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Training Succession Game

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  • Training Succession Game

    First to the legalities:

    1) This is not an 'official' AU course in any way (whatever constitutes that.)

    2) If this causes any of the AU, uh, 'bureaucracy' to feel I've overstepped my bounds (wherever they lie) please let me know. That wasn't my intention; I did it for a reason.

    3) This will be played with C3C 1.22

    Ok, I, being a player of the ability of winning stock deity games without capturing any cities I didn't found, feel that I might be able to give some very direct advice on how to play this game to people that play on some of the lower difficulties. Specifically I'm looking for two or three players that play from the range of 'Usually/always beat Warlord' to 'Usually/always lose Monarch' (so that would include anyone who generally plays Regent). This will be a Monarch level game, but most of the settings I leave to the discretion of the students.

    I strongly recommend the AU mod, especially as this would probably be about the easiat way to learn its intricacies, as I can explain as we go along. I also want a Standard map, or possibly Small, as I don't want a huge long game and I find Tiny to simply be so small as to change many of the integral dynamics of an epic game. I recommend either 'average' (ie. 70% continents, Temperate, Normal, 4 billion) or random settings for world type. Civ choice is meaningless to me (both player and AI) so that can be completely up to any takers. Rules will be default minus 'Culturally Linked Start Loc.'. Aggression may as well be normal. All in all most of my preferences lie in having a reasonably 'normal' game.

    For those unfamiliar with the concept of the Succession Game, it is a game where several players take turns playing the save (ten turns each, generally) and pass it on to the next person, while posting logs of everything they have done. I will play the first ten turns and explain why I do what I do in my log. The next person (probably just order of signup) will then play ten turns and log, pass to the next who plays and logs until it gets back to me. Repeat until game is over. A few beauties of the SG include that they don't require 'true' multiplayer capablities (ie. people with Vanilla can still do their own SGs) and that you get to learn how other players play in a very direct way that you generally can't find anywhere else short of being at someone's computer whilst they are playing. Also finding replacements if someone drops out is fairly easy as there is no password or anything and even without a replacement the game can still continue without a player.

    P.S. If there are any Sid players who would like to run a Sid Training SG, I would be happy to join
    "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
    -me, discussing my banking history.

  • #2
    Interested in joining

    Hey, i was interested in joining this succession game, as im a fairly new player.

    I know the basics and some of the advanced concepts..however i suck lol. I was not able to beat the GOTM with portugal...infact...i got my complete civ killed in a matter of 4-5 turns I guesss the problem was that spain had so much more territory than me (actually..the island that i was on with spain looked exacly as it does in RL..with me holding the cost and spain the rest). Anyway, i fell behind so much in science that i was trying to defend with spearman againts knights and the like.

    Anyway, ill be checking thsi thread.



    • #3
      Great idea, pb2000!!

      I like having it here in the AU forum, btw... you even want to consider using not-too-old AU games, and thus have even more examples for the 'students' to learn from.

      Hopefully in the future other experienced players will take a round as well!

      /me thinks I just volunteered myself.
      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


      • #4
        interested in joining too

        Sounds like a good idea. I could definitely use "very direct advice" to improve my game.

        Though I've beat monarch a few times, I lack the fine skills necessary to compete effectively on monarch and above. I read and read these boards, but someone critiquing my actual moves and decisions would be very helpful.



        • #5
          Glad to see a positive response

          We have enough to start, though settings, etc. still need to be decided. If another joins before we're through the first cycle of players, they can certainly play. One thing that occurred to me is that order should probably be done by usual playing time; I can pretty well always play at 10-11am EST and 11-12PM EST. If other players would post their best availabilities and their setting preferences that would be helpful.

          I should also mention that I'm a bit of a builder, as my original, uh, qualification indicates. This, of course does not preclude warmongering players from joining and learning, just know that my opinions will be a bit biased. There is no 'correct' way to play, per se; many strategies can be used and mine is by no means the best. Just things to keep in mind .
          "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
          -me, discussing my banking history.


