Requests for the Civ3 editor patch: Do retain the current ability to edit the rules for the basic game - i.e. what you get if you "start new game" with a random map, etc... This is a great way to do "mod packs". All new capabilities added for doing "scenarios" should apply to this as well. I really like how nothing about a unit, advance, city improvements/wonders, terrain tile, etc... is hard-coded, that you can assign any characteristic or combination of characteristics to any of them. This is a great improvement over Civ2. Please retain this:) I'd like to be able to add advances, units, city improvements/wonders, terrain tiles, etc... There should be a large possible number of each in addition to the ones used in the stock game. For units, ideally the maximum number would be 16 times the maximum number from "Civ2:Test of Time" (can't remember off the top of my head how many that was). My thinking here is to be able to give a complete set of unique units to each and every one of the 16 civs in the game. For the advances, city improvements/wonders, terrain tiles, etc..., I'd just be happy with "many" extras. I have seen on the official Civ3 site that it is supposed to be possible to use Civ2 style non-animated unit graphics that can be created in a paint program. There are literally hundreds of beautiful Civ2 unit graphics out there, and I've created a few myself where I didn't find exactly what I want. Please make this so if it is not, and make it so for all of the civ-specific graphics (like rulers & advisors) as well. Ideally, we'd be able to specify in the editor individually for each unit whether to use animated or non-animated. For civilization-specific graphics, I suggest being able in the editor to specify the path to a subdirectory where all the graphics for a given civilization will be. Apply the same technique used to control which civilizations can use a given unit to advances. This will permit multiple tech trees (for example, the aliens vs the humans, or separate versions of Monotheism like "Christianity" and "Islam" for different civilizations in historical scenarios). I like the idea of cultural groups, but I'd like to be able to add more of them. Also, I'd like to be able to add additional graphic sets of the type now determined by cultural groups, and specify that a given civ would use a different set than the default for its cultural group (while leaving others using their defaults). What I've got in mind here, for example, is keeping the Egyptians in the Mediterranean group for purposes of starting location but giving them unique custom graphics for their cities. In the general tab of the editor, I'd like to be able to have control over the number of turns, the date of the starting turn, the amount of time represented by a turn, etc... This should be able to handle both BC and AD dates, with the appropriate behavior when both are used in the same game (starting at something BC and counting dates down to 0, then counting up in AD dates). The amount of time per turn you could specify should be any number of years up to some large number (1000?), or any number of months. Also, you should be able to specify break point dates where the amount of time per turn changes. There should be no upward limit on the total number of turns. Of course, we need events as in Civ2. I'd like to be able to attach an events file even to the rules for random games (probably something to specify on the "general" tab). The starting point for what is possible in the events file needs to be where Civ2:TOT left off. Additionally, I'd like to be able to use events to change absolutely anything in the rules file - even the name of a civilization (for example, an event to change the Franks into the French). For true "scenarios" as opposed to "mod packs", we need to be able to put cities on the map and set up their ownership, population, improvements (an age thereof, to control culture), etc... We need to be able to place units & terrain improvements (including colonies). We also need to determine the starting diplomatic situation, including not only treaties but also attitudes of each civ towards all the others. We need to specify which civs are in contact with which. We need to be able to limit the treaties civ x can have with civ y - for example in a historical scenario you might want to prevent a civ from making peace with its historical enemy, or let it make peace with its historical enemy but prevent it from going to war against its historical ally (so you could "knock it out of the war" short of conquering it, but it could not effectively change sides in the war). It should be possible to start some civs with cities and other civs with a "new game"-style start in the same scenario. There should be some way to open a saved game in the scenario editor, use it as a base for a scenario (changing some things, leaving others alone) and then saving the result as a scenario (like you could in Civ2 via the "save as scenario" file command). Finally, please document how to do all this stuff once it is possible:) What I've got in mind is an extensive "readme" for the patch.