BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 1.0 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } // // FORCE MATCHING // Offensive { // ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength AttackMatch 0.0 // ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength DefenseMatch 0.0 // ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength RangedMatch 0.0 // ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength BombardMatch 0.0 // ratio of army's value to target's value ValueMatch 0.0 } Defensive { AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 } } STRATEGY_SEIGE { // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 60 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.35 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.30 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 RangedUnitsPercent 0.30 SeaUnitsPercent 0.10 AirUnitsPercent 0.10 // Number of special units that should be built SeaTransportUnitsCount 6 AirTransportUnitsCount 4 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 607000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 805000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 15 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 600000 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority 500000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 }//from Priority -1000 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 700000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 10 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 753000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 595000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 10 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 757000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 650000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 2 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -150 BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10500 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.35 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 11000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Top 0.35 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } // // FORCE MATCHING // Offensive { AttackMatch 0.5 //from 0.9 DefenseMatch 0.1 //from 0.5 RangedMatch 0.7 //from 0.9 BombardMatch 0.0 //from 0.5 ValueMatch 0.3 //from 1.0 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.3 //from 0.9 DefenseMatch 0.0 //from 0.5 RangedMatch 0.3 //from 0.8 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 //from 1.0 } } STRATEGY_ATTACK { // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 60 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.35 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.30 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 RangedUnitsPercent 0.30 SeaUnitsPercent 0.10 AirUnitsPercent 0.10 // Number of special units that should be built SeaTransportUnitsCount 6 AirTransportUnitsCount 4 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 607000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 685000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 10 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 850000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 15 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 600000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 15 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority 500000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 }//from Priority -1000 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 657000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 595000 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } // pillage like crazy if we do not care so much about taking cities GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 753000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 1 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -150 NuclearFirstStrike: Disabled NuclearTargeting: Enabled // do not perform first strike if our regard is above some limit PreemptiveStrikeRegard 100 // how many foreign boom booms are enough to wipe us off the map? // (eg. if more than 1 foreign nuke to every 4 of our cities would be // enough to prevent us from launching, specify 0.25) PreemptiveStrikeRiskRatio 0.25 // when do we have enough nukes to wipe them off the map? // (eg. if having less than 3 nukes to every 4 enemy cities prevents // us from launching, specify 0.75) PreemptiveStrikeSuperiorityRatio 0.75 BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10500 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.35 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 11000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Top 0.35 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } // // FORCE MATCHING // Offensive { AttackMatch 0.5 //from 0.8 DefenseMatch 0.1 //from 0.5 RangedMatch 0.7 //from 0.9 BombardMatch 0.0 //from 0.5 ValueMatch 0.2 //from 0.9 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.3 //from 0.9 DefenseMatch 0.0 //from 0.6 RangedMatch 0.5 //from 0.9 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.1 //from 1.0 } } STRATEGY_DEFEND { // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 60 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.35 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.10 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.40 RangedUnitsPercent 0.40 SeaUnitsPercent 0.10 AirUnitsPercent 0.10 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 850000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 550000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 500000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 602000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10500 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.35 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 11000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Top 0.35 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } // // FORCE MATCHING // Defensive { AttackMatch 0.0 //from 0.2 DefenseMatch 0.4 //from 0.9 RangedMatch 0.4 BombardMatch 0.2 //from 0.6 ValueMatch 0.4 //from 0.6 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.3 //from 0.9 DefenseMatch 0.0 //from 0.7 RangedMatch 0.3 //from 0.8 BombardMatch 0.0 //from 0.2 ValueMatch 0.1 //from 1.0 } } STRATEGY_CAREFUL_START { // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.30 // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 1 // Set so early cities will build offensive units to explore with after a granary BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 9100 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.6 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } } STRATEGY_AGRESSIVE_START { // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.30 // same as careful start, but with no garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 0 // Set so early cities will build offensive units to explore before a granary BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10100 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.6 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } } STRATEGY_ISLAND_NATION { // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.30 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 RangedUnitsPercent 0.20 SeaUnitsPercent 0.30 AirUnitsPercent 0.00 SeaTransportUnitsCount 3 // decreased maximum percent of conventional units to build before // building special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.20 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.20 } //////////////////////////////////////// // // Exploration Attribute Strategies // //////////////////////////////////////// STRATEGY_EXPLORE_NEAR { GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 35000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 45000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 3 } } STRATEGY_EXPLORE_FAR { GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 80000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 85000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 3 } } STRATEGY_EXPLORE_WIDE { GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 35000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 45000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 3 } } //////////////////////////////////////// // // Expansion Attribute Strategies // //////////////////////////////////////// STRATEGY_SETTLE_COMPACT { // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 2 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 5 } STRATEGY_SETTLE_LARGE { // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 2 SeaTransportUnitsCount 1 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 7 } //////////////////////////////////////// // // Discovery Attribute Strategies // //////////////////////////////////////// STRATEGY_SCIENTIST_DEFAULT { // // POPULATION ASSIGNMENTS // PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.2 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.5 Top 0.2 ProductionCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.5 LaborerPercent 0.3 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.1 Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.3 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.3 Default } // // GOVERNMENT SETTING // Government GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC Government GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY // other governments // Government GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA // Government GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC // Government GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM // Government GOVERNMENT_FASCISM // Government GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY // // WORKDAY, GOLD, FOOD SLIDER SETTINGS (WGF) // // set how unhappy our most unhappy city be MinimumHappiness 73 // set maximum deficit spending percent (ie. spend no more than // 10% of our savings each turn) DeficitSpending 0.1 // set maximum percent of gold that should ever be spent on wages to not choke science MaximumWagePercent 0.25 // try to decrease food SliderElement { Delta 2 Food } SliderElement { Delta 1 Production } SliderElement { Delta 1 Gold } // // SCIENCE SETTINGS // // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 70 // // MILITARY READINESS SETTING // // maximum percent of production used for military readiness MaxSupportCostPercent 40 // Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2 ReadinessLevel 2 // // TERRAIN IMPROVEMENTS // // percent of production to put into public works/materials PublicWorksPercent 30 // amount of public works (materials) to keep in reserve PublicWorksReserve 100 // only consider building best n tile improvements MaxEvalTileImprovements 50 // rounds to wait before fixing roads TimeToFixRoads 10 // rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles TimeToFixPollution 20 // stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold FixPollutionThreshold 2000 // bonus for building road tile improvements RoadUtilityBonus 200 // bonus for building production tile improvements ImproveProductionBonus 150 // bonus for building growth tile improvements ImproveGrowthBonus 100 // bonus to apply to cells with goods ImproveGoodBonus 75 // bonus for growth improvements in smallest 20% of our cities ImproveSmallCityGrowthBonus 100 // bonus for production improvements in most productive 20% of our cities ImproveLargeCityProductionBonus 150 // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth ImproveGrowthList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_GROWTH // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production ImproveProductionList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_PRODUCTION // ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around ImproveRandomList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_MISC // // GOALS // GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 557000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 405000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 405000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 305000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 7000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 420000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority -1000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 5000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CONVERT_CITY Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BIOTERROR_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NANOATTACK_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 500 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 407000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 9000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 390000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0.1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 7800 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 450000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 440000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 430000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 460000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 1 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority -300000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 450000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 460000 MaxEval 30 MaxExec 15 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -50 // number of armies to try and disband units from per round DisbandArmyCount 4 // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 4 // cells with settle scores below this threshold will not be used MinSettleScore 600 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.10 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.40 RangedUnitsPercent 0.40 SeaUnitsPercent 0.0 AirUnitsPercent 0.0 // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 1 SeaTransportUnitsCount 2 AirTransportUnitsCount 2 SpecialUnitsCount 2 // Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns MaxSettlerBuildTurns 30 MaxUnitBuildTurns 20 MaxWonderBuildTurns 35 // maximum percent of conventional units to build before building // special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.25 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.25 // Types of standard units that should be built OffensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_OFFENSE DefensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_DEFENSE RangedUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_RANGED SeaUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA AirUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR // Types of special units that should be built SettlerUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_LAND_SETTLER SeaTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA_TRANSPORT AirTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR_TRANSPORT SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL_PEACEFUL FreightUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_FREIGHT // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 1 // For each city with an empty build queue, build from // first sequence that applies BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GROWTH Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities Advice BUILD_GROWTH_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 