The LUND PACT of 1619 By the signatures of the Kings of Denmark, France and Sweden, the Monarchs of these Great Nations pledge an Alliance, equal in its scope of coverage, which shall extend to the furthest corners of those countries involved. This Total Alliance grants the rights of passage for ships, both mercantile and warring, as well as for land forces through our borders. Of course for major intrusions with large forces, prior notice to the infringed country shall be given. Individual Nations within the Pact are responsible for their own offensive military operations. However, if nations non-signatory to this treaty are to conduct offensive operations against a pact nation, the remaining Pact nations must act, in the greatest of swiftness, to crush hordes of those who impeed upon our Union. This action on behalf of the remaining Alliance nations may be in the form of monetary, rather than military support, with the attacked Alliance nation having the right to requisition either from the remaining Alliance nations. All sciences and knowledge possesed by one Pact member, must immediately be passed along and shared with other Pact members to propagate consciouness raising within the Pact. Upon signing of this document by the Three Great Monarchs, The Lund Pact shall come of age. Denmark: King Cristian IV. France: Marquee de SunTzu le Lux of Avignon Sweden: King Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden