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All Commanders Report Here Immediatelly

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  • All Commanders Report Here Immediatelly

    So far, we've been doing alright with a loose idea on Grand Strategy, mostly because we hadn't had to deal with Arabs in large numbers. However, the British are gone, and we have to take care of fronts that extend all around us, and even consider the Mediterranean a hostile front until we can crank out a few ships.

    Basically, I feel that while each commander has a rough idea of what they want to do, and with what resources they could do it, we need to coordinate grand strategy, and also study each individual front's strategy. Decide what is priority and what is not, where we need to hunker down and defend, and where we need to make big pushes, and when.

    Firstly, I will be drafting a report tomorrow on what I think needs to be covered here. I want commanders to think about the terrain of their front. The units they have NOW (not the units they might count on if they beg ). And I want to hear plans for each front. How to defend, possible places to strike, trouble spots. Undefended spots. A general assessment of the situation.

    Meanwhile, I want to come before the Knesset to discuss grand strategy. I want our politicos to tell me what our priorities should be, how they feel about the situation, and I want the economic minister to give me a rough idea of how many units could be rushed per turn on average. I want to hear from defense about the possibility of future infrastructure needs of our country. And I want to know whether immigration will be bringing in immigrants, Zion workers, both, where they will land, et cetera.

    Additionally, we have the problem of commanders being AWOL. I will be assuming temporary command of the HOME and JUDEAN fronts if POTUS is overwhelmed with work. I hope he will soon be able to rejoin our ranks.

    Additionally, I ask all commanders to share ideas and brainstorm other fronts too, as well as offering tactical suggestions. As the PM said, please be wary of stacking units outside of cities and fortresses as the enemy prowls with aircraft.

    I have also kindly asked the ministers to halt the turn until we have ironed out strategy. I thank them for this.

  • #2
    My overall view.

    Military Situation:
    I see five basic avenues of attack.
    1. The coastal road from Lebanon
    2. The Golan
    3. The cities south of Galilee
    4. The coastal road from Egypt
    5. Eilat

    All areas are under attack. The most threatening, in order, are the Egyptian road, Golan, the Lebanon road, the South Galilee road, and Eilat.

    Eilat can't really be used as a way to get into Israel proper. But it has trade bonuses, and would be useful port for immigrants. I think it is likely Eilat will fall.

    Production and Costs:

    I think we need a more mobile defense. I would slow down construction of the artillery (which we have a lot of), and instead construct more of the Palmach units.

    The idea of destroyers attacking the coast is quite interesting. How economically feasible is it, and will the AI air attack them?

    I think Zion workers should be used for railroads to link Tel-Aviv and Haifa, and eventually are Egyptian fronts with the fronts of Lebanon and Golan.

    Econ also needs to decide if we are going for IDF infantry or Mossad spies.

    Special Unit ideas:
    T-34's should be used for two purposes.
    1. To strike out from a city on well defended enemy troops, and then retreat in the city to avoid air attack.
    2. To support an assault a city.

    Immigration: We really need a full time immigration minister, but no one is stepping up. The boat to Cyprus needs an escort, and we possibly need a second transport as well. We should focus on the immigrants more than the Zion workers at this point, but still take both back.
    David Disraeli
    Economic Minister of Israel and former Prime Minister. Founding Member of One Israel, Exodus Democracy Game


    • #3
      Turn is on hold until we talk this stuff over.

      El and I thought it was high time we all talked strategy.

      It is a Demo game after all
      *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


      • #4
        Originally posted by PinkyGen
        Econ also needs to decide if we are going for IDF infantry or Mossad spies.
        Well, I want to hear from you what you all feel is more necessary. Is the IDF infantry even needed? Are we going to buy? We really need to rush buy stuffs, so I don't think there will be money to bribe etc.
        "Peace cannot be kept by force.
        It can only be achieved by understanding"


        • #5
          It's very hard to estimatre how many units that can be rushbuyed per turn. It of course depends on the cost, and how much money we get. As for now we get 104 gold, but I will increase that. And this turn I wil buy T-34's and a Spitfire, which will cost about 1500 gold. Lucky for us, we got 3000 gold last turn
          "Peace cannot be kept by force.
          It can only be achieved by understanding"


          • #6
            This is just great. WHERE THE HELL ARE THE COMMANDERS DAMNIT!


            • #7
              Originally posted by El Awrence
              This is just great. WHERE THE HELL ARE THE COMMANDERS DAMNIT!
              I hope this one isn't going the same way Red Front went.

              At least we had more or less won that one before everyone lost interset.
              *"Winning is still the goal, and we cannot win if we lose (gawd, that was brilliant - you can quote me on that if you want. And con - I don't want to see that in your sig."- Beta


              • #8
                El, you read the thing in the joint command thing, sorry for posting it there

                What do you think about that?
                "[A thoughtful Quote]" -Oscar Wilde


                • #9
                  railways are good once our citys are defended. If we lose citys that are conected by rai lwe jsut increase the enemy attack speed. So defnce is a priority.

                  But having said that, once we know our citys are wel ldefended by two- three defenders we can reach out using the railroads to strike back. Railroads linking inner citys to border citys will aid in moving defenders around the map to where they ar eneeded most.

                  Tanks are essential, they can destroy many arabs.

                  I think in the grand scheme of things we need to start destrying the palestininas totally, take them out of the contest, one less civ to worry bout then.

                  Build defneces to control the syrians to east and north.

                  Once the palestinians gone, then lets push on into egypt. they are are greatest concern.

                  with palestine and egypt under control, we will only have the eatern and norther nfront to concern ourselves with.
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • #10
                    I'm here for the next week, better equipped than ever.

                    How can I help?

                    Where do I find a recent savegame?


                    • #11
                      not sure where the lateast save is put...
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • #12
                        It's put in the "SEASON 'YEAR: WITTY TITLE" thread which is topped. In the last attached save in that thread.

                        Welcome aboard, Siro.


                        • #13
                          oh ok, is that after all the comamnders did their moves ??
                          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                          • #14
                            I think so. But it's no ones turn yet. I want to hear on strategy. Now that you've all shown up and I've recovered from my angered frustrapathy I shall concoct the mother of all reports on strategy.


                            • #15
                              Where do I find the modified scenario to use with the savefile?