          • #6
            I can usually play anytime after 3:30 pm central. I believe that would be 4:30 Est time...but not sure...any settings are fine with me, including civ.



            • #7
              I think the settings you mentioned initially were fine - we should definitely have a small map. Random civ might be good so no one is dependent on some civ characteristic.

              I'm more of a builder too.

              My schedule is probably a bit more hectic, and my play times would be toward later evening (> 7pm). Since you mentioned we'll only be playing 10 turns each I think I can fit it in, but some days I won't be able to play (ie this sat night) when I'm on call.


              • #8
                Ok, that's fine. Sounds like Me>Javier>dmd should be a fine rotation. So, just to clarify settings:

                World Size: Small
                Barbarians: Restless?
                Land Mass: Continents
                Water Level: 70%
                Climate: Normal
                Temperature: Temperate
                Age: 4 billion
                Civs (player and AI): Random
                Rules: Default - 'Culturaly Linked Start Loc.'
                Aggression: Normal
                Level: Monarch
                Version: C3C 1.22

                Just a few things to get in order: I didn't mention barbs before, but is Restless fine? Also, how do you guys feel about using/learning the AU mod? Are you aware of it at all or completely new to it? To describe it briefly, it is a communal attempt by the AU community to make C3C more strategic/difficult without changing the rules from stock more than necessary. It plays similarly to stock, but there's a few changes. It is slightly harder, IMO, but not too much for the purposes of this game (ie. half a level more diifficult, approximately). Many of the changes are just to AI build routines (if you've seen the editor, these pertain mostly to 'Build often', 'Build never', etc.). A couple changes you'll notice that have the most effect on human play are limits on early boats and that cavalry have had their attack reduced to 5. There is a thread stickied in this Forum (the Apolyton University forum) that details the intentions and changes of the AU mod by alexman, who created it.

                EDIT: Here's alexman's thread

                As this is a SG, I can easily explain to you guys the differences as they come up, but the decision is yours; If you would feel more comfortable with stock we will certainly play it.

                Finally, we need everyone's e-mail address.

                I'm punkbass TA gmail TOD com
                "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                -me, discussing my banking history.


                • #9
                  Barbs could be made harder - I usually play raging, but restless fine. Also I thought you were nixing culturally linked start.

                  I've read alexman's thread. sounds fine. I can d/l and install it.

                  I'm dmd175 gmail


                  • #10
                    Sorry that was a bit confusing, I meant the '-' as a minus symbol; it is without linked starts.
                    Raging is fine by me.
                    "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                    -me, discussing my banking history.


                    • #11
                      Well i hav enever used the AU mod..but its fine for me...i can easily download them.

                      Hmm...i have downloaded it..however i do not know how to install it..should i just extract all files to the scenarios folder?



                      • #12
                        Yes, extract it into Scenarios. I should create an 'AU mod' folder. If you want to start any AU mod games on your own, select 'Civ-Content' from the initial menu and select 'Au mod V1.06' or something similar to that. I may be wrong, but I don't think you guys will need to install the mod to play the SG; as long as I start the game. I could be wrong, so you may as well install it anyway.
                        "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                        -me, discussing my banking history.


                        • #13
                          yup got it installed and got my ass whooped...hopefully this will help me out. I noticed i fell back in the technology race, went to midelages behind everyone i believe..but was first to field the medieval warriors (i believe thats what they are called.). Anyway, i went to war with a neighbor to take over a city and hopefulyl get some techs from him, however, he alied with another powerful civ that came streaming at me with horses and ancient calvalry, at this time i only had swordsman and was defending well enough..however, the endless attacks by the horses finally broke throu my defenses...looking forward to the game.


                          • #14
                            Ok, we've started. We ended up with a very nice start as well as a good civ, the Byzantines. I swere I did not try to get a good map! This one was the first.

