; ; CIVILIZATION POPUP BOXES ; Copyright (c) 1995 by MicroProse Software ; ; Altering the contents of this file may cause the ; game to malfunction. ; @MAINMENU @width=200 @title=Civilization II @options Start a New Game Start on Premade World Customize World Begin Scenario Load a Game View Hall of Fame View Credits @CREDITS @width=200 @title=View Credits @options Civilization II Fantastic Worlds Conflicts in Civilization @NEWGAMEMENU @width=200 @title=Begin New Game @options Start a New Game Start on Premade World Customize World Start New Scenario @LOADGAMEMENU @width=200 @title=Load Game @options Load a Game Scenario @MAINMENU2 @width=200 @title=Multiplayer Start @options Start on a New Map Start on Premade World Load a Saved Game @STARTORJOIN @width=300 @title=Multiplayer Hell (You were warned!) @options Start a Game Join a Game @NETNAME @width=320 @title=Enter Your Net Name @options Net Name: @WAITFORGAME @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Game Waiting To Join Game... @WAITFORSETUP @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Game Waiting For Players To Setup... @YOUAREAREJECT @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Game You have been rejected! @GAMECLOSED @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Game Sorry, this game is closed. @CUSTOMLAND @width=320 @title=Customize: Land Mass @button=Random @default=1 @options Small Normal Large @CUSTOMFORM @width=320 @title=Customize: Land Form @button=Random @default=1 @options Archipelago Varied Continents @CUSTOMCLIMATE @width=320 @title=Customize: Climate @button=Random @options @default=1 Arid Normal Wet @CUSTOMTEMP @width=320 @title=Customize: Temperature @button=Random @options @default=1 Cool Temperate Warm @CUSTOMAGE @width=320 @title=Customize: Age @button=Random @options @default=1 3 billion years 4 billion years 5 billion years @USESEED @width=320 @title=Map Resources Do you wish to randomize this world's villages and resource squares? Yes No @USESTARTLOC @width=320 @title=Starting Locations Do you wish to randomize this world's player starting locations? Yes No @SAVEERROR @width=200 @title=Save Game Failed to save game! Error: %STRING0. @SAVEOK @width=300 @title=Game saved! ^^%STRING0 %STRING1 of the %STRING2 ^^%STRING3 @LOADNOTSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file is not a saved game. @LOADOLDSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file is in obsolete format. @LOADBADSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game. Error: %STRING0. @LOADNEWSAVE @width=200 @title=Load Game Failed to load game: file has more recent version number than game. @LOADOK @width=300 @title=Difficulty Level: %STRING4 ^^%STRING0 %STRING1 of the %STRING2 ^^%STRING3 @DIFFICULTY @width=320 @title=Select Difficulty Level @options Conscript Voluteer Stormtrooper Officer General Commander in chief @SIZEOFMAP @width=320 @title=Select Size of World @button=Custom @default=1 @options Small (40x50 squares, quick game) Normal (50x80 squares) Large (75x120 squares, long game) @CUSTOMSIZE @width=320 @title=Select Custom World Size Rule: X times Y must be no more than 10,000 and no less than 1000. Each dimension must be at least 20, no more than 250. Map X Size: Map Y Size: @ENEMIES @width=320 @title=Select Level Of Competition @button=Random @options 7 Civilizations 6 Civilizations 5 Civilizations 4 Civilizations 3 Civilizations @BARBARITY @width=320 @title=Select Level Of Barbarian Activity @button=Random @default=2 @options Villages Only Roving Bands Restless Tribes Raging Hordes @RULES @width=320 @title=Select Game Rules @options Use Standard Rules Customize Rules @GENDER @width=320 @title=Select Gender @options Male Female @TRIBE @width=600 @title=Select Your Tribe @button=Custom @CUSTOMTRIBE @width=440 @title=Customize Your Tribe @button=Titles @options Leader: Tribe: Adjective: @CUSTOMTRIBE2 @width=440 @title=Set Your Official Titles @NAME @width=440 @title=Please Enter Your Name @options Name: @CUSTOMCITY @width=320 @title=Select Your City Style @ADVANCED @checkbox @width=440 @title=Select Custom Features @options Simplified Combat Flat World Select Computer Opponents Accelerated Startup Bloodlust (No spaceships allowed) Don't Restart Eliminated Players @ACCELERATED @width=400 @title=Select Starting Year @options %NUMBER0 B.C. (Normal Start) %NUMBER1 B.C. %NUMBER2 B.C. (Accelerated Start) @OPPONENT @width=320 @title=Select Opponent #%NUMBER0 @options Random @GAMEOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Civilization II %STRING0 @options Sound Effects Music Always wait at end of turn. Autosave each turn. Show enemy moves. No pause after enemy moves. Fast piece slide. Instant advice. Tutorial help. Move units w/ mouse (cursor arrows). ENTER key closes City Screen. @GRAPHICOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select Graphic Options @options Throne Room Diplomacy Screen Animated Heralds (Requires 16 megabytes RAM) Civilopedia for Advances High Council Wonder Movies @MESSAGEOPTIONS @checkbox @width=480 @title=Select City Report Options @options Warn when city growth halted (Aqueduct/Sewer System). Show city improvements built. Show non-combat units built. Show invalid build instructions. Announce cities in disorder. Announce order restored in city. Announce "We Love The King Day". Warn when food dangerously low. Warn when new pollution occurs. Warn when changing production will cost shields. "Zoom-to-City" NOT default action. @INIT @width=440 @y=-5 @title=In the Beginning . . . %STRING0, you have risen to become leader of the %STRING1. May your reign be long and prosperous. The %STRING1 have knowledge of Irrigation, Mining, %STRING2and Roads. @NOTONMAP @title=Illegal Move Units cannot move off the edge of the mapboard. @ZOC @width=440 @title=Civ Rules: Zones of Control A unit may not generally move from one square adjacent to a rival's unit to another square also adjacent to a rival's unit. ^ There are a few exceptions to this rule: Diplomats, Caravans, Ships and Air units. ^ Also, any unit may freely enter or exit a city, and units may freely enter a square already occupied by a friendly unit. @FEATURE @title=Gotta Say Unh. Feature not yet implemented. @AMPHIB @title=Civ Rules: Amphibious Landings Ground units must be put ashore before they can engage in combat. @NONCOMBAT @title=Civ Rules: Combat Units Units such as Settlers, Caravans, and Diplomats, which have a combat strength of 0, are considered non-combat units. They may not initiate combat with enemy units. @FIGHTER @title=Civ Rules: Airpower Only plain may attack enemy air units. @FUEL @title=Civ Rules: Fuel Your aircraft has run out of fuel. Fighter and Missile units must return to a city or Carrier at the end of each turn. Bomber units must return at the end of their second turn. @FATIGUE @title=Fatigue These men are tired, Sire. If we force them to attack this turn, they will fight at %NUMBER0/%NUMBER1 strength. "Charge!" "Then let them rest." @LANDFALL @title=Disembark Shall we disembark, Sire, and leave the ships behind? Stay With Ships Make Landfall @NOLANDFALL @title=Disembark Our ship cannot enter a land square, and all of the ground units on board have already moved this turn. @OCCUPY Only ground units may occupy an enemy city. @TRIREME @title=Civ Rules: Triremes Your ship has been lost at sea. This kind of vessel may disappear forever if not adjacent to land at the end of a turn. @FAMINE0 @title=City Advisor Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. %STRING1 lost. @FAMINE1 @title=City Advisor Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. Famine feared. @FAMINE2 @title=City Advisor Food storage exhausted in %STRING0. Trade route to %STRING1 terminated. @DESTROYED @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 army defeated by %STRING1. @DECREASE @title=Domestic Advisor Population decrease in %STRING0. @FOODSHORTAGE @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 is running dangerously low on food, Sire! @BUILT @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 %STRING3 %STRING1. @BUILT2 @title=Foreign Advisor %STRING0 (%STRING2) %STRING3 %STRING1. @BUILT3 @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 %STRING3 %STRING1. (City is set to auto build). @MANHATTAN @title=Military Advisor Sensors report a NUCLEAR WEAPONS test near %STRING0! @MOVECAPITAL @title=Foreign Advisor %STRING1 capital moved to %STRING0. @SUPPORT @title=Military Advisor %STRING0 can't support %STRING1. Unit disbanded. @DISORDER @title=Domestic Advisor @width=280 Counter-revolutionary mutiny in %STRING0. @REVOLT @title=Domestic Crisis! Discontented citizens of %STRING0 revolt: Government collapses! @NEWGOVT @title=Newspaper %STRING0 proclaimed %STRING1 of new %STRING2 %STRING3! @CHANGED @title=Foreign Advisor Spies report: %STRING0 government changed to %STRING1. %STRING2 proclaimed %STRING3. @OVERTHROWN @title=Foreign Advisor Spies report: The %STRING0 government has been overthrown. @RESTORED @title=Domestic Advisor Order restored in %STRING0. @WELOVEKING @title=Domestic Advisor @width=280 White Guard is our last hope! %STRING1' Demonstration in %STRING0! @WEDONTLOVEKING @title=Domestic Advisor Demonstration is ended in %STRING0. @FURTHERGROWTH @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 requires %STRING1 for further growth. @POLLUTION @title=Medicine Advisor Epidemic of typhus in %STRING0. New cemetery has appeared. We must build a hospital and a quarantrine there! @CHERNOBYL @title=Newspaper Nuclear Catastrophe in %STRING0! Contamination feared! @INHOCK @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 can't maintain %STRING1. %STRING1 sold for %NUMBER0 gold. @ONLYSETTLERS @title=Civ Rules: Settlers That function can only be performed by Settlers and Engineers. @ENGINEERS @title=Civ Rules: Engineers That function can only be performed by Engineers. @CITYATSEA @title=Civ Rules: Cities It may surprise you to learn that cities cannot be built at sea. @ONLY10 @title=Civ Rules: Cities Settlers and Engineers may not be used to increase the size of a city beyond %NUMBER0. @CANTIMPROVE @title=Civ Rules: Terrain That function cannot be performed here. @CANTDO @title=Civ Rules: Orders That function cannot be performed here. @BRIDGES @title=Civ Rules: Bridge Building Roads cannot be built in squares with rivers until your civilization has discovered the secret of Bridge Building. @RAILROADS @title=Civ Rules: Railroads There is already a road in this square. Roads cannot be improved to railroads until your civilization discovers the secret of Railroads. @ALREADYROAD @title=Civ Rules: Roads This square already has roads and railroads. No further roads are needed here. @BRIDGEBUILDING @title=Civ Rules: Bridge Building Roads cannot be built in river squares until your civilization discovers the secret of Bridge Building. @NOWATER @title=Civ Rules: Irrigation This square has no access to water. An irrigated square must be adjacent to a river or ocean square, or to a previously irrigated square. @FARMLAND @title=Civ Rules: Farmland This square already has irrigation. Irrigation cannot be improved to farmland until your civilization has discovered the secret of Refrigeration. @ALREADYIRRIGATION @title=Civ Rules: Irrigation This square already has irrigation. No further irrigation is possible here. @ALREADYFARMLAND @title=Civ Rules: Farmland This square already has farmland. No further irrigation is possible here. @ALREADYMINING @title=Civ Rules: Mining This square already has mining. No further mining is possible here. @ALREADYFORT @title=Civ Rules: Forts This square already has a fortress. @RADIO @title=Civ Rules: Airbases Airbases cannot be built before your civilization discovers the secret of Radio. @ALREADYAIR @title=Civ Rules: Airbases This square