@BEGINEVENTS @INITFLAG @IF Negotiation talker=anybody talkertype=humanorcomputer listener=anybody listenertype=humanorcomputer @IF Negotiation talker=anybody talkertype=humanorcomputer listener=anybody listenertype=humanorcomputer ; PHASE 1 Summer 1942 @IF turn turn=1 @THEN text ^^June 28th, 1942 ^After stabilizing the Southern Front and time for preparations, German Army Group South is ready to renew it's offensive into Russia. The Führer has decided that to continue the war effort we must secure the oil fields in the Caucasus mountain region. The German 6th Army will have the task of taking Stalingrad to strike a major blow at Soviet industrial strength, and to cut off Soviet troops trapped in the Caucasus. These next few months may prove to be the most crucial months of the entire war Field Marshal, so you must not fail Germany! endtext playwavefile menuloop.wav endtext @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Rostov attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN text ^The 1st Panzer Army under Kleist delivers a quick breakthrough across Soviet lines and takes Rostov with little opposition. The roads to Stalingrad and the Cacasus are now open. endtext justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Voronezh attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN text ^Voronezh falls to the 2nd and 6th Armies, assisted by the 4th Panzer Army and the 2nd Hungarian Army. This foothold on the Don river will be held by the 2nd Hungarian Army to protect the German armies attacking further south at Stalingrad. endtext createunit owner=Axis unit=Hungarian Infantry count=10 veteran=no homecity=Voronezh locations 128,6 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Maikop attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN text ^Congratulations to you and the 1st Panzer Army for reaching the great oil center at Maikop. The rest of the Cacasus may prove a more difficult conquest as the terrain becomes increasingly hostile and resistance stiffens. endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Guards count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 138,112 130,114 137,107 135,115 137,111 137,105 133,115 136,112 134,112 137,109 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN text ^The 6th Army has reached the outskirts of Stalingrad and the Volga is within our sights! Move quickly and flush out all the Reds from the city. Stalin has given his men the order "not a step back". Prove to the world how ridiculous this Bolshevist is and annihilate them! endtext flag who=USSR state=on flag=0 continuous givetechnology technology=87 receiver=USSR createunit owner=Axis unit=Kampfstaffel count=15 veteran=no homecity=Kalach locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Panzershreck count=8 veteran=no homecity=none locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PaK 42 count=5 veteran=no homecity=none locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=FlaK 88mm count=3 veteran=no homecity=none locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Army count=20 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 151,55 152,54 153,55 154,54 153,53 150,54 151,53 152,52 154,52 152,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Goryunov MG count=12 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 154,54 153,53 152,52 151,51 154,52 153,51 154,50 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN delay delay=1 text ^Reserves have been sent to Stalingrad, Herr Field Marshal. Rumanian troops have been deployed in the Northwestern sector along the Don to protect your flanks. Do not delay, finish the Communists off! endtext createunit owner=Axis unit=Rumanian Infantry count=20 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 151,51 152,50 149,51 151,49 149,49 147,45 148,42 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN delay delay=1 createunit owner=Axis unit=Schützen count=20 veteran=no homecity=Kalach locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN delay delay=1 createunit owner=Axis unit=Aufklärungs count=12 veteran=no homecity=Kalach locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN delay delay=1 createunit owner=Axis unit=Waffen SS count=8 veteran=no homecity=none locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN delay delay=1 createunit owner=Axis unit=MG42 count=8 veteran=no homecity=none locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN delay delay=1 createunit owner=USSR unit=5th Guards count=10 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 154,52 153,53 154,54 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 151,45,165,45,165,57,151,57 moveto 150,56 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN delay delay=2 createunit owner=USSR unit=Goryunov MG count=10 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 154,54 153,53 152,52 151,51 154,52 153,51 154,50 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF turn turn=5 @THEN text ^Field Marshal, if you have not yet done so, you must take Stalingrad by the end of this month. Intelligence has reason to believe that the Reds may be planning something on a grand scale. We must have positions along the Volga to defend our front lines in case this comes to pass. ^Remember Commander, that this is your last month of summer weather and you must "load" the winter settings before proceeding to your next turn. endtext @ENDIF @IF turn turn=6 @THEN text ^Herr Field Marshal, absolute pandemonium has broken lose amoung our 6th Army. Reports are coming in that our enemy has unleash a furious attack upon the steppes in the northwestern sector held by the Rumanians. Soviet artillery has penetrated our lines and swarms of infantry and armor are attempting to encircle the city. the Commander of the 6th Army, General Paulus, has requested permission from the Führer to abandon Stalingrad before the entrapment is complete. The Führer has denied this request, stating the Reichsmarshal Göring will provide supplies to the 6th Army via the Luftwaffe. The Führer has also directed that you will provide a relief assault to break the siege around the city. endtext flag who=USSR state=on flag=1 continuous givetechnology technology=88 receiver=USSR createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 148,56 147,55 147,57 148,58 146,56 145,57 146,58 151,55 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=6 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 150,54 151,55 147,57 154,52 154,52 154,52 154,52 154,52 154,52 154,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=6 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=6th Guards count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 150,54 151,55 