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Lords of the Ring Scenario

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  • Lords of the Ring Scenario

    Something weird happened to my previous topic, I guess it got moved, but it does not show my content any more so ...
    Lets start all over.

    I am craeting a scenarion: Lords of the Ring.
    It is all pretty new for me (expect stupid questions), but I am having fun

    Immortal Wombat: I am still interested in the units


  • #2
    Immortal Wombat,

    Well, I am still waiting for the map OmniGod was creating (hoping he has enough free tim for this) in order to start the first real version of this scenario. I am just testing things out.

    PS: Anyone has a wizard unit (I will use the cleric for now)



    • #3
      Another question,

      My drawing skills are not that good, sorry but ...

      I could use some city images: mountains for dwarfs, big tall white cities for the humans, holes for the hobbitan, trees for the ents, golden things for elves ... big tall black cities for Sauron ...

      Anyone able to make them for me?




      • #4
        And some another ones:

        1) Can I use more than 8 players
        2) How can I change the number of players
        3) How can I influence which ones he will pick from the civilisation.txt file. I know I should leave the Barbarians in there, but he wont use the second civilization as my first player
        4) I am testing some thuff for now, but soon I will start builind the actual scenario: Is there like a clean template for starting a scenario, or should I just change file after file, hoping that I wont looks links between the files



        • #5
          I think your thread fell off the page, its still here :

          My Mars scenario is finished, so I have less pressure now.

          Anyway, units I have are:

          Haradrim War-elephant,

          Which units do you want?

          How is it going?

          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


          • #6

            The first three questions above are stupid and esy indeed, I found the answer already. But I still look for an answer on te fourth one:

            Is there like a clean template for starting a scenario, or should I just change file after file, hoping that I wont looks links between the files



            • #7

              Originally posted by Aragorn on 04-24-2001 08:13 AM

              The first three questions above are stupid and esy indeed, I found the answer already. But I still look for an answer on te fourth one:

              Grrr, took me ages to figure those ones out for Mars...


              Is there like a clean template for starting a scenario, or should I just change file after file, hoping that I wont looks links between the files

              I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but I think the answer is no, you just change all the files...
              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


              • #8
                Hi guys,

                SLIC question:

                I made some SLIC code that will add cities to my civ of friendly nations when I approach them. It works fine but ...

                As I add the last city of another civ to my civ, I see a message: The other civ was conquered by My civ, and that exactly what I do NOT want.

                I wanted the civs to merge instead of to eat each other.

                Is it possible to stop this message from appearing?



                • #9
                  Near the bottom of english/gamedata/info_str.txt is the string you are looking for. As it is coded in, you cannot delete it, you will ahve to replace it with something more suitable.

                  Note: Bear in mind that will also (by default) be the message you get when you defeat Sauron's Civ, so make it fairly neutral sounding. Or you could write in another message box for when Sauron is defeated, which should take precedence.

                  EDIT: remember to take out feats.slc and feats.txt, or you'll get a conquest message from that as well.


                  Eat Cake
                  [This message has been edited by Immortal Wombat (edited April 24, 2001).]
                  Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                  "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                  • #10
                    Immortal Wombat,

                    I need you to verify city names for me please:

                    1) Hobbitan: country name: Shire

                    2) Elves: country name: Middle Earth
                    Cities: Rivendel, Lorien, Gray Havens, Woodelves from the MirkWood

                    3) Dwarfs: country name: ??????????
                    Cities: The Lonely Mountain, ???? there should be a second one in the Irons Hills

                    4) Arnor, home of Dunedain: Country Name: The Lost Realm of Arnor
                    Cities: Fornost

                    5) Gondor: Country Name: Gondor
                    Cities: Minas Tirith, Pelargir, Dol Amroth, Linhir, Ereth, Cain Andros

                    6) Rohirrim: Country Name: Cap of Rohah ????????
                    Cities: Edoras, Helm's Deep

                    7) Humans os Esgaroth: Country Name: ????????
                    Cities: Esgaroth

                    8) Ents: Coutry Name: Fangorn
                    Cities: Fangorn ???????

                    9) Druadan (wild people): country name: Druadan Wood
                    City Name: Druadan Wood

                    10) Tom Bambadil: country name: Tom bambadil's Land
                    City Name: House of Tom Bambadil

                    11) Eagles: ???????????
                    Cities: ??????????? and where is their city

                    12) Shelob: country name ??????
                    Cities: Shelobs Web ?????????????

                    13) Isengard: country name: Isengard ?????????
                    Cities: Isengard or Ortanc ?????

                    14) Mordor: country name: Mordor
                    Cities: Barad-Dur, Oroduin = Mountain Doom, Minas Morgul, Osgiliath, Cirith Ungol, Durthang, City of the Corsairs, Havens of Umbar, Dol Guldur, Moria

                    That makes 14 civs, not bad hu

                    By the way, do you know a way of placing name tags, I remember it was psooible in civ1 and civ2




                    • #11
                      This should help...