9000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_PRODUCTION Bottom 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_PRODUCTION_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 8000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_SCIENCE Top 0.3 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_SCIENCE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 6000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GOLD Top 0.2 CommerceCities Advice BUILD_GOLD_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 7000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Bottom 0.2 PowerCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 4000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.2 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 5000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_WONDERS Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_WONDERS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 3000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_HAPPINESS Bottom 0.2 HappyCities Advice BUILD_HAPPINESS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 2000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFAULT Default Advice BUILD_DEFAULT_ADVICE } // // ADVANCE LIST // Research ADVANCE_LIST_SCIENTIST StopResearch ADVANCE_LIST_STOP_RESEARCH // // DIPLOMACY // // priority for fear motivations FearInvasion 1000 FearCityDefense 1100 FearPiracy 900 FearScienceRank 1000 FearMilitaryRank 800 FearTradeRank 800 FearPollution 900 // priority for desire motivations DesireAttack 800 DesireGold 900 DesireScience 900 DesireMakeFriend 1000 DesireEnlistFriend 1100 // // TRADE // // only accumulate count of piracy if it occurs within // memory of last piracy PiracyMemoryTurns 3 // number of piracy events to accumulate before we kill the route MaxPiracyEvents 3 // // FORCE MATCHING // // AttackMatch - ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength // DefenseMatch - ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength // RangedMatch - ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength // BombardMatch - ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength // ValueMatch - ratio of army's value to target's value Offensive { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.3 RangedMatch 0.8 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.6 } Defensive { AttackMatch 0.2 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.5 BombardMatch 0.6 ValueMatch 0.7 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.3 RangedMatch 0.6 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.4 } StealthAttack { AttackMatch 1.2 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 1.1 } Bombard { AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 1.1 ValueMatch 0.0 } Special { // no force matching for special attacks AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 } } STRATEGY_MILITARIST_DEFAULT { // // POPULATION ASSIGNMENTS // PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.1 LaborerPercent 0.5 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.2 Top 0.2 ProductionCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.4 LaborerPercent 0.3 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.1 Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.3 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.2 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.2 Default } // // GOVERNMENT SETTING // // good for war Government GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC Government GOVERNMENT_FASCISM Government GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM Government GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY Government GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY // other governments // Government GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA // Government GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC // // WORKDAY, GOLD, FOOD SLIDER SETTINGS (WGF) // // set how unhappy our most unhappy city be MinimumHappiness 73 // set maximum deficit spending percent (ie. spend no more than // 10% of our savings each turn) DeficitSpending 0.1 // set maximum percent of gold that should ever be spent on wages to not choke science MaximumWagePercent 0.25 // try to decrease food SliderElement { Delta 2 Food } SliderElement { Delta 1 Production } SliderElement { Delta 1 Gold } // // SCIENCE SETTINGS // // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 60 // // MILITARY READINESS SETTING // // maximum percent of production used for military readiness MaxSupportCostPercent 60 // Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2 ReadinessLevel 2 // // TERRAIN IMPROVEMENTS // // percent of production to put into public works/materials PublicWorksPercent 20 // amount of public works (materials) to keep in reserve PublicWorksReserve 100 // only consider building best n tile improvements MaxEvalTileImprovements 50 // rounds to wait before fixing roads TimeToFixRoads 10 // rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles TimeToFixPollution 20 // stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold FixPollutionThreshold 2000 // bonus for building road tile improvements RoadUtilityBonus 250 // bonus for building production tile improvements ImproveProductionBonus 150 // bonus for building growth tile improvements ImproveGrowthBonus 100 // bonus to apply to cells with goods ImproveGoodBonus 75 // bonus for growth improvements in smallest 20% of our cities ImproveSmallCityGrowthBonus 100 // bonus for production improvements in most productive 20% of our cities ImproveLargeCityProductionBonus 150 // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth ImproveGrowthList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_GROWTH // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production ImproveProductionList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_PRODUCTION // ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around ImproveRandomList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_MISC // // GOALS // GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 600000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 705000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 15 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 850000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 405000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 15 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 15 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 7000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 650000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 650000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority 500000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 }//from Priority -1000 GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 5000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CONVERT_CITY Priority 650000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BIOTERROR_CITY Priority 550000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NANOATTACK_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 500 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 700000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 550000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 EvalPerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 800000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 650000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 0.1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 450000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 550000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 650000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 