Abrreviation Meaning
GAGolden Age
GLGreat Leader
ICSInfinite City Sprawl
LELimited Edition
OCCOne City Challenge
CSACiv Specific Ability
UU/CSU/SUUnique Unit / Civ Specific Unit / Special Unit
GWGreat Wonder
SWSmall Wonder
CRCulture Rating
CPCulture Points
LWLeonardo's Workshop
CTPCall To Power
SESocial Engineering as in SMAC
OWABWNWOur words are backed with nuclear weapons!
CSConsequences, schmonsequences!
WLTKDWe Love The King Day
ADMAttack Defense Movement
SMACSid Meier's Alpha Centauri
SMAXSid Meier's Alien Crossfire
TOTTest of Time
REXRapid Expansion
SSCSuper Science City
NCCNo City Challenge
SLScenario League
SOGSeeds of Greatness
RFRed Front
CSCCiv Scenario Collection
WOWWonder of World
MPPMutual Protection Pact
RoPRight of Passage
[COLOR={secondaltcolor}][B]General - Game related[/B][/COLOR]
MP/SPMulti/Single player
AIArtificial Inteligence
MOOMaster of Orion
AoEAge of Empires
AoKAge of Empires : Age of Kings
EUEuropa Universalis
RTFMRead The Fucking Manual
BHGBig Huge Games
TOAOWThe Operational Art Of War
SMGSid Meier's Gettysburg
BABBigger is Always Better
IMO/IMHOIn my opinion / in my humble opinion
IMNSHOIn my not so humble opinion
BTWBy the way
FYIFor your information
(ROFL)MAO(Rolling on floor laughing) my ass off
AFAIKas far as I know
ASAIKYAAs soon as I kick your ass
LOLLaughing out Loud
IIRCIf I remember correctly
YYRCYes you remember correctly
RAFRise And Fall
ECSEternal China Syndrome
MULOTFMost Untrustworthy Leader OF The Infidels
WTFWhat the FUCK?
KMFDMKill mother-effing Depeche Mode
SMIGSid Meier is god
MREIOFMy rear end is on fire
HTHTNHope this helps the newbies.
JTLYKJust to let you know
PCRPost Count Reduction
PCIPost Count Increment
(A)CS(Apolyton) Civilization Site
DLDouble Login
CPControl Panel
OfAPeCiCluOfficial Apolyton Pessimistic Civers Club
OfAReCiCluOfficial Apolyton Realistic Civers Club
OfAOpCiCluOfficial Apolyton Optimist Civers Club
TCLOAThe Critically Literal Optimist Association
IEInternet Explorer
SDNWOTNSarcasm Does Not Work On The Net
LOTRLord Of The Rings
KISSKeep It Simple Stupid
LOTMLord of the Mark
PHProvost Harrison
AHAlexander's Horse
DanDan Magaha (Firaxis employee)
URUrban Ranger
SGScouse Gits