154,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=6 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Paulus veteran=no homecity=none locations 150,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=7 @THEN text ^Field Marshal, our Führer has realized that we have no immediate hope of breaking the siege at Stalingrad. He has promoted Paulus to Field Marshal and gave him the order to hold out to the last man. This heroic sacrifice of German blood will tie up enough Soviet forces to buy you enough time to retreat your panzer armies from the Cacasus before being cut off. Take up new positions along the Dnieper at Zaporizhzhya and Dnepropetrovsk. endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 151,57 152,56 153,57 154,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kalach attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^Field Marshal, word from Stalingrad is not good. Starvation has not only sapped moral of the men but the energy if they even wished to continue fighting. By now you should have all of your troops evacuated from the Cacasus mountains and passed the Don. The Russians may try to continue with the momentum of their counter-attack and push us back even further. endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 150,56 endlocations justonce @ENDIF ; troops @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=0 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PanzerIVG count=3 veteran=no homecity=Buda locations 95,67 58,50 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=90 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PanzerIVH count=4 veteran=no homecity=Buda locations 95,67 58,50 9,69 1,61 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Schützen count=6 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Schützen count=4 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Aufklärungs count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Aufklärungs count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Kampfstaffel count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Kampfstaffel count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Panzershreck count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Panzershreck veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=MG42 count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=MG42 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Sappers count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Sappers veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PaK 42 count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PaK 42 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=2 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=FlaK 88mm count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=85 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=FlaK 88mm veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=4 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Wespe veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF checkflag who=Axis flag=3 state=off @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=StuG 42 count=3 veteran=no homecity=Györ randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF randomturn denominator=2 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Waffen SS count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 0,72 endlocations @ENDIF @IF randomturn denominator=2 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Scharfschütze veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 1,61 endlocations @ENDIF @IF randomturn denominator=2 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=SS Panzer Korps veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 95,67 92,56 76,22 58,50 27,63 95,67 92,56 1,61 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=92 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Jadgpanther veteran=no homecity=Györ locations 1,61 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=91 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PanzerV Panther count=3 veteran=no homecity=Buda randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=91 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PanzerVI Tiger count=2 veteran=no homecity=Buda randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Axis technology=94 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Hummel veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF ; Winter 1943 Russian CounterAttack @IF unitkilled unit=Paulus attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^We have just been informed that Field Marshal Paulus has signed the surrender of the 6th Army. This is a tragic loss for us and we are being thrown on the defensive. It appears the Communists have launched an all out attack along our front lines, and we don't have the proper amount of reserves to deal with this threat! endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=40 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 129,7 129,5 130,6 120,26 125,71 124,72 121,75 120,74 119,77 128,4 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Paulus attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Guards count=45 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 129,3 128,8 119,27 132,34 123,71 116,92 131,99 126,106 143,99 154,90 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=Paulus attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=T-34 M40 count=28 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 129,3 128,8 119,27 132,34 123,71 116,92 131,99 126,106 143,99 154,90 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Voronezh attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^Herr Field Marshal, reports indicate that our positions along the upper Don have been overwhelmed. The 2nd Hungarian Army stationed near Voronezh was suprised and annihilated. endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=3 veteran=no homecity=none locations 128,6 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Voronezh attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN delay delay=1 createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 100,0 102,0 103,1 102,2 101,3 100,10 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Rostov attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^Field Marshal, the Reds have sealed off the base of the Don. Any of our troops that may remain in the Cacasus are lost to us. endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=3 veteran=no homecity=none locations 119,75 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kursk attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 101,25 103,19 102,22 103,21 102,26 101,27 100,24 