440000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 430000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 460000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 550000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 1 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority -300000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 450000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 460000 MaxEval 30 MaxExec 15 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -50 // number of armies to try and disband units from per round DisbandArmyCount 10 // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 4 // cells with settle scores below this threshold will not be used MinSettleScore 600 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.25 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.25 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.30 RangedUnitsPercent 0.25 SeaUnitsPercent 0.10 AirUnitsPercent 0.10 // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 0 SeaTransportUnitsCount 2 AirTransportUnitsCount 2 SpecialUnitsCount 6 // Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns MaxSettlerBuildTurns 35 MaxUnitBuildTurns 25 MaxWonderBuildTurns 35 // maximum percent of conventional units to build before building // special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.25 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.25 // Types of standard units that should be built OffensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_OFFENSE DefensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_DEFENSE RangedUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_RANGED SeaUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA AirUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR // Types of special units that should be built SettlerUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_LAND_SETTLER SeaTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA_TRANSPORT AirTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR_TRANSPORT SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL_MILITARIST FreightUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_FREIGHT // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 2 RangedGarrisonCount 1 // For each city with an empty build queue, build from // first sequence that applies BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GROWTH Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities Advice BUILD_GROWTH_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 9000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_PRODUCTION Bottom 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_PRODUCTION_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 8000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Top 0.2 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 7000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 5000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GOLD Bottom 0.2 CommerceCities Advice BUILD_GOLD_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 6000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_SCIENCE Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_SCIENCE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 4000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_WONDERS Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_WONDERS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 3000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_HAPPINESS Bottom 0.2 HappyCities Advice BUILD_HAPPINESS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 2000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFAULT Default Advice BUILD_DEFAULT_ADVICE } // // ADVANCE LIST // Research ADVANCE_LIST_MILITARIST StopResearch ADVANCE_LIST_STOP_RESEARCH // // DIPLOMACY // // priority for fear motivations FearInvasion 1000 FearCityDefense 1100 FearPiracy 900 FearScienceRank 800 FearMilitaryRank 1000 FearTradeRank 800 FearPollution 900 // priority for desire motivations DesireAttack 800 DesireGold 900 DesireScience 900 DesireMakeFriend 1000 DesireEnlistFriend 1100 // // TRADE // // only accumulate count of piracy if it occurs within // memory of last piracy PiracyMemoryTurns 3 // number of piracy events to accumulate before we kill the route MaxPiracyEvents 3 // // FORCE MATCHING // // AttackMatch - ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength // DefenseMatch - ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength // RangedMatch - ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength // BombardMatch - ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength // ValueMatch - ratio of army's value to target's value Offensive { AttackMatch 0.6 //from 0.9 DefenseMatch 0.0 //from 0.5 RangedMatch 0.5 //from 0.8 BombardMatch 0.0 //from 0.0 ValueMatch 0.3 //from 1.0 } Defensive { AttackMatch 0.0 //from 0.2 DefenseMatch 0.5 //from 0.8 RangedMatch 0.3 //from 0.5 BombardMatch 0.4 //from 0.6 ValueMatch 0.5 //from 0.7 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.3 //from 0.9 DefenseMatch 0.0 //from 0.6 RangedMatch 0.3 //from 0.8 BombardMatch 0.0 //from 0.4 ValueMatch 0.1 //from 0.8 } StealthAttack { AttackMatch 1.0 //from 1.2 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.9 //from 1.1 } Bombard { AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.6 //from 0.8 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.9 //from 1.1 ValueMatch 0.0 } Special { // no force matching for special attacks AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 } } STRATEGY_ECONOMIC_DEFAULT { // // POPULATION ASSIGNMENTS // PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.1 LaborerPercent 0.3 MerchantPercent 0.4 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.2 Top 0.2 ProductionCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.4 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.2 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.2 Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.2 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.3 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.2 Default } // // GOVERNMENT SETTING // // good for war Government GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC Government GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY // other governments // Government GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA // Government GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM // Government GOVERNMENT_FASCISM // Government GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC // Government GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY // // WORKDAY, GOLD, FOOD SLIDER SETTINGS (WGF) // // set how unhappy our most unhappy city be MinimumHappiness 73 // set maximum deficit spending percent (ie. spend no more than // 10% of our savings each turn) DeficitSpending 0.1 // set maximum percent of gold that should ever be spent on wages to not choke science MaximumWagePercent 0.25 // try to decrease food SliderElement { Delta 2 Food } SliderElement { Delta 1 Production } SliderElement { Delta 1 Gold } // // SCIENCE SETTINGS // // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 70 // // MILITARY READINESS SETTING // // maximum percent of production used for military readiness MaxSupportCostPercent 50 // Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2 ReadinessLevel 2 // // TERRAIN IMPROVEMENTS // // percent of production to put into public works/materials PublicWorksPercent 30 // amount of public works (materials) to keep in reserve PublicWorksReserve 100 // only consider building best n tile improvements MaxEvalTileImprovements 50 // rounds to wait before fixing roads TimeToFixRoads 10 // rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles