@BEGINEVENTS @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Protestants @THEN TEXT A Scottish army has joined the Protestant cause. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Scots owner=Protestants veteran=yes homecity=None locations 60,78 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Protestants @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Scots owner=Protestants veteran=yes homecity=None locations 60,78 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Protestants @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Scots owner=Protestants veteran=yes homecity=None locations 60,78 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Protestants @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Commander owner=Protestants veteran=yes homecity=None locations 60,78 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Protestants @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Protestants veteran=yes homecity=None locations 60,78 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Danish @THEN TEXT Some mercenary troops have joined the Danish army. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Danish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 52,66 59,61 54,60 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Danish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Danish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 52,66 59,61 54,60 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Danish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Danish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 52,66 59,61 54,60 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Danish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Pikemen owner=Danish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 52,66 59,61 54,60 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Danish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Pikemen owner=Danish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 52,66 59,61 54,60 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Danish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Commander owner=Danish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 52,66 59,61 54,60 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Danish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Danish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 52,66 59,61 54,60 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Imperials @THEN TEXT The Emperor has sent a plea for Spanish help. ENDTEXT MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Imperials maprect 60,104,62,104,62,106,60,106 moveto 62,94 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Pikemen owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 61,105 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Imperials @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Imperials maprect 60,104,62,104,62,106,60,106 moveto 62,94 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Pikemen owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 61,105 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Imperials @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Imperials maprect 60,104,62,104,62,106,60,106 moveto 62,94 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Musketeers owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 61,105 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Imperials @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Imperials maprect 60,104,62,104,62,106,60,106 moveto 62,94 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Musketeers owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 61,105 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Imperials @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Imperials maprect 60,104,62,104,62,106,60,106 moveto 62,94 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Musketeers owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 61,105 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Imperials @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Imperials maprect 60,104,62,104,62,106,60,106 moveto 62,94 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Captain owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 61,105 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Imperials @THEN MOVEUNIT unit=ANYUNIT owner=Imperials maprect 60,104,62,104,62,106,60,106 moveto 62,94 numbertomove=ALL CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Dragoons owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 61,105 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Spanish @THEN TEXT Spain has hired a mercenary army for it's war in Northern Europe. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 40,84 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 40,84 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 40,84 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Pikemen owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 40,84 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Pikemen owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 40,84 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RECEIVEDTECHNOLOGY technology=2 receiver=Spanish @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Commander owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 40,84 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ottomans owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 84,114 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=5 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cossacks owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 99,89 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cossacks owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 94,60 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=7 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cossacks owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 102,58 endlocations @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=5 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ottomans owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 20,176 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN TEXT The government of Bohemia had been placed under the control of the "committee of thirty". These then raised taxes, confiscated Catholic lands, ejected the hated Jesuits from the realm, and ordered a leveÈ en masse. All Bohemia, Silesia and Lusatia joined the rebels, save the cities of Pilsen and Budweis. The Estates of Moravia assembled at Olomouc. They determined to remain loyal to the Emperor. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=1 @THEN TEXT The Duke of Savoy, fearful of Spanish power in northern Italy, has raised an army and sent to Bohemia to help the Protestant cause. The force was commanded by Ernst von Mansfeldt, illegitimate son of the former Habsburg governor of the Southern Netherlands, and an experienced mercenary commander. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Pilsen attacker=ANYBODY defender=Imperials @THEN TEXT The city of Pilsen has been taken by Mansfelds armies after a several weeks long siege. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF RANDOMTURN denominator=4 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ottomans owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 73,109 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Commander owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 45,91 44,90 44,92 46,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Pikemen owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 45,91 44,90 44,92 46,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Pikemen owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 45,91 44,90 44,92 46,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 45,91 44,90 44,92 46,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Pikemen owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 44,90 45,91 46,90 44,92 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Spn Musketeers owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 44,90 45,91 44,92 46,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=26 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Spanish veteran=yes homecity=None locations 44,90 45,91 44,92 46,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Oppenheim attacker=Spanish defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT Ambrogio Spinola and 20,000 Spanish troops have invaded the Lower Palatinate from bases in the Spanish Netherlands With the conquest of the fortified city of Oppenheim, Spinola quickly have taken control of most of the lands south of the Rhine. But the Lower Palatinate was not yet entirely lost. Three fortified cities, Mannheim, Frankenthal and Heidelberg, remained in the hands of forces loyal to Frederick. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Prague attacker=Imperials defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The Imperial armies has pushed Bohemian forces back to Prague. Outside that city, at a place called White Mountain, they gave battle to the Habsburg forces. In a matter of hours the rebel army was broken and the rebellion with them. Within hours of the battle, Frederick fled, first to his brother-in-law, the Elector of Brandenburg, and then to the Dutch. Mansfeldt, whose unpaid army had remained quietly in Pilsen, it then withdrew westward to the Upper Palatinate. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Prague attacker=Imperials defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Prt Pikemen owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 62,86 64,88 63,89 64,90 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Prague attacker=Imperials defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Prt Dragoons owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 62,86 63,89 64,88 64,90 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Prague attacker=Imperials defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Siegue Cannon owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 64,88 62,86 63,89 64,90 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Prague attacker=Imperials defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Siegue Cannon owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 64,88 62,86 64,90 endlocations JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Prague attacker=Imperials defender=ANYBODY @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Prt Musketeers owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 63,89 64,88 62,86 64,90 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=43 @THEN TEXT Tilly and the army of the Catholic League has arrived in Lower Palatinate, he tries to add it to Maximilian of Bavarias possesions. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 49,99 48,100 47,101 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=43 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Imp Pikemen owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 49,99 48,100 47,101 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=43 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Imp Musketeers owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 49,99 48,100 47,101 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=43 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Imp Dragoons owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 48,10049 47,101 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=43 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Imp Dragoons owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 48,100 49,99 48,100 47,101 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=43 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Imp Cuirassiers owner=Imperials veteran=yes homecity=None locations 48,100 47,101 49,99 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN TEXT Frederick attempts to regain his lands. He has raised three separate armies to recover his domains: Mansfeldt's already-existing army, strenghtened whit 22,000 by extensive recruiting in the Alsace. Georg of Baden-Durlachís army of 11,000 men, raised in his territories Christian of Brunswickís army, marching from the north to Frederickís relief. ENDTEXT CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 46,94 45,95 45,93 45,95 47,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 46,94 45,95 45,93 47,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 45,95 45,93 46,94 47,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Pikemen owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 45,93 45,95 46,94 47,95 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 47,95 45,93 45,95 46,94 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Musketeers owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,78 50,80 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Cannon owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=33 @THEN CREATEUNIT unit=Ind Pikemen owner=Independents veteran=yes homecity=None locations 50,80 50,78 endlocations @ENDIF @IF TURN turn=60 @THEN TEXT SAVE THE GAME AND INSTALL THE DANISH PHASE OF THE WAR. ENDTEXT @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Valtelina attacker=Spanish defender=ANYBODY @THEN TEXT The Valtelina an important alpine valley between North Italia and South Germany is governed by the Grey League, protestans who don't allow the transit of Spanish troops along their lands, so Spain starts the conquest of this valley to be able to continue carrying troops from Milan to Germany and Low Countries. The conquest of the valley has given France an excuse to declare the war against the Habsburgs. ENDTEXT MAKEAGGRESSION who=French whom=Spanish JUSTONCE @ENDIF @IF CITYTAKEN city=Riga attacker=Swedish defender=Polish @THEN TEXT The Swedish army continue its unstoppable advance in Livland, the veteran Gustavus' troops have conquested the fortified city of Riga, the most important seaport in the East Baltic Sea. The dream of Baltic Sea as a Swedish lake is very near, only the city of Danzing is under Polish control. ENDTEXT JUSTONCE @ENDIF @ENDEVENTS