                      Race: Hobbits
                      Country: The Shire
                        [*]Hobbiton[*]Buckland[*]Michel Delving[*]South Farthing[/list]

                        Race: Elves
                        Country: Middle Earth
                          [*]Lorien[*]Rivendell (Imlandris in Elven language)[*]Grey Havens[*]Mirkwood[/list]

                          Race: Dwarves
                          Country: The Mountains
                            [*]Lonely Mountain (also called Erebor)[*]Iron Hills[/list]

                            Race: Northern Dunedain
                            Country: Lost Realm of Arnor

                              Race: Southern Dunedain
                              Country: Gondor
                                [*]Minas Tirith[*]Pelargir[*]Dol Amroth[*]Linhir[*]Ereth[*]Cain Andros[/list]

                                Race: Rohirrim
                                Country: Rohan
                                  [*]Edoras[*]Helm's Deep[/list]

                                  Race: North Men
                                  Country: The Northen Wastes
                                    [*]Dale[*]Esgaroth on Long-lake[/list]

                                    Race: Ents
                                    Country: Fangorn

                                      Race: Druadan
                                      Country: Druadan Wood
                                        [*]Druadan Wood[*]Nardol[*]Eilenach[/list]

                                        Tom Bambadil
                                        Doesnt need a civ of his own. He needs no cities, and when he is needed (are there barrow wights?) then he can become part of the "Fellowship of the Ring" civ.

                                        Same really, the eagles don't reproduce much, and so coudn't use cities. If you need them, I would put them in the North of the Misty Mountains.

                                        Needs no country, could belong to Mordor perhaps. Also, needs no movement points, and could just sit in the valley, guarding from Hobbits.

                                        Race: Isengarders
                                        Country: Isengard/Dunland
                                          [*]Isengard (Orthanc is the fortress in the city)[/list]

                                          Race: The Darkness
                                          Country: Mordor
                                            [*]Barad-Dur[*]Oroduin[*]Minas Morgul[*]Osgiliath[*]Durthang[*]Cirith Ungol (wasn't this the mountain pass that Chelob guarded?)[*]City of the Corsairs[*]Havens of Umbar[*]Dol Guldur[*]Isenmouthe[*]Kirith Ungol[/list]

                                            Also, is "The Fellowship of the Ring" going to be the human player civilisation? If not, who do you play as, and how do you control events?

                                            By the way, do you know a way of placing name tags, I remember it was psooible in civ1 and civ2

                                            What name tags?


                                            Immortal Wombat with unhealthy knowledge of Tolkein, but not as bad as some I could name...

                                            edit: html
                                            [This message has been edited by Immortal Wombat (edited April 25, 2001).]
                                            [This message has been edited by Immortal Wombat (edited April 26, 2001).]
                      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                      • #12
                        A small note on texts in regards to the Rohirrim. The Rohirrim/people's of Rohan, were also known as the Northmen of Rhovanion. In Tolkiens works "Unfinished Tales" they are also named the Eotheod. (see "Unfinished Tales", "Cirion and Eorl and the friendship of Gondor and Rohan"). In the texts regarding the Eotheod/ Rohirrim it states the peoples of Rohan were a people of the plains, with no cities/permanent settlements. Until after their rout of the Wainriders of Rhovanion where their only fortified "burg" was Langwell. This is referenced as the only permanent point of contact that could be made with the Rohirrim at this time. It was "Eorl" the great leader of the Eothod who drove back the Wainriders and hosts of the dark from Rhovanion. In "Lord of the Rings" there is mention of this in "Appendix A (II)". (see "Battle of the Field of Celebrant"). The Rohirrim also inhabited the Vale of Anduin after being routed from Rhovanion initially, and prior to the liberation of Ghondor and Rhovanion led by Eorl. This is where Langwell was based, beneath the Misty Mountains at the junction of the rivers Langwell and Greylin. The junction itself was referred to as Langflood.
                        Well that's my break from my own scenario for now Hope you can use some of the names and information there Aragorn. I'll probably give you some references about "Quendi" (Elves) when I take my respite from my scenario work tomorrow
                        Live EVERY day like it's the best day of your life, and it will be.


                        • #13
                          Nice of you to provide me this info, but I have all the books at home, but I have them in Dutch.
                          That is my main problem, getting the correct terms translated, and sometimes I can't even give you a hint for what I am looking for since the names are SO dutch.

                          Example: Hobbitan country in dutch = Gouw
                          Hobbitan capital = grotedelft op de witte heuvels


                          Immortal Wombat: I wanted to make a civ for shelob since she teamed up with Gollem



                          • #14
                            Immortal Wombat (and others of course):

                            I wanted to create a civ like "Fellowship of the Ring" with just Gandalf as a unit.

                            Then he would have to walk to the hobbitan cities, and as he approaches a city, that city would automatically swap to his civ. Hobbitan units would only be able to swap the ent city, Rohirrim would be able to swap druadan cities, Arnor units would only be able to swap human cities (af all 3 other human civs)

                            Further more ... I was not planning to stay too close to the script of the book, I wanted to leave some space to live your own story, in the middle-earth environment. Of course within certain rules. The influence of Arnor units, the rings, ...

                            Do you think it is possible to use the mountain of doom as a vulcano: spreading polution (black) tiles arround him every x turns ?

                            PS: I still have I problem. Elves do not get born ... should I transate this into not being able to build elven units, or should I just make it expensive and should it a long time to build one.



                            • #15
                              Ok then, Gollum and Chelob, interesting team...

                              If you are not sticking to the book, at least make it possible to win the way it is done in the book, so die-hard fans can do so.

                              I would have Mordor as entirely dead/desert tiles anyway, as terraforming tiles would need exessive SLIC, just see the Samurai scenario.

                              Elves should not be able to be built.
                              Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                              "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