TimeToFixPollution 20 // stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold FixPollutionThreshold 2000 // bonus for building road tile improvements RoadUtilityBonus 200 // bonus for building production tile improvements ImproveProductionBonus 150 // bonus for building growth tile improvements ImproveGrowthBonus 100 // bonus to apply to cells with goods ImproveGoodBonus 75 // bonus for growth improvements in smallest 20% of our cities ImproveSmallCityGrowthBonus 100 // bonus for production improvements in most productive 20% of our cities ImproveLargeCityProductionBonus 150 // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth ImproveGrowthList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_GROWTH // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production ImproveProductionList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_PRODUCTION // ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around ImproveRandomList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_MISC // // GOALS // GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 557000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 405000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 405000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 305000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 7000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 420000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority -1000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 5000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CONVERT_CITY Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BIOTERROR_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NANOATTACK_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 500 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 407000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 9000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 390000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0.1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 7800 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 450000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 440000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 430000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 460000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 1 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority -300000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 450000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 460000 MaxEval 30 MaxExec 15 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -50 // number of armies to try and disband units from per round DisbandArmyCount 3 // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 4 // cells with settle scores below this threshold will not be used MinSettleScore 600 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.20 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.40 RangedUnitsPercent 0.40 SeaUnitsPercent 0.0 AirUnitsPercent 0.0 // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 1 SeaTransportUnitsCount 2 AirTransportUnitsCount 2 SpecialUnitsCount 4 // Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns MaxSettlerBuildTurns 35 MaxUnitBuildTurns 30 MaxWonderBuildTurns 40 // maximum percent of conventional units to build before building // special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.25 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.25 // Types of standard units that should be built OffensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_OFFENSE DefensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_DEFENSE RangedUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_RANGED SeaUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA AirUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR // Types of special units that should be built SettlerUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_LAND_SETTLER SeaTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA_TRANSPORT AirTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR_TRANSPORT SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL_PEACEFUL FreightUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_FREIGHT // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 1 // For each city with an empty build queue, build from // first sequence that applies BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GROWTH Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities Advice BUILD_GROWTH_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 9000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_PRODUCTION Bottom 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_PRODUCTION_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 6000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GOLD Top 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_GOLD_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 4000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.2 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 7000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_SCIENCE Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_SCIENCE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 5000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_WONDERS Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_WONDERS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 8000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Bottom 0.2 PowerCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 3000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_HAPPINESS Bottom 0.2 HappyCities Advice BUILD_HAPPINESS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 2000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFAULT Default Advice BUILD_DEFAULT_ADVICE } // // ADVANCE LIST // Research ADVANCE_LIST_ECONOMIC StopResearch ADVANCE_LIST_STOP_RESEARCH // // DIPLOMACY // // priority for fear motivations FearInvasion 1000 FearCityDefense 1100 FearPiracy 900 FearScienceRank 800 FearMilitaryRank 800 FearTradeRank 1000 FearPollution 800 // priority for desire motivations DesireAttack 800 DesireGold 900 DesireScience 900 DesireMakeFriend 1000 DesireEnlistFriend 1100 // // TRADE // // only accumulate count of piracy if it occurs within // memory of last piracy PiracyMemoryTurns 3 // number of piracy events to accumulate before we kill the route MaxPiracyEvents 3 // // FORCE MATCHING // // AttackMatch - ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength // DefenseMatch - ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength // RangedMatch - ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength // BombardMatch - ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength // ValueMatch - ratio of army's value to target's value Offensive { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.3 RangedMatch 0.9 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.5 } Defensive { AttackMatch 0.2 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.4 BombardMatch 0.6 ValueMatch 0.7 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.3 RangedMatch 0.6 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.4 } StealthAttack { AttackMatch 1.2 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 1.1 } Bombard { AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 1.1 ValueMatch 0.0 } Special { // no force matching for special attacks AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 } } STRATEGY_ECOTOPIAN_DEFAULT { // // POPULATION ASSIGNMENTS // PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.3 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.4 Top 0.2 ProductionCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.5 LaborerPercent 