                            4000BC Settled on the spot, no reason not to. Were Seafaring so starting by water is great whether it's ocean or freshwater and there's wheat. I don't like to move much when I start unless I can see a river or some such.
                            Worker W, which was a tough decision. I figure we're better in the long run to get mine + road in 9 turns there than a road on the game in six. The wheat is not irrigable yet so it's not too high a priority. I did decide to use the game tile for now as we build a warrior and granary. A forest will come down soon as well.
                            Researching Pottery full blast > 11 turns.

                            3950 BC Worker starts mine.

                            Enter until 3800BC Warrior built. WE're right in the center of the map, so there's no particular direction to generally head for, but I see the edge of a river in that desert and thus send him E.
                            Constantinople set to granary prebuild (barracks).

                            3750BC Warrior N.

                            3700BC Warrior NE to mountain. Meet Hittite warrior (Damn! That was quick) They have nothing to offer but a few gold and pottery, which by this point we'll have in four turns anyway and they want BW for it anyway. This early contact is really great, significantly decreasing the cost of Pottery for us and giving us a trading partner. Two incense spotted in the SE as well.

                            3650BC Worker begins road. Warrior E.

                            3600BC Minor set back. Warrior W. That Hittite warrior is heading straight for the capital.

                            3550BC Warrior W. Freakin Hittites.

                            3500BC The Hittites have taken their first step away from Constantinople, going E. Phew! Warrior E.
                            Pottery discovered. Now researching Writing at 50 turn pace. Normally, at Monarch, you can lead the tech race without a lot of trouble, but the same could be said of Emperor. However, I've decided to go with the 50 turn Writing strategy for a few reasons. First, I imagine that you guys probably don't lead the tech race at Monarch. Second, We were lucky enough to start with Alphabet anyway and Writing is the number choice for tech to research at 50 turn pace as its usually one of the last second tier techs researched by the AI. Third, the Moarch AI is competent enough to give a good tech pace anyway. Fourth, I think going this route will give you guys a lot of insight into tech choice and consequently tech trade. Finally, if you do end up moving into Mon/Emp+ games in the future this general strategy is on the verge of mandatory when you're playing at the appropriate level for skill.
                            Constantinople grows and borders expand. MicroManaged to working improved BG and Game, giving us a granary in eight turns and growth in ten which is very important as your granary needs to be filled before it starts working. It can be useful to delay growth in some cases (like this one) in order to build the granary before a pop growth as this will actually make growth 10 food faster very soon afterwards. Oh, and no chop is necessary. I analyzed this a bit and couldn't find a good way to take advantage of the Wheat tile while still timing the granary for just before pop growth. Also, building the granary ten shields faster would be somewhat useful, but there are probably better things for the worker to do as it won't speed growth. Also we want this city to get a chance to grow a bit before it builds the first settler; it has four-turn settler factory written all over it.
                            Worker two tiles E. Expanding on above, roading the game will give us one extra commerce, of course, but we probably want our next city on that river to take advantage of those juicy floodplains and also to grab the incense. Roads in that direction will speed the building of our second city. Also, this will be a convenient tile to chop and irrigate through to take advantage of the automatic irrigation in our first two cities and bring to it to the W side of our territory. (Wheat!)

                            That is the end of my turn. You may notice I technically played 11 turns as there was a turn '0', but I think it will be generally easier to end when the F8 screen says '10' and its multiples. Nice round year numbers for a bit, too. I saved at the 'End turn' point of when F8 says 'Turn 10', and think this is probably the best way to do it. The next player can press enter and then begin their ten turns.

                            Here's the screen of where we're at:
                            Attached Files
                            "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                            -me, discussing my banking history.


                            • #15
                              Here's the save for Javier, too. I need you e-mail address
                              Attached Files
                              "I used to be a Scotialist, and spent a brief period as a Royalist, but now I'm PC"
                              -me, discussing my banking history.