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kursk attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=4 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 100,12 99,11 101,1 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kharkov attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^Sir, the Soviet lines have over-extended themselves and are having troubles supplying their front lines. If we launched a surprise counteroffensive, we could cut the Russian lines back to the Donetz river and liberate Kharkov! Endtext createunit owner=Axis unit=PanzerIVH count=10 veteran=no homecity=none locations 92,40 84,44 76,22 endlocations justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Rossosh attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 118,26 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kharkov attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN text ^Excellent work Field Marshal! We have dealt a major blow to the Reds. They are unable to continue with their Winter offensive. Now, its our turn to take the initiative. High Command has authorized that you will lead once more a massive summer offensive, to take place in July that will crush the Russian Voronezh Front. Our engineers have almost finished their design for several new and superior Panzer vehicles for you to use in the offensive. The target is the salient extending from Kursk. This is going to be big, Field Marshal, so make sure your front lines are secured and move reserves to Belgorod in preparation of the assault. endtext justonce @ENDIF @IF turn turn=10 @THEN text ^Herr, Berlin has indicated that they have begun mass production of the newest PanzerIV variant, the model H. endtext flag who=Axis state=on flag=0 continuous givetechnology technology=90 receiver=Axis @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN text ^Field Marshal, you have been ordered to commence operation "Zitadelle" (Citadel). We have developed a heavy tank for you called the Tiger that may be used to spearhead the assault. You may also like our new Panther medium tanks, and Elefant heavy tank destroyers. Endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=10 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 100,0 99,1 100,2 101,3 102,2 103,1 102,0 endlocations givetechnology technology=91 receiver=Axis playwavefile menuloop.wav @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Manstein veteran=yes homecity=none locations 102,20 endlocations givetechnology technology=94 receiver=Axis @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=SS Panzer Korps count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 102,20 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PanzerV Panther count=10 veteran=no homecity=none locations 102,20 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=PanzerVI Tiger count=8 veteran=no homecity=none locations 102,20 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Elefant count=8 veteran=no homecity=none locations 102,20 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Army count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 101,9 101,7 103,7 104,12 103,9 105,15 101,11 100,14 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=AA Battery count=8 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 101,9 101,7 103,7 104,12 103,9 105,15 101,11 100,14 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=14 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=T-34 count=15 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 101,9 101,7 103,7 104,12 103,9 105,15 101,11 100,14 104,8 99,9 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=15 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=KV-1 count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 101,9 101,7 103,7 104,12 103,9 105,15 101,11 100,14 104,8 99,9 endlocations playavifile tiger1.avi justonce @ENDIF ; aftermath of kursk to kiev @IF turn turn=17 @THEN text ^Herr Field Marshal, the Soviet counteroffensive from Kursk is amassing great momentum. We cannot hold against a direct assault for long. Pull our forces over the Dniester to prepare a defensive line in the Ukraine. endtext flag who=Axis state=on flag=2 continuous givetechnology technology=85 receiver=Axis createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=25 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 101,27 102,26 103,21 102,22 94,14 94,40 92,38 93,55 93,57 94,56 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=17 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=25 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 85,75 83,77 95,69 95,65 102,96 101,93 107,79 109,77 106,60 105,63 endlocations @ENDIF ; liberation of the Ukraine @If turn turn=19 @THEN text ^Field Marshal, our situation is not good. The Soviets have begun yet another massive winter attack, this one aimed at driving us from the Ukraine. Beware any massive encirclements and flanking movements they may try to pull. endtext flag who=Axis state=on flag=2 continuous createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=25 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 45,27 45,29 46,28 51,67 52,66 59,51 59,49 55,15 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Lwów attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 44,28 39,35 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=20 @THEN text ^Battlefield reports indicate that the Ivans are using a new type of medium tank on the front lines, far superior to their T-34/76 models. endtext givetechnology technology=97 receiver=USSR @ENDIF @IF turn turn=21 @THEN text ^Field Marshal, some good news! German factories have begun producing a powerful heavy tank destroyer, known as the Jadgpanther. endtext givetechnology technology=92 receiver=Axis @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Odessa attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^The treacherous Rumanians have betrayed us! With the Soviets fast approaching their border, they have made a pact with the enemy and have agreed to militarily aid them! Our troops stationed inside Rumania have taken up positions in the Transylvanian Alps. endtext flag who=Rumanians state=on flag=0 continuous givetechnology technology=84 receiver=Rumanians createunit owner=Axis unit=Schützen count=8 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 41,111 49,109 41,105 30,112 34,114 endlocations @ENDIF ; attack on Hungary @IF turn turn=27 @THEN text ^Field Marshal, Slovakia has taken up arms against us! You must crush this rebellion to protect Hungary from an attack from the North across the Carpathian mountains. endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=Partisan count=25 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 3,39 