0.1 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.2 Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.2 LaborerPercent 0.3 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.1 ScientistPercent 0.3 Default } // // GOVERNMENT SETTING // Government GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA Government GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY // other governments // Government GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC // Government GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM // Government GOVERNMENT_FASCISM // Government GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC // Government GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY // // WORKDAY, GOLD, FOOD SLIDER SETTINGS (WGF) // // set how unhappy our most unhappy city be MinimumHappiness 73 // set maximum deficit spending percent (ie. spend no more than // 10% of our savings each turn) DeficitSpending 0.1 // set maximum percent of gold that should ever be spent on wages to not choke science MaximumWagePercent 0.25 // try to decrease food SliderElement { Delta 2 Food } SliderElement { Delta 1 Production } SliderElement { Delta 1 Gold } // // SCIENCE SETTINGS // // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 70 // // MILITARY READINESS SETTING // // maximum percent of production used for military readiness MaxSupportCostPercent 40 // Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2 ReadinessLevel 2 // // TERRAIN IMPROVEMENTS // // percent of production to put into public works/materials PublicWorksPercent 30 // amount of public works (materials) to keep in reserve PublicWorksReserve 100 // only consider building best n tile improvements MaxEvalTileImprovements 50 // rounds to wait before fixing roads TimeToFixRoads 10 // rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles TimeToFixPollution 20 // stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold FixPollutionThreshold 2000 // bonus for building road tile improvements RoadUtilityBonus 200 // bonus for building production tile improvements ImproveProductionBonus 150 // bonus for building growth tile improvements ImproveGrowthBonus 100 // bonus to apply to cells with goods ImproveGoodBonus 75 // bonus for growth improvements in smallest 20% of our cities ImproveSmallCityGrowthBonus 100 // bonus for production improvements in most productive 20% of our cities ImproveLargeCityProductionBonus 150 // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth ImproveGrowthList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_GROWTH // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production ImproveProductionList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_PRODUCTION // ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around ImproveRandomList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_MISC // // GOALS // GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 557000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 405000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 405000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 305000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 7000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 420000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority -1000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 5000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CONVERT_CITY Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BIOTERROR_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NANOATTACK_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 500 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 407000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 9000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 EvalPerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 390000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0.1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 7800 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 450000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 440000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 430000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 460000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 1 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority -300000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 450000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 460000 MaxEval 30 MaxExec 15 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -50 // number of armies to try and disband units from per round DisbandArmyCount 4 // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 4 // cells with settle scores below this threshold will not be used MinSettleScore 600 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.20 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.40 RangedUnitsPercent 0.40 SeaUnitsPercent 0.0 AirUnitsPercent 0.0 // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 1 SeaTransportUnitsCount 2 AirTransportUnitsCount 2 SpecialUnitsCount 4 // Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns MaxSettlerBuildTurns 40 MaxUnitBuildTurns 35 MaxWonderBuildTurns 45 // maximum percent of conventional units to build before building // special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.25 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.25 // Types of standard units that should be built OffensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_OFFENSE DefensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_DEFENSE RangedUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_RANGED SeaUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA AirUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR // Types of special units that should be built SettlerUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_LAND_SETTLER SeaTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA_TRANSPORT AirTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR_TRANSPORT SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL FreightUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_FREIGHT // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 1 // For each city with an empty build queue, build from // first sequence that applies BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GROWTH Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities Advice BUILD_GROWTH_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 9000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_PRODUCTION Bottom 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_PRODUCTION_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 5000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GOLD Bottom 0.2 CommerceCities Advice BUILD_GOLD_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 4000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.2 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 8000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_SCIENCE Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_SCIENCE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 6000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_WONDERS Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_WONDERS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 7000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Bottom 0.2 PowerCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 3000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_HAPPINESS Bottom 0.2 HappyCities Advice BUILD_HAPPINESS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 2000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFAULT Default Advice BUILD_DEFAULT_ADVICE } // // ADVANCE LIST // Research ADVANCE_LIST_ECOTOPIAN StopResearch