already has an airbase. @CONSTRUCTION @title=Civ Rules: Forts Forts cannot be built before your civilization discovers the secret of Construction. @NOPOLLUTION @title=Civ Rules: Epidemic There is no epidemic in this square. @NAMECITY @title=What Shall We Name This City? @options City Name: @RENAMECITY @title=What Shall We Rename This City? @options New City Name: @ADJACENTCITY @title=Civ Rules: Cities Cities cannot be built in adjacent squares. @DISBAND @title=Warning! Really disband %STRING0? No Yes @PRODUCTION @title=What shall we build in %STRING0? @width=440 @listbox @button=Auto @button=Help @RESEARCH @title=What discovery shall our %STRING0 pursue? @width=300 @listbox @button=Help @button=Goal @HELPON @title=Help on which topic? @width=320 @options @RESEARCHGOAL @title=Which advance are you trying to discover? @width=480 @listbox=10 @button=Help @RESEARCHTHESE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 Then we should research @STEALTHESE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 Then we should steal @RESEARCHNONE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 No advances leading to %STRING0 can be researched at this time. @STEALNONE @title=Science Advisor @width=400 No advances leading to %STRING0 can be stolen at this time. @CIVADVANCE @title=Civilization Advance @width=320 %STRING0 %STRING1 discover the secret of %STRING2. @SETHOMECITY @title=Civ Rules: Home Cities @width=320 To change the "home" city of a unit (the city which provides the unit's support), you must first move the unit into its new home city and then give the 'H' or 'Set Home City' order. @PICKGOVT @title=Select Type of Government @width=240 @ELVISERR @title=Civ Rules: Specialists A city with less than five population units cannot support taxmen or scientists. @CHILDCLICK @width=320 @title=Supported Unit Information ^%STRING0 ^Location: %STRING1 No changes. Center map on unit. Center map on unit and close city screen. Order unit to return home. @UNITOPTIONS @width=320 @title=Unit Information ^%STRING0 ^Home City: %STRING2 @COMPLETE0 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 gold. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 gold. @COMPLETE1 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 gold. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 gold. Complete it. Never mind. @COMPLETE2 @title=Buy %STRING0 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 gold. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 gold. ^CIVIL DISORDER. @COMPLETE3 @title=Buy %STRING0 @width=320 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 gold. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 gold. ^ Multiplayer Rules: this action is not available during upkeep. Wait until the main turn begins. @COMPLETE4 @title=Buy %STRING0 @width=320 ^Cost to complete %STRING0: %NUMBER0 gold. ^Treasury: %NUMBER1 gold. ^ Multiplayer Referee: Another player is currently resolving an action in this vicinity. Try again momentarily. @HOCKTHIS @title=Sell City Improvement Do you want to expropriate your %STRING0 for %NUMBER0 gold? Expropriate it. Never mind. @CANTHOCKTHIS @title=Civ2 Rules: Palace @width=320 You cannot sell your headquerters, although you may relocate it by ordering another city to build one. @CHANGETAX @title=Select New Tax Rate @width=260 ^Government Type: %STRING0 ^Maximum Rate: %NUMBER0%% @CHANGELUX @title=Select New Luxury Rate @width=260 ^Government Type: %STRING0 ^Maximum Rate: %NUMBER0%% @FINDCITY @title=Where in the heck is . . . @width=360 @button=Zoom To City @listbox @REVOLUTION @width=240 @title=Revolution Do we want a revolution to overthrow the %STRING0 %STRING1? Yes No @STARTREV @width=240 @title=Revolution! The %STRING0 are revolting! Citizens demand new government. @WARENDS @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report The war between the %STRING0 and the %STRING1 has ended. @SIGNPEACE @width=320 @title=Secret service reports: %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign a peace treaty. @ALLYMAKESPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they have signed a peace treaty with the %STRING1. @ALLYMAKESWAR @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they now are at war with the %STRING1. @SIGNALLIED @width=320 @title=Spies Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign a secret alliance against the %STRING2! @SIGNNATO @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 sign "%STRING2 Pact" to contain %STRING3 aggression! @JOINWAR @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report The %STRING0 announce they will join the %STRING1 in their war against the %STRING2! @CANCELALLIED @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 cancel alliance. @CANCELPEACE @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 cancel peace treaty. @ALLYUNDERATTACK @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 report that they have been attacked by the %STRING1. @DEMANDHELP @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have been attacked by the evil %STRING1! Under the terms of our alliance, we insist that you come to our aid at once!" "No, too busy." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @HELPBONUS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps we could throw in %NUMBER0 gold to make it worth your while?" "No, not interested." "Declare war on %STRING1." @DIDNTHELP @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well, but do not come crying to us for help in the future." @ALLYATTACKING @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING1 have sent word that they are attacking the %STRING0. @DECLAREWAR @width=320 @title=Diplomats Report %STRING0 and %STRING1 declare war on each other. @TOOMANYUNITS @width=320 @title=Too Many Units! A new unit cannot be created because there are too many units in the game. Try disbanding some units. @SURPRISETRIBE @width=240 @title=Village You have discovered an advanced tribe. @SURPRISENOMADS @width=300 @title=Village You discover a band of wandering nomads. They agree to join your tribe. @SURPRISESCROLLS @width=240 @title=Village You have discovered scrolls of ancient wisdom. @SURPRISEMERCS @width=300 @title=Village You have discovered a friendly tribe of skilled mercenaries. @SURPRISEBARB @width=300 @title=Village You have unleashed a horde of barbarians! @SURPRISENOTHING @width=320 @title=Village Weeds grow in empty ruins. This village has long been abandoned. @SURPRISEMETALS @width=300 @title=Village You have discovered valuable metal deposits worth %NUMBER0 gold. @SNEAK @width=300 @title=Defense Minister Sneak attack by %STRING0 forces! @BREAKCEASE @width=300 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have broken the cease fire! @CANCELPEACE @width=300 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 cancel peace treaty with %STRING1. @RANSOM @width=300 @title=Defense Minister Barbarian leader captured! %NUMBER0 gold ransom paid. @PROMOTED @width=300 @title=Defense Minister For valor in combat, our %STRING0 unit has been promoted to Veteran status. @MULTIPLEWIN @width=300 @title=Defense Minister %NUMBER0 units destroyed. @MULTIPLELOSE @width=300 @title=Defense Minister %NUMBER0 units were lost. @CITYCAPTURE @width=300 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 %STRING3 %STRING0. %NUMBER0 rubles plundered. @CITYCAPTURE2 @width=300 @title=Spies Report %STRING1 %STRING3 the %STRING2 city of %STRING0. @CITYWINALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING1 report they have %STRING4 the %STRING2 city of %STRING0. @CITYLOSEALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 report they have lost the city of %STRING0 to the %STRING1. @TAKECIV @width=320 @title=Select Civilization Advance @listbox @button=Goal @TOOKCIV @width=320 @title=Civilization Advance Stolen! %STRING0 take %STRING1! @BADBUILD @width=320 @title=Build Orders Out Of Date %STRING0 is building %STRING1, but that has already been built. @BADSPACE @width=320 @title=Excess Spaceship Parts %STRING0 is building %STRING1, but no more are required. @BARBARIANSLAND @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Barbarian raiding party lands near %STRING0. Citizens are alarmed. @BARBARIANS @width=320 @title=Traveller's Report %STRING0 near %STRING1! @PRODCHANGE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Change of Production @default=1 Sire, if we change our production between items of different general types (Units, City Improvements, Wonders of the World), there is a %NUMBER0%% production penalty. Continue producing %STRING0. Switch to %STRING1 at %NUMBER0%% penalty. @@PRODCHANGE @@width=480 @@title=Civ Rules: Change of Production @ You are allowed to change your production between @ items of the same general type without penalty. For @ instance, if you are building City Walls, you may freely @ switch to a Granary (another City Improvement). @ ^ @ However, switching between different types--between City Walls @ and a Legion (a Unit), for instance, or between City Walls and @ Hanging Gardens (a Wonder of the World)--incurs a %NUMBER0%% @ production penalty on shields already produced. If decide to @ switch anyway, you can change your mind until you switch @ cities or the turn ends. @ @ Continue producing %STRING0. @ Switch to %STRING1 at %NUMBER0%% penalty. @BARRACKS @width=320 @title=Secret service reports: Intelligence servise report: Red undegraund inspired a mutiny in our rearside! We temporary lost control over our barraks! @EMISSARY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary An emissary from %STRING1 %STRING2 of the %STRING3 wishes to speak with you. Will you receive %STRING4? "Yes. I will grant an audience." "No. Send %STRING4 away." @EMISSARYFORCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary The %STRING1 emissary has nonetheless demanded an audience! @GREETINGS00 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Greetings from the most exalted %STRING1: %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS01 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "I bring tidings from %STRING1, ruler and %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS02 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "I bear a message from our most wise %STRING2: %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS03 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "I speak for %STRING5 who makes mortals tremble: %STRING2 %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS10 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "O most untrustworthy leader of the infidels, hear now the most exalted %STRING1: %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS11 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "O treacherous one, hear now the words of %STRING1, ruler and %STRING2 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS12 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Treacherous %STRING6! Prepare yourself for a message from our most wise %STRING2: %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @GREETINGS13 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Beware, most untrustworthy %STRING6. I speak for %STRING5 who makes mortals tremble: %STRING2 %STRING1 of the %STRING3_._._." @NUCLEARWEAPONS ^ "Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS!" @YOURNUKES1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your nuclear tests are alarming! We urge you, as one civilized nation to another, to destroy these terrible weapons before they destroy us all!" @YOURNUKES2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see you have joined the nuclear club. We shall respect your deterrent, but should you attempt to blackmail us our retaliation shall be swift and crushing." @NOEXCHANGEMAD @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We