#COMMENT ______________________________________________________Settler active messages #TUT_FIRST_MESSAGE #ADVISOR Domestic happy #TEXT ^{Your first job is to find a good site for your capital city.} ^ ^The best city sites are near rivers, on grasslands, coastal areas, or areas near special resources. To move your settler, use the 'GO TO' button below, or the keys on your $LINK. ^ ^Press [Enter] to continue. #TUT_GOOD_CITY_SITE_RESOURCES #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^Pardon me, but this is a great place for this settler to build a city because of all the $LINK around... ^Press [B] to {B}uild a city. #TUT_GOOD_CITY_SITE_RESOURCES_FOOD #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^Pardon me, but this is a great place for this settler to found a city because of all the $LINK and good $LINK-producing terrain around... ^Press [B] to {B}uild a city. #TUT_GOOD_CITY_SITE_RESOURCES_COMMERCE #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^This is a great place to build a city because of all the $LINK and good $LINK terrain around... ^Press [B] to {B}uild a city. #TUT_GOOD_CITY_SITE_FRESHWATER #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^If this settler builds a city here, there will be plenty of fresh water in the $RIVERORLAKE0 to irrigate our fields and grow $LINK. Also, areas near rivers and lakes produce lots of $LINK. ^Press [B] to {B}uild a city. #TUT_GOOD_CITY_SITE_COASTAL #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^This settler is in a $LINK area, which is a good place to found new cities. Coastal areas are good for $LINK and $LINK production. Later the city will be able to build ships and $LINK - good for expanding trade interests. ^Press [B] to {B}uild a city. #COMMENT _______________________________________________________________Worker active messages #TUT_FIRST_MOVE #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^This is a worker. He is used to build $LINK, $LINK, $LINK, and other things. A worker's ability to perform these $LINK depends upon the terrain he occupies. Keep an eye on the orders buttons below as you move a worker around to determine where he can perform his jobs. #TUT_IRRIGATE #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^It is important to $LINK the land around $CITY0 to increase its output of $LINK. This worker could irrigate this area because of the nearby fresh water. ^Press [I] to {I}rrigate this square. #COMMENT in the $RIVER_OR_LAKE1 next to him. // used to be the end of the previous sentence. See Pat for why it was changed. #TUT_MINE #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text This $HILL_OR_MTN0 contains valuable production materials. If we build a $LINK here we can increase $CITY1's production of $LINK, allowing us to produce military units and city improvements faster. ^Press [M] to {M}ine this square. #TUT_ROAD #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^Let me suggest, if you don't mind, that this worker build $LINK around $CITY0. Roads speed movement and increase the commercial value of squares thereby increasing $CITY0's $LINK. ^Press [R] to build a {R}oad here. #TUT_STRATEGIC_RESOURCE #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^The resource next to this worker is $RESOURCE0. It is needed to build a $UNIT1. We must connect this resource to a city via road to begin using it. To do so, build a road in every square between the city and the $RESOURCE0. ^If the resource is inside your $LINK, simply build a road on it; if it's not inside your territory, you'll need to build a $LINK to extract the resource. ^Press [R] to build a {R}oad here. #TUT_STRATEGIC_LUXURY #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^{The resource next to this worker is $RESOURCE0.} If you build a road connecting it to $NEAREST_CITY1, the people there will be happier... To do so, build a road in every tile between the city and the $RESOURCE0. ^If the resource is in your $LINK, simply build a road on it; if it's not inside your territory, you'll need to build a $LINK to extract the resource. ^Press [R] to build a {R}oad here. #TUT_CONNECT_CITIES #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^By connecting all our cities to each other with roads you can create a trade network that allows our people to share all the $LINK in the empire. #COMMENT _________________________________________________Other Tut messages #TUT_SECOND_CITY #ADVISOR Domestic happy ^{You are off to a good start}. You now have two cities, you are doing well. Keep building cities and roads to connect them. Try to build roads to as many $LINK as you can and make friends with your neighbors. Ultimately, your borders will expand and you will grow powerful. ^ ^For help while playing, use the $LINK and follow links to answer your questions. #TUT_SCOUT #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^{This is a scout}. The scout is good at exploring the surrounding countryside and investigating Barbarian villages because it moves farther than most units at this stage of the game. Exploration is an important aspect of the game and we should pursue it vigorously. #TUT_FIRST_MILITARY_UNIT #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^{You have just built your first military unit}. Military units can explore the world around $CITY0, attack enemy units and cities (if necessary), and defend your civilization from enemies. ^Use [GO TO] or the [keypad] to move units and the orders buttons below to give special commands. #COMMENT .... Player has only one city, and it is size 4+ #TUT_ONE_CITY #ADVISOR Domestic happy #Text ^{The city of $CITY0 is growing rather large}. Now might be a good time to build a second city. To do this, right-click (or double-click) on $CITY0 and instruct it to build a $LINK. Then, move the settler to a new city site and press [B] to {b}uild a city. #TUT_CIVIL_DISORDER #ADVISOR Domestic sad #Text ^{You have a city in Civil Disorder}. A city falls into $LINK when the number of unhappy citizens exceeds the number of happy ones. Growth and production cease while a city is in disorder. ^ ^{Remedies for disorder include}: ^* Turning citizens into $LINK. ^* Garrisoning military units in the city (fortify units in the city). ^* Building a $LINK, $LINK, or $LINK. ^* Bringing $LINK into the city. #TUT_SHIP #ADVISOR Domestic sad #Text ^{You have built your first $UNIT0}. Use ships to explore the seas and $LINK your units to other continents. Remember that some ships can be $LINK if they venture to far out to sea. #TUT_AIR_UNIT #ADVISOR Domestic sad #Text ^{You have built your first $UNIT0}. Air units can bomb enemy ground units and installations, and establish air superiority in the airspace around the city at which it is based. Unlike other units, air units are given $LINK which they perform immediately. #COMMENT -------------------------------------------- CITY MANAGEMENT TUTORIAL #TUT_FIRST_CITY_MANAGEMENT #ADVISOR Domestic Happy #Text {Welcome to the City Display}. You use the City Display to choose what the city should $LINK, manage your citizens, and get detailed information on the current condition of your city. Access this screen by double-clicking a city on the main map. You can always access the $LINK for more detailed information by right clicking on the overlay areas of this screen where the book icon appears. To Exit, click the "X" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. ^{Press Enter to continue....} #TUT_PRODUCTION_BUTTON #ADVISOR Domestic Happy #Text This is your Change Production button. Clicking it will open the Build List where you choose what the city will build next. As your civilization advances, the list of possible things to build expands. Pictured on the button is the $LINK or $LINK the city is currently working on. #TUT_SHIELDS #ADVISOR Domestic Happy #x 500 #y 100 #Text The Production Box displays the total number of $LINK accumulated toward completing the current project (pictured in the Change Production button). When the Production Box is filled with shields, the pictured unit or city improvement is completed and appears in the game. #TUT_CITIZENS #ADVISOR Domestic Happy #Text These are the citizens of this city. A citizen's main task is to work the land within the $LINK, producing $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK. The location of each citizen is represented by the food, shield, and trade icons on the map. #Variables river lake hill mountain