I have here infront of me a map of the world main resourses ( no.% is the percentage of world resource) so... Coal UK 10% Germany 5% East coast America 22.5% Central China 15% Central russia 25% France 2.5% Japan 2.5% North east India 2.5% South africa 2.5% Poland 2.5% Australia 5% Middle east 5% Uranium France 10% South west africa 15% Central north america 35% Central canada 17.5% Kazakstan 5% east China 2.5% Australia 10% 5% Argentina Iron 25% West Russia ( north east of Moscow ) 5% North sweden 5% France 7.5% east china 10% west Australia 5% North east India 2.5% Uruguay 15% North east America 7.5% East Canada 5% Sierra leone 2.5% Nambia 2.5% England 2.5% Spain 5% Germany Oil 27.5% Southan central america 12.5% Venezuela 10% Egypt 2.5% Algeria 25% Saudi Arabia / Iraq 15% Iran 5% Borneo 2.5% Ghama Rubber 35% Borneo 35% Sumatra 5% Sri lankia 15% Thailand 5% Nigeria 5% Sierra Leone Grapes ( This could be wine ) 25% Italy 25% France 17.5% Spain 5% Turkey 5% Romania 10% Argentina 7.5% West America 5% Algeria