ADVANCE_LIST_STOP_RESEARCH // // DIPLOMACY // // priority for fear motivations FearInvasion 1000 FearCityDefense 1100 FearPiracy 900 FearScienceRank 800 FearMilitaryRank 800 FearTradeRank 800 FearPollution 1200 // priority for desire motivations DesireAttack 800 DesireGold 900 DesireScience 900 DesireMakeFriend 1000 DesireEnlistFriend 1100 // // TRADE // // only accumulate count of piracy if it occurs within // memory of last piracy PiracyMemoryTurns 3 // number of piracy events to accumulate before we kill the route MaxPiracyEvents 3 // // FORCE MATCHING // // AttackMatch - ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength // DefenseMatch - ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength // RangedMatch - ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength // BombardMatch - ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength // ValueMatch - ratio of army's value to target's value Offensive { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.2 RangedMatch 0.9 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.6 } Defensive { AttackMatch 0.2 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.2 BombardMatch 0.6 ValueMatch 0.7 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.3 RangedMatch 0.6 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.4 } StealthAttack { AttackMatch 1.2 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 1.1 } Bombard { AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 1.1 ValueMatch 0.0 } Special { // no force matching for special attacks AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 } } STRATEGY_DIPLOMATIC_DEFAULT { // // POPULATION ASSIGNMENTS // PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.3 LaborerPercent 0.4 MerchantPercent 0.1 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.2 Top 0.2 ProductionCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.4 LaborerPercent 0.2 MerchantPercent 0.2 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.2 Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities } PopAssignmentElement { // percent of workers after minimums have been achieved that // should be used as specialists Specialists 0.5 // Percent of allocation to different specialist types (total = 1.0) FarmerPercent 0.3 LaborerPercent 0.3 MerchantPercent 0.2 EntertainerPercent 0.0 ScientistPercent 0.2 Default } // // GOVERNMENT SETTING // Government GOVERNMENT_VIRTUAL_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_CORPORATE_REPUBLIC Government GOVERNMENT_DEMOCRACY Government GOVERNMENT_REPUBLIC Government GOVERNMENT_TYRANNY // Government GOVERNMENT_ECOTOPIA // Government GOVERNMENT_TECHNOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_FASCISM // Government GOVERNMENT_THEOCRACY // Government GOVERNMENT_COMMUNISM // Government GOVERNMENT_MONARCHY // // WORKDAY, GOLD, FOOD SLIDER SETTINGS (WGF) // // set how unhappy our most unhappy city be MinimumHappiness 73 // set maximum deficit spending percent (ie. spend no more than // 10% of our savings each turn) DeficitSpending 0.1 // set maximum percent of gold that should ever be spent on wages to not choke science MaximumWagePercent 0.25 // try to decrease food SliderElement { Delta 2 Food } SliderElement { Delta 1 Production } SliderElement { Delta 1 Gold } // // SCIENCE SETTINGS // // percent of gold to put into science SciencePercent 60 // // MILITARY READINESS SETTING // // maximum percent of production used for military readiness MaxSupportCostPercent 50 // Peace = 0, Alert = 1, War = 2 ReadinessLevel 2 // // TERRAIN IMPROVEMENTS // // percent of production to put into public works/materials PublicWorksPercent 30 // amount of public works (materials) to keep in reserve PublicWorksReserve 100 // only consider building best n tile improvements MaxEvalTileImprovements 50 // rounds to wait before fixing roads TimeToFixRoads 10 // rounds to wait before fixing polluted tiles TimeToFixPollution 20 // stored PW must exceed cost to fix + threshold FixPollutionThreshold 2000 // bonus for building road tile improvements RoadUtilityBonus 200 // bonus for building production tile improvements ImproveProductionBonus 150 // bonus for building growth tile improvements ImproveGrowthBonus 100 // bonus to apply to cells with goods ImproveGoodBonus 75 // bonus for growth improvements in smallest 20% of our cities ImproveSmallCityGrowthBonus 100 // bonus for production improvements in most productive 20% of our cities ImproveLargeCityProductionBonus 150 // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase growth ImproveGrowthList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_GROWTH // ordered list of terrain improvements that increase production ImproveProductionList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_PRODUCTION // ordered list of terrain improvements to be randomly spread around ImproveRandomList IMPROVEMENT_LIST_MISC // // GOALS // GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DEFEND Priority 557000 MaxEval 2 MaxExec 1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SEIGE Priority 405000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ATTACK Priority 405000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS Priority 305000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 25 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_LAND Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SETTLE_SEA Priority 900000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPLORE Priority 7000 MaxEval 15 MaxExec 2 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ENSLAVE_SETTLER Priority 420000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SLAVE_RAID Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CHOKEPOINT Priority -1000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PATROL Priority 5000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CONVERT_CITY Priority 400000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BIOTERROR_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NANOATTACK_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_HARASS_CITY Priority 500 MaxEval 3 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_BOMBARD Priority 407000 MaxEval 25 MaxExec 4 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_EXPEL Priority 9000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PILLAGE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PIRATE Priority 393000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_COUNTER_STEALTH Priority 390000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0.1 PerCity } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_GOODY_HUT Priority 7800 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PLANT_NUKE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_CREATE_PARK Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SOOTHSAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ESTABLISH_EMBASSY Priority 450000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_FRANCHISING Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_STEAL_TECHNOLOGY Priority 440000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INVESTIGATE_CITY Priority 430000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INCITE_REVOLUTION Priority 460000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_INJOIN Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_ASSASSINATE Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_UNDERGROUND_RAILWAY Priority 450000 MaxEval 5 MaxExec 3 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_NUKE_CITY Priority 450000 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 0 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_WANDER Priority 1 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SALLY Priority 0 MaxEval 0 MaxExec 1 