Creating units 1. open copytool. a. choose 1 unit (eg galley) b. copy the desired unit c. flag the rename option and rename it d. close copytool 2. open editor a. go to new unit which will be at bottom of unit list. tweak it. b. change its civilopedia entry to desired (eg PRTO_Coracle) c. close editor 3. open civilopedia.txt a. search for the original unit that copy was made from (eg galley would look like #PRTO_Galley) b. right above the entry for old unit create a new entry using same format (eg #PRTO_Coracle) c. leave two lines above the top and bottom of entry 4. open pediaicons.txt a. search for the original unit that copy was made from (eg galley would look like #ICON_PRTO_Galley) b. copy the text of the old unit entry c. paste the text right before the end of the #End Units marker, make sure it is on its own line d. change old text to new civilopedia entry (eg #ICON_PRTO_Coracle) 5. open units_32.pcx a. shift all units after the privateer icon to the right one box for every unit you just created 6. open the civ3\art\units directory a. check to see if you have a directory for the new unit (eg Coracle) if existing==true { I. check to see if you have an .ini file inside the directory named for the unit (eg Coracle.ini) II. inside that ini it needs to point to -The .amb file that the .INI calls -The .flc files that the .INI calls -The .wav files that the .amb calls } else { I. copy the folder for the copied unit (eg galley directory) II. paste the copy in the civ3\art\units directory III. rename the "copy of galley" directory to desired name (eg Coracle) IV. open the Coracle directory V. inside there needs to be an ini file of the same name as your unit (eg Coracle.ini) VI. inside that ini it needs to point to -The .amb file that the .INI calls -The .flc files that the .INI calls -The .wav files that the .amb calls }