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Multiplayer-focused 4X game on KickStarter

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  • Multiplayer-focused 4X game on KickStarter


    I'm part of a small team of people who are huge long-time Civ and TBS fans but who think the multiplayer modes in these games almost invariably suck. So we're making our own! It's called Tooth and Cog, and it's currently on Kickstarter. It has a steampunk aesthetic and hex-tile gameplay that we're trying to design to actually be fun and engaging in both long and short, large and small scale multiplayer games.

    Our main goal is to take the depth of strategy and immersion found in 4x games and make it more social, inject some community dynamics and human unpredictability.

    The basis of our approach is
    • Simultaneous player turns -- meaning all players issue orders at the same time, and then the server processes all the orders and returns the actual outcomes; ie, whether your unit did what you told it to, or got ambushed on the way.
    • High-stakes objectives -- maps will have various super-machines that can be assembled from components, defended, and used to great strategic effect, which will act as conflict points and game-play accelerators.
    • Player teams -- we want this to be a social game, because we think that usually makes things more engaging, so player will be assigned to teams at game start. They can plan group strategy, trade resources, and complement each others strengths and play styles to help their side win.

    Also, we're really interested in what people here think about the general concept of multi-player turn-based 4X. We've gotten some great input and discussion from other experienced Civ and 4x fans, so if you have opinions on multiplayer 4X or what elements it needs to work, rant at us. And feel free to get in touch directly.



    Riveting Games
