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How to get Medicine

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  • How to get Medicine

    Okay, I've got a bit enough of this games the other teams are playing. If Gow would cooperate, we can get to ToE in 9 turns from now(720 AD). But the price they and / or ND are asking might seem too much. So allow me to put all our options in one thread, so we can choose and have it done with.

    First of all some statistics: we're running at little over 600 bpt, -50gpt, at 80%. we can research electricity in 5 turns (it is 3360 beakers), and have a rough 250 gold in cash. we need 4 turns for the 2400 beakers of SM, but will burn 200 gold doing so. Medicine is the same cost, BTW, so we can get that in 4 turns as well... on our own, without anybody's help, we will need 13 turns to the ToE, and 150 external gold.

    OTOH, with one turn 100% tax, we can currently make 408 gold. Every turn we delay our quest, we can give 408 gold to GoW, should we need it.

    Tech situation: ND does not have Magnetism. Lego has just researched Magnetism. Vox has neither Magnetism or ToG, but can get to the industrial age next turn. We will then know what they got as a free tech, and can be 100% sure if we can do it ourselves, or need GoW's help.

    A lot will depend on Vox's free tech, which Lego can receive next turn. Worst case, Lego is on Steam right now, and will receive Medicine. That will mean they can get to SM in 12 turns. On our own, they beat us by 1 turn. Second to worse case, Vox will receive steam, and hands it to Lego, which will thus lose one turn beaker investment. That will get them to SM in 13 turns, by because of the turn order, they can finish ToE before us. All other cases, they can not beat us if we refuse GoW's 'help' (note, there are not that many cases left: only that Vox receives Nat as their tech, or doesn't share their tech with Lego)

    Basically, I see these 4 options:
    1. We do it alone. We will need 150 gold to do it, but I'm sure we can somewhere find this. IOf necessary, we put all our cities on Wealth for a couple of turns, or start to sell buildings. There is a risk that we will not get it, a risk that is quite large if Lego is planning their game well (and I see no reason to believe otherwise).

    2. We sell Steam to GoW and ND for hard cash. We will need another 500 gold to be able to diminish the eta of electricity by 1 turn, do Med in 4 turns, and get SM in time. We get there in 12 turns, so the risk of losing to Lego is still there, but smaller. Their only option to beat us is if they are working on Steam, and receive Med from Vox.

    3. We get GoW to do Med for us. At the latest, they have to deliver it to us in 7 turns (we have it accepted in 7 turns, so 6 turns for them). Lego can't beat that, unless GoW sells Elec to them as well.
    3a: we provide the cash. We can send them 800 gold, in 2 turns and still be on schedule

    3b ND delivers the cash.

    Maybe there is something else I'm missing.

    My option is the following: We demand an exact ETA from GoW, and work from that. If they can not sell us Med in less then 7 turns, we better do it ourselves. If they do, we ask them how much they need in cash. We can go to 800 gold, so if that's waht it takes, we pay. If they need more (I don't see how), ND has to be negotiated with.

    Let's start from this, and before sending anything to ND, deal with GoW.


  • #2
    Oh, something else: I'll start on maxing out our empire in commerce, to see if we can get to #1 in GNP on F11, and how far ahead Lego exactly is. It is entirely possible that they are not able to get Electricity, or Steam in 4 turns, but need 5. If that would be the case, our options became a lot better all of a sudden. But it is a pain to do...



    • #3
      I'm willing to PM people at GoW and ask them, flat-out, whether or not they are capable of getting medicine in 5-6 turns, disregarding what type of deficit that would produce.

      If it's possible, we can then negotiate getting them some money from ND.

      If the fastest they can go is 6 turns, then I think we should just try and get them money from us, and to hell with ND.

      If they cannot even muster 6 turns... well, we might be screwed.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #4
        I just maxed everything out in commerce (running deficit in many cities, but we're not going to play likes this, of course), and can get at most 884 GNP, still 2nd. At that rate, we're producing 779 science. We might be able to get a couple more by MMing it, but let's assume that Lego is capable of more then 800 bpt for the moment when running at 100%.

        Steam is 2880 beakers, which is a piece of cake for them, they can get it in 4 turns for sure. Electricity is 3360, which is not so certain: it is possible that they will not be able to muster the 900 bpt it requires to do it in 4 turns, and have to do it in 5. However, they will only need it in a couple of turns, and you can be certain their also building libs in their GA. I wouldn't bet on it, in other words, let's keep the estimate of 12 turns for now.



        • #5
          Arrian, I agree. Just say GoW: Lego just entered the industrial age. The timer has been set, how fast, disregarding any cash problems, can you deliver Medicine to us?

          If they can't muster 6 turns, we're not automatically screwed, but in that case I would advise them to stop researching, hording cash instead, and we will sell them steam for a good price. And go at it on our own, hoping the RNGods are with us regarding Vox's tech. Or Lego's planning capabilities.



          • #6
            Oh, just for the fun of it, I'm going to see where GoW is in terms of GNP. So we know if they are bull****ting us or not.



            • #7
              Draft PM up in GoW contact thread.

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #8
                Nice job DeepO. My gut feeling is we will not be able to rely on ND/Gow, even if they agree. They are not willing to met their obligations.

                I would be loathed to give them anything without some means of being sure they will delivery. I see no means, do you?

                The best option in light of those concepts is to try to raise cash by selling Steam to bobians.


                • #9
                  #3 is making 561 GNP
                  #4 is making 533 GNP

                  as a guess, that is something like 400 bpt at 100%, with a reasonable corrupt empire. So GoW can do it in 6 turns if they start on it now, and as another guess, they will need less than 150 gpt to go at 100%.

                  We can give them 800 gold, even a bit more. If they haven't started on it already, we can sponsor their deficit. That is worst case... and they should at least have something in their beaker box by now.

                  So ND: byebye... we won't need you. We have to stay friendly that they're not going to help Lego in the event of them receiving Steam from Vox, and ND researching Med for Lego (which is possible, they can also do it in about 6 turns), but otherwise GoW and ourselves can partner just nicely.



                  • #10
                    Arrian, that message looks fine to me. The only thing I would add is the 'free intel' we can share to GoW: Lego has entered the industrial age.



                    • #11
                      vmxa1, the problem I see with keeping GoW out of the loop is that they won't hesitate twice, and go to Lego. I think they are mere turns away from discovering Med, they said us some 5 turns ago it would take less then 10 turns, so if they have hurried it's already theirs. My guess is they're just keeping it at 1 turn from finishing to see how much they can gain from us, or Lego. At least I would do it like that, if I was GoW.



                      • #12
                        Just thought of something else: We've been ignoring Vox for quite a few turns already. But do we need to? Why shouldn't we be able to trade for their free tech? Let's assume they receive Medicine, would there be any option we deal with them, instead of letting Lego have the exclusive rights? We can even get them to the Industrial age, if that's what they'll ask...



                        • #13
                          I sent the PM, with some minor changes, to Aggie, Master Zen, and UnO.

                          Good idea, DeepO! Though I doubt it, it's possible that Vox may be free to trade their free tech. Even if it's not useful for the ToE race (like Nationalism), it's still worth discussing.

                          Do you want me to draft up a PM to Vox?

                          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                          • #14
                            If you want, be my guest! I doubt it as well, but you never know... We've got a no, we can only get a yes by asking.

                            BTW, GoW does not have Med yet, it still is at full value.



                            • #15
                              Draft PM up in Vox contact thread.

                              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.