have no interest in the primitive science of your pathetic civilization." @NOEXCHANGEMEDIUM @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Our glorious science has advanced far beyond anything you might comprehend. We see little point in wasting time with the likes of you." @NOEXCHANGEWONDER @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "All of our great minds are too busy working on our glorious project, %STRING1. Perhaps we should speak again later." @NOEXCHANGENOW @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We have no interest in exchanging knowledge at this time." @EXCHANGEGIFT @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Your primitive civilization has nothing to offer us at this time. However, we present you with the gift of %STRING1 to help you modernize your society. @EXCHANGEGIFT2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We are appalled at the pathetic state to which your society has sunk. We have no choice but to present you with the gift of %STRING1, which we hope will help you modernize your civilization." @SELLTECH @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Your useless technology does not interest us. However, we will sell you the secret of %STRING1 for the modest price of %NUMBER0 gold." Never mind. Pay %NUMBER0 gold. @SELLTECH2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "Our resources are stretched to the limit and we have nothing to spare. We could, however, sell you the secret of %STRING1 for the modest price of %NUMBER0 gold." Never mind. Pay %NUMBER0 gold. @SYMPATHY @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We sympathize with your plight, but there is nothing we can do for you at this time." @EXCHANGE0 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 We note that your still fight against reds. We admire your bravery! "Thanks!" @EXCHANGE1 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We are fascinated by your %STRING2 concept, %STRING3. Will you tell us of %STRING3 in exchange, perhaps, for %STRING1?" "No. We do not need %STRING1." "Okay, let's exchange knowledge." @EXCHANGEPETTY @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We scoff at such petty knowledge. Come back when you have something worthwhile to offer." @CANCELTREATY0 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "You are allied with our evil neighbors: the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you cancel this alliance at once!" "Never! The %STRING1 are our friends." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @CANCELTREATY1 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "You have made peace with our evil neighbors: the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you cancel this treaty at once!" "Never! The %STRING1 are our friends." "Yes! Let us teach the %STRING1 a lesson!" @CANCELTREATY2 @title=%STRING0 Emissary @width=320 "We are busily crushing our mutual enemy, the %STRING1. We %STRING2 you declare war on them at once and assist us!" "Never! The %STRING1 have done us no wrong." "Yes! Let us teach the worthless %STRING1 a lesson!" @CANCELALLIANCE0 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Our alliance with the %STRING1 has been cancelled. All of our units in %STRING2 territory have been relocated to our nearest cities; %STRING2 units in our territory have been similarly relocated. @CANCELALLIANCE1 @width=320 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 and %STRING3 have cancelled their alliance. @TRIBUTE0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You are unworthy to make peace with us. However, we will agree not to crush your puny civilization in exchange for %NUMBER0 gold in tribute." "We laugh at your empty threats." Pay %NUMBER0 gold in tribute. @TRIBUTE1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your pathetic civilization is hardly worth conquering. We might forego this pleasure for the time being in exchange for %NUMBER0 gold in tribute." "We laugh at your petty boasts." Pay %NUMBER0 gold in tribute. @TRIBUTE2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are displeased that you continue to befoul lands which are rightfully ours. However, we will refrain from driving you from this continent in exchange for %NUMBER0 gold in reparations." "That is blackmail, and we will have none of it." Pay %NUMBER0 gold reparations. @TRIBUTE3 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING1, our mighty %STRING2, sees your civilization as a minor province of our great %STRING3 empire. Perhaps %STRING4 will suffer your continued independence in exchange for %NUMBER0 gold." "Never! We do not bow before tyranny and greed." Pay %NUMBER0 gold. @TRIBUTE8 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your decadent lifestyle makes us ill; we shall not sit idly by while you plunder the world's resources. We insist that you share %NUMBER0 gold with us at once." "Hah! We shall not waste good money on you!" Pay %NUMBER0 gold. @TRIBUTE9 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING1, our mighty %STRING2, grows weary of this tedious alliance. Perhaps %STRING4 will see fit to continue it in exchange for %NUMBER0 gold." "We are not %STRING1's personal financiers!" Pay %NUMBER0 gold. @TAKECIV0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your civilization makes us laugh. We will agree not to crush your worthless civilization in exchange for the secret of %STRING1." "We ignore your hollow threats." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We laugh at your excuse for a civilization. We will refrain from crushing it underfoot if you will give us the secret of %STRING1." "We are not intimidated by threats." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We note that your still fight against reds. We admire your bravery! "Thanks!" @TAKECIV8 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your civilization's greatness is an example for all, but our people grow jealous of your privileged lifestyle. Only the secret of %STRING1 will appease them!" "No. Your people are not ready for such knowledge." Give secret of %STRING1. @TAKECIV9 @width=400 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "%STRING3, our great %STRING2, grows weary of this tedious alliance. Perhaps %STRING4 will see fit to continue it in exchance for the secret of %STRING1." "Our secrets are our own, and ours they shall stay." Give secret of %STRING1. @OVERABARREL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your petty grovelling pleases us, but our mercy cannot be bought so cheaply. You must also give us the secret of %STRING1!" "Hey! I thought we had a deal!" Give secret of %STRING1. @BEGONE0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then we will have no more of this tiresome alliance! Begone from our territory at once!" @BEGONE1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will have no more of this tiresome alliance! Begone from our territory at once!" @NOVIOLATORS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no troops in your territory." @PROVOKE0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our patience is exhausted. We can no longer tolerate your vile provocations. Prepare for WAR!" @PROVOKE1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have had our fill of your impudence. It is time for our armies to teach you a lesson in manners. Prepare for WAR!" @PROVOKE2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have insulted us for the last time. Now you shall taste our steel. Prepare for WAR!" @REJECT0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You reject our generous offer? Your insolence must be punished. Prepare for WAR!" @RID0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have decided to rid the world of your worthless civilization. Prepare for WAR!" @ACCURSEDWALL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Were it not for that accursed Great Wall, we would soon teach you a lesson in manners." @ACCURSEDUN @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Be glad you have the accursed United Nations wrapped around your little finger, for we would otherwise gladly teach you a lesson in manners." @SENATEPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The Senate meets with the %STRING1 Emissary behind your back and signs a permanent peace treaty! @SENATECEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The Senate meets with the %STRING1 Emissary behind your back and signs a cease fire! @WALLOVERPEACE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Sire! We cannot maintain our war effort against this impenetrable Great Wall! Peace treaty signed! @WALLOVERCEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Sire! We cannot maintain an offensive against this impenetrable Great Wall! Cease fire signed! @UNOVERPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister World opinion leaves us no choice but to accept a U.N.-brokered peace treaty. Peace treaty signed! @UNOVERCEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister World opinion leaves us no choice but to accept a U.N.-brokered cease fire. Cease fire signed! @PROPOSEALLIANCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see great opportunities for cooperation between our two peoples. Will you join a military alliance with us, that we may present a united front against our mutual enemies?" "Yes, we shall gladly join such an alliance." "Sorry, we cannot commit ourselves at this time." @GRANTCEASE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well. Since you have shown proper respect, the %STRING1 may be willing to grant you a cease fire." "We gratefully and humbly accept." "Never! We shall fight to the bitter end!" @WALLCEASE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we dream of seeing your civilization in ruins, we have no choice but to offer you a cease fire." "Very well, we accept." "Cowards! We shall fight to the bitter end!" @PROPOSECEASE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The %STRING1 people grow weary of this endless war. We suggest a cease fire." "We accept--let us end this terrible war." "Cowards! We shall fight to the bitter end!" @PROPOSEPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have prepared a permanent peace treaty confirming the friendship between our two peoples and fixing our mutual borders for all time. Will you sign it?" "Yes, we welcome peace with the %STRING1." "No, your terms are not acceptable." @NOPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "So be it. We warn you, however, that our forces remain vigilant and we will brook no aggression." @OVERRULECEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate. Cease fire signed! @OVERRULEPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate. Permanent peace treaty signed! @ALLIANCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We affirm this alliance of perpetual cooperation, friendship, and mutual defense between the people of the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations. So let it be written; so let it be done." @TREATY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We affirm this treaty of eternal friendship and goodwill between the people of the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations. We shall withdraw our forces from your territory at once." @CEASEFIRE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We pledge an immediate end to hostilities between the %STRING1 and %STRING2 civilizations." @CEASEEXPIRE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Our cease fire agreement with the %STRING1 has expired. @APOLOGIZE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We humbly apologize for inadvertently violating your territory. Our troops have now been withdrawn and