22,28 15,29 0,12 15,9 2,24 12,42 27,35 12,36 14,12 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=28 @THEN text ^Herr, the Reds have launched "Operation Debrecen", aimed to take the city and open up roads for the rest of their forces to pour down into Hungary. endtext createunit owner=USSR unit=ISU-152 count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 26,42 42,80 41,81 30,76 31,73 28,64 29,63 28,62 22,52 14,82 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=29 @THEN text ^Field Marshal, here comes the showdown, prehaps the final battle we live to see during this terrible war. The Reds have launched operation "Budapest" to take Hungary's capital. Our orders come directly from the Führer himself. Budeast is a fortress and musn't fall! We will shortly be launched an operation in the west, codenamed "Wacht am Rhein". We will be drawing divisions for all our fronts for this attack, leaving our forces short-handed everywhere else. If you can tie down the Soviet forces here they will not be able to carry the battle into the Reich. Buy us time, Field Marshal, and we may develope wonder weapons that no nation can even hope to stand against. For the Fatherland, do not fail! endtext givetechnology technology=86 receiver=USSR flag who=USSR state=on flag=2 continuous createunit owner=Axis unit=SS Panzer Korps count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 5,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=29 @THEN text ^Our Führer has sent us the the IV SS Panzer Korps to break through the siege and relieve Budapest. endtext createunit owner=Axis unit=SS Panzer Korps count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 1,61 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Buda attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^Field Marshal, the Führer is most displeased with the fall of fortress Budapest! However, he has not yet lost all faith in you. He has transfered the I SS Korps to your command. You may well be leading what may be our last offensive of the war. Liberate Budapest. If you fail, you know what to do. endtext createunit owner=Axis unit=SS Panzer Korps count=12 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 1,61 0,72 0,84 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Buda attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Bunker count=2 veteran=no homecity=none locations 5,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=86 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 9,69 6,64 4,70 5,69 6,68 10,70 8,68 6,66 9,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=86 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=NKVD Guards count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 9,69 6,64 4,70 5,69 6,68 10,70 8,68 6,66 9,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=86 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Sniper count=4 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 9,69 6,64 4,70 5,69 6,68 10,70 8,68 6,66 9,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=86 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=6th Guards count=8 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 9,69 6,64 4,70 5,69 6,68 10,70 8,68 6,66 9,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=86 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=ISU-122 count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 9,69 6,64 4,70 5,69 6,68 10,70 8,68 6,66 9,67 6,62 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=86 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Katyusha count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 5,67 6,62 5,65 6,64 4,66 4,68 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=6th Guards count=12 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 20,52 25,43 31,47 27,63 30,74 41,79 15,111 13,81 9,69 5,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=IS-2 count=5 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 20,52 25,43 31,47 27,63 30,74 41,79 15,111 51,65 11,103 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Goryunov MG count=5 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 20,52 25,43 31,47 27,63 30,74 41,79 15,111 13,81 9,69 5,67 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=Rumanians technology=84 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Rumanian Infantry count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 27,119 41,119 33,117 18,98 13,81 25,99 15,111 11,103 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=97 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=T-34/85 count=10 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 44,28 58,50 51,65 92,56 95,67 84,76 76,22 34,10 31,47 41,79 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=88 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Guards Count=10 veteran=yes homecity=none randomize locations 102,94 85,63 44,28 31,47 15,111 14,100 13,81 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF ; Voronezh Front @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=5th Guards count=12 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 100,12 100,26 102,20 76,22 54,16 92,56 95,67 84,76 74,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=T-34 M41 count=5 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 100,12 100,26 102,20 76,22 54,16 92,56 95,67 84,76 74,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Goryunov MG count=5 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 100,12 100,26 102,20 76,22 54,16 92,56 95,67 84,76 74,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Katyusha count=4 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 100,12 100,26 102,20 76,22 54,16 92,56 95,67 84,76 74,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=SU-122 count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 100,12 100,26 102,20 76,22 54,16 92,56 95,67 84,76 74,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=SU-152 count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 100,12 100,26 102,20 76,22 54,16 92,56 95,67 84,76 74,64 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Yak 9 count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 76,22 95,67 58,50 44,28 31,47 30,74 13,81 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=IL-2 Stormovik count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 76,22 95,67 58,50 44,28 31,47 30,74 13,81 endlocations @ENDIF @IF randomturn denominator=2 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Pe-2 count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 76,22 95,67 58,50 44,28 31,47 30,74 13,81 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Army count=15 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 118,92 134,80 