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_REFORM Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_SUE_FRANCHISE Priority 450000 MaxEval 1 MaxExec 0.5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_RETREAT Priority -300000 MaxEval 10 MaxExec 5 PerCity} GoalElement { Goal GOAL_DESTROY_ENDGAME Priority 450000 MaxEval 20 MaxExec 5 } GoalElement { Goal GOAL_PROTECT_ENDGAME Priority 460000 MaxEval 30 MaxExec 15 } // multiplied by #rounds to target DistanceModifierFactor -50 // number of armies to try and disband units from per round DisbandArmyCount 2 // minimum distance between settled cities // (eg. new cities must be founded atleast 2 cells from nearest cities collection border) MinSettleDistance 4 // cells with settle scores below this threshold will not be used MinSettleScore 600 // // BUILD LISTS // // Scaled bonus (#turns) to reduce the estimated time to rush buy in most threatened city // used when deciding what city to rush buy in RushBuyThreatBonus 10 // Percent of gold expenses last turn to keep in reserve when rush buying RushBuyReservePercent 2.0 // Percent of civilization support dedicated to units UnitSupportPercent 0.20 // Unit Percents must total to 1 (100%) OffensiveUnitsPercent 0.20 DefensiveUnitsPercent 0.40 RangedUnitsPercent 0.40 SeaUnitsPercent 0.0 AirUnitsPercent 0.0 // Number of special units that should be built SettlerUnitsCount 1 SeaTransportUnitsCount 2 AirTransportUnitsCount 2 SpecialUnitsCount 4 // Do not certain items in cities where if it takes too many turns MaxSettlerBuildTurns 30 MaxUnitBuildTurns 25 MaxWonderBuildTurns 35 // maximum percent of conventional units to build before building // special units of specified type BuildTransportProductionLevel 0.25 BuildSettlerProductionLevel 0.25 // Types of standard units that should be built OffensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_OFFENSE DefensiveUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_DEFENSE RangedUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_RANGED SeaUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA AirUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR // Types of special units that should be built SettlerUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_LAND_SETTLER SeaTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SEA_TRANSPORT AirTransportUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_AIR_TRANSPORT SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL_PEACEFUL FreightUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_FREIGHT // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 1 // For each city with an empty build queue, build from // first sequence that applies BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 10000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GROWTH Bottom 0.2 GrowthCities Advice BUILD_GROWTH_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 9000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_PRODUCTION Bottom 0.2 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_PRODUCTION_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 6000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_GOLD Bottom 0.2 CommerceCities Advice BUILD_GOLD_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 4000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_OFFENSE Top 0.2 ThreatenedCities Advice BUILD_OFFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 8000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_SCIENCE Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_SCIENCE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 5000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_WONDERS Top 0.1 ProductionCities Advice BUILD_WONDERS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 7000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFENSE Bottom 0.2 PowerCities Advice BUILD_DEFENSE_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 3000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_HAPPINESS Bottom 0.2 HappyCities Advice BUILD_HAPPINESS_ADVICE } BuildListSequenceElement { Priority 2000 BuildListSequence BUILD_LIST_SEQUENCE_DEFAULT Default Advice BUILD_DEFAULT_ADVICE } // // ADVANCE LIST // Research ADVANCE_LIST_DIPLOMATIC StopResearch ADVANCE_LIST_STOP_RESEARCH // // DIPLOMACY // // priority for fear motivations FearInvasion 1000 FearCityDefense 1100 FearPiracy 900 FearScienceRank 800 FearMilitaryRank 800 FearTradeRank 800 FearPollution 900 // priority for desire motivations DesireAttack 800 DesireGold 900 DesireScience 900 DesireMakeFriend 1000 DesireEnlistFriend 1100 // // TRADE // // only accumulate count of piracy if it occurs within // memory of last piracy PiracyMemoryTurns 6 // number of piracy events to accumulate before we kill the route MaxPiracyEvents 3 // // FORCE MATCHING // // AttackMatch - ratio of army's attack strength to target's defense strength // DefenseMatch - ratio of army's defense strength to target's attack strength // RangedMatch - ratio of army's ranged strength to target's ranged strength // BombardMatch - ratio of army's bombard strength to target's bombard strength // ValueMatch - ratio of army's value to target's value Offensive { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.2 RangedMatch 0.9 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.6 } Defensive { AttackMatch 0.2 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.2 BombardMatch 0.6 ValueMatch 0.7 } Harass { AttackMatch 0.6 DefenseMatch 0.3 RangedMatch 0.6 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.4 } StealthAttack { AttackMatch 1.2 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 1.1 } Bombard { AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.8 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 1.1 ValueMatch 0.0 } Special { // no force matching for special attacks AttackMatch 0.0 DefenseMatch 0.0 RangedMatch 0.0 BombardMatch 0.0 ValueMatch 0.0 } } //////////////////////////////////////// // // Defense Strategies // //////////////////////////////////////// STRATEGY_DEFENSE_NONE { // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 0 RangedGarrisonCount 0 } STRATEGY_DEFENSE_VERY_LOW { // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 1 RangedGarrisonCount 1 } STRATEGY_DEFENSE_LOW { // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 2 RangedGarrisonCount 2 } STRATEGY_DEFENSE_MEDIUM { // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 2 RangedGarrisonCount 3 } STRATEGY_DEFENSE_HIGH { // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 3 RangedGarrisonCount 3 } STRATEGY_DEFENSE_VERY_HIGH { // minimum number of units to keep in cities as a garrison OffensiveGarrisonCount 0 DefensiveGarrisonCount 4 RangedGarrisonCount 4 } //////////////////////////////////////// // // Nuclear Strategies // //////////////////////////////////////// STRATEGY_LAUNCH_NUKES { NuclearFirstStrike: Enabled NuclearTargeting: Enabled // do not perform first strike if our regard is above some limit PreemptiveStrikeRegard 100 // how many foreign boom booms are enough to wipe us off the map? // (eg. if more than 1 foreign nuke to every 4 of our cities would be // enough to prevent us from launching, specify 0.25) PreemptiveStrikeRiskRatio 0.35 // when do we have enough nukes to wipe them off the map? // (eg. if having less than 3 nukes to every 4 enemy cities prevents // us from launching, specify 0.75) PreemptiveStrikeSuperiorityRatio 0.65 } STRATEGY_MINIMAL_NUKES { SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL_NUCLEAR SpecialUnitsCount 10 } STRATEGY_AVERAGE_NUKES { SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL_NUCLEAR SpecialUnitsCount 25 } STRATEGY_MAXIMUM_NUKES { SpecialUnitList UNIT_BUILD_LIST_SPECIAL_NUCLEAR SpecialUnitsCount 50 }