shall trouble you no more." @GIVECIV @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "End this war and we will share with you the secret of %STRING1." "We have no interest in %STRING1." "Very well, we shall grant a cease fire." @GIVECASH @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In exchange for a cease fire we offer you %NUMBER0 gold in tribute to your manifest magnificence." Reject offer Sign cease fire @GROVEL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Have mercy on our humble and peaceloving civilization. We will give you all of our gold (%NUMBER0) and knowledge if you let us live in peace." Reject offer Sign cease fire @CONTINUEWAR @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then so be it! Our armies are mobilized for WAR! You will pay for your foolish pride!" @CASHFORPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps we could throw in %NUMBER0 gold to make it worth your while...?" Reject offer Sign peace treaty @ATTITUDEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In spite of your condescending attitude, we do not choose to cancel our alliance at this time." @ATTITUDEPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "In spite of your disrespectful attitude, we will spare you from the wrath of our mighty armies." @ATTITUDE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We grow weary of your insolence. Consider yourself warned." @WELCOMEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We most %STRING1 celebrate our eternal alliance with the %STRING2 people and their most wise and munificent leader: %STRING3 %STRING4." @WELCOMEPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We %STRING1 welcome the friendship of the %STRING2 people and their most wise and munificent leader: %STRING3 %STRING4." @WELCOME @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We %STRING1 appreciate this period of understanding between our two peoples." @HOWDYALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We always welcome an opportunity to be of service to our eternal allies the %STRING2." @HOWDYPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are always pleased to speak with our friends the %STRING2." @HOWDY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We shall gladly speak with our neighbors the %STRING2." @DOODYALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We always welcome an opportunity to be of service to our eternal allies the %STRING2. Please be brief, however, for time is short." @DOODY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We shall grant you an audience, but do not waste our valuable time." @NOTORIOUSBIG @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your betrayal of the %STRING1 is legendary. Do not presume to think you can deal likewise with us. Keep to your word and we shall be as brothers; betray us and you shall taste our steel." @NOTORIOUSSMALL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Word of your ill-treatment of the %STRING1 has preceeded you. Should you think to do the same to us, know that we shall resist bitterly!" @NOTORIOUSHATE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We chortle at your cruel betrayal of our hated enemies the %STRING1. Do not presume to treat us likewise, however, for we are hardly so foolish." @WORTHLESS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we sign this document, we are fully aware that no agreement with you is worth the paper it is printed on. You are foolish if you expect us to behave otherwise." @OUTAHEREALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are terribly sorry, but pressing matters of state prevent us from granting an audience at this time." @OUTAHERE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have wasted enough of our valuable time with your endless chatter. Now begone!" @ALLYPLEA @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our war with the hated %STRING1 is not going well for us, and we may not be able to hold out for much longer! Please send military help at once!" @ALLYBRAG @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are pleased to report that we have the hated %STRING1 by the throat. Soon, we will begin our final offensive." @DIPLOMACY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary You respond: "We..." @DIPLOMACYMENU "Consider this discussion complete." "Suggest a permanent strategic alliance." "Suggest a permanent peace treaty." "Request a gift from you, our gracious allies." "Demand tribute for our patience." "Insist that you withdraw your troops." "Cancel this worthless alliance." "Have a proposal to make..." "Wish to offer you a gift..." @TREATYMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a treaty proposal: @TREATYOPTIONS Never mind. Propose military alliance. Propose permanent peace treaty. Threaten to cancel alliance. Threaten to attack. Demand withdrawal of troops. Cancel alliance. Cancel peace treaty. @FAVORMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a proposal to make: Never mind. Ask to declare war against an enemy. @GIFTMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Pick a gift to offer: Never mind. Offer money. Offer military unit. @ALLIANCENOBETRAY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Do you take us for fools? We know full well what happens to your so-called 'friends'." @NOBETRAYWEAK @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though we admire your greatness, we cannot help but notice that those who sign agreements with you often meet with unfortunate accidents. Therefore we must respectfully decline." @ALLIANCENOWINNING @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We shall not become slaves of the decadent %STRING1 empire." @ALLIANCENODISLIKE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We do not wish to associate with your pathetic %STRING1 civilization." @ALLIANCENOSMALL @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. Your weak civilization has nothing to offer us." @ALLIANCENOTHANKS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The great %STRING2 civilization can protect its own borders. With our mighty armies and few enemies, we have little need for an alliance." @ALLIANCENOPATIENCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your offer is intriguing, but at present we do not have time to discuss it." @PERHAPSTHROWIN0 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Perhaps if you could throw in %NUMBER0 gold, we would have a deal . . ." Reject offer. Throw in %NUMBER0 gold. @PERHAPSTHROWIN1 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "A fine idea! Now, will you throw in %NUMBER0 gold to sweeten the pot?" Reject offer. Throw in %NUMBER0 gold. @PERHAPSSECRET0 @width-320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Give 1000 gold roubles and we would have a deal . . ." Reject offer. @PERHAPSSECRET1 @width-320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "A worthy idea. By the way, we need 1000 gold roubles in exchange... Gold? May be You prefer our word of honor? @PERHAPSSOLIDARITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well. But you must prove your worthiness by declaring war on our hated enemies the %STRING4." "You go too far, friend." "So be it! We will gladly crush the %STRING4 for you!" @PERHAPSPROVEIT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Excellent! Now, you must prove your worthiness by declaring war on our hated enemies the %STRING4." "You go too far, friend." "So be it! Let us teach the %STRING4 a lesson!" @PERHAPSDIDNTPROVE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then be off with you!" @PERHAPSTHANKSANYWAY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Ah, so your professed friendship is only skin-deep? Then we thank you for your gift but we shall not sign this document." @PERHAPSBYE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Ah, so your professed friendship is only skin-deep? Then be off with you!" @PEACENOBETRAY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Do you take us for fools? We'd no sooner turn our back on you than we'd find your knife there! Now begone!" @PEACENOWINNING @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. We will not be manipulated to serve your Machiavellian plans." @PEACENODISLIKE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "No. Your puny civilization is unworthy to make peace with us." @PEACENOPATIENCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your offer is intriguing, but for now we cannot be bound by permanent agreements." @GIVEMORECIV @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a sign of our friendship, we shall share with you the secret of %STRING1." @GIVEMORE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We present you with a gift of %NUMBER0 gold in tribute to your peaceful nature." @GIVEMOREALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We present you with a gift of %NUMBER0 gold in recognition of the ancient friendship between our peoples." @TAUNTALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your greed and sniveling make us ill. Consider this alliance dissolved!" @FEEBLEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our patience wears thin. Do not press your luck, friend." @FEEBLE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We ignore your feeble threats." @CANCELALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then consider our alliance dissolved. But we shall long remember this hateful day!" @CANCELOURPEACE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then consider our peace treaty null and void. But we shall long remember this treachery!" @MUSTATTACK @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You must attack the evil . . ." Never mind. @NOCONTACT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no contact with the %STRING1." @ATWAR @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We are already at war with the worthless %STRING1." @MERCENARY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We will ruthlessly smite the evil %STRING1 in exchange for %NUMBER0 gold to cover our expenses." "Never mind." "Yes, we will gladly pay." @CYBERCOP @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary We need money! MONEY! Can You share with us your gold reserve? Sorry, the war absorbs all our resources. We can not give to You no one rouble" @ETERNALALLIES @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "What!? We shall never attack our eternal allies the %STRING1! That is, unless you happen to have %NUMBER0 gold..." "Never mind." "How fortunate that we have %NUMBER0 gold right here!" @HELLNOWEWONTGO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Though your offer is tempting, we cannot spare the necessary forces from our garrisons. Your past record indicates that to deplete these forces would be most unwise." @UNFORTUNATE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Unfortunately, your treasury does not contain sufficient funds to support your extravagant promises." @MERCDECLARE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 declare war on the %STRING2. @MERCBETRAYALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 spies have discovered our betrayal! The %STRING2 have cancelled their alliance with us. @MERCBETRAY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 spies have discovered our betrayal! The %STRING2 have declared war on us! @MAPNO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no need for your useless %STRING1 maps." @MAPYES @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Very well, we shall share our knowledge of geography with you." @KNOWNO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Hah! We have no need of your pathetic %STRING1 