128,100 126,104 138,112 153,115 159,89 162,106 141,99 134,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Guards count=10 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 118,92 134,80 128,100 126,104 138,112 153,115 159,89 162,106 141,99 134,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Partisan count=10 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 53,3 60,4 60,32 80,46 62,44 53,29 75,33 7,117 13,119 19,117 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=T-34 M40 count=5 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 118,92 134,80 128,100 126,104 138,112 153,115 159,89 162,106 141,99 134,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Army count=10 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 118,26 128,6 144,18 149,9 161,111 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Yak 9 count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 118,26 128,6 144,18 149,9 118,92 141,99 153,89 162,106 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=IL-2 Stormovik count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 118,26 128,6 144,18 149,9 118,92 141,99 153,89 162,106 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Pe-2 count=2 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 118,26 128,6 144,18 149,9 118,92 141,99 153,89 162,106 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Goryunov MG count=6 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 118,26 128,6 144,18 149,9 118,92 141,99 153,89 162,106 endlocations @ENDIF @IF turn turn=-1 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=KV-1 count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 101,1 118,26 128,6 144,18 149,9 118,92 141,99 153,89 162,106 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=87 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Goryunov MG count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 154,50 117,57 124,70 114,76 119,75 108,58 105,61 108,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=87 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Army count=6 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 154,54 117,57 124,70 114,76 119,75 108,58 105,61 108,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=87 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Red Guards count=6 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 151,53 153,55 154,52 117,57 124,70 114,76 119,75 108,58 105,61 108,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=87 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=75mm count=3 veteran=no homecity=none randomize locations 154,52 117,57 124,70 114,76 119,75 108,58 105,61 108,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=87 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=NKVD Guards count=3 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 154,52 101,1 100,26 76,22 66,28 44,28 31,47 27,63 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=87 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=Sniper count=2 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 154,52 101,1 100,26 76,22 66,28 44,28 31,47 27,63 9,69 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=88 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=150mm count=5 veteran=no homecity=none locations 85,63 95,67 101,1 151,55 150,54 154,54 154,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF receivedtechnology receiver=USSR technology=88 @THEN createunit owner=USSR unit=SU-122 count=3 veteran=no homecity=none locations 92,56 101,1 151,55 150,54 154,54 154,52 endlocations @ENDIF @IF citytaken continuous city=Stalingrad attacker=Axis defender=USSR @AND citytaken continuous city=Grozny attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN text ^Congratulations Field Marshal! Your brilliant successes have led the armies of the Reich to glorious victory! You will go down in history as a hero and as one of the great contributors to our ultimate victory. endtext endgame endscreens=yes @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kursk attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN text ^Nicely done Herr Commander! Your offensive on Kursk has crushed the enemy between our giant panzer armies. You may turn your attention back to Stalingrad and the Grozny. Reinforcements have been sent, make this the final assault! Endtext createunit owner=Axis unit=SS Panzer Korps count=30 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 101,1 endlocations Justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kursk attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=FW.190 count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 101,1 endlocations Justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Kursk attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN createunit owner=Axis unit=Ju.88 count=20 veteran=yes homecity=none locations 101,1 endlocations Justonce @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Györ attacker=USSR defender=Axis @THEN text ^Field Marshal, our Führer recognizes your determined efforts against our enemies, but has lost complete confidence in your abilities to defend the Reich. Your defeats have thrown our country into a desperate situation, with our hated enemies moving across our borders. You are hereby relieved of your command of Army Group South. You need not worry about being disgraced anymore. You are not demoted so you may die with honor. Enclosed with this message is your pistol and a single bullet. You know what to do. Farewell, Field Marshal... endtext destroyacivilization whom=Axis @ENDIF ; moveunits @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 108,0,164,0,164,12,108,12 moveto 101,1 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 102,14,164,14,164,46,102,46 moveto 100,26 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 115,77,165,77,165,119,115,119 moveto 119,75 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 88,48,146,48,146,78,88,78 moveto 85,63 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 95,1,101,1,101,19,95,19 moveto 102,20 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 52,20,100,20,100,46,52,46 moveto 44,28 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 52,48,84,52,84,82,52,82 moveto 51,65 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 29,27,51,27,51,87,29,87 moveto 27,63 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 7,33,27,33,27,119,7,119 moveto 5,67 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF unitkilled unit=anyunit attacker=anybody defender=anybody @THEN moveunit unit=anyunit owner=USSR maprect 0,38,6,38,6,118,0,118 moveto 1,61 numbertomove=all @ENDIF @IF citytaken city=Elista attacker=Axis defender=USSR @THEN playavifile ptest.avi @ENDIF