'science.'" @TECHGIFT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Will you help us with some money in order to stop the epidemic of typhus? "No, sorry. This typhus is our headache too. Our hospitals are owercrowded" @TECHGIFT2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary Will you help us with some money in order to rebuild our economy? "I am sorry, no money. Only debts." @MILITARYNO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our mighty %STRING1 armies have no need for your inferior military equipment." @MILITARYNONE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Military Gifts You can give military units to another power only if you have them available in one of your cities. @MILITARYSOURCE @width=320 @listbox=12 @title=Select Source City For Gift @BREAKTHROUGH @width=320 @title=Breakthrough! Your gift has caused a breakthrough in %STRING1 science! @WASTING @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Then cease wasting our time!" @ACCEPT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "The %STRING1 government gratefully accepts your gift." @MONEYGIFT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "What sort of gift did you have in mind?" "Never mind." @PATIENCEALLY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have enjoyed this tete-a-tete, but we must now attend to several pressing affairs of state. Goodbye for now." @PATIENCE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We have no more time to waste with you at present, as we must attend to several pressing affairs of state." @NEARCITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "If you do not leave the vicinity of %STRING1 immediately, we shall send our mighty armies to drive you out." @ADMIRECITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We see that your troops have turned their greedy eyes towards our glorious city of %STRING1. We demand that you withdraw them immediately!" @PLEASECITY @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a gesture of goodwill between our peoples, we kindly ask that you withdraw your troops from the vicinity of %STRING1." @PLEASECITIES @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "As a gesture of goodwill between our peoples, we kindly ask that you withdraw your troops from the vicinity of %STRING1 and all other %STRING2 cities." @TERMS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Remember, Sire, that by the terms of our recently-signed peace treaty with the %STRING2, we must immediately withdraw all of our military units from the vicinity (two square radius) of %STRING1 and all other %STRING3 cities. @INTRUDERS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of %STRING1 and other cities. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences!" @INTRUDER @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of our city of %STRING1. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences!" @VIOLATOR @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of our city of %STRING1. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences! Will you comply?" Withdraw troops to nearest city. "No! We renounce this worthless treaty!" @VIOLATORS @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your troops have violated the territory of %STRING1 and other cities. By the terms of our peace treaty, you must withdraw immediately or face the consequences! Will you comply?" "Our apologies. We shall withdraw." "No! We renounce this worthless treaty!" @VIOLATE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "So be it! %STRING1 shall long remember your treachery! Prepare yourself for WAR!" @WITHDRAWN @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %NUMBER0 offending units have been withdrawn to our nearest cities. @WITHDRAWN1 @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister One offending unit has been withdrawn to our nearest cities. @HELPME @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our civilization is threatened by the evil %STRING1. Will you ally with us to help repel their unprovoked aggression? We will send you %NUMBER0 gold to cover your expenses." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPME2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Our civilization is threatened by the evil %STRING1. Will you ally with us to help repel their unprovoked aggression? We will send you %NUMBER0 gold and teach you the secret of %STRING2." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPMEINSTEAD @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your so-called allies, the evil %STRING1, are bent on conquest and world domination! Won't you instead ally with us to save the world from their cruel aggression? We will send you %NUMBER0 gold to cover your expenses." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @HELPMEINSTEAD2 @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Your so-called allies, the evil %STRING1, are bent on conquest and world domination! Won't you instead ally with us to save the world from their cruel aggression? We will send you %NUMBER0 gold and teach you the secret of %STRING2." "No, sorry, tough luck." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @CRUSADE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "We invite you to join our crusade to rid the world of the evil %STRING1. We will %STRING2 alliance for the duration of the hostilities." "No, not interested." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @JIHAD @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You have allied with our hated enemies the %STRING1, but anyone can see that we have much more to offer your great civilization. Join us in crushing the %STRING1 and we shall rule the world together!" "No, not interested." Yes, declare war on %STRING1. @GAPE @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "You are still fight? We count here that your defeat is inevitable." @ANNOYALLIED @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We are currently allied with the %STRING1! Although our units can move through our ally's territory, they cannot enter the same square as our ally's units and cities. Nor can we have combat with allied units. Alliances can only be cancelled during diplomatic negotiations. @ANNOYPEACE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have signed a peace treaty with the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we break it! Cancel action. Break treaty. @ANNOYVASSAL @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have accepted tribute from the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we attack them so soon! Cancel action. Continue anyway. @ANNOYCEASE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have signed a cease fire with the %STRING1! Our reputation will be damaged if we break it! Cancel action. Violate cease fire. @ANNOY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Shall we declare war on the %STRING1? Cancel action. Declare war. @OVERRULE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister You are overruled by the Senate! Action cancelled. @TAXES @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor Warning: Funds are running low. Perhaps we should raise our tax rate or hire some tax collectors. Continue Change Tax Rate @SPYMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 %STRING1 arrives in %STRING2 @SPYOPTIONS Organize underground Investigate City Diversion! Organize 5th Column Poison Water Supply Nuke Incite a mutiny! @SABOTAGEOPTIONS @width=320 @title=Spy Options @options Agitate Unit. Propagande Unit. @BLEWITUP @width=320 %STRING0 %STRING1 propaganded by %STRING2 %STRING3. Units morale has fallen! @BOND007 @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our agitator has returned to %STRING1 for a rest. @BOND @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our agitator has returned unharmed! He has been sent to %STRING1 for new instructions. @BONDGLORY @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our pop was captured! @NAILED @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our agitator was captured! @ENEMYEMBASSY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 embassy. @ENEMYINVESTIGATE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING0 have investigated %STRING1. @STEALSPECIFIC @width=320 @title=Spy Orders Shall our spy attempt to steal a specific civilization advance? No, any will do. Yes. @STEALHARD @width=320 @title=Spy Orders The %STRING0 of %STRING1 are vigilant and wary, Sire. Shall our spy attempt to steal technology anyway (she cannot attempt to steal a specific technology). Never mind. Yes, make the attempt. @STEAL @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor %STRING0 steal %STRING1. @NOSTEAL @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor No war planes found. @SABOTAGESPECIFIC @width=320 @title=Spy Orders Shall we give our agitator a primary target, or tell his to use his judgement. Use his judgement. Give primary target. @SABOTAGEHARD @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Attempting sabotage in an enemy capital, or against counter-espionage is very risky! Cancel action. Proceed. @SABOTAGENO @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Our spy reports that the enemy SDI complex is surrounded by guard towers, razor wire, and canine patrols! No sabotage is possible. @SABOTAGE @width=320 @title=Select Primary Target @listbox @SABOTAGEONE @width=320 @title=Intelligence Report Revolutionary sbotadge! %STRING0 destroyed! @SABOTAGETWO @width=320 @title=Intelligence Report %STRING0 production sabotaged! @PRETEXTALLIED @width=320 @title=International Incident! This act of espionage by the %STRING0 gives us a valid pretext to cancel our alliance with them! No thanks. Cancel alliance. @PRETEXT @width=320 @title=International Incident This act of espionage by the %STRING0 gives us a valid pretext to declare war! No thanks. Declare war on %STRING0. @INCIDENT @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor This could cause an international incident if we are detected! Continue anyway? Cancel action. Continue. @MAJORINCIDENT @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor This could cause a MAJOR international incident if we are detected! Continue anyway? Cancel action. Continue. @INCIDENTALLIED @width=320 @title=Newspaper International Incident! %STRING1 cancel alliance with %STRING0 over espionage furor! @WIMPOUT @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Emissary "Although you are our friends and allies, industrial espionage cannot be tolerated. We shall overlook this minor incident, but do not let it happen again." @INCIDENTWAR @width=320 @title=Newspaper International Incident! %STRING1 declare war on %STRING0 over espionage furor! @INCIDENTTERROR @width=320 @title=Newspaper International Incident! %STRING1 publicly condemn %STRING0 terrorism. @SENATESCANDAL @width=320 @title=Newspaper Scandal in the Senate! %STRING0 government falls! @DISSIDENTS @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor Dissidents in %STRING0 will revolt for %NUMBER0 gold. @DISSIDENTOPTIONS Never mind. Incite a counter-revolution. Incite uprising (causes incident). Subvert city (Goldx2, no incident). @CIVILWAR @width=320 @title=The city is our! %STRING0 rebel! The white undegraund inspired an uprising in %STRING1. @USEWEAPONS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 use nuclear weapons! @SDI @width=320 @title=Defense Minister S.D.I. Defense in %STRING0 thwarts nuclear attack! @PLANTEDNUKE @width=320 @title=(Newspaper) Mysterious Nuclear Blast in %STRING0! @PLANTEDNUKE2 @width=320 @title=Nuclear Terrorism! Nuclear explosion in %STRING0! %STRING1 agents caught red-handed moments before blast! Major International Incident--All nations declare war on %STRING2! @WATERSUPPLY @width=320 @title=Water Supply Poisoned! %STRING0 water supply poisoned! %STRING1 agents suspected. @DESERT @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor %STRING0 %STRING1 will desert for %NUMBER0 gold. @DESERT2 @width=320 @title=Intelligence Advisor %STRING0 %STRING1 will desert for %NUMBER0 gold. Forget it. Pay %NUMBER0 gold. @DESERTED @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 agitated by %STRING2! @ALREADYSOLD @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor You cannot expropriate more than one of a city's improvements in a single turn. @PARTISANS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The enemy garrison capitulates! %STRING1! @REPORTSCIENCE @width=540 @title=Science Advisor Report @listbox=12 @columns=3 @button=Info @button=Goal ^Researching: %STRING0 (%NUMBER0 of %NUMBER1) ^Discoveries every %NUMBER2 turns. ^ ^^Civilization Advances Achieved: @SUPPLYSEARCH @width=480 @title=Select Cargo Type For Inquiry @columns=2 @SUPPLYSHOW @width=480 @title=Cities Trading In %STRING0 @listbox @SUPPLYNONE @width=480 @title=Cities Trading In %STRING0 We know of no cities trading in %STRING0 at this time. @REPORTTRADE @width=480 @title=Trade Advisor Report @button=Supply And Demand @listbox @REPORTCITY @width=540 @title=City Status Report @listbox @REPORTATTITUDE @width=540 @title=Attitude Survey @listbox @REPORTFOREIGN @width=580 @title=Foreign Minister @listbox=7 @button=Check Intelligence @button=Send Emissary Sire, our power is %STRING0 and our reputation is %STRING1. @NOFOREIGN @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister We have not yet made contact with other civilizations. @REPORTINTELL @width=580 @listbox=4 @columns=3 @title=Intelligence Report: %STRING0 @button=City List @INTELLCITY @width=320 @listbox=12 @title=City List: %STRING0 @REPORTWONDER @width=540 @title=Wonders of the World @listbox @WONDERS WONDERS OF THE ANCIENT WORLD WONDERS OF THE RENAISSANCE WONDERS OF THE INDUSTRIAL AGE WONDERS OF THE MODERN WORLD @AMBASSADORS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 agree to an exchange of ambassadors. @ENDWONDER @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 cancels the effect of %STRING1. @FEARWARMING @width=320 @title=(Newspaper) Medics alarmed by spreading of epidemic. Many new cemeteries were buried! @GLOBALWARMING @width=320 @title=(Newspaper) Epidemic is spreading! We must stop it! @SCHISM @width=400 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 empire is swept by Civil War triggered by the fall of their capital! When the dust settles the empire has been split into loyal (%STRING0) and rebel (%STRING1) factions. @FERTILE @width=420 @title=Domestic Advisor The population of %STRING1 territory now exceeds %STRING2 citizens. @CARAVANMENU @width=320 @title=%STRING0 Refugee Options @CARAVAN @width=420 @title=Trade Route %STRING0 refugee from %STRING1 arrives in %STRING2. The invested some of their money for our Army: %NUMBER0 golds. @FOODCARAVAN @width=420 @title=Trade Route Food train from %STRING1 arrives in %STRING2. Citizens plan feast in celebration. @CARAVANHOME @width=420 @title=Civ Rules: Trade units You cannot change the home city of a trade unit. @CARAVANOTHER @width=420 @title=Trade Route %STRING0 %STRING1 refugees from %STRING2 arrive in %STRING3. %STRING1-%STRING4 they sold some of their goods in oredr to gather money for our money. @CARAVANBUILT @width=420 @title=Refugee @button=Supply And Demand %STRING0 builds %STRING1. What trade goods shall it carry? @CARACONFIRM @width=320 @title=Refugee @button=Confirm and Zoom Confirm %STRING0 refugee? Confirmed. Reconsider. @CITYINFO @width=320 @title=%STRING0 (%STRING1 city) Demands %STRING2, %STRING3, and %STRING4. @STARTWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have undertaken a great project: %STRING2! @SWITCHWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have changed projects from %STRING2 to %STRING3! @ABANDONWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have abandoned their great project, %STRING2. @ALMOSTWONDER @width=320 @title=Travellers Report The %STRING1 have nearly completed their great project, %STRING2. @STILLWONDER1 @width=320 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 continue to build their great project, %STRING2, in one other city! @STILLWONDER2 @width=320 @title=Spies Report The %STRING1 continue to build their great project, %STRING2, in %NUMBER0 other cities! @CAPTUREWONDER @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Our troops have captured %STRING2%STRING1! @LOSTWONDER @width=320 @title=Defense Minister We have lost control of %STRING2%STRING1! @ACTIVATEALLY @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING1 activate their alliance with the %STRING2. %STRING2 declare war on %STRING3! @ALLYHELPS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 have announced that they will come to our aid by declaring war on the %STRING3! @MILITARYAID1 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have sent %STRING1 to the %STRING2 to help them in their war against us! @MILITARYAID2 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have sent %STRING1 to %STRING2 to help us in our war against the %STRING3. @GOTO @width=480 @title=Select Destination for %STRING0 @button=All Players @listbox @PARADROP @width=320 @title=Paradrop! %STRING0 %STRING1 make surprise attack near %STRING2! @PARADROPRULES1 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Paradrops This årooper has already moved this turn. A paratrooper can only paradrop at the beginning of its turn. @PARADROPRULES2 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Paradrops This paratrooper is not in a city or airbase square. In order to make paradrops, a paratroop unit must begin its turn on a friendly city or airbase. @PARADROPTARGET @width=320 That is an ocean square. Paradrops may only target unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) land squares within %NUMBER0 spaces of the paradropping unit. @PARADROPTARGET1 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Paradrops That square is out of range. Paradrops may only target unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) land squares within %NUMBER0 spaces of the paradropping unit. @PARADROPTARGET2 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Paradrops Paradrops may only target unoccupied (or friendly-occupied) land squares within %NUMBER0 spaces of the paradropping unit. @INCORRUPTIBLE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Democracy and Bribes The armed forces of a Democracy are immune to bribery. @NOREVOLT @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Democracy The cities of a Democracy cannot be subverted or incited to revolt. @UNFORCE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister United Nations forces %STRING1 to make peace with %STRING2! @WALLFORCE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister Great Wall forces %STRING1 to make peace with %STRING2! @MISSILEATTACK @width=320 @title=Secret service reports: %STRING1 inspired a mutiny in the one of our squads! Morale of this unit has felt! Our men deserted, general! @PEARLHARBOR @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 catches %STRING2 ships in port! @AUTOMONARCHY @width=440 @title=Civ Rules: Governments You have just acquired knowledge of MONARCHY, which allows you to improve your government. To switch governments you must have a Revolution (select "Revolution" from the Kingdom menu); this entails a brief period of Anarchy. ^ Switching to a more advanced form of government will often improve the productivity of your people; it will also help to stem corruption and waste. Would you like to hold a revolution now? Not just yet. Begin revolution. @AUTOREV @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Governments You have just acquired knowledge of a new government form, %STRING0. Your current government is a %STRING1. Do you wish to begin a revolution in order to switch government types? No, %STRING1 is working out fine. Begin revolution. @BATTERY @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 in %STRING2 doubles defense strength! @BATTERY2 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 and %STRING3 in %STRING2 quadruple defense strength! @SCRAMBLE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING0 %STRING1s scramble to protect %STRING2! @AMPHIBMOTIZE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING1 %STRING2 make amphibious assault! @CITYMODAL1 @width=400 @title=City Window @button=Close City Window You must close the City Window before the game can proceed. @CITYMODAL2 @width=400 @title=End of Turn Update @button=Proceed Right now you may only interact with the City Screen. Use any "Proceed" button when you are ready to continue. @UPGRADED @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor Production orders in %STRING0 upgraded from %STRING1 to %STRING2. @UPGRADE @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING2 upgrades all %STRING0 to %STRING1. @ASTRONAUTS @width=320 @title=Science Advisor Astronauts bring back photos of Earth from space! @LONGMOVE @width=320 @title=Long Unit Move Continue moving unit? Yes No @GHOSTTOWN @width=320 @title=Domestic Advisor %STRING0 is about to build %STRING1, but it is only a size 1 city. Continue anyway? Delay Settler production. Build Settlers anyway (disbands city). @EXPEL @width=320 @title=Captured %STRING0 %STRING1 @options Expel %STRING1. Attack %STRING1. Never mind. @NOEXPEL @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Diplomatic Immunity %STRING1 units may only be expelled when they are in your territory, which is in this case defined as being nearer to one of your cities than to one of its own. @UPYOURS @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 expelled! %STRING0 ambassador issues statement of protest. @UPYOURSTOO @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister %STRING0 %STRING1 expelled. %STRING0 ambassador issues apology. @UPMINE @width=320 @title=Foreign Minister The %STRING2 have expelled our %STRING1. Our ambassador has issued the usual statement of protest. The %STRING1 has been returned to %STRING3. @SPACERACE @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 build space ship! @SPACESHIP @width=480 @title=Spaceship Report @listbox ^^%STRING0.S.S. %STRING1 (%STRING2) @LAUNCH @width=320 @title=Science Advisor Confirm spaceship launch. (%NUMBER0%% chance of success) No Launch. Launch CONFIRMED! @LAUNCHED @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 LAUNCH space ship! Estimate arrival in %NUMBER0. @COMPONENT @width=320 @title=Select Spaceship Component @options Propulsion (%NUMBER0 so far) Fuel (%NUMBER1 so far) @MODULE @width=320 @title=Select Spaceship Module @options Habitation (%NUMBER0 so far) Life Support (%NUMBER1 so far) Solar Panel (%NUMBER2 so far) @NOFURTHER @width=320 @title=Science Advisor No further %STRING0 required. @SPACESHIPS @width=320 @title=View Which Spaceship @options @EAGLEHASLANDED @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 spaceship arrives on Alpha Centauri! @SPACERETURNS @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 spaceship returns to earth. @SPACEDESTROYED @width=320 @title=Science Advisor %STRING0 spaceship destroyed. @HISTORY @width=480 @title=Civilization II ^^%STRING1 completes his epic history: ^^'The %STRING2 Civilizations in the World' @HISTORIANS 11 Herodotus Thucydides Pliny St. Augustine Gibbon Toynbee Lord Macaulay Livy Tacitus Bede Machiavelli @HISTORIES WEALTHIEST MOST POWERFUL MOST ADVANCED HAPPIEST LARGEST @HISTORYRANK Glorious Great Fine Mediocre Puny Pathetic Hopeless @ALLOWUN @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The Senate chooses to allow the action under the guise of a U.N. "peacekeeping" mission. @ALLOWAGGRESSOR @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Previous %STRING0 aggression against us convinces the Senate to allow this action. @ALLOWHAWKS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Hawk Party derails attempted Senate interference. Action confirmed! @CONTINUEUN @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The Senate passes a resolution supporting continued "peacekeeping" action against the %STRING1. @CONTINUEHAWKS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The Senate passes a resolution supporting continued action against the %STRING1. @RANSOMCITY @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The leader of the Barbarian %STRING0 has sent us a message: "We shall mercilessly sack the city of %STRING1 unless you pay us %NUMBER0 gold at once!" "Do your worst!" Pay %NUMBER0 gold. @NOAIRPORT @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Airlifts Units may only be airlifted between cities with airports. @NOAIRPORT2 @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Airlifts None of your other cities have airports! Units may only be airlifted between cities with airports. @AIRLIFTSELECT @width=440 @listbox=12 @title=Select Target City For Airlift @AIRLIFT @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Airlift from %STRING0 to %STRING1 successful! @SHOTDOWN @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING0 have shot down our airlift! @ALREADYAIRLIFT @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Airlifts The city of %STRING0 has already conducted an airlift operation this turn. Only one unit may be lifted into or out of a city in a single turn. @WESHOT @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Our fighters have shot down an attempted airlift into %STRING0! @WESAW @width=320 @title=Defense Minister We have detected an enemy airlift into %STRING0! @ENEMYFIGHTERS @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Enemy fighters are based near our cities. They could intercept our air transport mission! Cancel airlift. Proceed. @LIFTSHIP @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Airlifts Ships cannot be airlifted, silly. @LIFTPLANE @width=320 @title=Civ Rules: Airlifts Air units cannot be airlifted by transport craft. They must relocate under their own power. @PILLAGEWHAT @width=320 @title=Defense Minister What should we destroy? @PILLAGEMENU Farmland Irrigation Mining Airbase Fortress Railroad Road @ALLIEDREPAIR @width=320 @title=Defense Minister The %STRING1 have helped to repair our %STRING2. @CANESCAPE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister Sire, our capital is being overrun! Shall we pay %NUMBER0 gold to evacuate the government to %STRING1 while there is still time? Alas, we cannot afford it. Yes, pay %NUMBER0 gold. @ESCAPE @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING2 government escapes to %STRING1! @ESCAPE2 @width=320 @title=Defense Minister %STRING2 government escapes to %STRING1! Evacuation cost: %NUMBER0 gold. @AQUEDUCT @width=520 @title=Civ Tutorial: Aqueducts The large population of %STRING0 is beginning to strain the nearby water resources. Once a city reaches size %NUMBER0 it cannot grow further unless you improve its water supply by building an AQUEDUCT. @CURSES @width=320 @title=Spies Report Espionage attempt foiled by enemy %STRING1! @FOILEDAGAIN @width=320 @title=Spies Report Our %STRING1 has foiled a %STRING2 espionage attempt! @UNSAVED @width=320 @title=Warning! %STRING0 has unsaved changes! Cancel action. Continue anyway (lose changes). @FLATEARTH @width=320 @title=Choose Earth Shape Which shape do you prefer? The world is ROUND. The world is FLAT. @LANDWARNING @width=320 @title=Warning. More than %NUMBER0 land masses have been detected. You may play on such a map, but the "intelligence" level of computer opponents may at times be slightly impaired. @SEAWARNING @width=320 @title=Warning! More than %NUMBER0 bodies of water have been detected. You may play on such a map, but the "intelligence" level of computer opponents may at times be slightly impaired. @NOTENOUGHWARNING @width=320 @title=Warning! Not enough land has been detected. The game may not be able to find starting locations for all players. @CITIESINOCEAN @width=320 @title=Warning! You have placed city starting locations in ocean squares. The game will ignore all such squares (the tribes in question will start in random locations). @ANALYZEOK @width=320 @title=Map Analysis OK! The map has been analyzed and no problems have been detected. @FAILEDTOLOAD @width=320 @title=Error Failed to load map file. @MAPSAVED @width=320 @title=Map Saved ^^Map successfully saved as ^^%STRING0 @ADDCITY @width=600 @title=Select Tribe To Start Here @RESEED @width=440 @title=Enter Resource Seed (1 = random) @options Seed: @NOADJACENTCITIES @width=320 @title=Warning! Cities cannot be placed adjacent to one another. @NOTALLCITIES @width=320 @title=Warning! Starting locations have been designated for some but not all tribes. Tribes with no designated starting locations will be placed randomly. @GOLDENAGE @width=320 @title=Golden Age of Philosophy The Golden Age of Philosophy begins in the %STRING0 city of %STRING1! Great %STRING0 thinkers articulate scientific, moral, and metaphysical systems which endure for centuries to come. @LANDING @width=320 @title=Enemy Spotted! %STRING0 land near %STRING1! @NEWXFORM @width=320 @title=New Order: Transform The new Engineers unit type can use the Transform ("o") order to drastically change the terrain type in a square. Engineers also work twice as quickly as Settlers in all ordinary tasks (roadbuilding, irrigation, etc). @NEWFORTRESS @width=320 @title=New Order: Fortress Our Settlers can now use the Fortress ("f") order to build fortresses. Fortress squares double the defense of units defending within, and prevent more than one unit at a time from being lost in combat. @NEWAIRLIFT @width=320 @title=New Orders: Airlift and Airbase Our ground units may now use the Airlift ("l") order to move between any of our cities with Airports. Our Settlers/Engineers may use the Airbase ("e") order to build airbases in non-city squares. @NEWRAILROAD @width=320 @title=New Order: Railroad Our Settlers/Engineers may now use the Railroad ("r") order to lay railroad track in squares that already contain roads. Railroads increase resource shield production by 50%%. Units moving along railroads expend no movement points to do so. @NEWFARMLAND @width=320 @title=New Order: Farmland Our Settlers/Engineers may now use the Farmland ("i") order to improve farmland in squares which already contain irrigation. Farmland squares increase food production by 50%%, but only for cities containing the Supermarket improvement. @NEWPARADROP @width=320 @title=New Order: Paradrop The new Paratrooper unit can use the Paradrop ("p") order to airdrop within %NUMBER0 spaces of any friendly city (provided it begins its turn in that city). @ADDTOTHRONE Which section shall we improve? @UPKEEP @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Rules That action is not permitted during upkeep; wait until the main turn begins. @MOVEPENDING @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee You cannot begin another action until your previous one is resolved. Wait until your last action (unit move, city change, etc.) resolves; then try again. @LOCKFAILED @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee Someone else is already resolving an action that may affect this area; you must wait until that action is complete. Try again momentarily. @LOCKFAILEDGLOBAL @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee A major game action (e.g. capturing a city) is being resolved at this time; you must wait until that action is complete. Try again momentarily. @MULTIFEATURE @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee Feature not yet supported in Multiplayer mode. @WAITPICKTECH @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Waiting for player to pick advance... @WAITING0 @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Waiting for others to update cities... @WAITING1 @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Waiting for others to select government... @WAITING2 @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Waiting for others to update technology... @HANGUP @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Exit Hanging up from game... @WAITLOCK @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Waiting for permission to move... @WAITGLOBAL @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Waiting for move to resolve... @WAITACTION @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Resolving unit orders... @WAITPLUNDER @width=220 @title=Multiplayer Wait Waiting for player to select plunder... @MULTIDONE @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee You have already acknowledged the end of your turn. You must wait until your next turn before taking this action. @NETWAITING @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee The system is waiting for network traffic to clear. Try again shortly. @LOSTSERVER @width=320 @title=Multiplayer This machine has lost its connection to the server! @LOSTIT @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee We have lost a network connection. Attempting to reestablish it . . . @RECONNECTING @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee Reconnecting to other machine . . . @SECONDMESSAGE @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee Reconnect complete. Resending data . . . @SECONDFAILED @width=320 @title=Multiplayer Referee Second send failed. Hanging up. @NOSPACESHIPS @width=320 @title=Space ships The space race has not yet begun! @CODECNOTFOUND @width=320 @title=Notice We are unable to find the proper files for the animated heralds and have therefore switched off that particular "Graphics Option". To re-install the necessary files, please run "setup.exe" in the "vfw_rt" directory of the game CD. @NOFOODREPORT @width=320 @title=Food Supplies "Supply and Demand" is not applicable to Food Supplies caravans. Food Supplies caravans cause one food per turn to be transferred between the participating cities. @REALLYRETIRE @width=320 @title=Confirmation Do you really want to retire? No Yes @REALLYQUIT @width=320 @title=Confirmation Do you really want to quit? No Yes @REALLYCHEAT @width=320 @title=Confirmation If you enable cheat mode, this will be recorded in your game score. Do you really want to enable cheat mode? No Yes @PLANRETIRE @width=440 @title=Retirement Planned! Millenial celebrations held! %STRING0 %STRING1 plans retirement in 20 years! @DORETIRE @width=440 @title=Retirement Announced! %STRING1 dynasty ends after glorious 6000 year reign! @SLAM Your civilization has conquered the entire planet! @KEEPPLAYING @width=320 @title=Game Over! Your final score has been computed. Do you want to keep playing? (No further score will be recorded). No, I'm done. Yes, keep playing. @INSERTHERE @width=320 @title=Game Over! (Insert end of game graphic sequence here). @WONDERMOVIECHEAT @title=Wonder Movie Sneak Preview @width=320 @options Which Wonder? @AUTOMODE @title=Who Will Control Production in %STRING0 @width=320 @options Both Military Advisor Domestic Advisor @CDROMNOTFOUND @width=320 @title=Please Note @button=Repeat Search We were unable to find the Civilization II CD-ROM. If desired, you may play this session of Civilization II without the additional multimedia, music, and art supplied by the CD. You may also check that the Civilization II CD is in a valid CD-ROM drive and then repeat the search by selecting "Repeat Search" below. @COUNCILCHEAT0 @width = 600 @title = Council Cheat @button = Military @button = Science @button = Trade @button = Foreign @button = Attitude @button = Anarchy Which rating would you like to change? @COUNCILCHEAT1 @width = 320 @title = Council Cheat @options Please enter a new rating for this advisor? @COUNCILCHEAT2 @width = 200 @title = Council Cheat @options Which time period? (0-2) @NOTENOUGHGRASS @width=320 @title=Warning! Not enough arable land (Grassland and Plains) has been detected. The game may not be able to find suitable starting locations for all players. @THRONE The people spontaneously decide to recognize your many years of enlightened leadership. Craftsmen, masons, laborers, and artisans turn out to build a fine addition to your throne room. @MALEFAME %STRING0 the Worthless %STRING0 the Pathetic %STRING0 the Foolish %STRING0 the Weak %STRING0 the Meek %STRING0 the Unready %STRING0 the Small %STRING0 the Glutton %STRING0 the Mad %STRING0 the Cruel %STRING0 the Terrible %STRING0 Forkbeard %STRING0 the Clever %STRING0 Ironfist %STRING0 the Conqueror %STRING0 the Fair %STRING0 the Strong %STRING0 the Just %STRING0 the Lion-Hearted %STRING0 the Mighty %STRING0 the Great %STRING0 Augustus %STRING0 the Wise %STRING0 the Magnificent @FEMALEFAME %STRING0 the Worthless %STRING0 the Pathetic %STRING0 the Foolish %STRING0 the Weak %STRING0 the Meek %STRING0 the Unready %STRING0 the Small %STRING0 the Glutton %STRING0 the Mad %STRING0 the Cruel %STRING0 the Terrible %STRING0 the Dark %STRING0 the Clever %STRING0 Ironfist %STRING0 the Conqueror %STRING0 the Fair %STRING0 the Strong %STRING0 the Just %STRING0 the Lion-Hearted %STRING0 the Mighty %STRING0 the Great %STRING0 Augusta %STRING0 the Wise %STRING0 the Magnificent @UNITEDIT @width=440 @title=Editing %STRING0 %STRING1 @options No Changes Toggle Veteran Status Clear Movement Allowance Set Hit Points Set Home City Fortify/Unfortify Change Caravan Commodity @UNITHITPOINTS @width=320 @title=Set Unit Damage (0 - %NUMBER0) @options Damage: @EDITHOMECITY @width=320 @title=Select City @listbox @button=None @CITYEDIT @width=320 @title=Editing %STRING0 @options No Changes Change Size Delete All Wonders Clear Disorder && We Love King Copy Another City's Improvements Set Shield Progress Toggle City Objective 1 pt. (%NUMBER0) Toggle City Major Objective 3 pts. (%NUMBER1) @SETCITYSIZE @width=320 @title=Set Size Of %STRING0 @options Size: @SETCITYSHIELDS @width=320 @title=Set Shield Progress @options Shields: @EDITKING @width=440 @title=Editing %STRING0 @options No Changes Edit Treaties Set Last Contact Set Attitude Set Reputation Clear Patience Clear All Last Contact Set Research Goal Set Research Progress Clear Research Goal Edit Name Copy Another King's Tech Toggle Female Flag (%NUMBER0) @EDITTREATIES @width=440 @title=Editing treaties between %STRING0 and %STRING1. @checkbox @options Contact Cease Fire Peace Allied War Vendetta (%STRING0 against %STRING1) Embassy (%STRING0 spying on %STRING1) @LASTCONTACT @width=440 @title=Last Contact Turn # (%STRING0 with %STRING1) (Current turn # is %NUMBER0) @options Contact: @EDITATTITUDE @width=440 @title=Set Attitude (%STRING0 with %STRING1) (0 = Like, 100 = Dislike) @options Attitude: @EDITBETRAY @width=440 @title=Set Reputation @options Reputation: @EDITPROGRESS @width=440 @title=Set Research Progress (1 - %NUMBER0) @options Progress: @EDITRULES @width=440 @title=Special Rules (0 = false, 1 = true) @options No Changes Forbid government switching? (%NUMBER0) Forbid tech from conquest? (%NUMBER1) Eliminate pollution? (%NUMBER2) Special WWII-only AI (%NUMBER3) @EDITSCEN @width=440 @title=Edit Scenario (%STRING1) @options No Changes Tech Paradigm (%NUMBER0/10) Turn Year Increment (%NUMBER1) Starting Year (%NUMBER2) Maximum Turns (%NUMBER3) Wipe all goody boxes Restore all goody boxes Reveal whole map Cover whole map Set Scenario Name Toggle Total War Flag (%NUMBER4) Edit Victory Conditions Edit Special Rules @EDITVICTORY @width=440 @title=Edit Victory (Obj. Def. = %STRING1) @options No Changes Toggle Use Objective Victory Flag (%NUMBER0) Toggle Count Wonders as Objectives (%NUMBER1) Set Objectives Protagonist (%STRING0) Decisive Victory (>= %NUMBER2) Marginal Victory (>= %NUMBER3) Marginal Defeat (<= %NUMBER4) Decisive Defeat (<= %NUMBER5) @EDITVICTORYOBJ @title=Set # of objectives required @options Objectives: @EDITPARADIGM @width=440 @title=Scenario Tech Paradigm Set tech paradigm in fractions of 1/10 (10 = normal rate). Cost of each tech is multiplied by fraction (so higher number SLOWS research). Paradigm: @EDITINCREMENT @width=440 @title=Scenario Year Increment Set years per turn (0 for default rate, negative for 1/12 year increments) @options Years per turn: @EDITSTARTYEAR @width=440 @title=Scenario Start Year Set start year (negative for B.C., positive for A.D., 0 for default time track). If using 1/12 year increments, multiply number by 12. @options Start year: @EDITMAXTURNS @width=440 @title=Scenario Max Turns Set ending turn of game (0 for default) @options Max Turns: @EDITTECH @width=320 @title=Pick Technology to Alter Status @listbox @button=Give/Take All @SCENOK @width=480 @title=Scenario ^^Scenario saved: ^^%STRING0 @SCENARIOLOADED @width=480 @title=Begin Scenario ^^%STRING0 ^^Civilization advances cost %NUMBER0/10 the usual rate. ^^Length: %STRING1 to %STRING2 @SCENNAME @width=480 @title=Set Scenario Name @options Scen: @EDITKINGNAME @width=440 @title=Edit Names for %STRING0 @options Leader: Tribe: Adjective: @COPYCITY @title=Select city to copy @width=360 @listbox @SCENARIOENDS @width=440 @title=Scenario Rules This scenario ends in five turns. @SCENARIOEND @width=440 @title=Scenario Rules This scenario is now complete. This game is now complete. Ce jeu est maintenant complété. Diese Spiel ist nun vollständig. @HIDDENTERRAIN @width=250 @title=Hidden Terrain @x=-4 @y=-4 Close this box when finished viewing. @FOUNDED @width=280 @title=Found New City %STRING0 Founded: %STRING1 @VFWNOTREGISTERED @title=Notice @width=440 We have encountered a possible problem with your video setup. If Video for Windows was successfully setup during the Civilization II install, try running the utility "vfwfix.bat" in the game's "civ2\video" directory on the CD-ROM. If you continue receiving this message, please contact Microprose Customer Service. @BADEVENTSFILE @width=360 @title=Events.txt There was an error encountered in the 'events.txt' file. Please read the manual to find out how to debug this file. @NOPICKMUSIC @width=360 @title=Select Music This option is not available unless the Civilization II CD or the Civilization II Scenario CD is in the CDROM drive. @PICKMUSIC @width=360 @title=Select Music @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Tenochtitlan Revealed" "Harvest of the Nile" "Aristotle's Pupil" "Augustus Rises" "Gautama Ponders" "Hammurabi's Code" "The Shining Path" @PICKMUSICSCENARIO @width=360 @title=Select Music @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Tenochtitlan Revealed" "Harvest of the Nile" "Aristotle's Pupil" "Augustus Rises" "Gautama Ponders" "Hammurabi's Code" "The Shining Path" "The Civil War" "The Crusades" "The Great War" "American Revolution" "Jihad" "Alien Invasion" "Mongol Horde" "Apocolypse" @PICKMUSICFANWORLDS @width=480 @title=Select Music @columns=2 @height=377 @options "Funeral March" "Ode to Joy" "Tenochtitlan Revealed" "Harvest of the Nile" "Aristotle's Pupil" "Augustus Rises" "Gautama Ponders" "Hammurabi's Code" "The Shining Path" "The Civil War" "The Crusades" "The Great War" "American Revolution" "Jihad" "Alien Invasion" "Mongol Horde" "Apocolypse" "Primeval World" "New World" "Fantasy" "Mars" "World of Jules Verne" "X-Com" @@CENTAURI In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world. %STRING4, your people have fulfilled the dream of countless generations. Your name will live forever in the annals of CIVILIZATION! @@CENTAURI2 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world. %STRING4, your people have a long and glorious history. Perhaps one day, your name will also be written in the annals of CIVILIZATION. @@ARCHAEOLOGISTS Centuries later, archeologists discover the remains of your ancient civilization. Evidence of thriving towns, %STRING0, roads, and a centralized government amaze the startled scientists. Finally, they come upon a stone tablet, which contains but one mysterious phrase: "%STRING1 will return!" @COUNCILTIME @width=320 @y=5 @title=The High Council: %STRING2 The High Council of the %STRING0 is meeting in %STRING1. If you wish, you may take this opportunity to consult your advisors and hear their views on the state of your realm. Consult High Council. No thanks, too busy. @CENTAURI0 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. @CENTAURI1 A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. @CENTAURI2 Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world . . . @CENTAURI3 %STRING4, your people have fulfilled the dream of countless generations. Your name will live forever in the annals of CIVILIZATION! @CENTAURI_BEATEN0 In the year %STRING0 voyagers from the planet Earth set forth on a journey of cosmic exploration. @CENTAURI_BEATEN1 A spaceship populated by %STRING1 %STRING2 colonists successfully bridged the vast distances between the stars. @CENTAURI_BEATEN2 Arriving in %STRING3 at the star system Alpha Centauri, these intrepid pioneers began the colonization of a new world. @CENTAURI_BEATEN3 %STRING4, your people have a long and glorious history. Perhaps one day, your name will also be written in the annals of @CENTAURI_BEATEN4 CIVILIZATION. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS0 Centuries later, archeologists discover the remains of your ancient civilization. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS1 Evidence of thriving towns, %STRING0, roads, and a centralized government amaze the startled scientists. @ARCHAEOLOGISTS2 Finally, they come upon a stone tablet, which contains but one mysterious phrase. . . @ARCHAEOLOGISTS3 %STRING1 will return! @LOWMEMORY @width=400 You are low on memory. Activating this feature might result in unstable behavior. If you do experience problems, turning off this feature should alleviate them. @HERALDWARNING @width=440 @title=Civ2 Diplomatic Heralds Civilization II requires 8 megabytes of RAM in order to run. However, it requires 16 megabytes of RAM to show the 3D diplomatic heralds correctly. Therefore, if you have at least 16 megabytes of RAM, you may safely turn this feature on. (This message will appear only once). Turn OFF heralds. I have less than 16 megabytes of RAM. Turn ON heralds. I have at least 16 megabytes of RAM. @ADDTOWONDER @width=440 @title=Wonder Project Workers caravan arrives in %STRING0. %NUMBER0 shields added to project (%NUMBER1 more shields required). @ABILITIES @checkbox @width=330 @title=Abilities Editor (%STRING0) @options Two space visibility Ignore zones of control Can make amphibious assaults Submarine advantages/disadvantages Can attack air units (fighter) Ship must stay near land (trireme) Negates city walls (howitzer) Can carry air units (carrier) Can make paradrops Alpine (treats all squares as road) x2 on defense versus horse (pikemen) Free support for fundamentalism (fanatics) Destroyed after attacking (missiles) x2 on defense versus air (AEGIS) Unit can spot submarines @TRIGGERS @width=330 @title=New Trigger @button=Help @options Unit Killed City Taken Turn Turn Interval Negotiation Scenario Loaded Random Turn No Schism Received Technology @ACTIONS @width=330 @title=New Action @button=Help @options Text Move Unit Create Unit Change Money Play Wavefile Make Aggression Just Once Play CD Track Don't Play Wonders Change Terrain Destroy a Civilization Give Technology @DELETEITEM @width=320 @title=Delete Item Are you sure you want to delete this item? No, my mistake. Yes, delete it. @;this line must remain at end of file